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  1. It's a known fact that there can be transfer addictions. Some people turn to alcohol, some turn to shopping. That doesn't mean it happens to everyone, but it's good to know its a risk. As far as obsessing over how much to eat, I'm not sure it's an addiction for all (could be for some, I suppose), but I think it's more about trying to get this right. There are rules we all need to live by with the sleeve, and in order to be successful, we have to change our ways. The sleeve will NOT change them for us. It takes a lot of energy and thought to do that, so it is a major topic of conversation, and you'll read here because this is where we come for support about changing our ways. I know that I will need to count calories and measure my food forever, or I will not keep the weight off. If it takes "obsession" for me to get there, I'm good with that. I hated being fat more than I knew, and I like being (almost) thin more than I ever dreamt possible. You might feel differently once you are post op. There are people here who say they don't want to ever be on a "diet" again, so they don't weight and measure, but I do believe they are mindful and purposeful in their eating habits. We are all unique, and have to find our own way. Not sure if that answers your question, but I wish you luck!
  2. OKCPirate

    Starting to research the process

    @@cwhitt456 - Yeah it's normal. Good for you to look before you leap. It is a life changing decision. The fact that convinced me was behavior change alone results in long term weight loss with about 5% suceed through behavior modification vs. nearly 80% (going by memory) who succeed with WLS. You might want to check with the Cleveland Clinic who did some of the best long term studies on Sleeve surgery. I am surprised how few guys do this vs women, but the numbers are what they are. I am very glad I found out about WLS. In 2014 I thought I had a stroke. It turned out to be something stress related, but it was the first light on my dashboard that I needed to lose weight. I diligently did weight watchers, but with my travel, it was hard to stay on track. I found out about WLS on a pod cast, and started researching (Cleveland Clinic study convinced me). I had mine done in Mexico (just didn't want to mess with insurance, and it was affordable enough). It's worked wonderfully. Only thing I regret is not knowing about it when I was your age. It is a tool. Don't think it's "FM" (freakin magic). It requires work and diligence, but it is an amazing tool. Absolutely changed my life. That said, some things to consider: * Do I have a couple of weeks to recover? Might not need it, but with my scheduled I figured out there were only two days in 2014 I could have the surgery. * Significant other? When a partner loses weight, it can change a relationship. Sometimes women like the chunky guy because he is less likely to stray because fat guys have fewer partners. They get nervous when that changes. * Emotional issues with food? We got fat for some reason. Get your mind right before. * Can I get in the best shape possible before the surgery? It will speed up your recovery and you will thank me for suggesting it. * Can you go without smoking, coffee, alcohol for several months? You want the stomach to heal. Good luck, feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.
  3. brookie

    Haven’t lost more weight

    try to do a half hour of cardio a day,walking,just a half an hour,before or after wk,it will boost ur metabolism,despite the alcohol & make u feel so much better.u can do this.like u said,u didnt go thru all of this to not eventually get healthier & dwn to ur goal.keep networking for a new job.u have got to force yourself to get out or it will only get worse.u can do this.
  4. BabyGotBack

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    I was also shocked to hear about Anna Nicole's death. I used to watch her show and I used to feel so bad for her. It seemed like she was always disoriented on screen, but when they talked to her off screen, she seemed normal and sad. She did love her son I remember and it seemed like she tried to be the best mom she could. I also remember seeing a documentary on her when she went to visit the small town she was from. She was so nice and down to earth to people that remembered her. We all have an addiction of some sort. I know mine was food for so many years. Hers was drugs and alcohol, probably to kill the pain she felt. It probably got so much worse when her son died and mixed emotions that is coincided with the birth of her baby girl. Someone else was saying maybe she had postpardom depression? I also hope to that her father loves her and gives her a stable life, with unconditional love and free of any abuse.
  5. JusWannaBeHealthy

    Questions About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    1. Sedentary work approx. 6 weeks. Although I didn't take time off because I work from home. 3. You can drink Protein Drinks but watch the sugar content. I made my own or went to Tropical Smoothie. 4. I wouldn't take the chance with Alcohol, I'd assume a small amount would make you tipsy. 8. Not really. I'm 7 weeks post op and only have incision itching from the largest incision. 9. You could get pregnant right after surgery. Fairly common I heard. 10. Yes, yes, and yes. Stay hydrated. 11. The food will sit on your chest. May cause you to vomit. Sit up.
  6. I am a firm believer that food addiction is just like most others. With that in mind, having a slice of pizza is like “It’s just one little shot of tequila” for an alcoholic. One leads to two…and so one. I am also a firm believer that this is the main reason people gain back weight or completely fail after Bariatric surgery. It’s a constant struggle. Keeping that perspective, one slice of pizza is not worth it. I’m not perfect and will fail at times but keeping the above perspective helps to ensure I will be successful in the long run. If I tell myself that one slice is fine, I will soon convince myself that so is two.
  7. I know that I will not be able to be off for 6 weeks. I can be off 2 weeks at most. I'm a fast healer. When I had a breast reduction, I was out shopping in 3 days. I'll take things easy. Yeah, I assume even a little bit of alcohol will make someone with a small stomach tipsy. I'm not big on alcohol. It's never really appealed to me like is has to my friends. I guess I'm in the wrong generation sometimes, lol! Thanks so much for your response!
  8. Baba Wawa

    Who Am I?

    Who I am now isn't so important as how I came to be this person, wife, mother, grandmother, sister. The history is what formed me, challenged me to overcome, compelled me to do better than those who came before me. I was born near the mid-point of the last century, in a large western US city. My parents married because they had conceived me when my mom was 16. My birth father was 19. As it turned out, he was a violent paranoid schizophrenic and a pedophile. My mom was later Dx with Borderline Personality disorder. I won't go into detail, suffice it to say that my earliest memories are horrific. My two younger brothers and I suffered the abuse and neglect until I was 9 1/2 years old, when a neighbor girl was assaulted by my birth father, he was arrested and sent to a state psychiatric hospital for treatment. I was taken in to protective custody for four days, while my mother was investigated and cleared of complicity in my abuse. He was not allowed within 300 miles of me, upon his release, 4 years later. When I was 14, he committed suicide. My mom had remarried in 1960 to a wonderful man I refer to as Dad. He earned my trust, respect and love. They had two more little boys in the two years following their marriage. My Dad died of sleep apnea in 1978, we were all devastated and heartbroken...it was the undoing of my mom and my dearest brother. My mom turned to scotch for comfort, inviting my 17 year old brother to be her drinking partner. My mom died 8 miserable years later of pancreatic cancer. Those 8 years were awful, watching my mom decline, my brothers suffer. She raged constantly, told me often that I had no idea of her pain, her suffering. She made life a living hell for her family and circle of friends. She was diagnosed and died in 12 short weeks later. My brother died 14 years later, the victim of a predatory female who took advantage of his alcoholism, a recent injury, subbed his Rx pain Meds with extra strength Tylenol. Took him 3 weeks to die of liver failure, on our dad's birthday. My heart was broken. This brother was the first male I had in my life who loved me unconditionally. He was born when I was 11 and he was like a son to me. He was my husband's best buddy, my kids favorite uncle, everybody loved him. Yes, he was an alcoholic, very high functioning, but losing him was the saddest event of my life to date. My brother has been gone for 12 years...I think of him every day. I remember my little grandkids running up to the car when I'd arrive at their house, all four of them would climb in the car hugging me, asking me "...is you sad? Did your Brubbie die? Sorry *****, usses loves you! ". They did this for months, until I finally told them I felt better because they healed my broken heart. I have 8 grandkids 6 teens, 2 in their twenties. The youngest 4 are all the same age, 3 identical girls and a boy. I am blessed. Of my four siblings, two have passed. The oldest, died at age 51 as a transient. He inherited the mental illness genes and I never saw him after my mother's death. The next oldest lives in NM, his mind ravaged by years of alcohol and drug abuse. We have minimal contact thru FB. The youngest has never been able to form healthy relationships with anyone...I see him once per year when he comes to visit. He misses his big brother too. He tells me that his true home is wherever I am. I wish my mom had let me take him when he was 15 and she went on her 8 year binge. So...this is my emotional history, in a nutshell. The other stuff doesn't matter, except to say that my family is healthy, successful and happy. We celebrate often, mourn together when the time comes and love and support each other faithfully. My kids have all been married to their HS sweethearts for over 20 years each. We have done better than the generation before us...the bar was low on my side, but my husband and his family were great role models. I'm thankful every day for their love, support and example. I miss them painfully.
  9. mushsbat

    issues with alcohol after surgery

    Exactly, I guess I'm used to unwinding with something. Be it with food or with alcohol. I will have to learn a new way I'm just haven't found it yet.
  10. adagray

    issues with alcohol after surgery

    Have you tried just getting the alcohol out of your house? I love wine and gin and used to drink almost daily whenever I was not on a 'diet'. After lapband, I have decided that I will drink just occasionally for special occasions or when I go out w/friends, but not in my house (because the 'daily habit' part has got to stop in order to achieve my health and weightloss goals). Well, I was doing pretty good, but then one day I picked up a bottle of wine just to have on hand in case I was going out I'd have one handy to take to a friend's house or whatever. Well, sure enough, it did not stay in my wine rack long. The first day the kids stressed me out and I thought I 'deserved' it, I popped it open. So, I've decided to just not keep wine or gin (my two favorites) in the house at all anymore. Other alcohol does not seem to call to me. I have a liquor cabinet full of other stuff, but I don't care about it. It just seems that I can't resist temptation for wine or gin if it is in the house... just like I'm sure other people are w/ice cream. LOL I'm either too lazy or have too much pride to go on a run to the store just to pick up wine or gin so this works for me. ;-> Anyway, just figured I'd throw that out there as an easy thing you can try if you haven't already.
  11. Hi Need to know if anyone drank when they were approximately 2 weeks+ out from surgery date... (drank .. alcohol)? What will happen if I do? What damage can it cause? Only my stomach was removed, so I dont think it will have any effect as my liver and everything else is still exactly the same as before... Im going to a convention and will want to party it up for sure... so wondering if I will be able to drink? Does having a smaller stomach effect how I handle alcohol now? BTW, i dont really drink beer or wine, I mostly stick to vodka/gin.
  12. im a month out, im a social 25 yr old, and i wouldnt even think about having a sip of a pop, let alone alcohol. you came all this way to risk it? yikes!
  13. Ultraviolet


    Has anyone started drinking after surgery? If so, how long did you wait? Sent from my iPhone using VST
  14. Ms skinniness


    I've had a few sips of alcohol at about 6 months. My NUT had told us stories about patients that drank alcohol and died. I also must say that the class was geared towards the GBS. So I tend to stay on the safe side.
  15. I don't think it's ganging up if everyone is saying that it's not healthy. The fact is, it's *not* healthy. I don't think you'll be able to find a doctor that would say drinking alcohol 2 weeks after a major surgery is healthy. You're right, there is no need for name calling, but it is not absurd to be appalled by the question. If I came in the forum and asked "Hey, what do you guys think, would it be okay if I eat a gallon of ice cream?" I would expect all the answers to be similar to the ones posted in this thread. The fact is, it's just downright unhealthy and it's a big risk to take so soon after a major surgery. You're right, we do only live once, so we need to take care of the bodies that we have, because we only get one. Yes, it is okay to drink on occasion and have a party, but the best way to do that *responsibly* would be to wait until more time has passed after such a major surgery. If you and gdc choose to abuse your new sleeve that you have been fortunate enough to have, that is indeed your decision, but you can't come into a support group (which is geared toward encouraging each other to be healthier) and expect praise and worship for abusing your sleeve. *steps down off soapbox*
  16. I'm not calling anyone out on their morals. I could give 2 poops about someone's morals. This is not about morals, or convictions to drink. This is about the sheer medical facts and statistics of drinking soon after major surgery, and the risk of transfer addiction. I believe it's reckless and hazardous behavior not only to do this to your body early out from major surgery. And, you're right, whoever will only live ONCE, but there is NO reason to rush to the end of it. Many obese people self-medicate with food, no different than self-medicating with alcohol. If you've been around the forums long at all, done any amount of research, you take away a fat person's ability to eat, the risk for a transfer addiction is quadrupled. It's called educating someone, not judging, nor worrying about someone's moral compass. I care more about what this poster is doing to their body and that others might follow suit because of this one experience. It's detrimental to the liver to drink this early out. Bottom line, it's ridiculous and absurd.
  17. I feel that if you know what moderation is then this will also apply to alcohol. I have indulged twice now and am a social drinker, nothing crazy(I hate headaches). I have realized that it does not take much and I make sure I am never driving. I can have 2 drinks and I nurse them, usually crystal light and vodka, I don't do soda anymore. This is also personal choice, and I make sure to make up for it in my caloric intake. Just have to make smart decisions. But I have read about how addiction can crossover.
  18. Mammecan

    Alcohol and Sleevers

    When I was going to my classes, we talked about this..I was told, 1 oz of alcohol could have you falling down drunk (cheap date)..there is nothing in your belly...also, you could get a little depressed & you may starting like the booze alot more than ever..when I have my cocktails now, I drink "Sombreo" with milk..don't think I'll be drinking those after my surgery...way to fattening & sugar...
  19. I wouldn't recommend drinking at all. I was told no alcohol until 3 months post-op. You might want to consult with your doctor or nutritionist if you weren't already given specific guidelines. As for eating, if you are on solids by then, it shouldn't be too bad. Pick high Protein choices from the appetizer menu or share an entree with someone. When in doubt you could always go with something like chili.
  20. I know what you mean. I'm a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding in NOLA in June, three months post op to the day almost. I'm nervous, too. Im more so concerned about the alcohol restriction since this is a 3 day long extravaganza. I'll just have to pace myself with the shots. I already know I won't partake in any mixed drinks because of the sugar and cals. I'll just pick off the many meals that will be provided and have my high protein snacks in my purse. It sucks but I'll still have loads of fun.
  21. skinnybitchgoals


    I'm 3 months post op. I'm at a stall. Lately I've been socializing a lot and I've been drinking alcohol. I have like 2-3 drinks, rarely any carbonation. Is this ok? I feel fine. I don't get sick. Anyone wanna share their thoughts?
  22. Babsbeh

    Looking for Buddy/Mentor...please

    Congratulations on your recovery. I was married to an alcoholic so I know how hard it is to quit. Keep up the good work with your weight journey too hugs
  23. hollidaye

    Looking for Buddy/Mentor...please

    If I can give you 1 piece of advice they don't talk about enough in the pre op or post op visits! I am telling you this because it will save you from misery possibly even death! DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR TAKE ANY OPIOIDS! Not a drop! Not a single pill! I was not a drinker at all before surgery and I went through my second divorce and moved in with my recently divorced best friend. We started going out on weekends and all of a sudden I was getting hit on by gorgeous men and weekends turned into weekends n ladies night and then we started drinking at home first because it was cheaper and then go to the bar.... long story short I became an alcoholic and I mean the for real kind! I almost died so many time in a high rise I moved into I just know an ambulance had to come get me 57 times in 1 yr and I started having seizures from drinking and from withdrawals! 3 rehabs and finally I started begging god to do what ever it would take to save me and I went to a place here in Omaha Ne called Campus for Hope. I have been sober 2 1/2 yrs now I go to meetings 5 days a week and I am still repairing the wreckage I created with my drinking. I know your thinking oh that won't happen to me... I traded my addiction for food to alcohol and attention from others! It's called co addiction. I beg you all to google the statistics on this! One of my meetings I go to are all people who had gastric bypass surgery or some kind of weight loss surgery. It's real it's your worst enemy. Opioids are just as bad I had major surgery on my mouth and then had a near fatal car wreck and before I knew it I was withdrawing from them. I guess I had been a total wreck for months from all the meds they had me on. I don't remember months of my life from the meds they were pumping in me 9 out of 10 were addictive. When you ever go to the hospital or dr be sure to tell them you had gastric bypass surgery and are highly susceptible to addiction. It will help save you from a traumatic side effect of this surgery. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. abefroman329

    ~December 2017 Sleevers~Updates

    I tried alcohol for the first time since surgery last week. One normal-sized vodka and lemonade, mostly vodka, and it got me FUCKED. UP. Saturday night I had some wine with dinner and that went much better. I am tolerating most things. Yesterday I had sausage, egg, and cheese on a garlic bagel and that came right up. I though that would be better than cream cheese on a bagel; guess not!
  25. Go!! I wouldn't necessarily drink at that stage because it was empty calories but that's just me. Alcohol is a slider so just be careful.

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