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Found 17,501 results

  1. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Really starting to feel like I am in a groove getting in all of my fluids, protein and vitamins. It’s no longer a huge struggle I have to constantly think about. I take my calcium with my morning proffee that I drink first thing that gives me a really good start at 20oz fluid, 30g protein and one vitamin down. (Just take the vitamin with the last sip as opposed to the first if your vitamin has a lot of iron) and I mix in a spoon of soluable fiber so I get that over with as well. While I’m drinking it I get out my three calcium’s for the day, take my stool softener and take my daily rx meds. The rest of the day is pretty easy. I don’t get up at a set time so I just make sure to wait at least two hours to take my calcium’s and just fit in all three like an hour before I plan to go to bed at which time I take my second stool softener and the magnesium she added for muscle cramps. If i am going to be out for the day I will set alarms for the calcium’s and put them in my purse during my proffee. . A long time ago I created alarms for every half hour of the day so that it’s super simple to just toggle on whichever alarms I may need in the morning and when it goes off I just have to figure out what I’m forgetting 😆 You may have to turn off the ”everyday” function so when you turn it off it’s really off but doing that has helped me with everything I have to remember since I get distracted pretty easily. This would be way easier if you get up at a set time because you could turn on that everyday function and set the alarm once and it’s done from then on. At this point I’m only reminded of the pain a handful of times throughout the day. The only thing that is still not easy for me is the 30 minute rule. I know that I was supposed to do that forever after my sleeve but around the time I gave up hope on that I started back with drinking while eating and it’s a really hard habit to break. I do find that if I brush after meals and swish water around and spit it out it helps some. Next step is soft foods I am so looking forward to this stage and at the same time anxious I will overdo it too fast. I believe I mentioned before I am a rule follower and prefer more structure “soft food” is a bit vague for me. I survived it last time, though so I’m sure it will be okay I really hope everyone else is recovering well if early out and starting to get in their groove as well if they are a little further out. Any tips that you guys have worked out to remember it all?
  2. Hi everyone I’m back again for moral support. Got my MGB back in February. After a couple of extremely hard weeks, 5 weeks to be precise, i finally thought that my ordeal was over. I had spent all this time finding it really hard to drink water and reach my protein goals until then. Suddenly, starting the 6th week post op, i saw some light at the end of the tunnel and managed to expand my food a little bit. I avoided everything I was told to avoid until then, oil, sugar, pasta, rice, raw veggies, you name it! one day I was invited to a barbecue and ate what I was given, namely a bit of salad and some marinated chicken. Everything was fine for the days that followed and I was ecstatic! I started to experiment with food more and more and I realised that the food I tolerated the most was still just plain potatoes and carrots with some minced meat of chicken. However, as weeks went by, my sensitivities seemed to increase by the day. I’d try watermelon and suffer excruciating cramps the next day, so I stopped. Then I’d try beans, and I’d be fine the next day but suffer more cramps the day after, long story short, it seemed like every single new food I’d try was not tolerated by my stomach. The pain and cramps would be instant, and the explosive diarrhoea would follow the next morning like clockwork. I remember at some point, i barely ate for 2 days and what followed were the most painful cramps and hunger pangs I’ve ever ever experienced in my life! Looking at a plate of food triggers me now. I am absolutely scared of putting anything in my mouth. Even my trusted potatoes and carrots have forsaken me. That means I have not a single food that I seem to tolerate and I have absolutely no idea how this happened! Today, i tried boiled potato with some rotisserie chicken, and ended up vomiting 3 times. And when I say vomit, i mean, gag as if I would vomit, but only saliva comes out. i feel weak and desperate. I have lost 32kg in almost 4 months, that about 70 pounds. That is way too much weight. Let’s not start about my hair loss… it’s ridiculous. I plan to shave my head… i never in a million years thought this would be my life after the surgery. I have a doc appointment this week but only will see my surgeon in July… does this story sound familiar to any of you guys? Did I do something wrong? What did I miss?! I’ve been on the verge of going to the ER multiple times…
  3. Hi everyone! I finally did it, after chasing this surgery and fighting with insuracne I had t 3/19/24. I"m on day three, and I'm so tired Im' napping more than I"m awake sipping. Did anyone else experience this? Hot long will it take to east up and I'll feel awake agaIn? I assume it has to do with the liquid diet and very little calories and the array of pills they have me on.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    A Week To Forget

    I'm so sorry you had such a rough week!!! I hope the pain is getting better now. Just think positive that this will be a better week for you Fantastic job keeping your eyes on the NSV when the scale isn't doing what you want. That's exactly the right thing to do. Feel better!!!
  5. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    3 Days, consider yourself. Lucky. I did two weeks of two shakes and small low carb dinner and then two days of all liquids. It’s perfectly normal or common to be a little nervous but it’s A pretty routine thing nowadays. Good luck tomorrow and come back and let us know how it went.
  6. Spinoza

    Question for post op surgery and matcha

    I know programmes differ hugely but my surgeon placed absolutely no restrictions on caffeine and I was hugely grateful. I have no idea whether there is good evidence that caffeine consumption affects weight loss after bariatric surgery but I suspect very much not. @GreenTealael do you have any evidence to share? I am a coffee, not a matcha drinker, but I know how much I valued those coffees in the weeks and months after my surgery. Might be worth drilling down into the actual evidence based practice with your team if matcha means as much to you!
  7. nerkerle


    Hi I'm scheduled to get the Sleeve 5/6/15. I have two-year old twins and wanted to know how quickly you were able to get back to normal after the sleeve. My BMI is right at 40 so I don't have a tremendous amount of weight to lose so I'm hoping I can get back to normal in a couple days, just no lifting. I plan to go back to work in a week. Anyone please, how much downtime did you experience? Thanks, Nerkerle
  8. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    I can’t speak to the nausea other than suggesting you call your team and ask for more of the meds that work better. My team gave me ondansetron which is also used for nausea with chemo just in case. (I would assume that’s a pretty strong one). It does say it may cause drowsiness. I’m guessing yours does too. In terms of the non drug induced drowsiness it got a bit better for me with purées but I am still taking naps at 2.5 weeks out. Honestly I haven’t really done any chores other than make the bed, a little laundry because I have the raised pedestals and of course the dishes. I did sweep the floors with a broom last week but it took me all day because I was still in pain and I’m pretty sure the dirt pile I asked my hubby to get is still in the laundry room. Even if you don’t have outside incision pain, though, your insides are still healing so try to take it easy. I was told not twisting, bending, or straining of any kind for 6 weeks at least. I believe last time it was 8 weeks for anything involving over 10 pounds of weight but it’s been a while so I need to confirm that. I know how it feels to sit here and look at things piling up in terms of chores. I’m sure we all do, but you can seriously hurt yourself if you do too much too soon. To me it’s just not worth it. Other than dusting I just don’t see what chores don’t involve bending or twisting. I figure It will all still be waiting to be done when I am ready. It’s just me and my hubby and if it bothers him then he is perfectly capable of doing it himself. Really it’s just the bathrooms and the floors that I just can’t do properly. I have used Clorox wipes on the sink area and cleaned the mirrors. I may try to do the toilets today. I just won’t do the bottom part I guess. I do have an appointment this week as a follow up to the muscle cramp thing. I probably could cancel it since the magnesium is working but i want to ask her what I can be doing physically at that point. I will be 3 weeks out. I know that I am physically healed enough to be doing some faster walking so I plan to get my treadmill out and start doing that gradually. Anyways, all this to say please take it easy. Allow yourself some time. This is a pretty major surgery and it’s not at all uncommon to need some time to get back to 100%.
  9. FifiLux


    Everyone has different plans from their doctors but in all of them I have never heard of being on regular food after 2.5 weeks. Do you mean non liquid phase and that you are normal food but soft? I hope so as that is all your stomach should be handling now as you can't digest normal food at this stage, which is what may cause the vomitting and pain. It should be no water 30 minutes before and after a meal so maybe if you are only leaving it 10 minutes that is causing the problem? I did have gas issues but it was caused by complications so not the same for you I am sure. Could you ask your doctor about taking something to help with reflux?
  10. Sip, sip, sip is the mantra we all followed. Leave a couple of minutes (set a timer for your phone to help if needed) between each sip and you’ll be okay. Also put a cup by your bed and sip whenever you wake during the night. (I still drink throughout the night.) Just be aware you may have trouble swallowing the first few days because of internal swelling. I found warm/hot drinks more soothing than cool/cold but some are the opposite. You should be sent home with pain meds or a script (opioids) but some find an over the counter non NSAID pain meds are enough. (We all have different levels of pain tolerance.) but generally you’ll find that over the counter, or nothing, are enough for the surgical pain by day 3 or 4. Now surgical gas is another matter. That takes about a week to leave your body. You breath it out (not by burping or passing wind) so do some slow deep breathing. March on the spot. Pump your arms up & down and walk, walk, walk. Little and often are fine. Heat packs can ease the shoulder pain that occurs because the gas rises behind your lungs before being absorbed into your lungs. All the best with your surgery & recovery.
  11. FifiLux

    A Sparkling New Week

    @MrsFitz the body scan etc is not included free, there is a €150 charge for the administration/set up and then it is €85 every two weeks hence I only signed up for a six month agreement, to see if it is worth it longer term. That said it does include about 8 or 10 personal training sessions in the six months as well as general gym access. That main course sounds lovely, I love steak and pepper sauce though I tried it in July and it did not stay down, think the sauce I had was too creamy.
  12. Justarwaxx

    Post op day 2

    Exactly, I also was surprised because I learned everything from online and tiktok haha but I will just repeat this I am from the middle east so I think it's a bit different here. She told ne 1st week should be nutritional and waters then week 2 I add the protien shakes and so on. Also since I am typing, TMI warning do u guys happen to get the random runs? Like I thought I was just passing gas but it was more than that. I still haven't done number 2 since my op on Wednesday but I've had this episode for the 2nd time. Not painful but just passing air and liquid
  13. Arabesque


    Oh yes, you never open a medication that is a capsule form. can’t belief they told you to do that. The outer shell is to protect your digestive system and to ensure the medication is absorbed slowly. People with sleeve usually don’t need to take as many supplements as those with a bypass, Sadi, etc. as sleevers don’t have as much of a malabsorption issue as they do. I had to take a multivitamin and vitamin D with K. That was it. I only took the D with K for about 3 or 4 months and stopped the multi at about 8 months. But I stress that was me and what my blood work showed I needed (or was lacking in) or in my case didn’t need. Some sleevers are also required to take calcium and iron. Does your blood work show you have existing needs i.e you are lacking in some vitamin? This would be a staring point as to what you may need even pre surgery. Then subsequent tests will show if you drop in anything. As to whether you can take tablets or need to have patches, chewables, liquid, or mouth spray versions is really up to what your surgeons requires and what you are able to tolerate. I could swallow capsules from about day 4 or 5. (Regular sized capsules not those giant horse sized ones 🙂). General advice: take your multi after you’ve eaten. They can cause nausea if taken on an empty tummy. If you have to take two or more multis as your dose, spread them out across the day. Try one in the morning and one in the evening. don’t take your calcium at the same time as your iron. Your body can’t absorb them at the same time. Try one in the morning & the other in the evening. don’t take your iron within an hour or so of consuming any caffeine if you’re allowed caffeine. Caffeine reduces your ability to absorb iron by more than 60%. Ensure you’re getting regular blood tests. My surgeon required once every three months before visits but my GP had me do one in between so I was having one every 1.5 months. That way if anything unexpected was happening, we knew about it quickly. All the best.
  14. WendyJane

    Brand New Here

    Hi Kelly, Yep, I think all of us were in the same boat of some kind. I've been have been heavy all my life, since birth, I was a big baby. I never lost my baby fat, I just added more and more. I'm finally going through a RNY soon, I have done everything except one more nutrition consult after Monday's consult. I think I am doing pretty good. I have tried all kinds of protein shakes, clear liquid drinks with protein, and doing exercise daily for 30 minutes, either strength or aerobic. So...just want that date, and get that date as soon as possible. A 2-week "vacation" from work, and the support of my dear husband, I got this! I might be 60 years old, but I have to lose so I can have my left hip replaced. That's what started it all. My ortho won't do the surgery unless I lose 40 pounds. Having tried everything from diets, to pills, shots and the like, I finally gave in what I had started to research 4 years ago. I'm almost there. So Kelly, welcome to the group and ask whatever questions that you may have, we are a group of people who care about other people. Wendy
  15. I'm almost a year and a half since my RNY (November). I've lost about 135 give or take (I bounce between 125-130lbs). I haven't lost any fat free body mass since month 3, and have actually gained 5lbs of fat free mass since May. At my 1 year, in May, my body composition said I was at 18.1% body fat which is on the low end of "lean" I did another one last week because I was feeling off (tired, muscle cramps, brittle nails, headaches) My body fat percentage was at 12.3% which translated into roughly 16 pounds of my overall weight (130 at the time of the test) being fat. Anything under 15% is "at risk". I eat, what seems like all day long, I get my calories, protein, healthy fats, fiber. I take all my supplements. All my blood work I've had this year for random things and specifically for post surgery, has been normal. Nothing, other than feeling off, pointed to this. I do have an appointment with nutrition and my bariatric team this week. But wanted to see if anyone has gone through this, heard of this... Anything? My initial thought is how my body is absorbing nutrients, but again, my labs have been normal.
  16. AmberFL

    Ummmm guys lol

    omg the week before my period I want to eat EVERYTHINGGGGG!!! I have given in and felt REALLLLYYY guilty! my periods are super short now like 2 days when it used to be 5 lol I just really need to hone in the cravings and giving into them
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    When to stop the stool softeners

    After every surgery, I took 2 per day for the first 5 days, then 1 a day until I hit 2 weeks post op, then 1 every other day for another week. Then only as needed (typically I take them if I haven't poo'd in 2 days. On day 3, I take em and make sure I can go). I will say I tend to use Miralax often, as it's less harsh than actual stool softeners. But that only works for me if I'm not "backed up" and needing the stronger laxative/stool softener combo to get things moving again. For me, Miralax more keeps them moving, not really much help if things stop.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Maintenance confusion?

    I wish I could say from experience but I never made it to the maintenance phase with my sleeve and I’m early out from my revision. From being on the boards though it seems what most people do is to add like 100 healthy calories at a time and wait and see if that makes them gain and keep upping it until they find what their body is happy with. Of course if you level of activity or type of calories changes you may have to adjust so I think if you don’t choose to log your food daily you may want to at least spot check it like once a week just so you can see if your habits change gradually and keep on track for what works for your body. Congratulations on nearing maintenance!!
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Phase 3 Gastric Sleeve

    At 2 weeks, I was on things like avocado spread, cottage cheese, hummus, refried beans, softly scrambled eggs. I was also drinking ready made protein shakes because they count as fluids and protein. I also was drinking protein gatorade zero. I would just be careful with what you're eating and how much, because at 2 weeks out you're still healing.
  20. I put mine as the weight on the day I went to my first surgical consult, which was also my highest recorded weight. With the diet and lifestyle changes I made as part of the program, I lost about 13 lbs in the 6 months between then and the start of my pre-op diet. I lost another 13 lbs in those 2 weeks of liquid diet before surgery. But I want credit for all the weight I lost! Interestingly, Dr. Weiner recently said on a podcast that the weight lost on a pre-op diet definitely is credited to the surgery in his opinion. The reasoning was that if you go on a liquid diet, lose 13 lbs, and then try to keep that weight off without having surgery just by eating right, you are going to regain most or all of it in a matter of weeks. The fact that we lose that weight and then keep losing more weight instead of gaining is thanks to the metabolic changes of the surgery. He also told me in a live Q&A support group a while back to use my weight from before the pre-op diet as my starting weight if I wanted to plug it into a prediction calculator. I raised the concern of being a bit behind the prediction based on one of those calculators and he asked me what my weight was before the liquid diet. When we used that number instead of my surgery day weight, it tracked much better (and is still looking very accurate at 9 months out). He said if I had always been 225 lbs (my day of surgery weight) that would be one thing, but in reality, my "true" weight was somewhere between 238 and 251 in terms of what my metabolism was trying to overcome with the surgery. I feel like that's one of those big questions a lot of us have in the beginning and nobody really gives an answer on the calculator sites.
  21. Arabesque

    3 weeks Out & Abdominal Pain

    Remember it takes around 6 - 8 weeks to be fully healed so still experiencing some discomfort, spasms, cramping, etc. isn’t uncommon. However, if the pain requires medication, is increasing in frequency or intensity, contact your surgeon or go to your nearest medical centre to be sure everything is okay. Or just contact them to check.
  22. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    My best advice is to be prepared to put yourself first for around a month. It didn’t take that long for the pain to get better but it does take a little while to get your stamina back and get into a groove with all the vitamins, protein and water and then each of the stages are a little adjustment. Take your time and allow your body the rest that it needs and prioritize yourself and your recovery for the time you need. The good news is that you should also see a pretty big drop on the scale as in your measurements. Which leads to my second suggestion which is to take photos and measurements as well as recording your weight beginning preop. They will help keep you motivated later down The road when the scale stalls. The third thing I would suggest is to check out an App that allows you to record your progress. The Baritastic App lets you record everything from food and water to vitamins, exercise, measurements, weight, and even your bowel movements which will become something that you think about more than ever post surgery haha 😆 and it is fairly easy to figure out. I wish I had started before my preop or my surgery. Also, make sure that you have whatever stool softeners, laxatives or soluble fiber your team suggests on hand and begin whatever preventative measures they set for you immediately post op. When you are in the hospital don’t hesitate to tell them if you are in pain. And Walk ALOT. Especially if you are in pain. It doesn’t matter how fast you go, it’s just the movement. I promise you that passing gas is your biggest goal in terms of relieving pain and the walking helps with that.
  23. MandoGetsSleeved

    Flying 7 weeks post Op

    As someone who started traveling less than 3 weeks post surgery, my biggest advice is to make sure you load up on what you need before the day starts (proteins that you can "safely" eat) - Just keeping enough snacks/food that you know you can tolerate easily during the flight rather than relying on whatever they provide you. For me, an aisle seat was key on long hauls also just so that I could get up and walk if needed. Extra water for the flight was also very helpful. Mostly, enjoy the extra room! That was seriously a game changer for me. Before surgery, I'd panic if I had to fly coach wondering if I'd get a seatbelt that fit or have someone beside me that was just disgusted at my presence.
  24. AmberFL


    So I am trying to navigate everything with new boobs haha. They are bigger than I thought they would be which is not a bad thing. I am 5 days post op and will be getting my drains out Tuesday. Hopefully. I had an appointment yesterday and he said I’m more swollen than he would like me to be, which being sedentary is so damn hard for me, but I am trying! Anywho I go back to work on Wednesday and I am wondering what you all wore to work? Im not sure if I need to go buy more button ups? Or can I put tshirts on. I have no issues lifting my arms above my head but it’s a no no for a few weeks. I’m in a casual office setting. Usually nice tops and jeans. Also I knowwwww I shouldn’t have stepped on the scale but it’s 10lb up and now im unhealthily nit picking my body. I put on jeans and they were so damn tight. Someone tell me it’s not fat weight 😂
  25. NickelChip

    I did it!!! OMG I really did it!!!!

    WOW!!!!!!!! I bet you had times where you thought this would never happen, but here you are! Congratulations! I feel like these big milestones can mess with your head sometimes. Like, I hit 201.6 lbs 12 days ago and was just certain I'd be under 200 in no time... and I'm still waiting! I instantly bounced back to 203, made it to 201.0 after almost a week, stalled for a few days... At least I dipped to 200.8 this morning. But to finally see that 199... that has to feel so good. When was the last time you weighed this little? For me, the last time I was below 200 was when I was 28 (22 years ago!).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
