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Oh, you are so good Janet. I don't think I would be able to pass those up. I haven't figured out yet if I am craving something sweet or just a cigarette. I went to the doctors this morning, slushing through all that snow we got, and this is my NSV. First, I am down 54 pounds. One of my diabetes pills have been deleted from my stash and my lasix has been halved. I also only have to test my blood sugars once a week now. WOOHOO I hate doing that.
Good Morning Ladies - TGIF :thumbup: Jackie - You haven't been feeling great and now that you are getting back to the gym it will work wonders for you... My goal is to be at goal prior to my 1 yr anniversary - I know I will be there... (this is postitive thinking not bragging) - I still worry that this is a lifetime change - I think I go it but I know this most likely will be a life time struggle not to revert to old eating habits. Karri - Stopping eating when satisfied - I would bet a million buck this is a problem for all of us - Last night GS wanted Pizza (he hadn't had any in a long time) so I said ok - I had 1/3 cup beans & cheese around 7 - then pizza came a little after 8 - I had one slice and ate the whole thing (well not the crust) when I should have stopped at 3/4 - Had a bit of slime and a little pain - but went away in about 10 minutes.. It just tasted so darn good - haven't had pizza in months. I did good calorie wise 1010 - but like most of us didn't get my water in.. I could eat salad for B/F - I am not a big sweet eater for breakfast - in fact for B/f this morning I have 1/2 ham sandwich on lite bread with mustard - Lunch one pot wonder - cabbage/pork/squash/eggplant/rice & soy sause - 1 cup and dinner will be fish & veggies.. How nice of you to give your student $$$ for food - she hadn't eaten since the day before - doesn't your school have free lunches &/or breakfast - The schools here in the Desert have breakfast (for the younger ones) and lunches for everyone who qualifiy for them. The Desert is very Rich in some areas and very poor in others. Ruby - You go to the Doc on Monday are you considering a slight unfill - I know you have been tight - Well, just cking in this morning - I went to bed at 9 last night - I am meeting a gf for breakfast tomorrow - she hasn't seen me since before surgery - so she will be in for a shock - (she knows about the surgery). Then suppose to go to the Fair and see Heart tomorrow night - the fair in known for what you can eat - I love the cinnaminon buns - but none for me this year. Oh ya great NSV - yesterday had a continuing ed class (insurance agents have to have continuing ed to keep their license) - the intructors brought Mrs. Field cookies :tt2: the girl next to me ate 3 :smile: and I didn't eat one - just drank my water - and OMG I wanted one - it was 3 and I was hungry - but just didn't eat it - another gf here who is on a DIET... ate one and wonders why she isn't losing weight:confused: - They all think I didn't eat it cuz of the band - they think it takes away the wanting - they don't understand it doesn't take away the wanting - I CHOSE not to eat it - not cuz I couldn't but because I want to lose weight,... - Like i keep repeating losing weight is more of a head game than a tummy game even with our bands,..... Well, back to work - ck w/you all later - hope everyone has a good day LINDA CALL AND BUG YOUR DOCTOR... and keep up posted ((hugs))
Good Morning Gang !!! Well not much to report since last night - but I do have a nsv - midnite raid - I have these reese pb 100 cal snack cookie (tiny) and when i woke up i really wanted choc for some reason - so went and got one pack (even though I have them in the back of the pantry I found them right away) well i tried to savor them - and really really wanted to go back and get another pack - BUT I DIDN'T :smile2: - you have to understand that stuff like that was a really down fall for me prior to banding - sweets put me to sleep and i would use them as sleeping pills to self medicate. OMG Linda 18.5 til you are to goal - HOW FREAKING FANTASTIC !!!!! But have a question if you get a tt early July do you think you will be healed enought for the MA trip?? You gotta come :rolleyes2: Ok gang - need to get my butt in gear - as usual will ck back later
Good Morning Gang The site is slow this morning – it’s taking for ever – I type 3 letters and it takes 3 seconds for them to appear. Had a lot of reading to do this morning - So lets see if I can remember who said what cuz I am typing this in word and will paste on to our thread – (so my spelling should be better – but I bet I still leave words out ) Phyl- On the bra issue – I have NEVER (even at 120) been able to hook my bra from the back – to this day – I hook them in the front and then turn to put them on… Steph – On the fluffy issue – sometimes I’m gassy and other times not – but exercise is great for the potty issues – that and water I understand about exercise and 2 miles is GREAT. I went to private school as a child and we didn’t have PE in 8th grade was the 1st time I had it cuz I was in public school then (got myself kicked out of Catholic School) OMG we had these stupid monkey suits back then – these one piece bloomer like outfits – UGLY – I weighed 165 in 8th grade and was considered fat – and these outfits sure and the hell didn’t flatter my figure any.. All I can tell you is that once you start and keep doing it – it will become something you do enjoy – I promise and this is from the ultimate exercise hater. Karri – Your party must have been fun – we haven’t heard from you… Hope you aren’t working.. Linda – Since I personally have met Phyl – let me tell you – she is most likely the youngest and most energetic person I know – I think she has more get up and go than me – she really seems to enjoy life and LOVES to have fun.. She is really a great lady as we all are – and I am so happy that I have gotten to actual meet her.. I loved what you said about if you didn’t lose another pound - I love that as I sit here typing I can cross my legs too – I think that is one of the best feelings. Candice – aka Peaches – OMG we put our bras on the same way Ok – I think I have covered who has posted – but if I forgot anyone – heck I’m 53 . Went shopping yesterday – guess what – I am an official 12 – it wasn’t a fluke with the 2 pairs I bought last month – but now guess what – I can fit a size 10 pants – still XL on tops…… I was trying on a pair of white capri’s and the 12 fit very well – so much that I know that after I wear them they will loosen up – so I had my gf bring me a size 10 – they fit – a itty bitty tight but after they are worn they will be fine- I can tell you one thing I didn’t care what the price was I was buying them… – I haven’t worn a 10 since my early 20’s before the weight came back on (I was thin from 16 – 24) NSV – I was up at 5 to the gym 2 miles – picked up house - picked up girlfriend drove out of town – ate breakfast – shopped and tried on TONS of clothes – walked this huge mall and was tired of trying on clothes by the time we left (5 p.m) but I was not tired – My feet were not killing me and I still had energy… Ok – I got one bra yesterday & it was a 38 – but think I should be aiming for a 36 cuz I am hooking the 38’s on the 1st hook – so I am going to the mall today and look some more – trying on bra’s was the last thing we did yesterday and I was tried of looking at my naked body – I have some terribly saggy skin and even with a proper fitting bra I still have rolls – it’s the skin being saggy not so much the fat… Well – I am just going to have to quit being so critical of myself – I am 53 not 35 – it is what it is and I am just going to have to get over it.. Well, gotta get dressed – Will ck in later
Good mornin all. Tenille, that's funny about your pants falling down when your were dancing. I'm sure we'll all have those NSV's vey soon, just when we least expect it!! Sunny, I'm still at only 4 to 5 oz meals, although I know I've went over this week a few times. I think it's just my way of knowing I ned a fill again, whick is on Thursday, but what your doing sounds right. The meal you had was probably 6 to 7 ozs, depending on how small the baked potato was, but if your felt restriction and stopped, then it's working!! Citygirlnks, welcome to the Lucky 7s. We have a great group here and we're excited to have you join us!! Brandy, sounds like you are doing awesome. The solids should make you feel fuller faster, just because you actually have to chew and it takes longer to eat, so you'll feel full and stop eating before you would on liquids or mushys. dmtjet, I've been doing the burping too. I guess it's a cue that we are full. only4me, take care of yourself. Hope it is just water in your ear. Well, I'm headed out to eat lunch with my mom today, so I ned to get going into the shower. I'll check back in later. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!
DON'T THINK - DO IT!!!! - I started going to the gym a couple weeks before I was banded... Once I got the ok from my Doc to start again - I have been going ever since - 6 months - I have never stayed going to the gym this long in my entire life:eek: - Great NSV... but really cuz i go - it is a scale victory:biggrin:
What inspiring photos from everyone. You all look fantastic... and deserve all of our compliments. I love the NSV's people are sharing... but have to admit a stupid moment... what does NSV stand for? Jessica, welcome to the Lucky 7s, glad to have you on board. I am managing the Holiday Challenge and now have added you. Good luck... when you meet this challenge, you'll be in Onederland!!! I have to admit, I haven't been really "dieting" much the last 6 weeks or so, too stressed about my Dad. I know a few of you have asked me how he's doing. All I can say is not well. He is handling it all very well, with a strong faith in God, but it is really hard for me even thinking of my life without him in it. Given this added stress to my already high stress life, I can tell you I LOVE MY BAND!!! In the past, I would handle my stress through food. (as we all probably do) I've noticed I do still turn to food, but my band stops me very quickly, so I can't keep eating. I have lost 10 lbs since the day I found out my Dad has cancer. In my pre-band life, that would have translated to a 20 lbs gain!! Phyl, Distant, Jackie, Mango, Ribearty and Sunny - Remember to PM me your starting weight for the challenge.
Ruby CONGRATS on the NSV - size 16:whoo: 5lbs to go that's great too :clap2:
First, you guys make me hungry by talking about you are all over exerting my brain. I am a blonde, you know. LOL Give me a break. Gonna start my third bottle of water so I should get it all in today. Gave myself a break today, went to Subway for lunch. I forgot to post my NSV yesterday. Anyway, when I was hospitalized four years ago, they removed my wedding rings and by the time I was released, my ring indentation had filled in and I couldn't get my rings on. They would slide over the knuckles but then go no further. Then, I put on the weight after quitting smoking. I tried them on yesterday. Slid right on, right where they are sposed to be. They even turn. Man, they feel weird. Got to get used to them. DH has too much time on his hands. Decided he needed a haircut and was too cheap to pay the price for a haircut. He gave himself a buzz cut...........Looks like a cone-head now. I told him I was too embarrassed to go anywhere with him till it grew out. Got to find something for that man to do. Hm-m-m-m maybe I can get him a one way ticket on a slow boat to China. Nah, he'd still have too much time on his hands. MAKE GOOD CHOICES AND DRINK YOUR WATER. TTYL
Dmtjet, I wonder sometimes about people. I love them, but...gees. PattiC, look at those NSV (non-scale victories) already! Good for you. Lynette, I probably should've just left, too. I thought GNC did make an unflavored protein powder. Who knows. Maybe I'll research it on their website before I go in there. I want as little interaction w/them as possible.
Morning ladies. Trying to keep my mind off my upcoming appointment. I get so nervous. I know I'm going to do a horrible job advocating for my son. I have such conflicting emotions when it comes to him. There's the mom side, that wants my son to be taken care of, hugged, loved, happy, not picked on...and then there is the educator side that says he needs to accept responsibility, grow up, not make excuses, pushed....oh Lord, give me strength. Karla,this is going to be long, but here are some of my ideas. Some of my best meals are just meat. Costco has some AWESOME chicken sausages, I think they are Emeril, but not sure. They are lower fat, and sooooo good. I can eat one, cut small, chewed well, dipped in some honey mustard. And usually I'm full after that. They are precooked so if I don't want to or can't turn on the grill, they can be heated in the micro. Pork tenderloin is another great one. Sear it, put it in a pan with some great spices, onions, mushrooms...bake. Again, a couple of slices completely fills me up. Grilling season is upon us, and that means I'm going to LOVE my meat again. As for salad, I love my dressing too, but if I eat my meat first, and then dish my salad, I still put all the good stuff on it, I just don't have room for very much. My salads have lettuce, broc, cauli, mush, carrots, radishes, sunflower seeds, LF cheese, and then something crunchy for "crouts". Usually I can get in about 4 forkfuls...and even covered in dressing, that's not a lot of calories. Oh...cottage cheese, a definite staple. I can't do the lowfat stuff though, 2% is as low as I can take it. My evening snack, when I'm being good, is a cup full of Kashi Crunch. I can eat it dry like a bowl of nuts, but it has super protein...and great crunch. It gives me hand to mouth and a similar feeling to eating chips or something. Always measure it out though and put it in a bowl...otherwise I could eat half a box without realizing it. Wraps are another favorite of mine. I put down some kind of "dressing" a layer of meat, LF cheese, and then my salad mix. Makes a really good filling meal. One wrap usually lasts me two meals. I don't eat the curled in ends though, too much tortilla. For that chocolate fix that Candice was talking about, at the site where I get my proticcino, they have some pretty good protein cocoa. I LOVE the amaretto and the mint choc. It gives me choc. AND 15g protein (if I remember correctly) for only 100 cals. The other thing I do to help me is when I set the table, I put out EVERYTHING. Pickles, cottage cheese, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, anything good for me that is in the fridge. Then when I'm done with my protein whatever and my veggies, if I still think (and the operative word IS think) I'm still hungry, all that good stuff is sittting there. The other positive, is that my family eats more of that good stuff. Candice, no wii fit until doc says it's okay. I'm ONLY cleared to walk. I thought I would try the step aerobics but just that little step could hurt something Jeff says. I LOVE the boxing and the step aerobics. I can't do the yoga but when I get clearance I'm going to try again. Some of the ways they bend and such I can't do with my back, but know I need to. So for now, it's just my scale. I'll let you know when I'm cleared though and I'll challenge you. hmmm....there was something else I was going to say. .... hmmmm...Oh. my post from last night is lost out there in cyber space somewhere.... I walked 5.5 miles last night. 5 of it in the rain!! I am so proud of me. Of course my walking buddy is the only reason I did it. She said "Rain never killed anyone, we'll be fine." And so off we went. at 1/2 mile the rain started. We walked past my house, I could have stopped, but continued another loop! My shoes and socks were squishy, I was soaked, it was only about 45...but I walked it. So that was a major NSV for me. I know there is something else but I'm not finding it in my brain. I'd better stop now. Have a good day ladies. I'll update you on the SPED meeting. Keep sending me positive thoughts. I'll need them!
CONGRATUALTIONS PHYL 0N THOSE FANTASTIC NSV :hurray:- HOW GREAT !!!!:hurray: I went to the fair today - me & deb - went at 10 a.m had breakfast - 2 eggs & some hash browns - and a couple bites of deb's biscuts & gravy - and i was full but as we walked around oh did i want to eat - and I mean I really hated my band at the moment cuz I just wanted to binge eat - - but as we kept walking the terrible urge left then as it got later and more pple got there I saw this very overweight little girl eating cotton candy - then all the other over weight pple just stuffing their faces - and I told deb - oh hell no - no more food - I didn't even get a cinnamon roll which the fair is famous for - Phyl you didn't have any funnel cake this year?? I did have one treat but it was a fruit:tt2: - a choc covered banana :tongue: but no fudge - fried snicker bars - gelato's - hot dog on a stick - onion rings - We left around 1 and for dinner it's pork ribs veggies maybe some tatoes.. Thanks baby girl - I got that blouse at Cachet -it was pricy but just cuz I could walk into that store and buy something I did - and I love it too.. I am sure glad that your band is ok - I was worried - Glad you are getting $$ back - I go tomorrow - heck I will be happy if I break even - but having GS makes me single head of household which is the very best tax bracket to be in... Yep I remember the blouse & pants :hurray:- I love the outlets in Vegas - and yep - I am a shopper !!!! Doing great on your foods.....
Good Morning Gang I have been super busy at work - never got a chance to post yesterday or the night before - Went to the attonery on Wed - OMG never ending - so after that I went to Marshalls cuz I was depress :tt2:- I love marshalls - 1 jean skirt - 2 long dresses - belt - and workout pants - I felt better :thumbup: Car - I use to keep track of my miles - but haven't since I quit tracking calories - (i tracked exercise to back then) but in the 1st yr 7/07 to 7/08 I went to the gym 179 day and so if you took 3 x 179 = 537 - that would be a guess cuz in the beginning I didn't do 3 miles - I was lucky to get a mile or 2 miles in.. Last night my trainer complement me on how agile i am now adays - asked if I noticed the diff - I say oh ya - that's the very best part of all this (weight loss) I am quicker on my feet - I don't have the pains in my hips that I had - I can move without being exhausted.... Denise how did Madi Gra go - any king cake or celebrating?? white dot lmao - now that you have the treadmil - you can get there too... Karri - fat can't get on your fingers that fast - so it's water :tongue:- Arent you just amazed when you type those word - I enjoyed working out... Steph glad you made it safe have a good time enjoy your time away from home Candice - only watch 1 hr of idol last nite then to bed - tivo it so will watch tonite - Doing good on your calories girl... Phyl - so proud of you for keeping up the exercise even when you aren't feeling welll that in itself is a great NSV.. Well gang off to watch a little news - well really the weather to see how I need to dress for the day... Will CBL ps - phyl the reason I lost my post yesterday - is that I started at 7:30 - left the computer for meeting came back and finished (which was around 10ish) hit submit and I think do to it sitting to long with out activity is why - ya I noticed that high lited issue though - i have caused that to happen to...
NSV - have not been able to get my wedding band off for two's coming off quite easily now!!
I got home form the Salvation Army clinic last night and as I was washing up, DS called and asked if I wanted to go night-flying with him in the "little" plane." He has to do 3 take offs and landings every 3 months to keep up his certification in that plane. It's a little two-seater that I wouldn't have even been able to get into a year ago. I love flying, but never went in the little plane. I guess getting into it was a NSV in itself, but the fact that I could go was huge. What a high point (pun intended!) Kari--Congratulations on aother milestone! You deserve to celebrate! Please, please talk to DH and get in touch with Candice. There's plenty of room at my house and we're staying in a suite at M of A so I'm sure there will be enough room there too.
Karri I have pb'd a few times- heck yesterday after a sallow of water I was sliming - one good thing is that my eyes aren't swollen in the morning.. After I pb i usually don't try again for a while - got up mid of nite and ate top of cup cake - 3/4 of it i think - then i said stupid you are tight you are now going to get sick - but thank God I didn't - Biggest Loser - I tivo'd it watched a tad this morning - I don't like the yellow team cuz they voted off the pink team and I related to the mom :biggrin: - they were working hard - but stopped when they were about to pick the new teams - will watch tonite - Oh ya my fav show Lost is coming back - can't wait. Thanks for pouting with me :party: - but you know like I always say - It' not about the food - gotta pratice with I preach... My Son finally showed up and brought me a nice card - that's something I did right with him - he does look and read cards and picks the best one for the person... He always gets me cards that are meaningfull and makes me cry... I am such a big sentimental baby... Thanks Marcy - I think I would like the sauage too - Seal Meat what does that taste like - and don't say chicken - Don't think I would want to eat seal - but heck I am the kind of person who would try anything once. Congrats on the NSV a regular towel :frown:- and how sweet your hubby is for kissing you in public...:eek: Well gang I'm at work - better get started - trying these glasses - I think I wasted my $$ - may just have to get some for reading and computer - or heck maybe I will try the mono vision contact... Ck with ya'll later
Good Morning 7"s And it IS a good morning!! Scale was very good to me I was down 3.4 lbs. I am so happy! Another NSV for me, yesterday I went to visit my Mom and I did NOT have any Cookies at tea time. That is always my downfall... when I go into visit my Mom I always want to eat junk. It's emotional, totally... Part of it is thinking about the future when my Mom will not be around, part of it is feeling sad because of how frail she is and I am powerless to do anything about that.. Old age sucks large. Lots of emotions... of not being able to let go. I can't control everything, (like I'd like to) and this upsets me and I want to eat comfort food (cookies). But yesterday, I didnt' and that's a good thing.. I just kept sipping away on my artificially sweetened coffee. On the way home in the car I ate my planned snack - an All bran bar for fibre. Dinner was a chicken leg, but I couldn't eat all of it. and a couple baby carrots. This restriction is good! Janet and Phyl, you both did amazing being at the Fair and not eating that "food"... reading your posts I could actually "Smell" the fair..... weird eh? Just shows you how ingrained our food addiction is..argh! Off to work in a while, I'll cbl Love C
Peaches- great job on your weight loss! I understand why you would feel insecure about gaining it back, it's my pattern too. Not with the band. IndioGirl- I am proud of you for keeping eating under control at the party. It isn't easy. Chim- sorry about your PB. At least you know for sure the band is there! Dini- congrats on your weight loss! Ana- I am jealous about the weather. It's full summer here in Texas. Lindaa- What a great NSV! Keep up the fantastic work. Comments like that keep us motivated, don't they? Celeste- glad to hear you had a good trip and even got compliments from the in-laws(not always an easy feat). Welcome back!
Phyl - Congratulations on the NSVs. Isn't it great feeling better about yourself?
Phyl it's on page A16 :scared2: Your DH would just love that wouldn't he :wink: Hey Kristen - I to am headed for the couch - I showered dressed and to go get a nair repair :eek: just had then done yesterday - but somehow a corner broke.. Did that and stopped at rite aide need some reading spec and great NSV - I bought 2 little sundresses $9.99 each for around the house - haven't done that in years - they usually don't carry plus sizes.. Oh ya - confession too - but remember it's my breakfast & lunch - I had a rocky road single dip ice cream cone :tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2: about 270 calorie so that's not too bad since that is all i have eaten today:lol::sad: and i never made it to the gym either - bad lazy girl :mad: but tomorrow is training day so I will be there for sure :sad: Jackie - they (the piercers) know what they are doing and where to put it. So maybe i will talk you into it when we are in MN :lol: Yep food and people pigging you - what can we say - ya we use to be just like them - and tons heavier - now we are smart and tons lighter:lol::lol: Ok i think I am off to the couch - and see what's on the boob tube and reading... So will ck back later -
Marcy congrats on the NSV with the towel. Aren't the little things what mean the most. Funny how much we appreciate something that others take for granted and actually probably never have given a thought too. Don't know if I could eat the dishes you did but glad you liked it. Glad you didn't get stuck and enjoyed yourself. Sounds like Andrew is paying a little more attention these days. What a wonderful experience we are all having!!
Ok, so it's been a while and I owe a huge apology to you Janet for not logging on to wish you a Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day (even though you couldn't eat). :confused: So, here are my NSV's I've been wanting to share with you all. One is that I have two pairs of size 22 jeans that I can now get off and on without unbuttoning or unzipping them. It makes me laugh when I have people telling me that I need to buy new clothes. I've been waiting to buy new clothes until I'm completely out of plus, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting awful close. My problem with pants and stuff is that I carry most of my weight between my stomach and thighs. :tt1: Oh well, it's all going away slowly but surely. :wink2: I feel like the marshmallow "wo"man when I wear my winter coat, but I absolutely refuse to buy a new one this year. Also, I'm getting excited because I have about 30 pounds to go, and my hubby and I are going to start to take action to have a family. I'm super excited and know with the weight loss that pregnancy is going to so much safer because of this. Well, I'm down to 214 (started at 268) and I thought I'd be under 200 by now, but oh well. It's not happening as fast as I'd like it to be, but it's still moving in the right direction. I've attached a picture montage and the big picture in the middle is of me from tonight. I forgot to take pics for my 6 month, so here's the 7 month. Hopefully it's not too big and if it is, I'm sorry, but I think we are close to the end of a page, so it shouldn't be on for long. The only reason that the Vegas pic is on here is because I have the same sweater on and I can't believe the difference in how it fits and even that's starting to get big and it's only an XL. I shouldn't have been wearing it back then, but I thought it was cute, and think it's even cuter now. :huh2: I really love my band family here and even though I'm not good at posting, I do read all the time and love hearing of your successes and trials because I'm having the same ones!!j Hopefully it won't be as long between posts. ~Nichole
I have to report a NSV! Yesterday we met my daughter and b/f at The Cheesecake Factory. (I only had soup and a couple bites of cheesecake, but that's not the point) The waitress asked if we wanted a booth or a table and I took a chance on a booth. . . I was comfortable! My daugher understood the significance and gave me a wink when I sat down. I was soooo happy. When we hugged my daughter and b/f good-bye (they had to go back to school) the b/f wispered to me, "You're looking good!" What a great day!
Congrats Jackie! You sound like a "normal" person who really enjoyed a party without treating it as another eating opportunity. That is HUGE, and I am proud of you! Thanks for sharing your NSV with us! Kim, you lost 37 pounds in 3 months. That's over 10 pounds a month. Nothing wrong with that! Good for you to schedule a fill for the day before Thanksgiving. THAT shows commitment!
Hello Lucky 7's. Sorry I've been gone, computer problems really got bad, but it's fixed. Someone came yesterday and added more memory to my computer. It's been working ok so far. Don't have time to go back and read everything, but I hope everyone is doing well. I'm down to 204, so it's still coming off slowly, but coming off none the less. Still waiting to get Hunter into preschool, as they are waitin on paperwork still. I'll try to check in later, but we're heading to my moms today in a little bit, and we have my step kids this weekend, so my step son gets on this computer too, so I'll try. Hope everyone has a great day, and I'll try to check back and get back into things tonight. Any good news happening around the thread?? Any other NSV to talk about. I had 2 associates at work in the last 2 days tell me I was getting 'SKINNY'. Now that is a great NSV for me. My name and skinny have never been thought about in the same sentence ever before. Please help catch me up to speed!!