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Found 15,850 results

  1. iegal

    Soooo Scared

    Most of us are scared before surgery - this is an optional surgery. Remember, human kind is afraid of what we do not know about. Some people are scared before learning to swim others were scared of transplant surgery. People are ignorant and it sounds like your doctor does not have all the facts. This does not make him a bad doctor but to threaten dropping you because you are pursuing something to make you healthier? Is that good medicine and in your best interest? No, he is not up to date on his information to advise you properly. I only had a 33+ BMI so insurance would not cover me. I was a healthy fat person considered obese, just not morbidly obese. Every physical for years my doc would suggest losing 75+ pounds. Wow, but surgery wasn’t an option to me without a weight gain of 25+ pounds – which is crazy. Knew what my future was...more weight, less activity, lower self esteem, inability to do the things I wanted to do physically, shop freely in normal size stores and so much more. Can I suggest you make a pro and con list? What happens if you do have surgery? What benefits do you get? Do research; ask others why they are doing this. Ask a person who has VSG for a while...are they still happy? (YES I AM) Now the cons - what happens if you don't have surgery? What is your future health going to be like? (take a look at your family who are overweight) This is not a decision to make lightly since VSG is non reversible. Move forward with confidence. Hugs to you!!!
  2. Ellebronwyn

    Considering another surgery

    The side effect of my medication is weight gain; for example my younger brother at one time took this same medication and gained over 60 pounds in 3 years (prior to that he was always skinny). I have def noticed an increased appetite with it. I have never eaten to feel "full" or uncomfortable since surgery, I have always been good about stopping and eating small portions at a time (half plate of food). However, I think my main issue is feeling hungry again soon after eating and then snacking. The only thing I can think to do is to measure every single thing I eat for a period of time and see if that helps, and to cut out snacking completely. My diet is average at best. I still make sure to get 60-80 grams of protein a day, and enjoy lots of veg and some fruits, however I do not stick to low carb or low fat options all the time--this may be another issue.
  3. The key for me is to try small steps in calorie increases, and measure how my body responded. For some a small increase works well. and major increases at one time may prove to be too much and cause weight gain, which is discouraging. Good Luck
  4. Wow that's awesome right on!! So the whole weight gain thing totally normal amen lol....congrats! If I may ask, what does hw? Stand for ....I know starting weight and current weight but don't know the H... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Telly

    Encouragement Needed

    Val, two words: Problem Solving E-Exercise W-Water HP-Huge Portions PS-Protein Shakes B-Bread WG-Weight Gain C-Other non complex carbs WL-weight Loss If... B+C+HP+W-E=WG then.. B-B+C-HP+PS+W+E=WL God I hope I did that right, anyway I made this example for you Problem solving and troubleshooting. Show your work!
  6. Healthy_life2

    Scared of Gaining Weight

    The fear of weight gain can help keep you at a healty weight. Recognize if the fear gets to the point you obsess over your weight. Coments "you lost too much weight" can also make you question if you are too thin. If you are a healthy bmi ..ignore the comments. You are right. It's finding a balance. Recognize you are at a healthy weight. This is what maintaining looks like for me. I have a ten pound bounce range. If I gain weight. I work to bring it back in range. Dont let the regain posts freak you out. We all have our struggles with WLS. I am compassionate with anyone who has had regain. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. I guess I didn't make myself clear enough the first time around. My dietician's (over the last three years) did not want me eating less than 1500 cals, as it was hard to keep my blood sugar on an even keel. I have a tendancy to be hypoglycemic, and get shaking and sweaty when my sugar is dropping. This has been happening on the 1500 max diet, which is what I tried to tell him today. I always eat my Protein first as to give it the max amount of time to work before the carbs are added, but it doesn't seem to help on this program. I was having much better luck controlling my diabetes when I was eating a min of 1500, with at least three meals and trying to get at least two Snacks in too. I don't think the 1500 max would be a problem for another patient, but that shipped sailed long ago. My metabolism was wrecked years ago, and have been trying to get it burning again for two years. Like I said, I was thrilled to see the scale going back down instead of up! Sometimes I think doctors forget each of us has our own unique body, and history that can't be made equal to another person. I am the ONLY large person in a large family of thin people (I'm the tallest female though) - mainly because my metabolism is burnt out. I started looking at Lapband as a way to keep small meals in my body consistently in order to get it burning correctly again. I don't want to ruin the progress I worked so hard to achieve. Quoting one of the thousands of studies on weight loss does not mean it will work for me - especially if its the program he uses for himself. Men and women are not the same creatures. I'm not looking for excuses, but solutions. I don't think this physician is looking to help a patient recovering from what is essentially anorexia (one meal a day) overcome their struggle, but to neatly fit me into their profile. He clearly stated that he doesn't have the time to read my reports from my endo, obgyn, dermatologis or neurologist, and thinks that my PCOS, migraines and diabetes were caused from my weight - not as a result of it. My endo and I have clearly marked the illness I had that resulted in 30 lbs lost in 30 days in my late teens, and weight gain/complications that resulted every year since. It clearly shows the progression of my diabetes, along with the increased symptoms of PCOS. This history will not be solved with a diet that isn't tailored to my individual needs - like the ones my dieticians have given me.
  8. I am new at the band, but a long, long time gamer, going way back to Ultima on the Commodore 64 in the early 80's. Everquest 1 and 2, and WoW has consumed many hours of time. Talk about addiction, I used to "Raid" all by myself, with quad-boxing 4 accounts, sometimes 5 or 6 with borrowing friends accounts. So I am saying this, to establish my credentials, I FULLY understand gaming, and the addictions that it CAN represent. As I look back, and chart my gaming against my weight gains and losses, there is a correlation, due to the time I had available. No, playing games does not make you overweight. But for me at least, it had a huge correlation to the time I put into games, vs other things in life. So in the end, your choices are completely up to you. But I think you have come to this forum asking for help, asking for advice, or support. I am "down" to one WoW account now, and play alt's most of the time. You may want to try that, create another character that you can casually play, here and there, without the "pressure" to perform, or Raid. Try another server, the other faction, horde or Alliance. Try a different game like Age of Empires, or Civilization. Sometimes you have to go cold turkey, sometimes you can scale back. The bottom line is, that you are looking for time to exercise, and you can't cut work out. I try and get 5 min here, 5 min there, I walk down the hall to the farther bathroom when I need to go. I get 10 mins of hall walking in at lunch time. (I work with a really big complex of offices) You can try leg lifts while sitting at your desk. 100 leg lifts per hour. Some workplaces will let you bring in one of those giant ball to sit on instead of your desk chair. Not much difference, but you are using your core muscles to sit, instead of slouching in a chair (like I do ). I park in the farthest lot. I know, people use that excuse alot, but for me, it is 3/4 of a mile (according to my pedometer) from my car to my desk, each way. That is 1.5 miles a day just getting to my car. Now it sucks in winter, and Michigan winters can be brutal, but bring boots, heavy jacket, hat, wrap, gloves, even snow pants. You are worth it. I have found that if you look, you can find a few minutes here and there to increase your activity level. Sure, 30 min of cardio is the gold standard that we shoot for per day. But sometimes, we give up on exercise altogether, because we don't have the hour available to exercise (and then shower, change, get back to work). Three, 10 minute walks is not the same as 30 minutes of cardio. But to your muscles, it is activity, you are burning SOMETHING, it is better than just sitting doing nothing. And I found that it got me into a better place, where now I walk 1 hour each morning. (Ugg, I am NOT a morning person, but I set that alarm at 5:30, and drag myself out) You can do this, we are here to support you, but it is up to you to commit. Send me a PM if you want to chat more about games, and ideas for limiting their influence on your time.
  9. U_go_gurl68

    Help me please

    dkearby, Hang in there. Don't let a few comments upset you or frustrate you. There is no reason why you need to wait until you are pushing 400 to get the band. I am 5'2" and weighed 206 before getting my surgery. Like another person said, I didn't look all that big either. When I told a few people I was thinking about getting it done, they said, I wouldn't qualify to get it done even self-pay, but I did and just hadn't told them. I saw where my life was headed because of my constant weight gain and family health history. I was not on any meds nor did I really have any problems, but I didn't want to wait until I had problems either. My surgeon said I was smart to take control early on because of my family's health history. I just wish I would have done it sooner. If WW, Atkins, South Beach diet, NutriSystem, and so on were the answers to our problems, I don't think hardly any of us would be here. I know, personally, I have tried all the ones I mentioned and then some. I have also tried many exercise programs and accupuncture. All were temporary because I didn't mentally change my relationship with food. Now that I don't need food to satisfy me all the time, I am a happier person. Just make sure this is something you are ready to commit to. Yes it will be hard and at times you may feel very hungry til you reach your sweet spot with fills, but in the end will be well worth it. I don't necessarily speak from a lot of experience with the band, since I haven't been banded long and haven't had a fill yet, but I know how I have felt and what others have told me. I am in my 5th week and still don't get hungry. I pretty much have to make myself eat something and when I do, I am so full on very little. I tell you, if I didn't keep a food journal, I would think I was eating like a pig, LOL!!!! Best wishes to you, Stephanie
  10. ahappycamper


    Hi, @@ava32! I really am sorry to hear you have to deal with fat-shamers at work. That's got to be all kinds of stressful. Tuning it out is definitely the way to go! (Though, I don't know that I'd have that much restraint and grace, honestly.) I told a very small handful of people I'm close to, but they were carefully selected. Not even my brother knows. Right now I'm a full-time student, so I don't have to deal with co-workers but I won't be telling any of my professors or classmates. My health is nobody's business unless I want to make it so. Please don't feel pressured to tell people if you don't want to. People are nosey and will probably ask what kind of surgery you're having when you ask for time off, but you're not obligated to inform them. All you have to say is that you're having surgery to explain why you need the recovery time off and if they ask what it's for, you can tell them you prefer to keep your health and medical details to yourself. There is no shame in being quiet about it. They don't have to like it, they just have to respect it. As far as dealing with the stigma of not losing it on my own, maybe I'm an outlier here, but I don't really care? I've been fat since I was probably 9 years old after a trauma triggered my weight gain. I picked up habits from family and voila, here we are. I was 11 when I went on my first diet, not self-imposed. I've tried at least once a year, had some successful times, and used a number of methods, but nothing worked. I always gained it back. There have been COUNTLESS things I've missed out on because of my weight. Because of my weight, I don't really live anymore. I have been simply existing for the last 20 years. It's felt like being trapped behind a plate of glass while watching everyone else live their lives. I'm adventurous and actually enjoy working out, hiking, running, outdoorsy stuff, but for the most part, I can't because of my back and knee pain. What I want most in the world is to one day have a family. Someone I love, kids, dogs, etc. I want to really be there in the moment instead of in my head worrying about the pain, how hot I am, how I look, my shorts riding up or cutting into my tummy, etc. I don't want to pass my eating habits or lack of activity and enthusiasm to my future hypothetical children. That is something I would feel guilty about. I do not at all feel guilty for taking advantage of better living through science and medicine. Having the surgery doesn't mean there's no work involved. Figuring out your diet, managing that during your busy life, making a commitment to working out...those are things you will be doing after the surgery. The very same things someone would be doing who did not have WLS. You'll be doing just as much work as they will. The only difference is that for people who have WLS, doing those things on their own have already proven to not work. The surgery gives you a tool to help it work. It gives you a boost, but it definitely isn't work-free. Please stay true to what is right for you and don't let the obtuse, judgemental opinions of anyone else drive you away from staying true to you. You are doing this for you, not for anyone else. Your opinion is the only one that matters here. Sent From BariatricPal App
  11. tanners_mom

    Anyone else sleeved 3/16/16?

    Fish and shrimp with veggies. I had a few French fries because I was too lazy to cook but nothing worse than that. I'm still only able to eat a few bites of whatever I eat so I'm surprised to see the scale go up. Maybe I'm not taking in enough Water. Have you experienced any weight gain since your girlfriend came? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. What does an average woman gain during her TOM does anyone know??? I've gained like 7 lbs Will it go away after it comes???
  13. Hello! I am new to the board and had a few questions. I am currently 24.5 weeks pg with my 3rd child. I was banded back in 2011 and lost all and some of my weight. I had very high blood pressure issues but not extremely over weight and so was considered a candidate for the surgery. I started out this pg at 115 lbs and am now sitting at 132.5 lbs. I had a slight defill done in my first trimester (1cc was filled to 7.5cc's so I'm still at 6.5cc's about).... So my question is how much totaly weight did everyone gain during there pg's? I find I am still restricted to a certain amount and have a hard time eating certain Proteins, rice and dry things.....I am not really wanting to get a defill as I find I am gaining a sifficiant amount of weight.........How did all you ladies make out in that department? I am noticing I am eating alot of ice cream and chocolate at night.....lol......My cravings....lol
  14. ErinMarie

    Weight Gain At 25 Weeks Pg

    Normal weight gain for a bandster would be what any other normal person's weight gain would be. I gained about 50 lbs but I had half my fluid removed at 10 weeks and had no restriction. I think you are doing just fine!
  15. Maybe, but I doubt it. Years ago my insurance didn't even cover weight loss surgery. If they are provided with information indicating this has been on ongoing issue for you, you'll probably be okay. When I explained to the rep that I had not had surgery and the reasons why she was very nice and understanding. She didn't mention a thing about weight gain or loss. You could say they approved my surgery before I was ready!
  16. yvonne74

    Weight gain

    I was banded on March 9th (2012) and was doing awesome until October. I went into the red zone, had unfill due to not getting liquids down.. Beginning of Nov. I get another fill and do well until 2 days before Thanksgiving. I got stuck on turkey, spent 5 hours in the ER in extreme pain and ended up vomiting the food up. My Dr is 3 hours away so I thought the ER was quicker to get to since I was having very bad chest pain. Anyways, I went to see my surgeon and he was livid that I even went to the ER not to mention that I vomited. He gave me a very stern lecture and took out another full cc.. I was going on vacation at Christmas so I couldn't get another fill.. So I am far from the green zone but since my unfill, I have gained almost 15 pounds!! I am still watching what I eat (carbs under 80g a day), mainly protein and drinking water. I know when I go back to the Dr on the 21st of Jan, he is going to be upset about the weight gain. What's going on? Any good ideas on getting back on track? I am currently doing jazzercise several times a week so I am active.
  17. Here is my list: 1. I'm a stress eater with a child with special medical needs (rare bleeding disorder) 2. I had thyroid issues in my teens and that started my weight gain, this resolved with pregnancy, but the weight remained. 3. I did too many yoyo diets, and wanted to be Barbie when I was in high school, with thyroid issues that never works. 4. I have an autoimmune disease that causes soft tissue damage, I have had 2 knee replacements, 3 (getting ready for #4) rotator cuff repairs. And can't workout without doing major damage to my joints. 5. I spent 17 years living in Chicago, and the cold weather caused me so much pain I was a hermit for 7 months a year, just packing on the pounds. 6. I was raped when I was 16 by my former step father, and didn't tell anyone until I was in my 20's. I think I ate to silence the scared hurt little girl that was inside my head. food didn't keep me safe, but my mom always equaled food to love, that's why under my user name it says "Food in NOT love". I learned with counseling that feeding people, and overeating myself didn't fill the void in my life, or make me feel any more loved. That was a HUGE step for me. 7. Genetics just about everyone in my family is obese. My grandfather was over 400 pounds, my mom is the oldest of 10 kids, all but 3 are morbidly obese, and those 3 are still overweight, one has a lap band and is getting healthy, the rest seem happy just the way they are. *I was just diagnosed with the auto immune disorder, in the past my pain, joint damage and soft tissue injuries were ALWAYS blamed on my weight. When I lost the weight and still had issues my new doctor started looking for answers. She said weight doesn't cause rotator cuff tears, and that I shouldn't have been dismissed because of my weight. I started seeing a new doctor when my previous md was not on board with my being revised from band to sleeve. She said just remove the band and do it the old fashioned way.
  18. Hi All! I just wanted to check in and wish everyone all the best with their weight loss experiences and successes. I was banded on the 19th September last year and have lost 30kgs (about 65 pounds). I am so happy I had this procedure and really feel like I am on a 'new' track of life. Everyone's experience is unique and I have had my ups and downs, plateaus, vomitting, PBing, weight gain and all the 'normal' things along the way... but I am on my way as you all are or will be. Good luck to you all and here's to slimmer, healthier and happier us! Gabs x
  19. Hi everyone! I am a February 2019 sleever and I'm down 100 lbs! Yay! But now at 6 months...the scale has been going up. It's about 6 lbs higher than what I weighed at my lowest. I have been introducing new foods and I recently got injured at the gym so I've just been doing cardio... has anyone experienced this at 6 months? A stall or weight gain? Also...what were you eating at 6months? I really just want to take this time as an opportunity and not go backwards. Thank you!! Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Amelie2016

    Regrets that got better

    I really think, no, I believe you will get better, Belle. Once I started on soft foods I experienced pain too and some people are still throwing it up. I'm also anxious and moody, and we've read that is to be expected. I think it's also due to so many changes that "sounded" simplistic on paper but are overwhelming now in reality. I have had to humble myself more than I thought. Weight gain is just you trying so hard to figure things out. And you will. It's not fair that we're in the "figure it out" stage just as the time we need to heal the most, right? I too had a pretty good first 2 weeks post op. The pain under my right breast was a muscle strain since I had started to go back to doing things around the house. The left pain was also some fluke. Then one time I actually had about an hour of intense pain in and only in ... my nipples, of all places. But I'm learning, you're learning. Go to each one of these forum topics and type in something you want to search and read on. Also, don't stay married to just this board, do a vast google search and a lot of other issues that people experience will intrigue you. I guess your pain went up after your round of meds ended? That would make sense. Some people are way more sensitive to nerve pain, I am, I have Fibro and I feel things I just shouldn't! They never quiet down. We're not going to be able to give up shakes anytime soon. No way we can get in 60-100mg protein just yet. Write down all these concerns and get to your next appointment and ask. If I don't ask, I forget. And don't let the Dr gloss over your questions because we are not Dr.s. Sorry that they have to spend extra time on some of us. Even though we went through 6 months - one year pre-op, this is a new reality. Huge difference between reading about something, and doing something. =) But I just know you will improve.
  21. TheGh0st

    balance ball & high bmi

    I read the article below from ABC a few weeks ago about how they had found that sitting for prolonged periods effectively shut down your lipase enzyme, which is reported to be a key enzyme in breaking down fat cells. It seemed to show that even if you exercized for an hour a day and had an otherwise healthy/active life, if you sat for hours at a time the effect on the lipase enzyme could still result in weight gain. It was this article that made me wonder if maybe using an exercise ball at work might keep those core muscles active enough to stop the enzyme from shutting down. I went so far as to track down the head researcher at the university that did the tests to ask him his thoughts on this. He thought it sounded feasable but wouldn't commit one way or the other. I'd like to try it but as I said before I'm the only gal in an office of guys that already like to poke fun at me I'm afraid the ball might be just too easy a target for them. Still I might give it a try. If I do I'll let you guys know if it seems to help. ABC News: Overweight? Standing May Be Solution
  22. SleeveMeToIt

    Carbs yes or no

    This right here! I am the same, I can lose significant weight doing low carb, but I can't live the rest of my life like that. Or should I say, I don't want to live the rest of my life like that. I have taken the same approach of "smart-carbs" and limiting simple and highly processed carbs. I want my body to learn that no food is off limits and respond with huge weight gains. Overall trying about to be smarter about food choices, focusing on protein first. I'm learning that carbs aren't the enemy. But high carbs + high fat can go wrong fast.
  23. BustedBeauty

    So confused sbout birth control!

    I have used Depo and it made me soooooo depressed. It also tends to make you crave carbs, hence the weight gain. If neither is an issue for you, it was effective. I currently have Mirena, and it is great!
  24. sallyjo

    newly banded

    Mert and Endocollector, Welcome to you both. I drank all the liquids I wanted my first and second week out.My doctor admitted he made a mistake when he put boost and ensure on our list because they are for weight gaining. He also had slim fast but I changed to Atkins Advantage because of less calories and less sugar, still do one every morning. Endocollector why did they not take you off plavix and asprin a little before surgery. I take an asprin a day and they told me to quit one week before surgery.Good luck to you both and it will def. get so much better.
  25. So, after months and months of misery and dollars spent, I have FINALLY found a doctor who was honest and thorough. He performed a flouroscope diagnostic and it turns out my band has been drastically overfilled which has caused all of my problems. Reflux, GERD, vomiting, and now pouch dilatation and weight gain. He removed .5cc and still the barium was back washing up my esophagus and not even trickling through the band. He wound up removing 1 full cc and now the fluid trickles through like it is supposed to but now my pouch is stretched and I have probably gotten all the weight loss I am going to get from it. Which totally SUCKS! Thousands of dollars, pain, discomfort, frustration, etc. etc. for a 60lb weight loss. I can warn those considering Lab Band enough, that just because you can eat doesn't mean you need a fill. Fill centers and "certified" doctors will take your $$ and just keep filling and filling. If your having reflux and gurgling etc, it's TOO TIGHT. Also, I don't know how many doctors are telling the truth about the expected weight loss, but 60% of your starting weight is on the high end of what the expect and as little as 10% is considered success. I have posted elsewhere on here about my health issues and weight gain and frustrations, only to have most of those on here blamed me for overeating and not "taking care" of my band. Why doesn't anyone ever look at the doctors who are supposed to know what they are doing?!?!?!? I wonder if I can repair the damage done to the pouch and get anymore benefit form having this thing in my body.

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