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Found 1,208 results

  1. Sarie

    Weight Gain.

    I was banded on 6/11/12, I immediately started seeing results and lost 13 in the first 3 weeks, but over the course of the last week I have very slowly started to gain some lbs back, its only 3 or 4, but I am now paranoid that I am doing something wrong. Is it normal to go up and down like this?
  2. Hi all - I had my vertical sleeve done on 8/28. I ended up staying two nights because I couldn't keep any liquids down on the second day. I finally started feeling much better and was released today! Quick question - I weighed myself as soon as I got home from the hospital and have gained 8 pounds!!! How is that possible only drinking a small amount of Clear Liquids?? So discouraging!
  3. I'm so discouraged - I had my surgery on July 26th. On the morning of my surgery I weighed 259. Today (2 days post op) I'm up 7 lbs to 266. I know that they pump a lot of Fluid into you during surgery, but I think that would have dropped off already. I don't feel puffy and I was well hydrated when I went into surgery. Has anyone else had this same experience? I was on liquids for 7 days pre-op, and I'll be on liquids for the next 3 weeks. I had my hopes up for a big loss over this period, but maybe I'm being unrealistic. On a positive note, the surgery went great and I feel pretty good. I'm tired and a little sore, of course.
  4. This is my third month after gastric sleeve total weight loss till now 40 pounds I started at 248 I’m stuck I don’t lose weight anymore and gaining one pound and losing it the following day this pattern been for two weeks I don’t eat sugar or carbs only focusing on protein I drink my water also some days I feel I can’t eat nothing at all but other days I eat up to 800 calories but most days 500 calories I’m so stressed I wonder if I’m going to lose the rest or what am I doing wrong could you please help me and provide me with what you eat in your day thank you
  5. Beaglebragade1

    Weight Gain

    I am just curious if there are any people out there that have been banded and lost the weight, but then gained it back even though they were still banded? Is it common for someones stomach to strech that much? :confused:
  6. I was just approved to have my lapband removed on 10/30/13, but I am freaking out a bit. I have had an unfilled band for 3 years now and weigh about 10 lbs less than I did when I got banded. My weight keeps rising, and would be higher, but I work out religiously. My BMI is about 35. I am terrified of gaining weight after the band is removed. My surgeon has a policy of waiting 3 months before scheduling a sleeve, so that's three months of potentional gain. Also, I don't yet have approval for the sleeve, so working hard to lose weight during the 3 month period will make approval even more unlikely, especially if my BMI drops a little bit. I know myself and while it would be wonderful to get my BMI down after removal, it wouldn't last and I would be exactly where I started before I got banded. I am 53 years old and losing weight gets harder and harder each year. I guess my question is, do people who have gone thru the removal gained much between surgeries? Was the lapband removal surgury difficult to recover from? Days? Weeks? Terrified of going backwards. Thanks.
  7. I had my band removed in late October, at which I weighed in at 294. My surgeon requires that I re-start the approval process for the revision to sleeve, he also requires 6 months between surgeries to make sure the stomach heals and a 10% weight loss prior to surgery. I go in for my first psych consult and dietician appointment on Monday and I have gained 10 lbs since my surgery. I am not making any excuses. I know why. I am struggling to hear my body's "full" cue as it was so used to the band and feeling severe discomfort. I also think I'm struggling with "last supper" syndrome knowing that I went years with things I couldn't eat/caused pain, days of not being able to eat, etc. And ultimately, fear of the same thing happening again...that I when I am eating I get stuck in "EAT IT ALL". Again, not making excuses, I know why I have gained weight. I am seeing a therapist regularly already to work through all these, and other issues. I am stressing MAJORLY about the weight gain and worrying how the office/surgeon/psychologist will react. Has anyone had this experience and how did your programs respond?
  8. Hello everyone!! I had my sleeve June 12th, been doing good, following meal plan and all however I am still struggling with my water intake. I have been losing about a pound a day however yesterday and today I gained a pound. There are no changes in my meal intake, is this normal?
  9. As anyone else gained a little weight during the 6 month supervised diet? I gained 4 lbs during the second month and haven't been able to lose it. I'm going into month 4 and am incredibly nervous about going through all of this just to be denied. I do have a letter from my PCP stating that I have trouble losing because my thyroid isn't yet regulated (I'm hypo). I'm 29 bmi of 40 with asthma. Back problems. Reflux. High cholesterol. Medicaid insurance. So nervous!
  10. I need your help please. I have just been given my date for my pre-op assessment but I have gained weight since the seminar I attended in August when they weighed me for my final weight. Has anyone else done this and what were the repercussions? Did they take you off the programme so you have to start from the very beginning again or did you just postpone your pre-op until you had lost the weight you gained? Any help would be appreciated as just received the information today and my appointment is on Monday 28th so really scared they will throw me off the programme as this is what I was told by someone in the Weight Management Team. Many thanks in advance
  11. Hi, I am 1 yr post op and have 6 mls in my band. In August I started a new job and during my orientation I have been switching between day shift and night shift every few days. My eating habits are crazy trying to eat at night and then eat during the day. And now I'm just hungry all the time and I've gained 15 lbs. Does anyone have any advice on how to get back on track and to not feel hungry at all hours of night and day? I will be permanent night shift when my orientation ends.
  12. I am freaking out and need smart advice. During the 2 week period (pre surgery and post surgery) I lost 22 lbs. I was thrilled when I weighed in at my 1 week post op checkup. I went from BUT I weighed myself at home few times in the 2 weeks since and I have gained weight. I feel so discouraged and upset. I am following the diet averaging 50g of Protein a day and 55 ounces of Water a day. The other day I realized that I am drinking to close to eating times and I have now adjusted to 15 minutes before and 30/40 after. Even with that, how could I GAIN weight?!?! My partner told me to stop weighing myself (which I have done) and have faith in the tool. I feel like the surgery did not work or that I am doing something wrong. My 3 week checkup is in 2 days and I am terrified to step on the scale. HELP!!!!!!! Lauren My New Life
  13. I am 2 year post sleeve surgery. Had lost 125 with about 50 more to go. I have an autoimmune disorder so for last 3 months I have been on prednisone and have been eating everything. I have gained 18 pds. I am so upset. Why can't I stop eating... Ugh Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. i started in may received my band june30th i have lost 53 pounds total and six sizes yet im frustrated that i bounce back and forth 2 or 3 pounds for weeks at a time but now my dr gave me water pills and i lost 6pds in less than a week but my friend says i only lost it because of the water pills can that be true other than that im excited i fit my husbands large sweatpants and xl tshirt how does the size compare what size would that be in womans
  15. Anyone Have the sleeve due to weight gain from ssri or ssri drug? I weigh 275 pound I'm on Prozac and been on all the other in the different classes but have gained 75 pounds in the first year and that was 12 years ago.. as long as I'm on the meds the weight won't budge... If i go off the meds I don't cope with life. anyone here do the sleeve for weight gain due to run induced weight and the drug is one that you need to stay on? and what been you experience?
  16. So this past year has been HELL for me. Not only am I now almost done with a divorce from my middle school sweetheart xs 3 kids, because he was cheating with the 17 year old babysitter. Yep walked in and caught them in our bed. He said he loved me still not in love with me I wasn't young and pretty anymore. I also lost 2 of my beloved pups. Had to start travel nursing to make ends meet, leaving my youngest daughter with him mostly. Being a nurse during this time is trying enough. Then got caught up in the middle of a shoot out at a gas station. All this stress and I started eating bad again. Gained 40 lbs of the 110lbs lost. I absolutely hate me now. I don't even know where to start to get back on track. How do you eat right living out of a hotel room. How do I handle all these sweet cravings I have from the stress. Please help me with any advice. I have been so depressed that I thought of ending it at times. Feeling like a failure. Ps. I start counseling soon.
  17. So yesterday wasn’t a great for me as far as following my diet. I weighed myself yesterday morning at 309.2 and this morning, the same scale, is reading 315-317!!!!!!!! I am not proud but yesterday I did eat more often than I should have. I had egg salad(without bread))for a snack and I usually do not snack. I also had part of a sno cone which did have sugar. I’m just unsure how there was such a dramatic increase in weight. TMI, But I will also add I have used the bathroom. I know you shouldn’t weigh everyday but I have never “gained” so much in one day even before surgery. I could go to a buffet and still not gain so much! Hw-378 Sw- 363 (2/27/18) CW-310.6
  18. ncgirl0510

    Weight Gain

    Good morning all! I am looking to see if anyone has gone thru the same thing as I am now. So I had my sleeve surgery in Jun 2016 weighing in at 255. After the surgery, I lost down to 135 within the first 2 years because I was very strict in staying below 20 carbs daily and working out. After the 2 years though, I was getting to a point where my face looked sunken and I just felt like I definetly didn't want to lose anymore. The problem was that by sticking to my diet, I kept losing a few pounds each week. So I started to add more carbs back slowly. Over the last year though, I have gained about 15 pounds. I now am planning to go back to my orignial diet to try and lose the weight. Did anyone have any issues with weight gain? If so, were you able to get back on track and lose weight? I'm just worried that my body won't get back into that mode of losing weight like it was after the surgery. Any suggestions? Thank you all!
  19. I just had surgery a month ago. I'm not in a relationship currently. I'm 30 years old. I don't have any plans on ever having a child, but if I did... I have a huge concern now given the bypass. My mother gained 100lbs when she was pregnant with me when she was 22 (she ate very healthily, but her hormones went nuts). She is just now losing that weight... 30 years later. I am terrified that would happen to me and destroy any potential weight loss success I've had. Has this happened to anyone that has gotten pregnant? Is this a concern for anyone?
  20. Did anyone gain on there last month of the pre-op diet? I have 5lbs to lose by my scale before Wednesday! I hate my scales I never know what I really weigh. Anyway if you gained did you not get approved at 1st or what happened? Just trying to prepare myself for the worst case scenario. Thank you ☆Jeni☆
  21. Hi everyone, I am 5 weeks, almost 6 weeks since my gastric bypass. I did have an IUD put in on day 9 and haven't stopped bleeding. That might be TMI but it might help explain some things. After week 2, I got down to 261lbs. I was 283 in the hospital after surgery. I did really well. Now I'm up to 266.5. Some daily info on me is my BMR is 1962.85, I use about 2,777 calories a day, I take in about 60 to 70 oz of water, and I eat about 800 calories a day. Why am I gaining weight? I've been around this weight for the last 3 weeks. I've heard of stalls, but a 3 week stall right out of the gate? Am I failing at weight loss surgery? As far as exercise, I haven't been released to do anything besides walk, and I could be better at that. I will get on that actually, going to try to hit the gym tomorrow and get back on track with that. My food looks like this: Morning: Protein shake with 20g protein, 9 carbs, 7g fiber, 2g sugar (I have to use plant based for it to not come back up) I add 8oz of almond milk and decaf coffee. I use very low fat low sugar almond milk with 30 calories. Lunch: either 2 pieces of sliced turkey with 2 pieces of thin sliced cheese or Tuna or Greek Yogurt and a baby bel Snack: light baby bel Dinner: Usually the same as lunch, however, I haven't been tolerating much for dinner very well so I have had two night of cherrios and almond milk for a total of 130 calories. I was released to eat cold cereals as long as they have less than 3g of sugar. I will take any advice, any dinner advice, any work out advice. Please help a momma out!!! Thanks
  22. Did anyone gain on there last month of the pre-op diet? I have 5lbs to lose by my scale before Wednesday! I hate my scales I never know what I really weigh. Anyway if you gained did you not get approved at 1st or what happened? Just trying to prepare myself for the worst case scenario. Thank you ☆Jeni☆
  23. I had surgery in 8/09, lost 50#, had my port flip and have gained back 45#. I didn't like how I got stuck on healthy foods. I got in the habit of adding sauces, gravy, etc.. to be able to eat healthy food. Then I started eating more junk food like ice cream, yogurt, cookies, even an donuts sometimes. Junk food doesn't get stuck. I have been debating for over a year whether to have my port reattached or just have the lapband removed. Also if I did have it fixed, where to have it fixed. I had my surgery in Mexico, my fill doctor is 100 miles away. I am thinking that I want to get it fixed here in my hometown by a doctor that will do my fills and also have a regular councilor/ psychologist on staff that could help me work thru my issues. Do any of your doctors have a councilor on staff for regular sessions to help work thru issues? Thank you for any advice MaggieGT
  24. Hello. I’m a post-gastric sleeve from March 1, 2016. I was 325 at my highest and 189 at my lowest. Even had 7lbs I’d excess apron skin and fat cut off. I’ve gained about 40lbs back and am getting scared. It’s my Surgeons advice that I do a reset, a liquid diet for two weeks and follow the original post-op plan starting with puréed foods. Doing the reset doesn’t bother me and I know it’ll force me out of some addictions I’ve developed... but I cannot stand drinking plain water! It’s been over two years now and I don’t remember if crystal light or V8 was allowed on the original plan or not... and can’t get a hold of the surgeons office or the nutritionist to ask either. Help???

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