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I'm a long ways out but welcome you to VSGLand. We all wish you the best with a rapid weight loss and want to hear of the many NSV's coming your way soon.
Hi Everyone, I had my follow-up appointment with my surgeon today. I had written on the forums a little while ago asking advice for this horrible 4 week stall I have been on. For those of you who dont know me a little bit of background for you: I was sleeved January 25th, 2011. At my highest weight I weighed 304. I am only 5 ft 4. Today at almost 18 months post-op I weighed 173.5! 130 lbs gone forever! I have struggled throughout my journey but can honestly say that I have not one single regret! My blood work all came back perfect. Pre-op I had high cholesterol, I was on medicine for type II diabetes, I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 15 and hardly ever had a period. I also suffered from bad sleep apnea. At age 22, I was a wreck. Now I take no prescription medication, I have had a regular period AND ovulated every month for the past year. I have never felt so good. I was also cleared to try and become pregnant. Although my goal weight is 145# my surgeon told me that I was healthy enough to start trying now. This is a HUGE NSV for me! I have always wanted children and pre-op was told that my chances of having children was slim to none. I probably will not be having children for at least another year ( Im a nursing student and have enough on my plate!) but nevertheless this was wonderful news for me. Basically, I want to be an inspiration for others. Those who havent been sleeved yet, I know how nerve wrecking and hard it can be, as well as the flood of emotions you feel. You are making a huge commitment to your life. But I can promise you that you will not regret your decision. It takes a leap of faith and a great deal of courage to go through weight loss surgery but the benefits are neverending. To those that have already been sleeved, whether your 2 days post-op or 2 years post-op I encourage you to enjoy your journey. Be patient and take it one day at a time. I have been notorious for getting bent out of shape when the scale isnt moving the way I want it. It is important to enjoy yourself at every weight and enjoy watching yourself become a healthier, happier you. This website is full of such wonderful people with a plethora of great knowledge. I feel blessed to be a part of such a great community. Good luck to all of you! "The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible."
Woohoo! That is an awesome NSV. I've always gone nude for massages, but I have never been comfortable being totally nude in the women's area. Even now, while I no longer hide in the bathroom to change into the robe and I can strip in the locker room area, I haven't quite worked up the nerve to walk around totally without clothing. I feel a little awkward because I tend to look at the other women and I swear half of them are perfect- no cellulite, no sagging, no plastic surgery scars, and I think...yikes. In reality though, I have never once thought a negative thing about any of them, no matter what their size or appearance- it just wasn't anything that crossed my mind as even noticing, so I can see how I should be a lot more comfortable than I am. Again though, good for you, I love this NSV!
I had never gone to a spa until about one week before my sleeve surgery, a little over 2 1/2 years ago. My friend and I were on a girls weekend in Vegas and she wanted to treat me to a massage. I was absolutely against it. Embarrassed and ashamed of my body. She told me it would be one of the best pleasures I would ever know. "Besides," she said, "nobody knows you, they will never see you again." So, reluctantly, I agreed. When we first arrived and they took us into the back to change, they told me I could go full nude if I wanted to, but--at the most--I had to strip down to my underwear and bra. I think I turned beet red. As they gave us a tour of the facility and its amenities, so many women were in the nude! Sitting in the sauna, steam room and hot tubs. Ugh! The movies were not so far off. I was so uncomfortable and I felt like I did not belong. I was surrounded by women who were comfortable in their bodies. I was not. But alas, there I was, so I stripped down to my underwear and bra, put on my robe, wrapped it around me and held onto it for dear life. I was offered some wine...which I gladly accepted to calm my nerves, and when I was called back into my massage room to meet my masseuse, I was MORTIFIED! The masseuse was a GUY, and I wanted to die. He told me he was going to step out of the room and allow me to take off my robe and get onto the massage table, under the sheets. When he shut the door, I seriously contemplated leaving. However, my friends words echoed in my head: I would never see this person again. I did as I was told and got under the sheets (and trust me when I say that I wrapped them tight, like a human burrito). He came in and talked to me in a very soothing voice. However, he noticed that I was fidgety and avoiding eye contact. He asked me if I was nervous. I admitted that I was, and I even confessed that it was my first time and that I was very insecure about my weight. He graciously told me, "Sweetie, every woman is beautiful. No matter her shape or size. This is going to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, and I do not want you ruining it with such nonsense." Oh my goodness! What a wonderful and beautiful thing to say. I loved him from that moment on. My nerves and reluctance melted away and I REALLY enjoyed the experience! My-oh-my, that 80 minutes felt like 20 minutes! I wished it lasted longer (actually, I think he added on an extra 10 minutes; tipped him big too!). So, here I am. 30 months post-op. Learned to work my sleeve, eat right, religiously spending 8-10 hours in the gym a week, lost all of my excess weight, completed plastics, and loving my body. So, the girls and I had a spa day over the holidays and I decided to go fully nude in the hot tub, in the steam room and on the massage table. I wasn't uncomfortable. Totally owned it. I even had one of the girls who joined us (mind you, she is 10 years younger than me) say, "Jeez...what I would do for your body." [Mind you, yes I had the sleeve. Yes, I had plastics; but, I work my butt off in the gym lifting weights and sticking to an eating regime that is healthy 90-95% of the time. Some people love to say that I cheated to get this body, but I say all the sleeve did was give me QUANTITY control. The sleeve does not control QUALITY and it does not dictate my fitness. After 4 kids, major weight gain, rapid weight loss, there was no way that my skin was going to put itself back together. I am not ashamed of my plastics and praise my doctor for helping complete my weight loss journey.] Okay, mini rant over. So, anyway, I felt AWESOME. I have never, EVER, had the confidence that I do now. And my ability to confidently lounge around in the nude was my biggest NSV yet. For the first time I realized I was just like those women in that Vegas spa.
On this subject, I wish folks posting a general question or comment that's not specific to a particular surgery type would put it in the general forums and not sleeve forums, etc. I like to see posts about NSVs and universal issues, but I don't want to scan the sleeve forums for them since I'm a bander.
Oh heck no! I couldn't do that, I'd starve. I just take a couple during the day to make sure I get enough protein. For the amount of exercise I do, my PA and I agreed that I can eat a little more than most bandsters. Plus, the nutritionist I dealt with pre band said due to my size and the amount of muscle I carried even be surgery, I needed more protein. Now, she did think I could get all of that with just diet alone, but I didn't think so. So, I "cheat" a little and use a Protein powder mixed w/water for my "snacks" instead of plain milk. Today's exercise: Upper body workout with 12 rep circuits. Damn near killed me.:smile2: Then, 65 minute on elliptical and 15 minute run on the treadmill. I had my 1 yr check up (actually 51 wks, but PA is on vacation next week) so I have to work the late day shift today. Figured I'd just do it all in one swoop. As mentioned, I had my early 1 yr checkup today and I've lost 103 lbs since the surgery date last Aug 28. I lost 23 lbs alone on the 10 day liquid pre op diet. So, I maintained a 2 lb/wk weight loss.:hurray: And that is with only losing about 5 lbs in the last 2 mos. I've been concentrating more on gaining muscle the last couple of months.:wub: And then, for an NSV, I had to take my new uniform shirts back in to Streichers to get them tailored. I actually had to get them "V"ed because they were too big in the abdomen area and just about right through the chest and lats/back.:cheers2:
:whoo:Awesome NSV...and 3.5lbs is great. Better than nothing at all, or gaining.
My NSV today my 6 year old was able to wrap her arms completely around my waist and lock her hands together. That's never happened! I got my first full embrace from my little girl! Mind you the little terror will lay on top of me and cuddle a million different ways, but I've been so looking forward to this one and it finally happened. Denise, girl you kill me. But yeah baby, you're just a bitch, not a fat one. Woo Hoo.
Just peeking in to say hi....HI!!! Great NSV's everyone! RESTRICTION AT LAST!!!! Good for you Karen! I feel your pain Mary. It's getting cool in Chicago as well and I have nothing to wear. I'm going to try and find a few things at the thrift store. Enjoy your day!
Wow! Don't you just LOVE surprises like that? You thought it was a FUTURE NSV and it was today's! Happy Sunday! Keep up the great work!
Please share your BEST NSV (non-scale victory to date)! You must pick only the very best one, even though I know there are lots. And positive answers only please--not that there is such a thing as a negative NSV, but I really need some positivity today and thought this would be fun!
OMG you guys I got checked out yesterday! I was driving and I noticed a car pulling up to beside me quite a bit. I figured it was some jerk so I ignored it. Then he beeped and I thought maybe he was trying to tell me something was wrong with my car so I looked over. He waved, winked, smiled at me, pointed to me and mouthed "you're hot"! It's been a LOOOOOOONNGG time since that happened. I'm happily married but it's nice to get noticed again. Scary in some ways too, but it definitely made me smile. I was feeling pretty down on the band yesterday because I was stuck all day but after that, I'm feeling pretty band-positive again! :whoo: On a side note, does that actually work on ANY woman? Like I'd be all "Oh, I'm hot? Well pull over and let's have a go!". While he made my day, he's obviously an idiot. LOL Just had to share as it made my day and who else can I tell?
i love this thread! i am so glad you made friends AND got to go on the coasters together! this will be one of my big NSVs, tho it will be a while for me (i haven't been under 200 since i was 18 and i am 46 now)! i am in michigan -- maybe i can hook up with you on next year's trip!!!
@ No, do not cry! I felt that same way when I was with my kids, I didn't want to embarrass them. My mom is super morbidly obese and one of my earliest memory's was having a parents come to school day which my mother attended ( she is an artist, painter) After she left one of the little kids said something to me about how big my mom was. We were only 5-7 years old. I never realized my mom was different, I just loved her. I remember that really caught me off guard and I went home and cried which in return made my momma cry. I think that kinda stuck with me so When I was at my heaviest I didn't go up to the school unless I absolutely had to. Most of my daughters friends had never met me. A few months ago my daughter was in a "grace notes" competition for school and I got dressed up and went to watch her. After the competition was over on the way home my daughter said "mom you want to hear something funny?" After you left my friend said "I hope this doesn't offend you but your mom looks like a Barbie doll". Ha! Can you believe it??! I just smiled and said "whatever" but on the inside I was fist pumping ! That my friend was one heck of a NSV!!! You too will have your moments, just wait!
The way I look was a major factor in my choice to have this surgery. I live in the core of a large Canadian city. Like New York, we have good urban transit and we walk a lot. People who live downtown tend to be well-groomed and slim. I started gaining weight after I went through an early menopause just like my mother, and just like my mother all my weight gain was on my torso. At first I was fairly relaxed about this but when I was switched, for reasons of treating my problems with depression (also hereditary), to a fattening cocktail of pharmaceuticals, this weight gain stopped being a joke. I joined a gym but exercise alone wasn't doing much and by now I weighed too much for liposuction and a tummy tuck. The truth was that I had become fat, was going to get fatter, and I felt that my body was totally out of control. It had become my enemy and I was embarassed by myself. A friend told me about this procedure. I made an appointment in order to find out whether I would be a suitable candidate and now here I am, another bandster! I was banded September 7 of this year. I haven't been weighing myself because I got out of the habit of using a scale when I was 25 and I can't seem to break the groove. I have been having some NSVs however and I am learning how to break some of my more self-destructive habits. But it was my vanity that started this journey.
Congrats on your NSV... But you just made me remember I still need to do my carpets
That was too Funny Kat - such a a great NSV...
This morning I'm not actually as sore as I thought I'd be. Another great NSV! Of course, sitting at my desk all day won't help matters any I'm sure. Kathy, there's no question the right clothes make a big difference. Go get yourself a ski bib! I found a pair of pants one last year ON THE RACK that fit me well--they were a 16 and only one of many that were there. Depending on the ski area, you may even be able to get on-site babysitting. You just reminded me that I actually have a pair of x-country skis in the attic; they were a present from my husband back in our unmarried-and-adventurous days. If we get enough snow this winter I'm going to dig them out and cross some country!!
Today I did two things that I am going to feel in the morning. Last winter my daughters and I picked up ice skating, which was a HUGE NSV for me and one of the dreams I'd hoped to realize after losing weight. After taking the entire summer and fall off, we started up again today. Well, 45 minutes of that and I was seriously hurting. The love is still there, though, and I didn't fall once! Then this evening I headed to the gym for a nice, quite ride on a bike (after having been with the kids all day, this was my reward). When I got there I met a friend who talked me into checking out the open volleyball which was just starting. Now, I used to play volleyball, pretty seriously, but stopped before my older daughter was born. The last time I played I probably weighed 310 or so, and lord knows I wasn't any good at that weight. So I haven't played, AT ALL, in about 8 or 9 years, and for 10 years before that I wasn't playing with any kind of energy or skill. In spite of feeling completely rusty, I let my friend talk me into it. Ho. Ly. Cow!! It was so much fun, and rather than feeling like I did the last time I played, I felt like I did when I played IN HIGH SCHOOL (when I weighed about what I weigh now). It was SO MUCH FUN and I can't wait to do it again!! I'm on a high right now from this experience, that was both familiar and beloved and also completely new and exciting. But I am going to feel this big time tomorrow. It's a good kind of hurt, of course, and I am stoked!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I am 5’6 and I think my goal is 150 - which is about the top of my weight range for BMI . Greatest NSV so far is crossing legs comfortably and not having to scooooch up my pants waist to sit down - to cover stomach comfortably in pants [emoji849] HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17) GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18) GW#2- 180 [emoji736] (4/2/18) GW#3- 160 CW 175 5’6”
Stall a complete week and this week
allwet replied to amartinez8853's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
start with some meditation. Followed by deep breathing exercises. I am not making fun of what you are going thru just trying to get you to relax and step back a little. Follow your program - completely - The weight will start to come off again. At this point i would very much recommend you stop weighing yourself daily. Switch to once per week and stop the daily mental torture that is the scale. Please read the ongoing post about NSV (non scale victories) there will be times in this process that all you can hold on to are the NSV. Don't look down on all the great things changing in your life as you go forward instead hold these little wins close to your heart and let them carry you till the weight loss returns. good luck and grats on the great progress you have made to date -
My 2nd time around I started at a HW of 242 at my revision consult. Which was actually heavier than my first wls back in 2010. SW was 226 on 8/8/17. My program never asked me to set a specific goal. If I went by the BMI chart, I should be 142. I had exactly 100lbs of excess weight to lose. My personal goal would be to get to 150. Just at the top of normal on the BMI chart for my height. As of this morning, I have 9lbs to go. My first NSV that really stood out was being able to wear riding boots that weren’t wide calf. Now I can cross my legs easily and even double cross my legs. Also, I tried on jeans on Sunday and was able to put on a size 8 without issue.
(X-posted, sorry for the repetition if anyone read this elsewhere!) Very early in this process for me, there was a thread here as well as another forum asking people what their goals were, what they looked forward to and hoped to achieve with their weight loss. The last few days have been awesome for me! One of my biggest goals initially was to run a 5K by late summer/early fall. I've never been a good runner at all, even in my late teens/early 20s when I was otherwise in the best shape of my life. I've run a mile... one time. Now I'm doing Couch to 5K, and Saturday I ran 25 minutes AND hit two miles. That's twice as long as I've ever run in my entire life, ever. That alone put me on cloud nine, but then we got together with some old high school friends of mine that night and the compliments were wonderful and we had just a fantastic time. Monday I ran 28 minutes, and today made 31 minutes for 2.4 miles. I've jumped the gun a little bit and registered me and my hubby for my first 5K .... a week from Saturday, on the 25th!! And I've had tons of OMG! moments throughout this thing, but today's the first one that made me cry. I have held on to a pair of jeans that I wore before I got pregnant with my son (who's 21 1/2 now), for that many years. They're the smallest ones I ever had as an adult, a size 12 which translates to about a 10 by today's sizing. They're high-waisted, pleated, peg-legged and acid washed, and I knew I'd never wear them in public again, but kept them all these years for that "someday" when I'd be able to put them on again. They've gone from California to Michigan to New York to Michigan to Florida and back to Michigan again with me, always hanging in my closet just waiting for me to get my sh*t together and finally lose the weight (which of course, just kept piling on). The waist looks so tiny, I couldn't even remember being that small. Today I was trying to find a pair of jeans that wasn't too baggy or too tight, and just for the heck of it I pulled out those things to see if I could even get them over my butt yet. Before surgery, I couldn't even get them past mid-thigh. I was in the middle of telling my husband exactly that -- "Before, I couldn't even get...." --and one leg was in. Then the other leg was in and the damn things pulled up all the way... and I burst into tears. They buttoned and zipped (had to lay on the bed to do that LOL!) but they WENT ON! And I just cried, and he almost did too seeing me so happy and proud of myself. It was an amazing moment. The day of the 5K, the 25th, will also be my 8 month surgiversary and I VOW to take pics and put some before-and-durings up. I actually have a before pic of me with those jeans pulled up to mid-thigh, as far as they'd go at the time. Just had to share the most thrilling days of this whole thing for me so far! :thumbup:
Best week ever, NSV after NSV!!
a.walker replied to Stacy160's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Those are some awesome NSVs. I think it's awesome that you're doing a 5K. I see lots of people doing that, and I really want to try the couch to 5k, but I think I better get in a little better shape before I do. And what a great feeling to fit into those jeans! I can't wait to see the before and during photos. Way to go! -
Great NSV Brandi (For some reason, I keep wanting to call you "Bandi") WOW!!!!! 70 pounds in SEVEN months! WOOT! Way to go, and you are an inspiration to me! Please tell us your secret!