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Best and worst "compliments"
skinnygirlwithin replied to Healthier2day1227's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
@Mayaresearchmom - THAT IS AWESOME! You need to post that in the NSV too!!! -
I Got My Surgery Date...Where Are The November Bandsters?
DivaStyleCoach replied to Cappy's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Good morning Notorious Novembers and soon-to-be banded folks! Have my first fill appt tomorrow morning (can't wait!) and I'm glad because I don't feel any restriction right now. I've rebounded a few pounds because of the holidays and eating solid food, so I'm looking forward to losing again. Have had some NSV's - smaller clothes, more energy, etc. Went swing dancing with my hubby on Friday night and was able to keep up most of the night. We don't do the really fast or athletic moves, but had a great time anyway...looking forward to taking classes this year so next January we can really show off! Love my band, who I've named "Jillian" after my favorite psycho trainer on "Biggest Loser". Will report in tomorrow after my fill - hoping for great restriction! Was off work from Dec 23 through Jan 5 because of the holiday shutdown - went to the gym 6 times and worked out during the time period (more than I would have before my band). Feeling very good about my activity level - just want the scale to move!:wink_smile: -
October Bandsters!!!
HeavyDutyQ-tee replied to "AmyRose"'s topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
So yesterday I went ahead an joined Lifetime Fitness! Best decision I've made this week! I will be starting a T.E.A.M. Training bootcamp class next week for a couple months @ 3x's a week with a personal trainer with a small group of other members who have some of the same fitness goals as myself. I will also be attending Aqua-Zumba on Sunday mornings. So excited about Aqua-Zumba!!! I can't wait. The best part about Lifetime Fitness is that it's 24/7 & it's literally less than 7mins from my house. U can't be that!!! They have rock climbing, aquatics, aerobics, hip-hop, volleyball, sauna, full beauty spa, yoga, & open swim with water slides and many activities for kids. Also a healthy restaurant inside the gym. And the best part of it all is it was not too expensive & I got a couple discounts because they have open house going on right now. Yay!!! I'm also excited about the fact that they are 24/7, so by me working nights I can go to the gym right afterwork instead of going home first and having to wait for other exercise options. ♥ So this morning I went to Aqua-Zumba... 60mins of Aqua-Zumba, 20mins in the hot-tub, 20mins of walking laps in the pool & 5mins in the steam room = over 700calories burned & a relaxed body ready for a LONG NAP!!! I enjoyed my first day at Lifetime Fitness!!! ♥ Back tomorrow morning for another 8am aquatic class!!! I have done pretty good the past few weeks. I gained 2#'s after Thanksgiving but the turned around and lost 4.8#'s and the another 4.9#'s this past Friday. Before I joined Lifetime Fitness, I was simply playing games on the Wii, attending Jazzercise, and walking away the pounds with Leslie Sansone. I plan on switching things up in my exercise routine to keep my body guessing. Hopefully this helps. I have had a couple NSV, first fitting a jacket I couldn't even close about 3months ago... My work pants are literally falling off me without a belt... I can see my collarbones... I have some restriction. I am staying under 1400 calories a day and I am satisfied for 3-4hours after eating. So as long as I continue to drop weight, I'm not going in for a fill. I hope everyone else is doing pretty good. Hope everyone has a great Christmas & New Year!!! 2012 is our year!!! -
So I lost 100 lbs!
IncredibleShrinkingMan replied to krista132's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Between my two-week pre-op and the three months (and change) since surgery, I have lost 90 lbs. I am almost even a little thankful for the present stall in which I find myself, because it could only make the progress healthier and more sustainable. That is by far my proudest victory. But the NSVs are countless...the biggest one being making good on the promise I made to myself to one day wear college-era clothes again that have since been boxed up in the attic. Congratulations on your century mark! See you in Onederland soon! -
Hi girls~ Remember I spent 2 hours breaking ice yesterday? Woke up this morning to another 3 inches of snow, and it is still coming down...I am with Hayde--------I WANT SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!! I am out of clothes to pick from in my own closet as far as smaller sizes go. Of course right now it does not matter I am seriously stuck sitting here, I have not lost good in months. My Dr. told me I wouldn't when he found the problem, he explained all the mysterious ways a thyroid works, and metabolism is the biggest of them. I have no natural hormone to trigger my metabolism. My blood work supported that---so I am now back on low dose hormone replacement for it. He said we will take 3-6 months to work back to a therapuetic level of hormone. I don't know if I can do another surgery until it is level or not without totally disrupting my system. I really would like to see about having my TT or at the very least a pannectomy or whatever where they just remove the skin--I seriously look deformed. I tried on swimming suits---mistake, big huge mistake! To get a standard leg---I have no butt left, and my thighs are not pretty, but also not huge, so instead, my belly skin holds the leg opening----open!!! The skin tries to go down through it. Totally gross I know---sorry, just emphasizing, this is not a look in the mirror and feeling bummed day--it is seriously deforming! I have to wear the boy cut to keep it closed...and then I have this huge bubble of skin and residual fat---that the Dr, said is unlikely to diet off, since it is not muscle supported, and the muscle is what burns that off. So fine already--CUT IT OFF! Oh well----one of these days it will be gone, and I will be thrilled! My DD just called, her BF took her and my friend Becky to work, in his big truck, 4WD, dually- and big enough to handle anyone who got stupid and ended up hitting them. They got there, and now the road between us has been closed..... Terry, the judges chambers are fine by me---if you think it is a better choice, then secure it! I will be ready when you need it to send off the $$$. I will put this in the right thread too---just doubling the odds of you catching it quickly! Rick told me the other night of a big NSV I have---that I had not taken the time or realized til then. He said he thought I had quit moving at night! But realized I was rolling over without him even knowing it. Rolling over used to take lifting and shifting, and then moving back to where I wanted to be--it was not something I noticed, but it apparently jiggled the bed pretty good!!! When he said that, I noticed he is right, now I just flip and it is done!!! I want new clothes NSV's tho------and all the clothes they are putting out I want are summer clothes and it is up to about 6 inches out there now!!!! Well....time to go get something else to drink--and find something to eat----my stomach feels really acidy. Tracy Monday sounds like the best plan to me for you and Macy both--feel better soon! BBL~~ Kat
Good Morning Violets~ First late me say that I am sorry I have been a crappy Violet lately. I read everything and think of all these witty posts, then when I really have time to say anything, I forget. I don't say feel better soon, great NSV,proud of you for doing the walk, good luck w/ the PS, and all the other nice things everything you all say to each other. I am just busy, but I LOVE YOU ALL, AM PROUD OF YOU ALL, WISH ANY AILING VIOLET WELL WISHES...forgive me! We went to nephew's karate class last night! 4 year old boys...too cute! I loved it. I'll post pix as soon as I have time to get them up. OK...TGIF!!! We are going to see the movie Nights in Rodanthe today w/ a bunch of people! Then home to grade more papers! I'll pop in later from work. Friday's the kids take 2 tests...:tongue2:
Good morning violets- I actually slept all night and if I had weird dreams, i don't remember them! Those Chantix pills have been making me wake up 4 times a night so last nast was a real peaceful and restful night! I really needed that. is quiet with macy gone. I know she is having a blast. The party for her 'pop' went good yesterday. I only had one small sliver of cake. OH...I forgot to tell you all something. I ate a fold over chicken salad sandwich the other day! You are probably thing....ummm, so what. Here is the deal. That is the first peice of bread I have allowed myself to eat since 04/11/07. OMG, you would have thought it was a 9 course meal. I devoured every bite! It is nice to be in control of what I stick in my pie hole!! Anyway, I am just proud of that and wanted to share it with you all. Terri-ask your ps if he has a 2 for 1 deal going on :tea: Kat-i feel so bad for you. I am praying that your tooth heals quickly! Jane-you were a woman of alot of words in your last post....are you OK? Judy-how was your concert last night? Michelle-great NSV! way to go!! Pam-are you still on your trip? Jenn-hope you are feeling better! Laura-I meant to tell you I really enjoyed the religion vs. science thing you posted on here. love loved it! Hi Haydee, Suzie, denise, TracyKS and all my other violet sistas!! Have a great Saturday!!
Just got done with 5 miles on the bike and 10 minutes on the glider. I tried the stepper and I'm not likin' it. I'll offer it to DD and if she doesn't want it, it goes back. It works the same parts of the body that the elliptical trainer does and I like the trainer so much better. Just seems better made. Pork chop leftovers are in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch. I couldn't finish my chop, but the Bobster devoured his and was slurping more sauce when I caught him in the kitchen. We got our next fill scheduled for March 17.. the nurse told us to remember to wear green! Pam...don't ya just love the pbs..?? specially in public. I swear there are times I feel like a bulemic. DD says it's an adventure eating with her parents now. She says.. "I know every time you sit back and cross your arms, that in a minute you're gonna head for the bathroom!". I noticed that she had left one of my sweaters in my bathroom and I asked if it was hers or mine. She said it was mine and that she was going to wear it last night, but changed her mind. I'm almost positive the reason she didn't wear it was that it was too small for her. It is a little tight on me, but her belly is sticking out more than mine these days. An NSV for me, but I feel bad for her. Don't want to mention her weight cause her emotions are so fragile while she's trying to get pregnant. Kat...hindsight says it would have been better for you to munch on that m&m rather than go through all this with your tooth!!:regular_smile: But you were being a good bandster! And when I read the recipe called for a mortar and pestle, I thought....... shucks, dont' have one of those. So I improvised with a little bowl and the bottom of a jar. Not as efficient, but the Bobster never complained of tapioca globs. Time to go watch a little tv and run on the trainer for a bit. Then hit the hot tub, head to bed and get up early for Ethan again tomorrow. I'll check back before I head to bed. TTFN.....
Home from the rodeo---my little girl in her pink boots and cowboy hat LOVED it. She loved the Queen contenders the most---everytime she would see one of them with their local crowns-tiaras on their cowboy hats, she would get all twitterpated! She was bouncing when she found out she did not have to see them being mean to the baby cows as she refers to the calf roping!!! She got in trouble as we were leaving, so her tears made her fall asleep that much faster---and she has been conked out ever since. I called her Daddy and had a talk with him, I wanted him to hear her crying! He is teaching her to be a smart aleck and I do not like it at all! We were walking to the truck, and we were talking about the bronc riding, and I ask her "How 'bout we put YOU on one of those wild bronco horses?" And she matter of factly replied "How about you bite me?!" It infuriated me, I ask her who lets you talk like that? My Daddy says it she tells me....lip quivering. I told her she would never say that to Granny again, or she would get a spanking----and further more, I meant it! He laughed when I told him. So I told him I didn't think it was funny, he was turning her into a snot like my niece that he nor anyone could stand for years due to her mouthiness!!! I told him when she is 6 no one will want to be around her just like they couldn't stand to be around Kelcie and her smart mouth. He finally apologized and said he would stop and he would talk to her about being mouthy. We'll anyway she is still sleeping. I should be cleaning, my house has taken not only a backseat this week, I don't think it made it onto the list at all!! I was burning alive outside while we did some things out there, so I succumbed to the ice! BUT.....I just got the shaved ice plain, and had the bright idea to pour a diet Dr. Pepper over it. It was not a good plan!!! The shaved ice is too delicate for the carbonation, so it watered it down to yuckiness!!! But it also took care of the craving!! LOL I am beginning to wonder to Suzanne knew how to swim.......she disappeared when the pool went in!! I really wonder if the other worker ended up not working after all and she is locked in the Curves unable to escape!! Has anyone thought of a good place for us to meet next?? Haydee I knew your wedding would go wonderfully!!! You are so beautiful anyway, I can only imagine you in the light of the sunset, and the twinkling candles--I seriously doubt the bride held up in comparison! Congrats on the plane NSV!! Well, I have finished snacking at my chicken guess I will go do something with my house while the kiddo is sleeping. We will have making up to do after she wakes up, and some talking to do as well!! It is hard----I am trying my best to use different rewards, and different methods with her. Not to use food----as a celebration or consolation thing. I also do not want to totally spoil her by buying things for those times. So I am trying to make doing something the reward---like going to the park---but it is so fricken hot! I think today if she wakes up in time, and we talk we might do a run through the sprinkler---Granny too!!! Kat
awe shucks........... :Banane37: Have a great day everyone....... oh and my neice said I could have the pair of jeans I wore of hers.. she said cause she didn't like them! LOL what a great NSV!!!!!
I forgot to share my NSV -- the Birthday boy - Adam, he has been over to the house a few times a week recently - and I am always in my old (baggy) sweats, wearing 4 or 5 shirts/sweatshirts (I am always cold). I wore black jeans and black/white shirt there and it was warm enough that I didn't have a jacket on -- and when I got out of the car- he exclaimed OMG look at you -- you have lost A LOT of weight - and I said yes I have - he's like no I mean A LOT OF WEIGHT -- you look absolutely wonderful -- giving me a big bear hug! whooo hooo!
Great NSV Judy!! That is so cool! That reminded me of mom came over to pick up Macy Friday and as soon as she saw me she said "your losing weight again aren't you?" WOOT! I had not even told her I was back on the wagon. Made me feel wonderful!
Sorry Michelle -- I have NO NSV for you today. I weighed 183.4 this morning and not feeling too keen about it. I AM happy for you, however!! Back when I was skinny (after Atkins and 158#), DH and I used to play tennis. I loved it! Go with it and have fun!!
Judy & Pam-Great NSVs!! Congrats! Good morning everyone. I kept dd home again today. Yesterday evening she started running a low grade fever again and I would have been foolish to bring her back to the day care with a low resistance. I might just call my boss in a minute and tell him to just plan on seeing me back Monday. We both need the time to heal completely. As for me, it is just the weirdest thing. I have chills, hot cold hot cold like I have a fever, take my temp and it is normal. I just do not get it?! I mean body aches and the whole 9 yards. My temp has not gone over 100 but maybe once or twice but I feel like death waarmed over! Weird. Have a great day violets!
Judy - I do feel better, and since my sundress is a 14, even better, but I would love to see you in that cheerleading outfit...:smile2: I do have to say, I am a work in progress, this month has been very emotional and I think a lot of my insecurities come out from all the soul searching for my baniversary, but on the up side, I also realized what I need to do and what i need to eat. 6 months ago my dr wanted me to add crazy stuff to my diet to lower my chlosterol even more, i was now just borderline, and that was what messed me up - so i'm back to post surgery to get back on track. Overall in the last year, I have come a long way, not just weight wise, but my mental state too. I would never go out and hold my head high. The other night when I went out, people were actually able to squeeze by me and I didn't have to move to get out of their way... now that is an NSV if I do say so myself?
Good morning girlies! Kinsey and I just finished Breakfast, 3 pieces of bacon and an egg. I lost teh damned 1/2 pound that I complained would not budge, so I am going to continue to try this, I will take 1/2 pound at a time if that is how it is going to be now!!! Lets see NSV's have been plentiful this week! I volunteered for this rodeo when it was here last which was 4 years ago, and 6 years ago. Many of the vendors, and several families are the same (younger siblings), they have been jaw drop shocked a few times. It always makes me have a high/low emotional response. I am happy they think I look better now, but their shock makes me realize what a horror I must have been then! Anyway---- I am back on a horse for this rodeo, I have even run the barrels just for old times sake--- I played volleyball, and did not feel the least bit self concious --like Tracy's bathing suit! I have willingly posed for pics with some of the kids. I tried on and bought clothes at the trade shows. I wore a vest! I would never before, because the belly hanging under it was disgusting! I can see my own belt buckle! It has been an exhausting week, but I am able to keep up! I can load my own horse, do my own "work" Rick is not prepping everything for me this time around. I actually caught a couple of young (17) guys checking out my cleavage! Oh yeah they check out ANY cleavage!!! But 4 years ago, they would not have looked past the extra weight to even realize I had boobs! I danced with the program director, and was not overly stressed by it----although like the boys above 4 years ago, I totally believe he would never have ask! I mean there are 800 volunteers---so it would not have been any big deal to skipped over me! Like I say this has been an eye opening week, at how much more I can and DO do. (yep I said doo doo!!) I feel humbled at the enormity of change in my life. I include the discovery of such good friends in those changes. You have made a huge difference in this happening! Laura, I am sorry you are going through this with your sister---I know back when my brother was drinking, it was really hard. Not just to watch what he was doing to himself, but what his problems did to our parents, they just wilted with stress and worry, and fear for his life and hoping he did not kill someone else in the spiral down. Nothing seemed to help. Finally he sobered up, and has been sober now for almost 10 years. Hope your sister can do as well. Rick's field crew had problems last night and called him no less than 8 times, led to a rough nights sleep---for both of us! Well I am going to go to the store and restock Abbey's bedside basket, and then head to the fairgrounds. The morning show begins at 9---but some of the rodeo events Kinsey HATES! Goat tying, calf roping, she actually cried over them! So I plan to hit it for the barrel racing, pole bending, and bronc riding----so I better get my butt in gear!! Talk to y'all this afternoon. More basketball, so I am free!!! Also a family small bore rifle competition--------not involved there either!!! Kat
Ay-yi-yi.........just looked at the 401K....makes my stomach sick! Good thing we don't have everything wrapped up there. Denise, I fainted once when I was pregnant! I had gone by where my ex husband worked, and we had walked behind the counter (parts dept.) and down an aisle, to talk $$$. I started seeing black dots, and woke up to every counterman in the store standing over me! Never happened idea why it did then! I had just come from lunch---which is why we were arguing money! I had spent some!!! OMG! LOL Anyway, the pregnancy advanced just fine, no other serious issues, I did end up with a tooth that give me crap the entire pregnancy, and ended up with a root canal when she was like 9 days old! Baby was fine though! Dang near 9 lbs! Hope your DD is feeling better, and that all goes well!!! Hugs! Tracy, hope Macy is feeling better tonight---how are YOU feeling? Do you think you have what she does, or are you simply exhausted? Keep us updated, you are such a good Mommy! Yes Terry you can come over and play under the tent with Kinsey and I! Yes---I sat under the table and played!!! I had to! I am the only one of us who can read she told me! Was fun, and was also a huge NSV for me. Crawling! I fit under there, and I was able to manuever around. I can't describe it, it was just fun----I loved being able to play with her under there, and not have to decline for lack of being able. Was a shame to hear about Heath Ledger. I have not heard what they suspect COD to be. Guess I will check my email and call it a night! See y'all in the morning! Hugs~~ Kat
I think I need a hip replacement. Last night we had the next door neighbors over along with their in-laws and a few other friends. It's Mike last weekend here. He leaves for Kosovo on Monday and will be gone a whole year. We decided to have a real nice get together for him and spend as much time as we could. So off to the store I went and spent about a hundred dollars on food. We ended up having a shrimp fry and boil. OMGoodnes. It was absolutely delicious. I mean better than and restaurant I've been too. So afterwards we go over to their house to play Wii. Here lies my problem. I think I threw my hip out playing bowling. We had such a good time and spent 2 hours laughing like crazy. Now I need to go figure out how to do a workout today so I can burn off the 10 shrimp I managed to get down last night. When is Tracy supposed to be back from her Honeymoon? Michelle, congrats on the NSV. That was awesome. Everyone have a great day.
The pics are awesome, Michelle!!! And patooie on the arms on the first pic... check out the curves!!!! You got a waist, woman!!!:cursing: And notice that your daughter can get her arm around you, but not around Eore.. Now that's a NSV if I ever saw one. Big smiles in every picture. Love it! Thanks for sharing. And glad to have you back. I've kicked up the exercise and good eating habits too. Only 92 days til the Bandiversary Bash.. woooo hooooooo!
I managed to make the whole cake w/out any of the ingredients going into my mouth. This is a MAJOR NSV!! In fact, dd & I even THREW OUT an "EXTRA" piece of ice cream sandwich!! :smile2:
Woot! Another NSV this evening! I went to the Y w/DD & DH... they were going to play racquetball & I figured I'd do the treadmill or the weights... but as I was walking in I saw the schedule of aerobics classes and starting @ 6 was a "Zumba" class!... I'd seen a piece on it on the "Today" show about a year ago... latin-dance inspired exercise... so I thought I'd "give it a whirl!" (my motto!)! All I can say is "Whoo!" It kicked my butt -- but in a fun way! All that latin music made me crave a 'rita after!! ha ha! I was soaked w/sweat -- seriously, my hair looked like I just got out of the shower! DD was incredulous, because it is known far & wide that "Momma doesn't like to sweat!" This is all part of my new resolve to try new exercises & GMIAG!! I am proud of myself that I was spontaneous and tried something new!! I will definitely go back if/when my schedule allows (it is *very* rare that I can do something like that in the evening, but because ds was sick & dd amazingly didn't have an activity, I was able to tonight!) Going to go log in on bodybugg & see how many steps & cals it was!!
Morning Vi's~ Terry~ First of all...PURPLE POWER for your mom. I remember those hospital days...hang tough. And when you get down about your weight...think of me! Forever 250:mad:. I too am unable to participate in your eat great day. MIL is on her way over...w/ her friends! She called Wed and asked what I wanted. She makes this (food porn) kickin' meatloaf w/ extremely lean beef and it tastes like salsberry steak. Not too bad...until you add the German noodles, gravy and wonder. I did have a MAJOR NSV yesterday, but was tooooo fat and pissed to write it yesterday. I went through closet (all my fat old clothes go to MIL's friends daughter) and got rid of 10 pairs of pants. I officially have 4 pair of jeans (2 blue and 2 black) and one of the black pair are already too big, just don't want to give 'em away yet. I actually tried on the pair I wore the night I met Susanne...and not only did they fit...they were slightly big!!!!! I tried on clothes that 9 months ago I couldn't get up my thighs...and they fit! So (pizza meltdown aside) I don't give a shit what the scale says...I am losing something! Maybe it is the exercise. I know it is not the pizza. I know I could use a little fill. But, I am not willing to live like I did, PB'ing all the time. I couldn't eat food...that is not good. I'd rather eat, and I can't deny that the portions are sooo much less. I think of Kat...who has been successful but can still eat food. Sorry, PB'ing is not for me. Well, off to get ready for the crew. I am having a small get together tomorrow...think I am gonna do Chickentisers and little foods like that. I don't wanna have left overs and don't wanna do too much work. I have so much to do cause I leave Tues @ 2pm for Disneyland Hotel! Have a great day/weekend everyone! I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends in my life! Judy~ Sadly I won't be able to go to Mass on Wednesday (I usally never miss Ash Wednesday)...but I am gonna start thinking about Lent. I may add a walk everyday to the routine instead of giving something up. Not sure yet! xoxoxoxoxoxo
I know it is not possible, but the scale shows that I have gained 14 pounds since last Friday? I am seriously retaining water, but... Sooo no nsv here........... I get my fill a week from tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! My Dr. will FREAK if my weight is still that high!!!!! Oh well. Judy the outfits are soo cute!! My computer is acting funny, couldn't get on last night and seemed to fight with it this morning to get on. Don't know what the problem is. My laptop broke yesterday, don't know if I am getting it fixed or not. Have a good day everyone!!!
Morning gals What a weekend, worked the entire thing, my body hurts in places I forgot I had, it has been a long time since I worked like this, or so it seems. Went out sat night after work, have still been on liquids and only had 2 drinks, thank goodness they were not strong. I had on a pr of jeans, my fav big flip flops and a black halter top, (that was how I went to work -flip flops) NSV a friend was hanging all over me, not really in that sense but kept telling me how amazing I looked and that there was something different about me. (with a big smile) Yesterday, I took dd shopping for her great report card and got her some new clothes and me a new halter top, skirt and water shoes from Target and sundress from Walmart. The skirt was a 16 which I'm ok with because I could never wear target skirts at all but the was a size 14!!!! I cannot remember the last time I was in a 14, the green one was my favorite but the zipper was broken at the bottom so I sent dd out to get the brown one, she was mia forever so i opened the door and walked out... The young girls at the desk were like OMG you look great in that ... not many people can wear that style and not look pregnant, which was what I was afraid of. Then I put the brown one on and got dd's opinion and then went back out to the girls. 1 loved the brown (so did dd) and the other (and me) liked the green. So I got the brown because the zipper was ok. I guess the brown one makes my itty bitties look bigger too (so i was told) And... down another lb today to boot, I'm now -2 for the contest and 1 more and i can change my ticker again. I raised it a couple the other day when it was telling me i was a loser for not changing it in 80 days. LOL Rainy and cold here, so ds and I are just going to hang today, he planted with gram yesterday went to bed at 10 and is up already, it is going to be a long day!
Haydee – get well soon & you are adorable with your glasses. Terry – I have you and your family in my prayers. Laura – great B&A pictures in your blog. Kity – great NSV. Judy – you look great! Wish I had musical talent. I played the clarinet – in 5th thru 8th – but I wasn’t any good. I have also tried the piano and organ – can’t count that is my trouble. I got new glasses -- what do you think? My husband picked them out -- I have 30 days to return if I don't like them. Be honest - what do you think?