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food addiction is probably similar to other addictions like drugs or alcohol, etc. Look at the 12 steps in those programs. 1) I admit I am powerless over my eating and that my life has become unmanageable. 2) I came to believe that only a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity 3) Made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood Him. When you truly embrace each step, you open yourself up to change -- you are willing to change. Step 2 says you can't do it alone, you need help from a higher power. Step 3 says you accept that you need help and are willing to get it. It seems to me that you need to fix the emotional/ mental problem not just the physical. I've been to 12 step meetings and they really helped me get rid of my addiction. Being around people who have the same issues and are getting better makes all the difference in the world. If you're truly ready to start a new chapter, you must be willing to go to any lengths to stay "sober." But don't try to do it alone.
I just threw a napkin at my husband :(
serenity1959 replied to No game's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Maybe you can explain that to him, for many of us, the wrong foods are an addiction. And one of the hardest things about problems with food is that we can't just not eat. With cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine, what you do is completely eliminate the substance. We cannot do that. -
Oh and atkins chocolate chip granola. 17 grams of protein. One gram of sugar. They DO have 9 grams of sugar alcohol though. It's not horrible, but if you're super sensitive...It could have an impact I guess.
Anyone aware of any good Protein bars? I checked over 20 at my local grocery store and all of them had a ton of sugar or sugar alcohols! HW 283. SW265. SD 3/22/13! CW 244.
Hi! My surgery is scheduled for Monday, May 6th. This pre-op diet is getting on my nerves, I'm irritable at times, but, I'm making it. When people ask me if I'm reply usually is " is an alcoholic excited to go into DETOX?" I'm anxious. I'm confused (about trying to cook for a family and then myself) I'm nervous I'm scared BUT, I have noticed (after being on preop diet for 6 days) that my clothes are looser on me, and that gives me a feeling of affirmation that I am doing the right thing. I worry, because I have a friend that didn't really loose much weight after hers, and now weighs more than before her surgery. That sums it up. I'm very thankful to have found this site, and appreciate hearing from people exactly in the same place as me.
Confused. Can we or cant we..?
kimbernada replied to mrsreyes's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
The only restriction that my surgeon gave me was drinking alcohol. He told me of one gal who actually passed out after having only one drink. Considering that I am not even a social drinker, as I probably only have one or two drinks a year, I decided to just stay away from it. It hits me hard pre-surgery, so I'm not sure what post-surgery would be like. (Although I used to be able to drink a lot in my early 20s.) Otherwise, caffeine is okay, diet soda is okay. I prefer to drink that "Ice" brand of fizzy Water as it isn't quite as carbonated as a diet soda. Still fizzy, but not too much. Enough to clean out the pipes in the morning. I can't take big gulps of anything fizzy as it makes me just want to burp it all up. -
Confused. Can we or cant we..?
johnlatte replied to mrsreyes's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
A lot of the "rules" have to do with certain foods that are a) really unhealthy or b)can be trigger foods for other bad eating habits. Realistically, there isn't really a lot of foods that you "can't" eat. Carbonation can make you uncomfortable, high fat food and high sugar foods might make you nauseous. Alcohol and coffee are typically not great on a perfectly intact stomach, so a surgically modified stomach has more chances for additional problems, plus all the empty calories. All these things do not happen to everyone and a lot of these so called rules apply to those that had bypass surgery and may not necessarily lend themselves to the sleeve surgery. I really don't have a problem eating or drinking anything. However, I have made a commitment to be as healthy as possible, using the surgery as a tool to restrict my caloric intake. I might have a different mindset than a lot of people that feel that eliminating certain foods or drink, is denying things in their life that they must have. You are going to get a lot of answers to this question, just like you will get a lot of answers about diet, exercise, activities post op etc. Every Dr. seems to follow a different playbook. Really there seems to be no real fast rules to anything post op. My suggestion is to follow faithfully what you Dr and nutritionist plan out for you. That way you have the proper support system in place and they can answer your questions in a way that makes the best sense for you particular situation. -
I've been reading and reading.. Trying to get as much info as I can. I am still pre op I'm hoping for a surgery date in june or July. I've read where some patients and surgeons say you CAN'T have certain things ever again... Like soda, alcohol, coffee, candy etc. then some say it is fine just in small amounts. I am willing to give all of these things up, I'm just trying to get a straight forward answer. Sent from my iPhone using VST
Bananas, breads, and sugar alcohols anything over 3g will give me what my Dr calls mini dumping I get light headed, heart racing, and shakes found this out 4 days after surgeru with certain popsicles
Biggest regrets about getting the sleeve?
ainsworth1 replied to NewSetOfCurves's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
im 3 weeks post op.. im missing not chewing but thats all! i am not missing alcohol (which i thought i would!) im not missing chocolate.. my choc shake satisfies my need for that! i have just started pureed and thats difficult i want to eat the 2 tablespoons that i serve myself but i can only manage 1 at the moment, weight loss is good im 20lbs down in those 3 weeks! loving my sleeve so far! best of luck! -
At one time, I really enjoyed drinking beer. I mean I REALLY ENJOYED IT. It was a weekly, social thing. My life changed in the last few years and I don't do it much at all. Now, I got sleeved 4/12, and asked my dr about drinking alcohol. My birthday is next month and thought I might want a glass of wine. Per my dr, he said that was fine, but only wine. For me, beers are off limits because of the carbonation and empty calories. And I've seen first-hand someone trade food addiction for alcohol addiction, so I don't want to hit any hard liquors. Don't let alcohol questions keep you from making a decision that could really change your life in so any ways. If you have questions, go to seminar in your area to find out more. Good luck!
Wow ok, Honestly you will be able to drink again but not for quite a while. Beer is one of the harder things to drink because of the carbonation... Now for the reality slap part. Food addiction and the way you drink now. I worry about the very real problem of "cross addiction" issues. Unfortunately a fair number of weight loss patients become alcoholics. If you are not one now becoming one is a very real possibility. I would say that a real deep look into this issue and perhaps counseling, before you take this step. Why trade one really bad thing for another.
I'm a big dude myself. 6' 6" with a heaviest weight of 430. I never was a big drinker, but more of a big eater. People that have this surgery can still drink, but you have to have a lot less. And I would stay away from beer just because of the carbonation and the problems with the sleeve filling up with the gas. It's just one of those things. You have to stare down your demons and decide who's going to win. We all face this in some way or another. Give up the alcohol if possible. If not, then cut back a lot and ask the doctor how long until you can have some. I can't remember what mine said, but I think it was around 3 months postop.
Alcohol is *ridiculously* high in calories. From a weight management (and health!) perspective, I'd drop it completely. Learn to socialize without drinking. I'd consider seeing a therapist, or joining AA for help and support.
Would You Have Weight Loss Surgery Again?
xring3 replied to Alex Brecher's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
as I have also questioned my decision, the best we can do is work the program. As I spent 6 years working in a drug and alcohol treatment center, treating eating disorders is like any other addiction. Day at a time, go to meetings, surround yourself with like minded people. -
I am looking at it like this. Every pound I don't gain before surgery is a pound I don't have to lose after. I also got a Fitbit and I've been increasing my walking. I have cut out carbonated drinks and trying to limit alcohol to a couple glasses a week. Limiting coffee to one cup a day. Trying to get in as much Water as I can.
Post - Op - Day 8
CoreyCan commented on joatsaint's blog entry in Gastric Sleeve Surgery - An Unexpected Journey
I'm also 8 days out and have been trying different things too. Protein shakes have been hard to choke down so I started trying some soft foods (before my NUT's time) just to get my protein in and I've tolerated almost everything (except chicken as well). I have yet to have a full feeling, not sure I can actually feel my stomach. I don't do anything SF because it has the sugar alcohol in it and it does cause me stomach pains. I quick smoking, gave up my "occasional" glass of wine (or two), and can't eat...yes I'm really pleasant these days...hardly. -
Is Sleeving the easy way out?
HoosierGirl replied to bikermike5094's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Having the sleeve is easy like having a mastectomy is the easy way out of breast cancer or not drinking is the cure for alcoholism. The sleeve is simply a's only one part of curing obesity. -
My confession. I fell of the wagon
ProudGrammy replied to O.T.R. sleever's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
O.T.R. hey guy "confession" - good for the soul??? I think so i know you knew you had to stop the overeating and all - but if it was so easy to do that , none of us would be here i think a slip like you had is inevidable for all/most of us sleevers we're like those "recovered" alcoholics - that always must say "i am an alcoholic", regardless if their better - they will always for considered an alcoholic well..........I'm a food addict - don't know if i feel better admitting that - but what i said it the truth if you/us don't admit we have a problem - how can we "fix" it????? i know/think it helps to speak about what you/me/us "did" you feel more accountable - you might not feel better immediately about admitting your goof , but it does help me for me its like getting a weight off my shoulder fessing up - even if its only "me" giving myself a good talking to when i "put it out there" its like i am making it official to myself/or you guys i now have told the world - so i go ahead and get back on that wagon if i don't get back to my new normal ways, i'm always afraid that one of you guys will kick me in the a sssss if i fall again I won't mention any names - this is just between laura-ven and myself!!!!oooops course a good kick in the butttt is never a bad thing you just gotta look harder now to find my buttttt don't be too hard on yourself - you don't deserve to beat yourself up anymore we'll talk next month at the "whats best" meeting!!!! i'm bringing an extra lrge Water bottle with your name on it!!! take care you are back on the road of success with your best friend and mine - The Amazing Sleeve -
Addiction is awful. My alcoholic parents quit that, then quit smoking when my mother had cancer. I admired them so much for overcoming that. Sometimes medication can help with addiction, so hopefully if the therapist sees you maybe that would help restrain the beast. Know that this beast is NOT the true you. You could try naming the 'beast', as Squeeky mentioned, sometimes separating out that part of you could help you and your family. Remembering you in my thoughts.
my girlfriend drinks wine quite often and she is 6 months out. Just be aware that you will get loopy faster she said. I know someone who is 11 weeks out and she will not risk it for a few more months since alcohol is an irritant
thanks.. good luck to you to. Bunnydee.... Also, are you allowed to drink alcohol after everything is healed?
No doubt, it's very difficult. Smoking, food or alcohol act the same--they make us weaker in the end. Think beyond the moment at hand and imagine what you will feel like if you don't give in to the temptation....possibly how will you feel if you do give in to the temptation? Know that you are stronger than any temptation. Harder said than done....but possible.
By the way, I do not count fiber and sugar alcohols in my total daily carbs.
In the beginning of Aprill I stopped smoking but started chewing the nicotine gum.I did fantastic while on the gum with not smoking. But the gum gave me extremely severe gastritis.I started refluxing like crazy and had to stop using the gum.Now this is where my challenge started.One must never ever underestimate the power of an addiction.I have gained 6 pounds in the last month.Yes,boys and girls,all of the buffer weight I allow myself is gone,just like that. What is worse I am eating like I have never had the sleeve.Dont ask me how.I just can.I am never uncomfortable.Never feel like I over eat.I think I just pace myself very nicely and keep eating all day long. IT IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY TO FEEL THIS OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN. My very worried friend brought me the number of a therapist who works with eating disorders and I am going to go and see her.It feels like before the sleeve when I just couldnt stop.I even eat chocolate,which doesnt taste particularly nice to me.BUT I HAVENT HAD ANY NICOTINE (since stopping the gum) in 4 days now.I ama super b***h,have fired my lazy housekeeper,put my kid on a bus instead of a taxi (she refuses to keep a budget) and gave the little one a permanent tv ban during the week.Everyone hates me but feeling like a maniac at least makes me a little more assertive than usual. But this is sooooo hard.I have a huge oral fixation.My life feels empty and sad when Im not able to get a high from something I stuff into my mouth,all the time.Thank goodness I sorted the alcohol thing out with myself as this would have been the perfect crutch now if I didnt make the choice to never drink to much or too often. Anyhow,this is to warn people.Get into that healthy life style.Exercise.See the shrink,deal with your issues or they will deal with you,like mine are now. I am back on my chicken and am not gaining weight anymore.The evenings are just still a challenge as this is when I want to really smoke.I also need to turf this chocolate ganash that I have in the fridge and I will be ok. My aim is to lose this weight in 2 weeks but I will tell this blog when the 2 weeks starts.My imediate goal is to just get over the smoke thing and stay quit.Boy I sometimes just want to say whatever and have a smoke but I know is is just practicing saying no to myself.Something I am not very good at and the reason I got so fat in the first place. So,no!I will not gain more.No,I will not smoke again!No,I will not eat that chocolate (well,maybe a