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  1. So I'm guilty of being worried if I can drink again after this surgery. I'm pretty much a social drinker but I am super social. I pretty much go out drinking with my friends every weekend being that I'm in my college/party part of life. I hate beer and I don't really like fruity cocktails I'm more of a straight liquor drinker like ciroc, grey goose, absolute, etc. And while on my pre surgery diet I would even chase with crystal light. I'm hoping I can continue drinking what I drink after, just much less lol. If you have any experience let me know!!!
  2. O.T.R. sleever


    My experience with alcohol post sleeve is that it isomer of a roller coaster ride. I get buzzed a lot quicker, and the buzz comes and goes rather quickly. I've had moments where I was flying high, then a few minutes later felt nothing then started feeling it again. It is not as bad now as it was the first few months post op, but I do still feel it faster, and it ebbs & flows more now than pre op. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that since you really do not have much stomach left to hold liqueur, it passes much more quickly to the intestine where it is absorbed rapidly. And I had my first drink somewhere just after 6weeks.
  3. Fiddleman


    Waiting 6 months is good in order to be at a point where you have lost a lot of weight and have a fitness program. You do not want the calories from alcohol (specifically, mixed drinks) to interfere with your weight loss goals. There is also some truth behind the damage alcohol may cause your stomach if you drink it too early as a post op,
  4. hely88

    Not sure what is going on

    I just want to add that the majority of us did not know when we started this journey what it meant to be satisfied verses full. The only way I have learned is by measuring my food so I know when to stop. It has taken me a very long time to recognize what it feels like. I also am constantly learning what foods satisfy me better then others and what foods trigger head hunger. For me these are mostly processed foods, high sugar or foods with sugar alcohol. It is a mental challenge as well as a physical one. There is no such thing as a miracle cure or an easy fix.
  5. makemyownluck

    I have something to say!

    Some people do become a bit fanatical after their surgery. They take the "living a healthy life" path and run with it (literally) and never get off. I see people in a group called VSG Gym Rats!!!!! and I just think "Good for you, but I don't see that being me." That said, I do exercise. I am embracing better food choices. But I didn't have this surgery to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I can get my requirements in with foods that I enjoy, and part of my emotional health may require that I have some chocolate or enjoy some pizza (when I get there!) when I want to. I feel bad for the people who think there's no other way to be, who think it's okay to badger someone on the same path they are on simply because they don't want to do it. Reminds me of (some) reformed alcoholics or (some) Christians. DO YOU!
  6. Hello marchers! I have been a bad RNYer this past week. I had to go to Punta Cana for work and I fell of the wagon somewhat. Not meeting protein goals, exercise was minimal, I had high fat and high sugar foods. I did not dump on anything which makes me scared that I will go back to bad habits. I drank with some meals and before and after too, sometimes I had a few sips of wine. I also had a high sugar piña colada and other fruity drinks. Before surgery it would take a lot of alcohol to get me buzzed. It seems the same is true after surgery. I didn't have enough alcohol to get me buzzed even once. I also did not get in my vitamins at all and drank soda! I am determined to get back to my good habits starting right now. But again it scares me that I was able to do all that last week with no repercussions. I even lost 5 lbs. I hope everyone else is doing better than me! HW 283. SW265. SD 3/22/13! CW 235
  7. wow, the outpouring of friendship on here is overwhelming, I don't know how to process it. I have felt the love all day long from you guys because I finally got the courage up to confess to my mom what had been going on while she showers and she laughed lightly and said "I saw the cookie jar getting empty, I didn't know when you were eating them, here or there or how many but I saw them disappearing". With that said, I was in food jail tonight during her shower, I sat there and we talked about our day and laughed and talked while she showered, please don't think its weird, we are very close, she's my best friend, my rock and has been there for me during my divorce, my lap band surgery and sheesh, held the family together when my daddy passed away 11 yrs ago. She's an inspiration, this weekend is dedicated to her on this Mother's Day and let me extend a Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there. I'm not a mother, never was able to have children. But going back to my eating issues, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders by telling her, whew. Now to see a new shrink on Monday. To Countrygrl, thank you for sharing your story about your sons and I'm happy they have overcome their addiction. I think no matter the source, whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, addiction is addiction and it is hard to overcome. Kudos to them. I myself have never seen or been around drugs so I do not know how hard it must be but I am familiar with alcoholism. I was married for 25 yrs and the watched my ex husband become an alcoholic the last 3 yrs of our marriage due to a high stress job. He still is an alcoholic today. I would love nothing more than to call the show Intervention on A&E and enter him in it, he needs help but then I think of myself with food, I'm no different. But he does need help. Anyhoo off subject, sorry. Keep the faith lady! Be blessed. Donna
  8. It was a while ago... But I still have memories of my first weeks. And yes my digestion was not good! Sometimes I didn't even want to leave the house! It does get better.... I also noticed some of the sugar free products I was eating in the early stages had sugar alcohols that really messed with my stomach.
  9. leeann71

    When can we drink soda

    Ok this is how it is dang it. I was and am and always be a Dr.Pepper and Coke Cola addict!!! All of you out there who thinks its gonna be ok to have a sip and not go back to it again you are wrong. Its like any addiction whether it be certain foods, sodas, alcohol, illeagal drugs, prescription medicine, pornography or anything else that you have withdrawls from. You need to really look inside yourself and be honest! Dont lie! Ask yourself am I addicted and will my world end if I do not have this soda ( or what ever it is). I know I an addict. I got this way because of sodas. A 12 pack a day or more. And no they were not diet, matter of fact diet are worse for you. Good luck and realize who is going to win this battle? You or the sodas( or whatever your addiction is) I ve been there and Im still here fighting.
  10. msslechix

    Is it a true fear?

    Thanks for the pep talk everyone. I haven't told anyone at all for those reasons. My only support is me. My mom is coming down to help with the monsters, but I told her it was a different small surgery and the copay was cheap. So that takes care of the money issue. She's now on the "what if you die" kick. As far as work... It's almost like high school. Lots of cliques and posers. I'm not gonna lie, a few people had the surgery and we ALL questioned, WHY? They didn't look that big and after the surgery one girl looked horrid. But then looking back, objectively, even before I decided to do this... They were overweight. Really overweight. It's just I didn't focus on that as I knew them as great people, not great fat people. There are two brothers I work with. One had the lap band and lost so much weight he was healthier and had do much energy and a spring in his step. And he was proud of it. The other did it with diet and exercise. Extreme diet and exercise. Just to prove it can be done without surgery. So happy for both. But he gets offended if someone thinks he had any surgery. And you are right. No body ever questions smokers, alcoholics, or other addictions. Or even cosmetic surgery. So yes I'm still sticking with it, and still not telling anyone. I'm sure to be the object of gossip for a while until they find someone else.
  11. Webchickadee

    Is it a true fear?

    Wow. Really? Wow. I am utterly speechless (very rare, believe me). Firstly, who do they think they are? What gives them the right to even SPEAK to the gentleman about this weight? Secondly, that man is SETTING an example for his kids. He's shown them that the responsible thing to do is take control of your own health. He's showing them that as an adult, you must contribute to your own positive future and make informed adult decisions about how to adjust a lifestyle to increase your longevity, enjoyment and be less of a burden on society (with less future health-care drain, disability and dependency on your family and relatives due to poor health, etc.). He should be commended for his brave choice (as should YOU, msslechix) in meeting this challenge head-on and using all available resources to succeed. Do smokers who want to quit get berated for using nicotine gum or the patch when they try to quit? Do alcoholics get berated for joining AA or another 12-step program? Do drug addicts get belittled and denigrated for going in to detox and rehab? For some reason I still don't understand, it is still socially acceptable for overweight people to be everyone's punching bag. If we gain weight we're considered lazy, gluttonous and stupid. If we lose weight, some people are just waiting to pounce on us the minute we gain an ounce. back, and silently rubbing their hands in glee (see, I knew they couldn't keep it off). And heaven help us if we use weight loss surgery such as the VSG to lose weight (and are brave enough to admit it). Now we've "cheated". We've taken the "easy" way out and don't deserve to be happy; to be healthy; to feel normal and accepted. Never mind the fact that many VSG patients spend countless hours exercising, counting Protein and carbs and calories (all the things a "regular" dieter does). Somehow, the surgery did ALL THE WORK. Msslechix, you are having this surgery for you. People will make comments. Don't let it get to you. Some will support you (stay close to them, you need the support!). Those that are belittling you and making you feel bad could be doing it for many reasons, not the least of which may be jealousy. Whatever the reason, just remember. This surgery and this journey are YOURS. Don't let anyone take that away from you. I am just a few days away from 1 year post-op. I have been fortunate to have had a lot of support. There have been a few people along the way who were judgmental, and I've withheld the "truth" from some because I didn't think they would appreciate just how hard this decision and this process have been. It is CERTAINLY not "the easy way out". But I could not be happier. I'm down 136 lbs and I have another 48 lbs to go until goal weight. I am playing sports I gave up 25 years ago. I can breathe without asthma meds (even when exercising hard) whereas before surgery I had 3 puffers and 2 oral meds. I have significantly reduced my risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, joint replacement, and arthritis. I'm 43 years old and I feel like a teenager again. Life is exciting and a world of possibilities have opened up to me that I thought were gone forever. I would do this again 1000x. Msslechix. This is YOUR journey. Enjoy it, and let the others be damned.
  12. 2muchfun


    Over indulging in alcohol can start a series of projectile vomiting which could easily cause your band to slip. It's not advisable and I've only heard of one other here who over imbibed and got sick. You should want to give up any activities that could lead you to an incident where you could be hungover and or vomiting. Giving up mass quantities of alcohol was a very easy decision for me. tmf
  13. hely88

    what kind of alcohol

    Well I just dont drink. Make sure if you drink that you cound the calories in your day. Alcohol is just empty calories. I never want to be hung over again.
  14. allie1516

    what kind of alcohol

    What do you drink when you go out to clubs or partys? How did you deal with a hangover since your not supposed to vomit?
  15. I was sleeved on 12/27/12, I am a little over 4 mo post op. I have lost 63 lbs, I am thrilled!!!! However, I am at the inevitable stall. I have read the forums and I know this too shall pass, BUT my concern is - I am scared of food. As time passes I can eat more than I could 2 months ago or even last month. Now, logic tells me that is good, that's how this should work- and I am not eating anywhere NEAR what I used too. 2 more bites is not a lot, but I guess there is this other side of me that thinks uh-oh... 2 more bites today, 4 more tmrw, a whole serving next week. I am scared I will gain or just perma-stall and maintain. This week I have gone back to protein shakes and protein focus- which has always been there, but being more regimented about it. So, I guess my question is - did y'all experience this fear of food? This fear that you will over eat again? Like an alcoholic, one drink leads to chaos. I fear that will be me with food. Again, logic tells me that will not happen- we physically cannot fit that much food in there! But still...any feedback appreciated. :-)
  16. NewSetOfCurves

    Adding wine back

    My doctor actually recommends not drinking for a year after being sleeved. He says that your body absorbs the alcohol a lot faster and it takes very little to get you very drunk--making alcohol poisoning a definite possibility. He pleads with his patients that if they do decide to drink alcohol, to do it in extreme moderation, and DEFINITELY NO DRIVING!
  17. Butterfly66

    Adding wine back

    I think you have to be careful how much you consume because you are eating less and because the alcohol turns into sugar in your body. Definitely need to wait 20 - 30 minutes before or after eating. Enjoy. Remember, everything in moderation. Drink slower. I'm anxious to reintroduce alcohol. I tried a few sips of beer after my surgery and it went well. Haven't tried wine or any hard liquor yet.
  18. My doctor said no alcohol for a month and I know he's not a big fan of it ever because its empty calories. Since we aren't suppose to drink with or right after meals I was wondering how to add a glass of wine with dinner back. Any advice? Also, any other input on adding some cocktails back into your life?
  19. My doctor said he's not sure but I'm doing a hep A screening. I have not had any alcoholic beverages since I've been sick w the flu. :/ Looks like the AST is 106 and the ALT is 192.
  20. It can mean so many things, really. Depending on how high, it could be fatty liver, hepatitis, an abscess - has your doctor recommended any other testing to confirm why it's so high? Have you had any alcoholic beverages lately?
  21. Thank you for the verde chicken recipe. I made it last night and it was great! My wife wants me to make it again tonight. As far as alcohol goes I used to really enjoy bourbon. My taste for it is just now coming back. I do like a good tequila with fresh juice when I do drink. Fiddleman- you might want to try a jungle juice at Piccola's pizza in Snohomish. My wife ordered one and I had a drink of hers and then I had to order one for me. It was one of the best drinks I have had in a long time. It's made with all fresh squeezed juice with rum, vodka and tequila. Very good! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  22. RCN

    Week 1 Options

    Yesterday was my first Options class at Kaiser Permanente. We had to weigh in prior to the actual session and it looks like I barley skimmed the 40 BMI >.< I'm just happy that I'm finally here and I'm on my way to getting sleeved if everything goes as planned. They want me to loose 10% of my body weight, so probably about 15 pounds. I don't think that should be too hard if I eliminate all fast foods since lately that's what I've been having for breakfast & dinner. I'm also going to start my green teas and smoothies as well as eating lots of healthy foods again. Maybe I could walk the park while the kids have baseball practice too. This weekend is Mothers Day weekend and I'm going to Las Vegas! SO.... I'm just going to make sure to choose healthy when eating.... but I'm not going to skip the alcohol =) So happy! I can already see future healthier & skinny self! -R
  23. Do you have steri strips still on? OMG that adhesive itched so bad! Rubbing alcohol helped remove the residue and calm the itch.
  24. Fiddleman

    Sudden stop in weight loss with low calorie intake.

    I try and eat about 1200 calories a day on cross fit day and 900 a day on running day. For example, I ate 7 x: 1. Protein shake with chia seeds (100 cal), 2 energy squares (120 cal). 2. 3 oz Protein (120 cal) 3. 3 oz protein, 2 oz veggie (150) 4. 2 energy squares (120 cal) 5. 1 AMRAP bar (300 cal) 6. 5 oz protein, 2 oz veggie (200) 7. 10 oz protein shake (100) Total: 1210 I have gone the last 2 months with my weight staying pretty constant @ 190 since adding daily creatine and 10 lb of lean muscle after reaching gol in February 2013. As for stalls, one day up 2 lb, another day down 2 lb. However, yesterday was a big drop of 5 lb overnight after my weight went up 5 lb from a Cinco de Mayo drink session (2 margaritas) and 2 glasses of a full Chardonnay the day before that. I ran long on may 5th and for an hour on may 6th. Women have to deal with TOM, but men have to deal with Water retention due also. as for alcohol, i am going to cut down the intake because it does mess with your weight and water retention. It also does not help when needing to run or do a WOD. Now it is about 2x a month except for the last weekend. I drink about 1.5 gallon a day. However, I want to cut down my water drinking after dinner so I am not up 3-4 x a night in the bathroom.the chia seeds help tremendously with retaining water in the GI tract for when it is needed during working out. The Aztecs really knew what they were doing when eating a handful chia seeds before running 100 miles in the Andes.just remember to drink enough of water before and father to support the internal water retention of his sees. I always drink at least 40 oz first thing in the morning an hour before the seeds and then drink water all day long.
  25. pookybear

    Energy drinks?

    I used to before surgery but gave them up. I just think if they tell you to limit caffeine and alcohol because of how it can effect you, energy drinks must be worse!

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