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Found 17,501 results

  1. Char V

    November 2023 buddies

    Hi all, I am glad I’m not the only one having issues. I haven’t had steak in 16 months. A month ago I was woken by my husband as I thought his arm was a big ice juicy steak🤣 Cat you could be gaining muscle and that’s why the weight doesn’t look different on scales. But your measurements do. The surgeon also said when you go to soft diet/full diet you can have a stall. But also fluid intake plays a part. Some Guy you are doing a great job. Screw what others think. Sarcasm is the way to go. meisha tell them how much you’ve lost overall. As that is when your weight loss journey started. Some people don’t know I had the partial sleeve. But I went in for hernia repair august 2022 and ended up with the Partial sleeve cause of stomach damage. So mine was a bonus and a kick start to reality. Me……When I had my 8wk post appt we had talked about the pain I was in and not stomaching soft foods and how I might end up having gastric bypass……. Well I ended up in hospital NYE. I couldn’t drink/eat or even swallow my own saliva without excruciating pain. Turns out I had a perforation in my oesophagus and stomach with a lot of inflammation. We had to go on a drip as I was also very dehydrated. Have intravenous meds 3 times a day as I was becoming septic too. So I am back on fluids for this last week and the next two weeks. 🙄. So over fluids/liquids. I cried Christmas Day as everyone was eating turkey and prawns. but the plus side is I’ve lost 10kgs since Nov 2nd.
  2. ukkodiak

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I believe it’s true. I had lost 23 lbs on my 14 day post-op follow up. And I’ve lost nothing in the three days since.
  3. Any surgery twins? Had surgery on Monday, June 3rd- Monday. HW- 273 Before surgery- 234 CW- 230 So far, week one has went well. I haven’t felt any hunger until today. I’ve been able to meet my goals daily 💪 so far! I am on full liquids currently and haven’t had any nausea or vomiting. Some soreness/tenderness but not any extreme pain. Wish me well and give me your best tips for success!
  4. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Good luck Brandy and Meisha and everyone else having surgery this week!! Tomorrow I will be one month post op!! I didn't lose anything last week, in fact when I checked my weight Monday I've gained 2,6 lbs. I might have cussed out the scale. 😂 I know it is just the infamous "3 week stall" and there is nothing I can do but stay the course. But maaaaan, when the scale starts moving in the other direction, it really does your head in. I worry this won't work for me, that this is all the weight loss I'll get, that my weight issues are too complicated for this surgery, etc... I know it isn't true, it is just a feeling and feelings are transient, but I'm pretty discouraged anyway. I'm sure it'll only last a few weeks, then get back on track. I plan on watching how everything is fitting while the scale is being difficult. I know it is just water weight gained from a stressed out body. But boy does your headgame need to be strong for this process... In other news I am on soft foods and about 70% of what I eat is relatively fine. I'm still taking nausea meds on and off. I still keep finding foods that piss everything off, my tiny tummy is PICKY. Fish still works best of all which still strikes me as all sorts of weird since I never liked it before. My tastebuds are still behaving strangely. And I really want a muffin but I can't have it because DS patients have to low carb it. *sighs wistfully* I picked up some of the Devotion brand protein that you can bake with. Maybe I'll be able to make a muffin when they arrive?!
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Like I said, 2 weeks is standard, but the door is open to longer if needed. Some people take longer if they personally feel they need it, but that's if the employer (and potential accumulated PTO time) allows. If you had any complications, you could have had longer from your surgeon. But since you had a fantastic recovery, there was no need for longer other than you wanted it. Which was then up to you to secure, which you did. That's typically how it goes.
  6. omg lol if you think 2 times takeout in 2 weeks is alot, you may be shocked at how often we eat out and/or take out, ha! well over ½ our meals are prepared "outside" !
  7. NickelChip

    The start of my new healthy life

    Congratulations on reaching this decision! It sounds like things will move quickly for you, which is great news. Try not to let yourself dwell on surgery risks as serious complications are so very rare. Even with a surgery that lasted much longer than anticipated due to some oddities that came up after it started (I had no idea, I was asleep the whole time!), I was safe the entire time and ended up only having one additional night in the hospital out of an abundance of caution. Surgery is a game changer. I think it's helpful to make nutrition changes and start better habits in the lead-up, but the truth is, it will all be so different after, and it can be hard to plan for that because you just don't know what it will be like for you. For weeks or months, eating might feel more like a chore. There's a good chance your tastebuds will change and you may find what you crave now isn't really what you want after. Things you thought would be easier may feel harder for you, and things you thought would be hard are a total non-issue. The hardest part by far, at least for me, was the 2-week pre-op diet, and just the waiting for surgery day to come.
  8. Marzy0153

    ESG January 2024 Buddies??

    Hi @Allie727- I had my procedure done in January at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. From what I’ve read online, compared to what they recommend for post-procedure guidelines, they recommend a pretty strict diet. Did the clinic provide you with how much food to consumer at each phase, along with how many calories? Here’s what they had me follow: - Weeks 1-4: Liquid diet (protein shakes + regular Gatorade). 60-80g protein, 64 oz liquids, less than 1,000 cals a day. I was probably only consuming 400-500 a day. - Weeks 5 & 6: Pureed foods (no more Gatorade). 60-80g protein, 64 oz liquids, 600-700 cals a day. A meal should be 2-3 ounces of food. - Weeks 7-10: Soft foods. 60-80g protein, 64 oz liquids, 700-900 cals a day. A meal should be 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup. I just started a regular diet/regular food today, 3/24. 60-80g protein, 64 oz liquids, under 1,200 cals (but I have a call with the dietitian in a week to see if that’s correct. A meal should be 1 cup to 1.5 cups. Like you, protein and water has never been an issue. I’ve never really felt restricted. I definitely feel full after I eat, but not sick-full at after eating. They also recommend you take at least 30 mins to eat. I found that if I finish my food quicker than that, I’ll get a stomach ache. I felt bloated earlier on post-procedure, but that slowly goes away. 6 weeks out, I had lost about 34 lbs at that point, but everyone is different!! Hope this helps!
  9. Spinoza

    Pureed foods. Yuck!!

    Loads of useful suggestions here (as ever!) Seems such a long time ago now. I am the exception to the rule - after 2 weeks of pre-op protein shakes and 2 weeks of post-op liquids my first pureed meals were like the tastiest things I've ever had. I lovvvved them. I basically pureed a selection of whatever my family were having (I cook for everyone) with a bit of extra liquid (gravy was best) and gobbled it all down! Saved a couple of tiny portions (like a tablespoon or two) for my other meals that day or the next and hit my protein goal mainly from protein yoghurts and protein shakes. Strangely I didn't have soup until the next phase but it's still a big go-to for lunch now, especially with lentils for added protein.
  10. ms.sss


    i didn't reach my water goals until about 3 weeks post op. protein goals i did not reach until sometime after 3 months..and even after that i reached protein goals maybe 80% of the time i did get headaches weeks during the low water weeks but i slept alot. water def helps with headaches...if it's particularly bad, i've read some folks on here go to doc to administer fluids. i also had a bout of orthostatic hypotension before AND after meeting my water goals (dizzy/fainty from getting up or moving too fast due to low blood pressure)...my doc told me to yep, drink more water, increase my salt intake and exercise, among other things. you are right to speak to your doc, they will advise u properly. good luck! ❤️
  11. I'm almost four weeks post gastric sleeve. I've lost 28 pounds, which I'm thrilled with. I've felt so good that I pulled some weeds in the front of my house yesterday. Today I have some abdominal pain. It's not horrible, but I'm worried I may have hurt my healing stomach. Should I be worried? No vomiting and I'm eating 1/2 cup of soft food as normal with no issues. Thanks for your help! 💕💕💕
  12. Wonderwoman14


    6 weeks after surgery
  13. BabySpoons

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I can relate to the acid reflux issue due to having a hiatal hernia too. I was daily suffering with it for years until WLS. My stomach was also pushed up through my diaphragm. Docs found the hernia during pre-op testing and repaired it the same day as my RNY. I think your doctor was hoping by fixing your hernia, it might take care of your reflux along with you losing the abdominal weight from the sleeve surgery. I also carried the majority of my excess weight around my midsection and was told that my reflux was because excess fat was pushing food back up into my esophagus. That was before they discovered I had the hernia. But both problems contributed. After losing over 100 pounds, I'm finding that even though I am losing weight all over, my stomach is still the last place it is coming off. Very frustrating but I still have 40 lbs. to lose. And that's where it is sitting. I chalk it up to genetics. Sadly, the hernia repair didn't take care of your reflux and the sleeve is notorious for causing it. Even in those that never had it. One of the reasons I opted for the bypass and haven't had reflux since. As for your weight loss stall, maybe try backing off from hard workouts unless you are getting an adequate days rest in between. Increased levels of cortisol can cause abdominal weight gain. I lost all my weight from leisurely walking outdoors 2-3 miles 5-6xs a week.. GL. Your pics look great.
  14. Hampshire_Rose

    50 and over crowd?

    I had my bypass a week before my 51st birthday. I am 4 weeks post op now and I can honestly say everything has gone text book. Did my tender age of 23 make a difference, I believe so because I am at that stage in life where I can just focus on me, and everyone else is able to look after themselves. I was one of the lucky ones as I had no pain afterwards, just a tiny bit of discomfort in my left side but not enough to warrant taking any pain meds. And I was expecting to feel like I had undergone 12 rounds with Muhammad Ali after being stabbed 6 times and my stomach cut apart. But maybe I have a higher pain threshold than most, I really don't know. Ok I will stop rambling now as i dont want to tempt fate. All the best Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
  15. I had two weeks of a modified liquid diet (the shakes all day and a small, lean meat and veggie meal at night), and then another week of pure liquids, no snacks, no pudding or yogurt, just shakes! It was SUCH a marathon... Then I had 2 full weeks of strict liquids post-op, no puddings, no yogurt, and I couldn't tolerate any protein shakes or jello. But post op it was easier in a way because my body was telling me very clearly it didn't want any of those things! Pre-op the diets are a serious head game. LOL
  16. ukkodiak

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I believe it’s true. I had lost 23 lbs on my 14 day post-op follow up. And I’ve lost nothing in the three days since.
  17. Good Afternoon, This is my firs posting so excuse me if I am a little rusty at this. I had my Gastric Bypass on March 19, and my Surgeon said to drink the Clear Liquids for the next 2 weeks. I go to him tomorrow for follow-up. Yesterday my Nutritionist said I should start today with "Stage 3/4" eating solid foods. My Surgeon had told me before my surgery that I would do the following: 2 weeks before surgery - clear liquids 2 weeks after surgery - clear liquids up to 3 months after surgery - thicker liquids after 3 months - introduce solid foods Now both my Surgeon and Nutritionist have conflicting statements. My Nutritionist states Phases. Does anyone know what phases you consume what? I thought It was - Phase 1 - clear liquid, Phase 2 - thicker liquid, Phase 3 - soft solid foods, Phase 4 - easier to digest full solid foods. Any clarification would be Greatly Appreciated. Yes I will be asking my Surgeon tomorrow also. Thanks, Terri
  18. ms.sss

    running or walking?

    umm....5k runs twice a week is not "a little"! you are a runner even though you may not think it lol. you may not be running 10k most days like my mr. and his insane group of friends, but your runs def put u on the runner half of the general population
  19. BabySpoons

    Same dress, different girl

    Agree with Summer. I went thru sizes so fast there were some items of clothing I barely had a chance to wear before having to bag it up and take to Goodwill. This is probably one of the funnest parts of my weight loss journey for me. Buying smaller sizes, then being able to fit into them in a few short weeks. Also, not having to hang dry clothes so they wouldn't shrink up on me to intentionally putting them in the dryer so they would shrink up for me. So I could wear them longer. LOL
  20. BoilerBob

    November 2023 buddies

    I’m almost done with week three of preop diet and it has gotten better. I got stuck at the hospital yesterday with my son having a procedure and made it 6 hours without thinking too much about food. Halloween was a bit rough with all of the candy around. However I’ve been sticking to it knowing that changes are necessary. Down about 20 pounds so that helps too. Constipation is still an issue and I’m also getting a sweet taste in my mouth from what I’m assuming is all of the protein shakes. I can definitely see why on the long haul people look for unsweetened protein powders.
  21. ChunkCat

    Is this normal?

    Hey!! You are a little over 2 weeks post op. Burping and feeling bloated are quite normal. As the internal swelling goes down these will ease (unless you chug water, then you'll feel bloated for sure! LOL). It isn't unusual to feel like things are creeping up your esophagus, right now everything is very swollen in there and that leads to a pressurized feeling. It can feel like water and food take forever to go down, or that they go down a bit and then start trying to crawl back up, before going down again. I had all these issues. I also had this thing where every time I drank something I could feel the fluid displacing air in my digestive tract, causing burping and then this trickling, gurgling feeling AND sound as the fluid tracked down into my stomach. It sounded like liquid going down a drain you just unclogged. It was weird as hell. LOL It lasted for the first month until the swelling went down enough inside to make more space. Fluids for another week are not going to hurt you. When you say fluids do you mean strict liquids only like milk and water? Or are you including shakes, pudding, yogurt, and so on? I was on strict fluids only for 2 weeks, no yogurt or puddings and I wasn't even able to stomach a real protein shake for the first month. I was not able to get any protein down the first two weeks without intense stomach spasms. The surgeon said that was not unusual at all. After the first two weeks we were supposed to introduce thin purees for the third week, and he told me I could have really soft fish and soft eggs. I hated purees. Yogurt sat too heavy. I still couldn't do jello. Sugar free pudding was a no too. I could do protein water, milk, a little bit of soft pureed egg, and weirdly enough, a little soft fish chewed well. At the 4th week we were told to progress to soft solids, but it took me another week before I was able to consistently. I had to be very gradual about my food progression. My team said that was perfectly fine, everyone's pace is a little different, just be sure to keep them posted on your progress as you go and follow their advice, but without forcing yourself to eat things your tummy doesn't feel ready for. You sound like you are right on schedule. ❤️
  22. catwoman7

    Addictive Energy with No Release?!

    I cant' really speak to any of this having never been through it, and not being a medical person or counselor, but the 75 lbs - if you've lost 75 lbs since September, I'm sure you look different. It's sometimes hard to tell from month to month by looking at yourself in the mirror, so I had my husband take pictures of me - all four sides (front, back, left side, right side) - every month on the date of my surgery (in my case, the 3rd of every month). We did this every month until I hit maintenance 20 months later. It wasn't always easy to tell from one month to the next, but if I compared pictures to those taken three or four months earlier - yep - big difference!
  23. ms.sss

    Clothing sizes

    an NSV in the same vein: vacation packing is soooooo much more satisfying. our smaller clothes take up way less room so we can either: (a) bring more clothes, yay! no need to pick and choose, just bring it all!! OR (b) bring smaller luggage, yay again! i have been on many vacations now (several of them for 2 weeks or longer) where i only needed a carry on for my stuff. Win!
  24. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    I spent about $100 ($64 US) on just a few vegetables (handful of green beans & sugar snap peas, bunch of broccolini & asparagus, some grapes, tub of baby tomatoes, 2x tubs labneh, 2 pork chops & 3 chicken schnitzels). The grapes were the most expensive but will last me a couple of weeks. Then went to the grocery store & spent another $130 on 2L milk, pack cheese sticks, macadamia nuts, mixed seeds, 3 bottles sparkling water, tub of hummus, 8 protein bars, bag of frozen mixed vegetables & a few other bits & bobs (deodorant, toothpaste,…). Two large bags worth. All for just one person. And I’ll be at the shops again next week (to get those cucumbers 😉.)
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Maintenance Calories after Surgery?

    For me, I live on 1100 - 1200 calories on non work out days and 1300-1400 on workout days. On my weight training day, I tend to go up to 1500 calories. I work out 5 days per week. I also have 2 rest days. My protein, fluid intake, carbs, healthy fats, and calories are all higher on workout days, but I still can't get anywhere NEAR 2100 per day. 1500 is really pushing it, but I only do heavy weight training once per week, so it's ok. For quite a while, my calories on non workout days were 800-900 or so and workout days were 1100-1300, depending on what workouts I was doing that day. As time has gone on, my calorie and food intake has increased, but I still stick to the rule that I eat until I'm not hungry anymore, not until I'm stuffed. It's normal for our stomachs to hold a little more and our calories to increase as time goes by. What's important is to be selective with where those calories and carbs come from, not to overeat, and to be mindful of moving your body and getting in enough fluids.

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