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So went to Knott's berry Farm last Thursday... I have not been to an amusement park in such a long time. The embarrassment of not fitting on rides is a little to much to take sometimes....but this time it was different. I was able to go on every single rollercoaster and thrill ride. I had an amazing time and logged in about 7 miles of walking with no real tiredness. It was great to have so much energy and feel so NORMAL! 3 months in and it has already changed my life.
Its funny how my surgeon addressed me today!!!
hopetolose posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
So I went in for a fill today. Was not even sure that she would give me a fill, but she ended up giving me .20 since I had .50 taken out the last time. So my first NSV was when the nurse was taking my vitals. She was looking up my BMI and I asked her how close I was to not being "OBESE". She looked at me and said that I was NOT obese. Hehe. liked that one... I have about 4lbs to go until I am officially declared "overweight" So then I saw the surgeon outside the room and thanked him again for doing my surgery!!! He just looked at me and said WOW what are you a 27. Im like huh!!! No im a 14. He just laughed and said he thought my BMI was a 27. The nurse laughed and said no she is a 30 and he said that I looked way smaller than that. He wanted me to go and talk to people at the next seminar that he is having in Septemember. He thinks I will be at my goal within 6-7 months of my surgery. I told him that was my goal too!!! -
Just after WLS the wife got me a new belt. She was sick of my old one with the stretched holes and it bent all up to wrap around my rotund belly. I started out in the third hole, just enough left to tuck under the belt buckle and touch the first belt loop on most pants. Yesterday I had to punch two more holes in it and found the LAST hole was comfortable. The belt now wraps half way around me and touches the MIDDLE BELT LOOP in my slacks in the BACK. Yes, my belt wraps 1 1/2 times around me. Wow! I NEVER thought I'd see the day. BTW: Size 36 slacks are getting baggy, maybe time for some 34s?
Hey this is what if know:Sliming is when you throw up mucus type stuff. Pb stands for productive burp. It's when a bit of food that was stuck comes up. NSV stands for non-scale victory
Awesome job! Keep up the great work! NSV's really help along the way!
Hehehe... my NSV :-)
SIPS in Seattle replied to carolann0117's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
WOOT WOOT Great NSV Thanks for sharing!! -
what does nsv mean%?
TWO NSV's accomplished at the same time. 1. I got a bra from Victoria's Secret and it FITS! (BTW, the stores only go to a 38DD, but the online catalog goes to a 40DD. I got one from a store!) 2. My BFF and I are sharing clothes again! I raided her closet while here on vacation with the promise to return it when it's too big! We haven't been able to share clothes in 10 years! Good luck, everyone!
You are doing and wonderful job! Congrats on the jeans! I love clothes NSV's!
Hehehe... my NSV :-)
Allison0927 replied to carolann0117's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Every Tuesday I go to P.F. Changs Happy Hour to get steamed dumplings. (I peel off the wrapper) The bartender there is absolutely adorable. Usually it's pretty busy but today it was absolutely dead. We were discussing the fact that I work for a major diet company as a weight loss consultant (ultimate irony, I know) He then told me that he thinks that I am a great role model for my clients. He said he thinks I have a perfect body and that I'm so beautiful and blah blah blah. I don't care if he was just saying that to get a tip I was skipping all over the place. So happy!!
I went shopping during lunch today...and I slipped into a size 10 petite Lee Rider jeans. YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm So So So So happy!!! Doing a happy happy dance!!!
Here I am 4 months post – op! I’ve got good new to celebrate and some not so good, but overall I’d say my journey is still moving along!!! I haven’t gained any weight, but I can’t technically say I’m at a stall just yet either. I went to the Dr today, and received a 1cc Fill. The last couple of appointments, the Dr was really “proud” and said I was losing at a proper weight (6-8lbs per month)… well, I went in today and had only lost 4lbs. His first question was, “So, what happened this month? You’ve been losing at about 7lbs a month..” he asked if it was my portion control, or maybe I’m not eating the right things… I told him I was doing a Zumba-like class and doing the stairs at my job on my breaks and that I did feel like I was getting hungry more often than before. He basically said he wanted to up my cardio more, and that he’d add just a little to my band. Right now I’m on liquids which I’m not too happy about. My Drs appt was at 1:15p and I had a small breakfast. I wasn’t sure I’d even be getting a fill this time around, but I did, and once I left the office I couldn’t eat. I’ve been hungry ever since.. I’m looking forward to the chicken noodle soup broth I’ll be drinking later! I just wish I had a good lunch before going to the Dr… and I didn’t L I’ve had one NSV that comes to mind… I had a pair of jeans with a pretty studded embellishment on the pant leg that I used to LOVE to wear!...Well, of course I gained weight and could barely wear these jeans. These jeans were so tight! I had to button them UNDER my stomach, and even then I could barely tolerate wearing them… my butt crack was peeking out of those babies! They had to be taken out of rotation and deemed my “muffin top” jeans instead of my “studded” jeans. L Well, low and behold, I tried on those “muffin top” jeans and they are NO LONGER “muffin top” jeans! They’re my old “studded” jeans again! I can button them OVER my stomach, love handles, and ALL! I was just amazed how my ENTIRE behind is covered now! No peek-a-boo crack showing! I can not lie, I don’t care how gross this sounds, but I wore those jeans two days in a row I was SO ecstatic! And I told everyone who saw me, that “these were my muffin top jeans!”, but not any longer, I’m so proud of me!! LoL! Now, that was ALL my good, now for the BAD … I experienced my first PB while at work last week. This is going to be graphic… just a warning! … I was in the lunch room by myself and for lunch I brought Salisbury Steak a little bit of rice and green string beans. So I heat my food and sit down at the computer they have in the lunch room. Now while I’m checking my Facebook and email, things are going very smoothly. I’m eating slowly and chewing, mainly because I was more into Facebook than the food. So I finish playing on the computer, and realize I’ve used most of my lunch break playing instead of eating… So I move away from the computer and go sit at the table and try to eat as quickly as possible while chewing at the same time… And as I look back on it now, I see my mistake and I’m sure you see it too! There’s no such thing as “eating quickly” with the band. You MUST take your time! So, I chewed some steak, swallowed and felt the pain of being stuck! Now, I’ve been stuck before, and waited a few seconds maybe minute and it passed, but this time the pain was soooo NOT the same! It was in my side, my throat, and I think I even felt the pain in my port! I could be exaggerating but you get my point! I quickly wrapped up my food, because I just was NOT interested any longer… And as I’m walking I’m swallowing just spit, not a whole bunch , but in my mind I was hoping this would help the steak pass… I then remember I have papaya enzymes in my work bag… I go to my back as calmly as possible and I shake out four tablets.. LoL or at least try to! I think about ten or eight flew out the way I was shaking that bottle! I pop them back and walk to the bathroom… I’m chewing and chewing the enzymes, praying this helps and the pain goes away, and then as soon as I shut the bathroom door behind me, I burp! Slime and enzyme particles in my hand…very gross! I pour the slime in the sink… I burp two more times (nothing productive though) and I was my hands and walk out of the bathroom as if nothing ever happened… I felt completely normal again. Normally when people spit up I figure you have that sick “after shock” type feeling and that gross after taste in the back of your throat you keep swallowing to get rid of, but I had none of that. I really felt fine afterwards… I was even hungry about an hour or two later… I didn’t eat anything, but I felt like my band, Michaelangelo, he taught me a valuable lesson… “Slow the f!%$k down!”… Well… my weight is slowly declining, and I’m in good spirits! Hopefully next month I’ll have more NSVs and see some weight drop on the scale! TTYL OH!
So mu husband just says to me in all his eloquence "Dude, you're looking wicked skinny." I'll take it.
After dropping 60 Pounds, I have my first stall!!
Kristy posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Well I did it!! I cursed myself into a dreaded's been a week and I haven't lost anything, as a matter a fact I gained 2 pounds, but have currently lost 1 of them..UGH!!! However, I did have a NSV!!!! I went dress shopping for my upcoming cruise and learned that I am not only in a size 14 to 16 dress, but that I'm also down to a 18 in capris!!!! Started at 24, so this is huge for me!!!! So I'm upset about the stall, but can deal with it!! I have a feeling it's from all the stress right now that I'm having at work and home, trying to prepare for the cruise!! But it will all be worth it on Saturday when I step foot on the SHIP!!! Hope everyone is doing well!! Thanks for reading!! KRISTY -
Thanks a lot dude! You got me over here about to cry, big, huge manly tears of course. I know what you mean about being the embarrasing fat dad. Thats why im trying to do this now before my boy gets older. That is one helluva NSV, Congrats!
Still stuck at 165 - I am going to mix up my work-ups this week. Usually work out before work at 6:00 am - this week moving work outs to 6:00 pm - let's see if that changes anything. Has an awesome NSV this week - bought a pair of size 29 waist jeans... looked to small till I got them on!
Not as happy or excited as I thought I would be
YngGram replied to readytolosemomof5's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
The very first time those jeans that were just a little tight slide on without a problem. When someone says "Wow, you look good, have you lost weight. There will be lots of NSV in your future just wait for it. The excitement will soar -
Update! I can't believe it's been 7 months since I last wrote...
mom24teens posted a blog entry in Lappin' it Up
Wow - so much has happened in so little time. I haven't been on the forum since May; we've had such a busy summer. Now that school's getting ready to start it's going to get even busier! When I was last on in May, I had just publicly made it my goal (posted it on FaceBook) to reach 100 lbs lost by my birthday, which was 8/12. At that point I had lost 70+ and was feeling on top of the world. I had even bought an elliptical machine from someone at work and was ready to kick up the exercise program a couple notches....which I did, along with adding water aerobics twice a week. HOWEVER, I hit a MAJOR plateau in June that lasted into July. Ugggghhh! I talked to the doc about it and he said not to worry, all was well, and plateaus are to be expected. He was pleased with my overall progress and said to keep up the good work. As the numbers in my signature say, I have not yet reached that 100 lb goal - YET!! I am very pleased to be at the 87 lb mark and closing in on that 100! After all, today marks only 8 months since I started the pre-op diet and that is what I count as my starting point. Some NSV's for me include: 1-starting in a size 24/26 and I just bought some 14/16's!! I found a couple ladies with some size 16's for sale on Craigslist and THEY FIT! Soooooooo exciting for me 2-starting at ZERO minutes of exercise per week and now, I exercise an hour a day at least 4 days a week, if not 5. I do the elliptical for 20-30 minutes then go for a walk outside to round out the hour (sometimes it goes past), or water aerobics twice a week for an hour each, and sometimes I just grab my husband and tell him we're going for a walk. This has benefitted him too! Today we walked 5 miles and had an hour & 40 minutes of pleasant, uninterrupted together time. <3 3-the compliments I have gotten from people at work and who haven't seen me for a while never fail to make my day brighter! ========================================================================================================================================= Things that haven't been so great: 1-After my last 2 fills, I have had nausea & diarrhea that evening - anyone else experiencing these sypmtoms? 2-I have gotten "blocked" a couple times and it HURTS!! It hasn't been so bad that I've had to go have an unfill, just pain that lasts until the food moves past the band I suppose as the band gets tighter, I have to pay closer attention to chewing, swallowing, and eating SLOWLY! 3-Constipation. I have had issues with this for a few years since I tried another weight loss program, but still had problems and finally started drinking MiraLax (or the generic equivalent) every day and this has worked well for me. ========================================================================================================================================== Am I glad I did it? HELL YEAH!! Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! Am I loving the results? Oh yes!! I have reset the timeline on my 100-lb goal for the 1st of October. We'll see if it happens by then, and I would be ecstatic if it were to happen before then. But, even if I don't get there by then, I know I will eventually, and I just have to be patient and let it work. After all, I didn't get that big over the course of a few months and I shouldn't expect it to all go away that soon either -
I wanted to share some NSV with my VST friends and family -- first of all I don't need to use a seat belt extended on JetBlue flights! I have four seat belt extenders and will try and fly all airlines so I can announce my seat belt extender days are OVER!
July 2011 Bandsters!
lizzy2150 replied to lifeisjustbeginning2011's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
NSV today! I went to a wedding tonight. I had decided what to wear and had a back-up outfit picked out just in case. Then I tried to get dressed. The original outfit was too big. The backup outfit was too big. The next three things I tried on were too big. I finally found a black dress from about five years ago that was only slightly too big. I work from home, so I've been living in capri pants and t-shirts since the surgery; I knew they'd gotten baggy, but DANG!!!! Looks like I need to go shopping soon. -
Awesome NSV!!! :cheer2:
An NSV I may never top!
VSG4aHealthierMe replied to pasquini's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
♥♥♥♥AWWWWWW!!!♥♥♥♥ Yep that's pretty much at the top of the great NSV list! Soak it up and enjoy your new T-shirt free life!!" -
An NSV I didn't think possible ...
kellyw74 replied to Raine's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
That is a great NSV and made me smile!! good job! Kelly -
So I took my kids to the y to swim. For yrs I have worn a shirt while swimming. I stood in the locker room deciding if I would go sans shirt. Back an forth back and forth my mind argued with itself. Finally i decided why not! So with slightly trembling hands I tossed the shirt in the locker grabbed my 4 yr olds hand and heade to the pool. My other 3 were already out there. So as I come out of the locker room my 13 yr old son is walking back in. He stops, and gets this funny look on his face and says "ok dad, 1st (at this point my heart is running to hide as I soo have carry guilt about my weight embarrassing my kids) ... 1st you have lost ALOT of weight!!!! 2nd you look Great!!" an then he smiled this goofy 13 yr old my Dad rocks smile. I almost cried! Very manly tears of course. :-)