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Roro I think every single person male or female has felt this same way and that is why we are all here looking for help ,answers, and most of all friends and support. I have lost so much weight in my life you could make 3 more people with it. and the sad thing is I'm still at my highest weight right now. I'm getting my band soon and I'm gonna be ready to fight back and my ammo is going to be waiting!!!!! Good luck and don't feel you are all alone in this i am here for you and together we can do this. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Roro, please don't hate yourself! If we've learned anything, it's that diets just don't work. They may get the weight off, but it always comes back. Why, because we return to our old habits. With the band, you have a tool that reminds you (sometimes not too gently) to watch your portions and try to eat healthier (most of the time). But you're the instrumental one in whether your band works or not. You can eat "around" the band by eating soft, high calorie foods that don't fill your pouch and leave you feeling hungry. Please research and ask ?? This is a very personal decision that you alone have the final say in. But do this for YOU, to help you regain your health and energy...not for some guy that doesn't appreciate (or deserve) you for what you are.
thanks so much for the information..i have talked to a few family members and i get different stories each time..i am 43 yrs old and have been overweight all my life..i realize the risk of being overweight yet i seem to be unable to stop eating..two yrs ago i lost 103 pounds it changed my life and i for the first time in my life felt good about myself although i still wasnt skinny i felt a lot healthier....i have found so many times in my life i have settled for less in my life...even the relationships i have had in my life it seemed i was the fat girl and if i ever wanted a man i had to take the very first one who paid me any attention...i am angry at myself for gaining my weight back after over a yr...i remember telling myself i would die before i gained it see i starved myself to death to lose the im back where i started before fat and not loving myself at all ..i wonder how many other women have felt as i do right now ????
RoRo You can expect to: 1. Lose Weight 2. Add years to your life 3. Eat less 4. More energy 5. Do things you have not been able to do in years! 6. Feel good about yourself Everyone here who has had the surgery has had success in their own way and I can almost guarantee they will tell you that the pro's out weigh the minimal cons this surgery has ( does it have any cons??) and that they would do it over again in a hearbeat! Are you thinking of having this surgery?
RoRo: What to expect? You can expect to hate yourself if you don't do something. You shouldn't hate yourself for losing weight and gaining it back. That's what happens. Very few people have a problem losing the weight. The problem is losing the behaviours, and emotions connected to the fat. Morbidly obese (doesn't the word "fat" sound better?) people have such a small chance of keeping weight off that it is statistically impossible. Has it been done? Of course. Every rule has it's exception. You can expect to lose and gain a few more times in your life, if you keep trying this way. Don't be so hard on yourself. Do you expect to be perfect all the time? Sorry, none of us are. Everyone here has lost and gained, and then looked in the mirror and saw a face they hated. Everyone. It's a tough decision. Discussing it with family and friends will be educational, but not helpful. Especially if they're thin. You will encounter all sorts of reactions. Few will be helpful. Some might even be harmful. Listen to yourself, and your troubled heart first. Look at your feelings and you will know what you need to do. Then, come here. Because whatever you decide, the people here will understand. We've been there. If you do decide on surgery you can expect more to happen. The unsolicited comments of family and friends will be your gift. They won't hesitate to tell you horror stories (mostly urban legend), or to seem to criticize. You'll talk to your family doctor. Get him/her to write a note asking a WLS surgeon to see you. You'll see that surgeon. You'll be sent for a battery of tests. If you are trying to bill insurance they will be contacted. You may have to fight for your rights with the insurance company, or you may have to pay your own way in this journey. If you are a good candidate, and if you are determined, you will move on. If you've decided that you are worth the effort, that you truly are a person who deserves a better life, the surgery will be scheduled. You will be mildly sedated then anesthetized. You'll wake up a very short time later and you'll have a new friend. You won't have as much pain as you think. Some in the shoulder, neck or back from gas. You'll be encouraged to get up and walk, use the bathroom, sip ice chips. You'll recover. You'll have to watch what you eat for a few days or weeks, gradually working back to regular food. When you're healed enough you'll be given a fill, a painless procedure that causes "restriction" thereby reducing the amount of food you can consume. That fill may have to be adjusted over the next few weeks. Don't be in a hurry now, this is a life commitment to health and happiness you've made, not a moment's whim. Your loss will mirror your gain. The pounds will drop as gradually as the sun rises. You'll find the beautiful core of you, hiding deep within your protective layer of tissue. There will come a time when you weep still, but you'll weep for joy, and for the lightness of being that comes when this burden is lifted from your spirit. You'll slip up from time to time. Backslide. But thanks to your band you'll not slide as far down that slippery slope as before. Minimal damage. No strain. You'll come here often, and read, and laugh, and maybe even cry a bit. You'll read someone's story and recognize their pain as your own. You will be in awe at how many beautiful spirits can gather together here. Then, one day, you'll answer a question from someone new, someone full of fear and hope. Someone who's afraid to hope for a better way, a better life, a better shot at all that life offers the thin. And you'll realize it is you who is gaining from this, from telling others what to expect. So you will have come full circle, and paid it forward. Good luck. There is a lot of info in this place, and you'll be able to research to your heart's content.
roro You sound like so many of us...SO stay here with us, laugh with us, learn with us and have fun with us BUT most of all LOSE WEIGHT with us. Membership to this family is only respect...for yourself and others here. Want to join????.. Oh yes thats a daily fee too.
roro, welcome. As usual Whippledaddy has written what I would have written had I but the gift of expression he has. I saw myself in what you wrote. I, too, lost 100 pounds and gained it all back and hated myself. I, too, settled for less because I didn't think I deserved more. For me, the surgery itself was very simple. It was a day procedure, I went home that evening. I never had any pain. I took a week off work, but I could have gone back sooner if I needed to. But having a week off was probably a good idea. Leatha is right. Research. Don't look to friends or family members for advice. If they have never been fat, they know nothing. And even if they have been fat, they may be at a different stage of fatness than you are. Meaning perhaps they have not hit bottom yet and realized they are powerless to fight this without help. For me, being banded has been both a physical and a spiritual journey. The physical part involved learning to work with my band, rebelling against the bandster rules, but eventually realizing they are there for a reason. Losing a lot of weight, stalling, then losing quickly again. Learning that even with the band, I have to eat right and exercise, the difference being that with my band to help me, I will never regain the weight and all my effort will not be for naught. The spiritual part of the journey has been much more interesting and rewarding. I am not yet near my goal weight, but my life and my relationships have changed dramatically. I no longer battle depression and self-loathing. People treat me with the respect I deserve. I have never had to demand respect. There is just a subtle change in how I present myself and people respond to it. I no longer feel old and like I am just waiting for the end. I have hopes, dreams, goals. And a lot more physical and psychic energy with which to make them happen. Honestly, I could go on and on, but I'll restrain myself. I researched for two years before I decided to have the surgery. Your research does not have to take that long, but please read until you understand how the band works, what changes you will have to make after the surgery, foods that you will no longer be able to eat. Learn the bandster rules. Research your surgeon. Etc. I wish every obese person could have what I have with the band. But it is a very personal decision. Good luck with your research. Nancy
Sorry Mom, I just cannot imagine someone telling you to gain weight to pay for surgery. It struck me as weird and off popped my mouth. Maybe there is more to this such as severe health problems? Make a good informed decision and good luck!
August Sleevers Want To Unit?
doxieville replied to doxieville's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Hey amykins! I think i've seen you around the forum. :-) Imabear: i had it pretty easy. I was one of those whose doc did a long postop diet. It was about a month before I ate solid food. So when I did, I was ready. I've never overeaten, have never hurt my tummy or sleeve. I do eat something every 2-3 hours bcs I get hungry. And I am back to eating my pre-surgery pace. It doesn't take me long to eat. The only issue l had was 6 weeks post-op my gallbladder had to come out. That slowed down my weight loss a bit bcs I couldn't exercise. It's a great life, being a sleever. -
Do they think all fat people are crazy???
Bamalama posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Does anyone know why we are required to have a shrink evaluate us before we have any weight loss surgery??? Do they think we are all crazy? -
Brandy, How do you attach the Weight Loss Ticker to your signature? I can't figure it out!!
Hi, I'm just starting the South Beach Diet--today is day 2. I've been avoiding diets like this forever but since I'm just not losing weight doing nothing I thought I'd try this. I'd like to discuss anything regarding the South Beach Diet with anyone who is interested. Please let me hear from you!!! Thanks
Do what you want. I'm sure you've researched this. And. You can "cheat" with the bypass too. I have a coworker who had bypass like six years ago. And she's gained over half of her weight back. It all depends on how you use your tool. Plus sleeve is less invasive overall.
Banded in August 09.....had motivation....lost 80...BUT
Noah's Mommie posted a topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Hello, I am returning to my roots in hopes of getting back on the band wagon!!! I was banded in 8/09 ..lost pregnant...GAINED IT trying to get back on track in a major way!!!! I just got a fill in my band up to 6.5cc's in a 10 cc band. Looking for my motivation once again.......I need to lose 133 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! Need help with meal plans.....ideas....anyone??? -
Only a handful of people in my life know I had surgery and some of them aren't the happiest for me so I need to share my celebrations somewhere haha I posted about a stall 3 weeks ago... I feel so silly for worrying now because not only has the scale has begun moving again (-15lbs since the post!), but as I'm nearing 2 months out I've officially passed 50lbs lost (22 pre, 35 post) and moved into a lower BMI class!! I'm going to see if my doctor will send me my past weight information from my medical records but I think this might be the lowest weight I've been since I hit my teens. I'm still in the "obese" range but obesity class 1 sure feels a lot better than morbid obesity. I feel in control for the first time in a long time. I've been able to go out with friends and make smart choices, and even still being fat I've definitely been getting more positive "attention"--I went out with someone from tinder yesterday without chickening out because "what if he doesn't realize I'm fat???" and it was without a doubt the best date of my life and I'm so excited to go out with him again and so glad I didn't let my weight hold me back. 8 more pounds and I'll be halfway to goal Though I'm wondering... my dream is to hit goal by my birthday. That's 73lbs in 6 months (3/28). I know weight loss slows down after the first couple of months, but is that too unrealistic? I won't be too upset if I don't manage it but I'd like a time goal just to keep me on track. (eta: my first appointment and highest weight ever was the day after my birthday, but I spent a lot of time between then and surgery having "food funerals" and eating all the crap I can't even imagine eating today so my pre-op weight loss was a lot slower than it could have been--I basically lost enough for insurance approval and then ate terribly until I had to stop for the pre-op liquid diet, so 73lbs is more than I've lost in the past 6 months but I think it would be more accurate to say it's been like 3.5 to 4 months of active dieting.)
Wow . Amazing! So happy you are cancer free and that you weight loss is working. Very inspiring ! And may god keep you smiling always like that! “There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps
I just watched a video on youtube by Dr. Matthew Weiner that might be helpful to you. The title is "How to Prevent Your Stomach from Stretching after Weight Loss Surgery."
I read many posts here from day to day...and every so often I feel I need to get my story out there...if anything, a declaration for my own edification... Before this WLS, I literally had one foot in the grave, there were so many medical issues and my prognosis was very bad...I'll not get ino it now, but I have in the the 3-5 years prior, I had to bury my Sister, and my Brother...both who died too young from complications from being Obese...and I was walking right in their footsteps... My PCP seriously talked to me, more as a friend, to be sure I had some funeral plans in the way of expenses, and also asked me if my family would be Ok and taken care of.... ANY type of WLS, (in my case it was Lap band), was a LAST RESORT....DO OR DIE (maybe that explains my fooling around, dam the torpedoes) That was 3 years ago, I am now 100% successful with my body determining what my weight should be....very low body fat %, in the "Athletic" range...I simply have no more excess weight of fat to loose...any more would be unhealthy...a true starvation mode not unlike the psuedo one everyone talks about. ALL my medical conditions have completely reversed, (other than the permanent damage to my heart muscle from a heart attack), no more Med's, all bloodwork #'s perfect right down the middle.... I am a Poster Child at my Bariatric center, often asked to talk at support and first time introduction meetings...(I'm careful to explain ALL people are different and choose their different weight loss paths) I'm 61 soon to be 62, run 5 miles a day...go to the gym 5 days a week...I feel like I am 30 years younger... I have NEVER had a single complication....I DO NOT consider this a "TOOL"...I consider this corrective surgery...I cannot over eat no matter how hard I may try...I am never hungry 24 hrs a day with no cravings and actually, have very little interest in food altogether....It's a mental thing for me because of the placement of the band.... A "TOOL" is something I can control...I cannot control this, it has complete control of me....If I was in control, and can "Use" this as a tool, I would surely screw it up and fail.... I DO NOT count calories, measure portions, keep logs, other words, I have been set free from DIETS!! I now live a Normal LIfestyle, I eat, work and play the way a person is supposed to do, not the abnormal gluttonous lifestyle I once used to live that made me sick and fat... But now, I find this the easiest thing there is..absolutely No work or struggle.... of course, during the first post-op phase, which took me 4-6 months of adjusting, was pure hell and frustrating to say the least...but I did not back down, and fought through was that important to has now become day to day, a way of life I do not think about that much if I had my gall Bladder taken out 3 years ago... Of course there are things I need to know and certain rules I must follow...but they are new longer a list....I don't have to think about what foods I can or cannot eat...I just know...I don't have to remind myself how to chew and take my time...I just know..and if I should forget, the band is there to immediately warn and remind me... IF I should ever encounter any complications, I will deal with them when and if they come.....better than being dead! One thing I have noticed to be a truth...the lap band is adjustable, and it seems all people have different levels as to where they want to be with this...for me, nothing less than maximum "Green Zone" life will do...and my Dr. understands....IMO that does not mean one person is right or long as you're successful in your path, that's all that matters....I HATE IT when someone says the way they are doing it is the ONLY WAY, then goes and instructs people just starting out...doing more harm than matter there are so many confused people....all anyone should ever do is give their own personal experience in any given situation...if they have none, then keep quiet and let someone who has experience speak...I love it when someone who has been banded for 6 weeks is going to tell me how I should be doing things... Anyway, It's 5am, I'm off to the gym soon when they open at 6 on Saturdays. ALL THIS because I chose to have the Lap Band could have been one of the other procedures, I don't know...this is he only one I have any experience this is the only procedure I can talk about....
Thank you! I was banded May 12th. My starting weight was 259 and I now weigh 218, so I've lost 41lbs! =) I do a lot of exercise and I really try to eat healthy but it's so hard for me to say no to sweets! That's something I'm still working on. I'm not at that "sweet spot" yet, I can still eat a lot. I've had 4 fills so far but I'm always looking forward to going back for the next! I'll be honest with you, this is very hard, you have to be completely dedicated. Also if you do eat junk food you will stop losing sons b-day was last weekend and it took me a few days to get back on track. I actually gained 2-3lbs! I've been beating myself up about that but like I said it's something I'm working on! I wish you all the luck! Keep me updated! :thumbup:
Most insurances will not cover a tummy tuck. Some will cover a panniculectomy with certain requirements. Most post weight loss plastic surgery can be very difficult to have insurance cover unless there is a documented history of rashes, infections, or hindering movement. Exercise can help, but some skin will be too far gone to ever snap back. It just depends on the degree you can live with. I can live with mine. Shapewear is a great thing.
NOW I know what ONE-DERLAND is!
ejsmith replied to kids05's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Congratulations, My surgery is on June 13 and I pray that my weight loss will go that well. Again Good Job..... -
It's amazing how the sleeve has changed my life!!! A year ago, I was 100 pounds heavier and was completely out of breath when climing a flight of stairs. I had my surgery 7 months ago and a week from Sunday I will be competing in my first triathlon (1/2 mile ocean swim, 13 mile bike ride and a 5K). Becoming a triathlete has been something I've aspired to do for about the past 5 years....but something that seemed so unattainable because I had such a hard time losing the weight and because I was so worried about what other people thought of me. I'm super excited but anxious and nervous at the same time!! I just want to let everyone know that you CAN do anything you set your heart and mind to do!!! And for those of you that are just starting out on this journey....don't be afraid to jump!!! I have spent way too much of my life standing on the sidelines because of fear. My sleeve surgery has never really been about the number on the scale....of course I still weigh myself more than I probably should and of course I'd still like to lose about 60 more pounds but if I didn't I would still be happy because I AM HAPPY. I'm happy not because of how much weight I've lost or what size clothing I wear, but because I'm living my life the way I've always envisioned it!!! YAY me!!!
So, I've been fat for most of my life. I've been fat ever since I was roughly 10 years old, but what I considered fat then is nothing compared to the state I am at now. After I got sex reassignment surgery, my metabolism went straight to hell and my energy levels fell. I didn't make any lifestyle changes afterwards, but the fact that I didn't was a part of the problem that resulted in the state where I am now. And gaining so much weight, I likely contracted sleep apnea due to my weight gain and also contracted plantar fasciitis, which makes it harder to be out and about without my arches screaming at me. I've tried so many diet and exercise programmes, from Bikram Yoga to Weight Watchers, from marathon training to calorie counting, from parkour to South Beach. In fact, I would have continued trying if not for someone in a chat room. They told me that I should get a lap band... to which I said "why? I can exercise, I have the discipline to diet, why the hell would I need a lap band?" We had a long discussion about bariatric surgery and I decided to do my research. I first considered the programme at Denver Health. After all, I didn't know about the programme just north of me in Fort Collins (and to be quite honest, that's kinda okay given the support network I've built up there) and I thought Denver Health was the natural place to go. That and UCHealth has had... issues with serving employees of the State of Colorado. So, I went to their support groups/medical weight loss classes (which were combined), attended sessions with their psychologist and saw their nutritionist only to get rejected because I had clinical depression. I feel the problem was that since the psychologist was not my regular psychologist and did not know me nor my support network well, that made her more skittish than she should have been. I then contacted the programme at Northern Colorado Surgical Associates (which is a part of the Poudre Valley Health System and their combined programme is called the "Bariatric Centre of the Rockies") and started attending their medical weight loss classes, their patient education seminar, got my regular therapist and prescriber to write my letter, and as of Tuesday, had surgery with them. Unfortunately, I don't feel that I can attend their support groups often (as their support groups are in Fort Collins and the transit back down to Longmont after 8pm is dismal at best), but the good news is that I have found other practices in the area which have support groups that I might be able to attend. I have a therapist that I really mesh with and I have a support network from both my church and my political party (Green Party of Colorado, FTW!) And I look forward to the future. I look forward to wearing all those cute goth/steampunk clothes I see in my Facebook news feed, I look forward to finishing up my transition by having facial feminization surgery/breast augmentation (which can only happen once I get to my goal weight, if my concern is having the best results), and most pressing, I look forward to the day I can waltz into the Denver Health support groups, look into the eyes of the nutritionists, psychologists, and that bariatric coordinator and tell them where they can stick it.
hi, after 5 months of various dr. appts. seminars, and an awful sleep apnea test, I was just approved. the insurance company only took 2 weeks. I thought for sure I would be rejected because I have a lower bmi. 35. I am 5'8 and weigh 240 but I have a huge family history of obeisity related issues. the only real health issue I had to keep me in the running for insurance approval was sleep apnea. (yeah) now I get to wait some more because my dr. is booked up until the middle of may.:scared2: now that I have my approval, I go back and forth between wanting to diet and get a head start on my weight loss, and wanting to eat until I cant eat anymore because I wont be able to do so after the surgery!!!! so far the diet is winning. (but its only been a week) just like every diet I've ever been on, I.m sure i'll give it up if I dont see immidiate results. cant wait to get this whole thing over with so I can wear cute clothes instead of coverup fat clothes.