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Found 1,208 results

  1. Has anyone been denied insurance benefits due to weight gain during their 6 month phase?
  2. Good morning all. I just had my second fill this past Tuesday. I have a realize band and now am up to 7ccs. After my first fill, 3.5, I had no restriction and could eat everything, although I didn't and did not gain nor lose weight. Now, after the 2nd fill, I definitely have pretty good restriction and am eating about half as much but have gained about 5 lbs. My guess is my body thinks it is being starved and is hanging onto eveything it has and will readjust in another few days and start burning the food again. Anyone else go through this or am I just crazy. Thanks, Tom
  3. ate high calorie snack foods. did not go to apptments. put back on 65 lbs. just got a fill 5 days ago. doing it right this time.
  4. Help! I need some input ?? I have been having major, disgusting heartburn, and throwin up for the last year, its been really gross. I havent lost any weight for the good year, my mom passed away and have been in another "world". I just figured it was stress. So feeling a bit better, I went in for a very small fill after this time. But the nurse suggested I have a fluro too. I went and thank god I did ! Dr. Yau was awesome ! He said I was way too tight. He said I have been pouch packing and that is why the heartburn and throwing up. He ALSO said that my esophagus was almost three times what it should be !!!! NOrmally, it should only be a finger wide, but mine was almost three fingers wide !@!@! :redface: I couldnt believe it !! He let me see it and I actually took a pic of the screen with my phone !! Becuase I was too tight, the food wasnt going down and hence the heart burn and throwin up. He told me he had to defill me 3 cc's :wink2: which now puts me down to 5cc's. I told him I was very sad :cursing: with that because I was afraid I would gain some weight. But he said he prefers I graze all day and eat often but very little. I have to do this for a month and go for another fluro and then very slowly start up the fills. My question is: Have other people gone thru this and regained alot of weight? Will I be able to lose faster now? Slower? OPinions? experiences? I would really appreciate your input on kinda what to expect. I know everyone is different. I have another 42 pounds to lose. Help? :thumbup:
  5. Delivered

    Unfill = weight gain, now what?

    October 6, 2009 165 lbs. Last Wednesday, I had .25 removed from my band. Since then, I have been able to eat more than I ever. Consequently, I have gained over 5 lbs. I am somewhat confused and I don't know what to do. I don't want to be miserable as I was, but I think I need a little more restriction. I am torn. I also realize that I have a sick addiction to overeating.
  6. I am 2 weeks post op and while things seem to be going ok...I have gained 5 pounds back this week! HOW does one gain weight when they are on an all liquid diet of less than 800 calories a day? The only thing NEW is that my General Dr. cut out my heart pill which is a diuretic, and lowered my insulin in half and cut my BP meds down 75%. Not sure why the weight gain, but it is ticking me off to no end! It is not like I am cheating and EATING something... Very discouraged at this point!
  7. Hi everyone I made this post in introductions that should be here.I lost almost 20lbs on 2week post-op diet but gained about 6 back after starting soft diet. My first fill is this week 9-17 maybe this will get things going. Thanks Steve
  8. Hello everyone this is my first post,I was banded8-10-09 I lost almost 20lbs on the 2 week post-op diet but have gained about 6lbs back after starting soft diet but will get my first fill this week 9-17 Dr. says don't get excited anybody else have the same problem? Steve
  9. No weight gain...no weight loss. I wish this wasn't my story. Posted by AngieB, Jun 11 2009, 02:34 PM Admin/Owner Options Make This Entry A Draft
  10. I was wondering if gaining back a couple pounds is an indication that I may need an adjustment. My last adjustment was in July, I went in August but the doctor didn't give me a fill. I am scheduled for another fill on the 25th of this month. Over this Labor Day weekend I did eat differently than I normally eat. Aside from my normal Breakfast and lunch the following is what I had for supper. For example; I went to a friends house on Saturday for dinner. She served Vietmanese food. Spicy shrimp with rice and Pho (a Soup mainly made out of chicken broth, bean sprouts, and rice noodles) a bite of eggplant and literally a bite of an ice cream pie. (I might mention non of it was measured except for the dessert) Sunday my step daughter was over for her birthday, I prepared bbq baby back ribs, shells and cheese, corn on the cob, biscuits and of course birthday cake. I however, had 3 baby back ribs, 1/2 ear of corn with butter spray, and 1/2 of a biscuit, with again literally one bite of cake. Monday I was back on track eating what I normally eat and measuring portions exact. I did exercise this weekend once, 70 minutes of uphill walking (I live in the mountains). Anyhow with what I have eaten over the weekend do you think maybe that is why I had gained some weight back?
  11. bestbette

    Weight Gain and PBs

    Greetings. This has not been a wonderful week for me. I started a new job and have made some really crappy food/eating choices and as a result have gained 1 lb. My first non weight loss week since starting this journey. A combination of lack of protien rich foods and eating more than three times a day is *not* good! Also, I pb'd last night for the first time since getting the band. It was weird, the milk I'd just sipped to get it to go down was still cold. Gross. So I'm about to get up and start my exercise regimine, which up until now has been ignored. My dog will be so excited. It's a beautiful time of year here in Richmond and absolutely zero reason why I should not go walk/jog around. I'm extremely optimistic that next week will be a loss and Monday after the holiday I have an appointment for my second fill! Warm wishes to you all.
  12. FunFab&Ready2BFit

    Before weight gain pics

  13. sparkles62

    No weight gain but no loss either

    Went back to the doc today. He was disappointed in the only one pound loss in three weeks. Needless to say, so am I. I am still keeping caloried in check and exercising. For the most part I eat healthy. He did another fill under fluoro. I am up to 11cc now. I have been sick since drinking all of the contrast and upchucked it. I waited a couple of hours and tried some cream of chidken soup, unfortunately that came back up. I only hope it is just the fill today. We will see tomorrow. I sure hope it is not an obstrction. Been there done that. To top it all off, my treadmill died. Ain't that a killer!!!! Aggravated and disappointed but I guess that too will pass.
  14. HELP!!! So upset! I was banded March 30,2006. My biggest fill was 7.0 cc and I went from 295 to 216 within the first 18 months. I went to my surgeon regularly, and was very pleased with my results. I went to my Dr. in August of 2007 and did not get a fill- stayed at 7 cc, and then went back in December 2007. During my xray the surgeon discovered that my bad was slanted... he de-filled me and put me on a two week liquid diet. I went back, and they could only fill me to 3 cc. January of 2008, I lost my job and my health insurance....I have since gone up to 269 lbs.. and I throw up/vomit several times a day and rarely eat. But for some reason I cannot lose the weight, even though I don't keep much food down. I cannot see any surgeon or specialist, I am currently working, but they don't offer health insurance and I can't afford to just go and self-pay. What do you think is wrong with my band????:thumbup:
  15. emtsusieq

    susan and justin before weight gain

    From the album: family

  16. preggoBand

    Weight Gain

    Hey guys, I'm new around here, and I'm hoping you guys can offer some advice. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and was banded a few years ago. Was about 25 pounds from goal when I found out we'd conceived. My doctor is one that requires an unfill during pregnancy. No biggie, I thought.. I'm having a huge problem with weight gain though. Between my first OB's visit and my second (5 weeks) I had gained 14 pounds. During that time, I was constantly queasy (keeping food in tummy made queasiness better), had quit smoking (can't smoke? EAT! ) and received my unfill. So things are not stacked in my favor. However, after going to the OB and being told nicely that that is a freakish amount of weight to gain, I've really been trying to cut down on everything. When I'm hungry, I'm snacking on fruits and veggies and having a Protein shake for Breakfast. I'm *still* gaining about 2 pounds every few days. It's insane! I dunno what else I can do to get control of this. I am exercising and there's no greasy foods in my diet. Ugh. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I feel full of shame. I'm not at all worried about losing after the baby is born, but I don't want my baby to get an unhealthy start at life, yknow? :thumbup:
  17. davidsmom08

    lil weight gain

    I was so excited to have lost 9lbs a week after surgery buuuut...that when mushies started and ruined it all for me. I weighed myself this morning and it looks like I have gained 4lbs...hoping this is only temporary and the scale takes a turn for the better with a quickness!
  18. Allright I know my Doc told me that it might happen but why I havent changed anything as far eating goes and I have been loosing really well. I droped 40lbs since june 3rd only to wake up today and notice 2 pounds back??? I havent eatin any thing more than before? So why, I know its not alot and Ill loose it again but why? hmmmm :thumbup:
  19. I'm about 3 1/2 weeks post op and have slowly started introducing soft foods back into my diet the past few days. Is it normal to actually gain weight during this period? I've gained 3 pounds in about 4 days since introducing more food. Does this eventually even out? Just want to hear from others who may have experienced this. I was doing so well with the weight loss (43 pounds in 2 months) but it has completly stopped now. I admit I could be walking more and definetly drinking more water.
  20. How many of you are "food addicts"? I am definitely one of those. I have lost 62 pounds now gained back 2 of them. :thumbup: I am happy for my loss (probably life saving) but I am following old habits of eating when stressed or sad etc. For me it seems to be a battle of mind over stomach and this month the mind is winning. HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR MINDSET and make it permanent? :bored: HOW DO YOU GET OVER A FOOD ADDICTION? The band can't do it for me - I still have to control or alter or replace my cravings for emotional eating. I welcome any response. Can anybody relate? Has anybody found a good tool to use? I need help!:eek: Betsy - betsyw20@comcast.net
  21. Quick question.... I was banded on May 18th...surgery weight was 222...Last Wednesday (May 27th) I was down to 205... Over the last week, I have gained 4 pounds! I have progressed to a pureed diet...but my calories are at about 500 per day...I am walking every night with intensity. Has anyone had a similar experience...it's kind of depressing. Thanks.:wub:
  22. Well, this the longest I have gone without any weight loss. In fact I'm up a pound. I am trying to up my calories a bit for awhile and then bring them back down, just to fool my body. This is so frustrating....I was losing 2 or more lbs a week for a long time, and now in the last 10 days, I have gained 1lb. I'm tighter then the past, so, I'm going to use a little hot water to help in the morning. I am thinking about just changing my food routines as much as possible to get things going. I'm going to pretend like the 1lb gain is muscle this week. There now I feel much better.:biggrin:
  23. Hello all my beautiful bunnies, I need to vent a moment. I am almost 3 weeks out from my band date and I have only lost 8 lbs. Yes it a loss, but not what I expected. Which leads me to my topic line, STRESS! One week after being banded my DH tells me he thinks we should move from Texas to Florida due to his job. What a bomb that was. I can handle that, but I have 4 kids. One of which is getting married on May 22. Then two of my girls have sports banquet, which most of you know involves dresses, shoes, jewelry, hair and nails! Plus I had tofly to Tampa to find a house, plus try to get this one ready to put on the market and pack! He wants to be out there by JUne 1!!!!!!!:rolleyes2: Now, as you can see, I have alot on my plate. No pun intended. And because of this I am reverting back to my old ways and eating fast food! I guess I just need some encouragement! I go back next week for my one month post-op and fill. I am hoping that will help, because I really have NO restriction what so ever. I was so excited about this band, now its the last thing on my mind! D:unsure:

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