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Found 15,853 results

  1. pugsx3

    Divorce, the lapband, and the anxiety diet

    I lost 140lbs on my own about 6 years ago, and my ex had a horrible time with it. He was not happy until I gave up and cancelled my membership at the gym, and to make a long story short - I gained all 140lbs back + 30 more. I was miserable and hated myself for doing it, but it just got to the point where it was way to hard to fight him anymore. He was happy, but I wasn't. In addition, I had a hysterectomy about half way through the weight gain - and being post menopausal killed any chance I had for success to get the weight off on my own again. I'm always saying the definition for insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, so I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to do something different, and filed for divorce. That was not enough by itself though, because the housing market has dropped so badly in my area, we owed 95,000 more than we could get for it, and my ex was not on the mortgage, and filed bankruptcy to avoid paying anything at all. My lawyer suggested that I either paid the shortage, or I filed bankruptcy - so guess which route I was forced to choose??? The divorce was final 10/25/10, and the bankruptcy was discharged early in 12/10. After the first of the year, I started putting myself first, and began looking into the band. I got my band 9/15/11, and I've lost over 40 lbs to this point. I'm thrilled with all the changes in my life, and if I had to do it all over again, the only thing I'd do differently is I would have done them all 10 years ago! One thing that has always been a big factor for my is exercise. I feel so much better about myself when I'm working out, so if you don't have a gym membership - I'd recommend that you get one!! It's unbelievably hard to do at first, but once you get into a routine it's a big morale booster. I do "classes" 5 days a week - 3 times weight training 2 times cardio. A lot of the time on Saturdays or Sundays I'll go and just swim cause I love the Water, and this makes such a huge difference to my mental state that I can't believe it.
  2. Hey @juno5 As far as your question about the doctor, I think it is a really good idea to go with someone you are comfortable with. If you are not comfortable with the newer doctor that is replacing the one you were originally going to go with, then you should pick a different doctor. I personally would not want to have to worry about my doctor on top of all the other stuff you have to do.To me though a newer doctor doesn't mean he is any less qualified. Also, he might be even more careful than a doctor that has been doing them for years. Thats just my opinion though. You should definitely do what makes you feel comfortable. Now whethere your ob/gyn counts toward documented weight gain or just being obese as a whole my insurance did NOT say it had to be a pcp. So if your insurance does not say specifically pcp and it says something like physician documented or must be in medical records then any doctor will do. I am personally using my ob/gyn's weight and height to submit as proof. Something else to check for is if your insurance allows.... If say you don't go to a doctor in a 1 year time span and you have a picture of yourself during that time that shows your overweight AND you get your current pcp to sign off saying yes she was obese then with a date. My insurance will accept the picture. But that is my particular insurance I would suggest getting your policy and looking at it. If you have any more questions or something just let me know. I am no expert by any means, but I might can help.
  3. asherje

    Lapband Revison To Sleeve

    I had never really considered the sleeve only because I had read that those who failed with the band would fail with the sleeve. And with my track record lol... Let see banded April 2008, lost about 30lbs in 10months Bad break up on Feb 2009 prompted the run/drink water/smoke diet and lost 40lbs or so in 2months. April 2009 got life back on track and was less depressed so was able to eat and hold down food and gained 60lbs in 6months Aug 2010 went back to nutritionist and was put on phentramine (yet have lb but still needed diet pills) and lost 30lbs in 6months. July 2011 delt with slight weight gain and possible ulcer Nov/Dec 2011 nearly hospitalized from GI issues and had ever test they could think of to figure out what was wrong with me and scoped from WMD to end. Off phentramine March 2012 learned my band had slipped which wa cause of a lot of the issues my GI doctor was trying to figure out. And band unfilled and began discussions on revision to gastric bypass May 2012 band looked better had partial fill and more talks about revision, up 7lbs, back to other doctor an put back on phentramine weightloss program July 2012 gained another 13lbs and another fill, stated to start researching revison options. Got personal trainer at gym for 2xs a month work out for extra support. Still on phentramine Aug 2012 down 3lbs, still having issues with band, can't lay on stomach because port site hurts, can't do certain work outs because it hurts to twist. Still not much restriction but fear tha because my band is tighter when I stress that any fill can cause issues. Discussed my fears of gastric and my doctors/my fears that of band is completely removed I will gain even more back and then some. Doctor recommended sleeve over bypass. So yes I've been looking into it for awhile, I'm doing everything that has been asked of me and then some to lose the weight and keep gaining the min I'm off diet pills and sometimes even when on them. Doctor expressed that believes its my intolerance to certain healthy foods (the good Fiber ones) is a big problem, cant have a salad or fresh veggies with out getting stuck, sliming or PBing. So that's why I'm torn, hadn't given much thought to the sleeve before it scared me more than bypass until I read all the horror stories of it and heard stories from friends who knew people who died from gastric complications months after surgery. I've spent 4hour today just reading and researching and so far the sleeve really does seem like the best option. The idea to continue to have a tool to help me control my weight gain and the ability to eat a salad at the same time with out being in pain or throwing up sounds heavenly lol
  4. ashleybell


    believe me, that thing ain't going nowhere. Had it before the weight gain so it should still be there when the fat is gone! if i can every get it off!
  5. Have you discussed your desire to lose weight & your interest in bariatric surgery with your endocrinologist? Are they aware of how little you eat now which must be a concern with your malabsorption issues. Unfortunately, the surgery won’t stop the weight gain side effect of the meds you have to take. Medications are one of the causes behind weight regain after surgery. Are there alternative meds you could take that don’t cause an increase of appetite/weight gain? Malabsorption issues are a possible side effect of weight loss surgery which would only add to your existing situation. Being aware of your nutrient intake & meeting protein goals is a lifelong consideration for everyone after weight loss surgery. Many will always need to take vitamins to supplement their intake via food. Just some things to consider.
  6. Roo101769

    So it begins..

    Every person who comes to bariatric surgery has a reason, a story. No one wakes up one day and goes "you know, having my stomach partially removed,diverted, or banded sounds like fun- I think I want to do it!" Nope. There is a reason. A moment of giving it over to a higher power mixed with taking full charge of your weight loss. It is the most odd feeling when your brain makes the leap and decides it is what needs to be. I truly believe bariatric surgery is a last ditch effort for so many of us. (Disclaimer- can't say there are not those who think it is a quick fix or an easy out. But from all I have read and seen, it is FAR from "easy".) I admit, I am from the school of thought where this kind of surgery is "giving up". I have never seriously considered it for me. When I thought about weight loss it was all on me and my will power. If I just dieted enough or exercised enough it would be all I needed. But at 43 years old the light bulb, as dim or as bright as it may be, finally went off. I am not a dieting or exercise success. I am morbidly obese. I need to be realistic. I need to change now, while I still can. The consequences of not changing are just not an option. Let me go back here a little. I have to say I have always been on the chubby/chunky/ curvy/ husky side. I was never "thin" like the other kids. I had a round face and a tummy when I was young. I developed early. In junior high and high school I felt pudgy. Even though I know now I was far from obese, society made me feel fat. I wasn't athletic, but I was active. A band nerd. ( And anyone who has been in marching band knows it is a physically active thing!) After high school and into my early adulthood I was still heavy-ish. But I was starting to realize I had curves that were pleasing to some, it wasn't just being fat. Into my mid twenties I probably wore a size large, maybe up to a 14-16. But since I was only 5'3", this was FAT. Then in my mid twenties I got married. The perfect storm for weight gain began. I began to have "female issues", I was in a somewhat stable relationship, ( at least for a short while) I quit working jobs that required me being on my feet and got a desk job. It all added up, and I started piling on the pounds. I quickly gained in excess of 50lbs in the matter of months. 200lbs, 225lbs,250lbs...the numbers on the scale just kept going up. I stopped gaining around 250lbs. I went into "diet" mode. But this time it wasn't coming off like before. When I had wanted to lose weight before all I had to do was eat less and move more. This time it wasn't working. After some other things going on health wise, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. (PCOS) My marriage failed in a few short years. I joined a gym. I dieted. I gave up. I was on the hamster wheel... Years passed and I lost weight, only to gain it back with extra. This went on for years. Then my mother passed away unexpectedly in 2003, which threw my world into chaos. I gained custody of my niece and nephew when she passed. I had never had children, so it was a new world. And they did not come without a LOT of issues of their own. The next four years were a struggle to just get through life. During that time my weight edged up further, until I hit a (then) all time high of 314lbs. Finally, in 2007, I decided I REALLY needed to change. I joined Curves and got my butt moving. I put myself on a very restrictive diet and managed to knock off 36lbs. In about six months I started to feel great, see a new me emerging. But then I hit a stall. I stopped losing. I managed to keep it off for a while, but could not get back to dropping anything. Then something happened I never saw coming, which lead to the next major change in my life. With my 36lb weight loss came a new confidence. I started going out and dating. I met a man. I won't go into all the troubles that came of that, it is best put on another blog! LOL But I did end up pregnant. I NEVER thought it would happen. With my PCOS and female issues, I did not believe I could get pregnant. But at 38yrs old I did. I had a healthy baby girl in November of 2008. But life wasn't perfect. I am a single mom. There are a lot of struggles, including financial. I would love to say I never lost the baby weight, which got me to where I am now- but that would be a lie. I lost all I gained plus a couple extra pounds by my 6 week check up after she was born. No, my body was changed by having a baby but I cannot say I gained weight from it. But slowly I did start gaining again. So in 2010 I decided to start back to Curves and I added Zumba to my arsenal. I was determined to get back on the right track. But an already arthritic knees could not handle the intensity of Zumba, and I was soon having a lot of problems with my knees. I started seeing a orthopedic doctor and tried all kinds of things to help nurse the knee back to health. You see, before the knee problems I was a pretty darn healthy person. Yes, I had PCOS and female problems. But I did not have the common weight related issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes. I just had bum knees holding me back. So after months of trying this remedy or that one it was decided I needed surgery to "clean up the knee". Well surgery went off without a hitch. I had more severe arthritic degeneration than he had thought, but other than that I was ok. Until two days post op. I developed a DVT (deep vein thrombosis-blood clot) behind my knee. The day after I was admitted to the hospital for it I had a pulmonary embolism and was rushed to ICU. ( FYI- actor Dennis Farina just died yesterday from the same thing) This was a set back to say the least. But time passed and eventually I got back to "normal". I was never able to go back to Zumba, but I did return to Curves. Yet the weight continued its climb higher. I can maintain a weight for a few years, then suddenly I start gaining another 10, 15, 20lbs. As I have aged, and as I have gained, it has taken more of a toll on my joints. I started having to swallow anti inflammatory medicine like Pez. Then suddenly, without warning, this past spring all hell broke loose... In March I started having pain in my "bad" leg. I thought I had another clot, but it was determined I did not. I was told I had vasculitis or phlebitis. Then in April it got worse. Another check determined I DID have another DVT. I started treatment with blood thinners and bed rest. A few weeks later I returned to work for a sum total of 2 1/2 days. Then my leg took another turn for the worse. Apparently the clot got BIGGER, migrated upward AND I had another small pulmonary embolism. Five more days in the hospital. After I was released I had to be on bed rest for another month. I was told I now have to take blood thinners for the rest of my life. My vascular doctor has informed me the veins in my leg are "destroyed". I have chronic venus insufficiancy. I have to wear a compression stocking on that leg everyday for the rest of my life to try to avoid further deterioration. And the worst part.....I can no longer take my arthritis medication due to taking blood thinners. I have lived with increasing pain for the past couple of months. It is no doubt my weight has continued to climb now, as I am basically seditary at all times. And depression over my situation has lead me to eat more. I looked into disability. I actually have two qualifying factors, so physically I can get it. But I thought long and hard about it. Do I want to live the rest of my life in pain? Do I want to keep gaining weight from being depressed and unable to do anything? And what about my daughter? What kind of mother can I be to a four year old like this? How can I be an active part of her life when I can't even be an active part of my own life? That was the day it all changed for me. The day I decided I had one answer, one path I MUST follow. I HAVE TO GET THE WEIGHT OFF! And the path I decided I need to take is the bariatric path. I started doing a lot of research. I called my insurance provider and verified they cover it and the qualifications for it. (oh I TOTALLY qualify!!) I spoke to my primary care doctor. He referred me to Dr. Bruce. I have not stepped foot into his office yet, but I feel my choice is clear and made for me. After much research and consideration I choose to pursue the sleeve. I had initially thought lap band, but a lot of things are swaying my decision. So if Dr. Bruce agrees with my thought process, and my insurance will cover the cost, I plan to go full steam ahead with it. I have already been to my vascular doctor to get his clearance for surgery. He said losing weight would help my vascular issues a great deal, and is very much supportive of my decision. I have researched and read and planned as much as I can. I am being VERY proactive. I have decided (on my own) to begin changing as many habits as I can now to help with the process. I am making myself drink more fluids (ie:water) daily. I have decided that, starting in August, I am changing how and what I eat. I want to begin the post surgery diet, consisting of mostly protein. I feel it will not only help me succeed in the long run, it will also be easier to NOT have to change everything I have done all my life in just a matter of a few weeks. (not to mention having to deal with major surgery at the same time) One BIG habit I have to get in to is NOT drinking while eating, and chewing my food until it is paste. Those things will be tricky for me. But I know I can do it..I know I HAVE to do it. And I will be documenting and blogging as I go. ( If you have not been able to tell, and have read to this point, I like to speak my mind! No matter the form or to whom...LOL) So if anyone else is just starting this journey, or has been on it for a long time, and wants to read one woman's insightful, crazy, thought provoking or just plain weird story stay tuned..................................
  7. Dawn_from_MN

    OK I need help-I finally Quit.

    I have been trying to quit smoking for a year. I quit for two months and gain weight so right back to the cigs. I have again quit and I am determined to not start again. The problem I am having is weight gain. I was banded almost 2 years ago and lost 70lbs in a year. Since I started to work on the smoking I have gained about 30lbs back. I had an endo appointment yesterday and he said "maybe what you need is the full by-pass". I am pretty freaked out about it, but I am also scared that if I continue to gain weight I will start smoking again. I do not want to gain back everything I lost. My band is as tight as I dare get it. I currently throw up about 5-6 times a week and when it was tighter it was worse. I am not sure what I am going to do yet????? I could sure use some advise. Dawn
  8. LivingForGod


    They denied me because 1.During the 6 month weight management I gained weight and 2.They said it wasn't a medical necessity. I have arthritis, degenerative disc, bulging disc and lumbago in my lower back. So I went to my pcp and told her I was denied. So she gave me a copy of my mri and all my records and she also wrote a letter. Then I had been to another dr and I got my records from them as well. Then I went to my ob/gyn and got my records. I also have PCOS and weight gain is associated with that. And with my back im not able to exercise or anything. I havent worked since August. So with all that and God, they reversed the denial and approved it.
  9. Poodlelover56

    Having a hard time

    I would really try to focus on how far you have come. 100 lbs lost is amazing! But maybe you need to think about not wanting to slide back. Weight gain is a slippery slope. And vacations can really de-rail an over eater. Have you talked with your surgeon about your issues with the band? You will feel so much better if you get back to a good place with your food and exercise. You have worked so hard to be where you are. Those of us newbies need inspiration! Don't let us or yourself down! Good luck!
  10. Barb

    Post your favorite Tips!!!

    I was eating around 800 calories a day and I wasn't loosing much (about 1 pound a week), I was okay with that and went about 10 days w/o tracking my food on fitday but I was keeping a written journal. When I got home I had lost 5 pounds in 10 days. I went back and put my food into fitday because I want to always have the history so I can go back and look at the trends. When I did this I was a little surprised that my daily calories were averaging between 900 - 1100 which was more than I had been eating. It had a lot to do with eating out and eating sauces, that are higher in calories; not really eating more quantity. So, for the months of February and March I decided to try something and see what my weight loss would be if I average 1,000 calories a day. In February I lost 11 lbs. and in March I lost 17 lbs. I don't get exactly 1,000 calories in any given day I just try and keep that as an average over the course of the week. I have had a few days when I have gone as high as 1,400 calories. Because of my travel schedule I don't weigh weekly but I also don't weigh daily but since the day I was banded I haven't had a single weight gain; there has always been some loss. So I guess to answer the actual question, I was still loosing with 800 calories a day and I don't gain if I have days that I go over 1,000. For me the 1,000 calories a day average seems to be what works best. I know this will be different for everyone. I did find thst by using fitday to track my intake I was able to determine what worked best for me. In April my weight loss slowed down, I only lost 9lbs. but I am getting close to goal so I kinda expect it to continue to slow.
  11. I gained about 12 pounds in the 6 month "Physician assisted" weight loss attempt. My surgeon doesn't submit paperwork till you've completed this step. I was close as far as qualifying BMI wise at 36 (35 with co-morbidities was the cut off), when I started the 6 months so losing before I qualified wasn't an option, AND my PCP had just started me on a statin, which can cause weight gain. No one cared. What my surgeon DID care about was AFTER I was submitted I did have to lose 10 pounds for liver shrink within the 4 weeks before surgery. I dropped 13.
  12. So I have a question.. What type of birth control are you ladies on after surgery? Pill, shot, implant etc? I asked my doctor about what would be better and if the pill would be absorbed since I have had gastric bypass . I was just curious as to what methods other people are using and if they had any side effects such as weight gain, headaches, high blood pressure etc? Thanks for the help!
  13. PhotoNut

    Never gain weight again

    Dang girl, that has to be scary. You know, I was reading Gypsygirl's blog today, and she went thru so much trying to get a decent fill. Seems every time they over-filled her just a bit too much and then she had to get unfilled a bit. Honestly, I want the full benifit of the band, but Im really not looking forward to the fills. Partly because I'm worried about becoming too dependent on the band to keep me in line. It's great to have as a safety net, for the times we do slip up. A bandster's binge is a joke to what we all used to be able to do huh? So why haven't you been refilled? Is the band still slipped? What's going on? I think you need a hug. *gives you a big hug and smile* You'll make it through this. I know you must be so scared of the weight gain after all of this. Hang in there and lean on friends. Youre not alone.
  14. feedyoureye

    getting off of the PPIs

    I saw a research paper lately that showed a graph of the correlation of acid and weight gain... it showed higher acid after surgery, lowering during the middle phase (till about 2 years I think it was) then it raised right along with weight gain... so it looks kind of like if you slip back to earlier eating patterns the acid increases with the regain....if I find the study I will post... it is on this site somewhere else... maybe research?..
  15. KittyKatt

    Will This Work?

    I was diagnosed with pcos a little over a year ago after noticing significant weight gain over the course of 4 months. Im nearly 300lbs today and im considering the sleeve as well. Ive heard lots of success with the sleeve and pcos. June 1st my insurance will be siruated and on the 3rd I will officially I have my first appointment. =)
  16. heather81

    Post op 8 weeks help !

    By weight gain I mean a 6 pound difference
  17. Oregondaisy

    List the BENEFITS of low-carbing PLEASE

    For me, the biggest advantage to going low carb is that when I eat carbs, I crave more carbs. This causes weight gain, not weight loss. I wish I could get them out of my diet completely, and when I do, I am a much happier person. Then someone brings chocolate chip Cookies to work, and all my will power goes out the window.
  18. johnlatte

    Couch to 5k

    Downloaded the app on my phone and started today. Day 1 was simple. Skin around my incisions was sore a bit from the running segments. Plan to stick with it and my 2013 goal is to run a 5k with my daughters, who are both competitive runners and run track. Used to run a lot before a broken foot and a ton of weight gain stopped me. Can't wait for the first race some time in future...wish me luck!
  19. AprilKeepingItOff

    Couch to 5k

    Good luck!!!! I'm a former runner looking to get back to a pre weight gain and pre ankle injury running status I understand where you are. Please be careful and don't push yourself too hard. You'll get there. I'll be cheering you on. Be sure to keep us posted on your progress.
  20. sheabh huh, what, oh your done??? oh no you made me so tired i nodded off!! so happy you had a wonderful experience in tiajuana i will be honest and say i would be weary about the travel out of country but so many OP tell of their wonderful experience in Mexico - so it sounds like you did great too!!! great pre-op weight loss weight gain after WLS? yep i've heard that but everything settled out, and you lost more glad your sister came along for the ride support is so helpful/important glad she enjoyed the food - and you enjoyed the aroma see, i can be long winded too!! did you nod off?? you are on your way towards health, happiness and a longer life continued best towards your great recovery - and all your future successes good luck kathy
  21. fiveholts714


    Sorry but you will just have to live with the weight gain until you are off steroids. There's nothing you can do to avoid it. I am so sorry. I would be so frustrated if I were you! But the good news is that once you are off the prednisone, the weight will fall off pretty quickly. Predisone will also m ess seriously with your moods and the condition of your skin. So be careful. Right now just work on getting good nutrition.
  22. DeLarla

    Excuse me, I just vented...

    Welcome to my life (my old one.) Your story is very common. I've been through hell and back working for "the man." Right now life is awesome, I finally found a lawfirm that let's me combine my analytical mind and organizational skills with the kid inside me. But back in my hell days, there were limited options for me, so I had to put up with a lot of abuse. I consider it abuse and harrassment. Going to HR never helped because it always blew up in my face. I was desperate because my health was deteriorating (insomnia, anxiety, depression, weight gain.) I finally wrote a couple anonymous letters. I chose my words carefully and made sure nobody saw me. Eventually the letters got into the right hands. Things got ugly for a long time with people being pulled into private meetings. Eventually a couple people quit, one got fired, then finally the boss himself was laid off. The same thing happened to my sister, but she exploded in the open and ended up getting the boss fired and getting an apology letter from Time Warner offering her whatever she wanted. You are not alone. My friend Jennifer had the same psycho boss. We each had our reasons for not quitting, but she came over crying every night after work. Then one day she showed up in shock. She was ghost white and couldn't talk because when she got to work, her boss had committed suicide. I don't really have suggestions, but please know that you are not alone and that there is always light at the end of a tunnel.
  23. Gina1967

    Need advice

    HELLO ALL :). So i am post gastric sleeve op day 4 and really bothered by the amount of fluid retention/weight gain of 9 lbs since Monday surg. PLEASE tell me this will go away soon?? :(
  24. Lexigurl82

    Cigna insurance and weight gain

    It depends on your insurance... Aetna says not to gain weight but people have been approved even with weight gain. I need a letter of medical necessity from my pcp too but before the pcp will write the letter I have to come in for blood work. Best of luck to you and call Cigna or go online to see if weight gain is an issue. Don't give up!
  25. MinaT

    Help... Gaining Weight Back

    Are you getting your waters in? It was a full moon the last few days and I always weigh more. I am not big into astrology, but I have always had Water retention during right before and after the full moon. I was 208.2 for a few days and yesterday I hopped on the scale and I was 211. I had 450 calories the day before and I pretty much exercised all my calories away. I got on the scale today and I'm 207.4. Could be a little constipation, could be water weight gain, too much sodium, your body holding onto calories because the meals weren't paced (6 little meals) and you may have had 2 medium/bigger meals and your body decided to hold onto the weight. Change things up a little, add some extra carbs and do a little more exercise, or revert and go two days of full liquids, 3 shakes and sugar-free popsicles etc. Sometimes these weird things happen to women for weird reasons.

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