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Found 17,501 results

  1. neese007

    Desperately need help!!

    Hi Sweetpea51 It takes time. Both my Husband and I were banded (me/March2006 and my Husband October/2006. I did well of slowly (and I mean SLOWLY) losing the weight - My Husband who is nortoriouos for being a 'SNACK DADDY', found it difficult and very frustrating to lose any weight. Especially in the beginning. It wasnt until his 4th fill - 7 months later that he started seeing results. I know everone wants the weight to come off immediately, but it wont. Set realistic goals. It will take about 1 year to get about a 65lb to 75lb weight loss. And most of it wont start coming off until after your are 6 months post op and start getting your fills. Please dont be discouraged after your 1st, 2nd and 3rd fill - I promise you will be able to continue to snack the deli and snack with the toddlers with no problem! (Speaking from experience - I could still hound down 1/2 pizza!). It will take between 4-8 fills to find the 'sweet spot' you keep hearing about. You may always be able to do a little snacking here and there, but the total food intake will eventually be limited. Be patient - I PROMISE it will come! But I PROMISE you will have daily frustrations here and there. The band is worth it and on your year anniversary you will look back and thing 'OMG'!. Good Luck!
  2. SPEBSQSAlady

    I will be gone for a while

    Things went from bad to worse. The drain was removed, but after a few days I had developed a hematoma (blood clot) which my body would not absorb. After a week Dr. Smith cut a 4 inch hole in my tummy and removed the hematoma. Now I have been going in daily to have the hole packed with sterile gauze as it has to heal from the inside out. They are telling me it will be at least another week of packing before it has healed enough not to pack any more. It also oozes continously so I have a huge bandage on my tummy to protect it. BUT, the good news is that I have been without a band for 3.5 weeks and am still retaining my weight loss. Still eating correctly so that is a good thing. Good lessons learned. Dr. Smith still is not willing to make a committment of if I can get another band. We will wait and see after I am healed. Thanks to everyone for your concern.
  3. Katie713

    Is This "normal"

    Chunkychick....sometimes we think the less we can take in the better, but for health purposes its not true, the sooner you can get 64 oz of liquid and 75-80 grams of protein in the better, you are perfectly managing your intake at about 600-700 calories. My body loses in steps, I stay the same for awhile and then boom, I'm down another 5 pounds. This isn't a race and when we read posts about crazy huge losses really fast there are so many factors including male or female, starting weight, how much exercise, heredity....I always had stalls before my sleeve, and I still do but I am close to 100 pounds thinner since starting the weight loss journey last summer 2011. I was on a mandatory 12 week pre-op program and lost 28 pounds on a low calorie diet before having surgery in April 2012. This has changed my life, I lose slow and easy, but I feel healthy and finally enjoying shopping in regular stores not the big girl stores. Good luck, I am happy to give you any support that I can.
  4. Someone was telling me about a flavorless "sprinkle" you can put in anything even Water. Has anyone heard or tried it. What's it called and where can I get it? surgery: April 24th~~~current weight loss 20 pounds
  5. Wow, you should see the post I made in the enabling thread. Carbs, low fat, all of that. she and I are very alike. Butter, you've also inspired a lot of people in "internet life" though. And I can see why. First because you have been successful, and second because you take time to help others. What has surprised me is just a bit of weight loss for me has inspired others. I'm not even close to goal and I'm hardly a "success". But apparently every little bit counts.
  6. Its been 7 weeks post op.and I have only lost 18 lbs. I started this journey at 271 I went surgey at 238. Today I weighed in only at 220. I guess I just need to take realization that I might be slow looser. How much does intake of water effect weight loss or having bowel movement? These two items I have been struggling with. The doctor says im doing fine that if I work on water intake that my weight loss will Improve. Guess sometimes you need hear what others say.
  7. Christy, You might check my journal out, I've tried to list everything in there from start to end. I can eat pretty much anything, I have had problems with bread (doughy kinds) but somedays I can eat it with no problems, some days, I can feel it pass thru the band. The most frustrating thing for me was getting to a propper fill level, it took me a long time and lots of patience. I try and eat low carb, low fat, and low calories. I don't always do it, but I try. I basically try and follow the rules. The first thing I would do is find a doctor in your area that performs Lap Band and call and go to a seminar. Then I would check that doc out and make sure he is the one for you. You might go to 2 or 3 docs to see which one you like the best. The seminar explain a lot. I also bought the book Weight lOss surgery for dummies, and Successful habits of weightloss surgery patients, both are good books and discuss the different types of WLS. Best wishes, Tonya
  8. Well Hello - I am so there with you. I am new to this "posting" thing so I just found your post. I had my surgery in Aug 2003 . . .lost about 60 pounds my first year & now have "re-committed" to the process. I got lazy & learned to eat / drink and that wasn't keeping me full. "Plus" side is that I have kept the weight off but the sad side is I want to be heathly & it seems the only way is to lose weight. Last year, 2009, I started again, in one year I lost 35 ponds so over all i am down a good 90 pounds from my orginal weight. I want to lose to fit into a size 16/18 comfortably - what ever weight that was. Thanks for letting me vent now to suggestions that you might want to consider. The program that my doctor promotes is the a high Protein one. He wants us to have 60/80 grams a day & then other intake. I have never been able to handle lettuce (salads) so I am not of the loss there. Last year when I started again, I found myself totally bummed b/c I tried to change EVERYTHING at once. I needed to do small steps to get my body back into the habit of smaller & better. Maybe try baby steps like for me - I cut out all sweet tea (southern style with 100% sugar), then I got some peddles - Wal-Mart ($24.97) to use while I sit & watch TV or movies or read a magazine. I don't break a sweat but I do that about three times a week and it has helped. I have followed the plan to a "T" ? No but I am working on getting back to the plan, back to the to the basics of surgery. I finally came to the realization that I spent (insurance paid) a lot of money for surgery & I haven't done squat with it. Time I did. Try the baby steps, think about the little things that you can change then after a while they will not seem so challenging. Good Luck - I am in TN but holler at me anytime - daytime e-mail suzanne.ginter@HCAhealthcare.com
  9. I have my surgery in 3 days and I have been working on what I am going to do for my weight loss rewards, just to add a fun element to all of this. 1st 30 lbs- new hair cut/color 2nd 30 lbs- ??? (Still working on this one) 3rd 30 lbs- SPA day 4th 30 lbs- tasteful boudoir pics (this is my goal weight, I figure if I see this weight, I need to get pics to document it!! ha ha) Anyone else do something similar?? )
  10. Hello everyone, It's been months since I posted but this whole weight loss journey is a bit confusing when it comes to losing inches and never seeing the scale move since my last fill four months ago. Last fill 7.1 roughly four months ago, I believe, I'm in the green zone as I rarely hungry and can literally go 10 hours in between meals and have before many days of the week. So question is... I have lost many inches all over, just this week alone, I was measured for a bra and found I lost 10 inches alone around my back and bust area. My stomach area, 6 inches, my hips 4 inches, legs 2 inches.... Sooooo why in the world am I not seeing any numbers move on the scale at all. I mean if your losing fat by inches, why don't you see number wise. I was fifteen pounds smaller four years ago when I could wear a size 10, put those away for some years, and now still fifteen pounds heavier, I can wear them again. Uggggh I'm just frustrated. I will admit to everyone, I don't eat much, Protein drink bfast and lunch most days, very small dinner, and I do occasionally get stuck. I fill up very easily. Maybe need adjusted as I may be close and in between green zone to just hitting red zone. I love how I feel though, never hungry, I've waited for that feeling five months ago now nine months since surgery. Thanks for any advice.
  11. I did look horrible for awhile. Plus, my family totally freaked out because they had never seen me "smaller' than 200lbs. So, it was shocking to see my collarbones, and see my bones protruding. I did go through the gaunt/sickly looking phase, and it was very difficult. Some never experience it, but I sure did, and it was kind of difficult to manage. The hair loss stage and regrowth stage was definitely difficult for me because I lost a lot of hair, and I had chia pet head for several months. I agree she could have used different words, but it sounds like this is just "her". Try not to let her get you down.
  12. This will help you and your band if you let it.Just a thought for you. There was a done study 3 groups of people! subjects who dieted' but dident exercise; those who dieted and did aerobic exercise;and those dieted and did aerobics and weight training. in twevle weeks'each group lost the same amount of weight-about 20 pounds. the big difference was the amount of muscle lost.people who dieted with out exercising lost nearly seven pounds of ( Muscle ) interestingly,those who dieted and did aerobics lost over four pounds of muscle ). only the group who dieted while also lifting weights and doing aerobics maintained their muscles mass. they lost about a ( half a pound of muscle' ) even though they lost a substantial amount of body weight. he bottom line from this study: when you add weight training and aerobics to your weight loss program' you lose more fat and less muscle- if you train intensely. I learned the hard way I dieted little exercise at first, and lost a lot of muscle mass. it seems funny when I was heavyer I could lift so much more now I feel like the skinny guy at the beach as my bench is down over hundred pound's but! the flip side to this Im fitting into size mens 32 pants and looking very tone! from size 42! hehe.JOHNQ (P.S) cardieo is the way to go lose the weight first then build your self up as your heart is the most importent muscle that we have. take care God bless.
  13. Jachut

    Exercise And Fat Loss

    Its so true. I'm a little obsessed about this. Its just my nature to turn weight loss scientific rather than just do it, and I'm a bit panicky over this initial post banding loss. I really believe that initial huge quick losses are not something to aim for because you're only losing lean body tissue (and water). I've worked quite hard to get real food in in liquid form and my first week's loss has been 2.3 kg which is still pretty fast but nowhere near as incredibly fast as lots of people lose at first. I've tried hard not to let the surgery set me back, I'm living my ordinary active lifestyle and getting a walk in each day. But I"m frustrated I cant do vigorous stuff and weight training for a good few weeks yet - I feel like I'm withering with each day, lol. A few weeks is not going to hurt but I'm going to really work on my body during this journey. I want to end looking really fit, not just thinner! And the more muscle you have, the more you can eat (meaning maybe one or two less fills) and therefore the more nourishment you get in and the easier it is to maintain your weight. But it is inevitable in a large weight loss that you will lose muscle tissue because your body needs more to support your weight when you're obese. Your excess weight is not just fat, its bone and muscle too - and in fact you'll often find when you go back down the scale, you're leaner at a certain weight than you were on the way up because your bones are denser. I like your take on things JQ, I think you've had such incredible success because you focus so hard on the exercise side of things too. Its not all about just eating less is it?
  14. Literally the only things I used were chapstick & my cell phone [which also served as my kindle to read books]. I took so much crap with me, and didn't end up touching any of it but those two items. >_> No, wait -- a hairbrush, too. Your hair will be a disaster from sleeping in the hospital beds...!
  15. emsbugbug

    Would you still have it?

    I was banded Sept. 2010. I know it hasn't been that long, but I can tell you that getting banded was the best thing I could have done for myself. Bypass was never an option for me. I have seen too many people with complications/death and I have 2 young children. It didn't even cross my mind. The band has been a great tool for weight loss. I am down 53 lbs and so proud of what I have been able to do so far! Do your research and figure out what is best for you.
  16. Jachut

    Oh What A Dilemma

    The thing is, you dont have the surgery and get thin right away - if the military were to send you packing for being obese, you're still going to be obese for quite a long time, surgery or not. Or will simply showing you're losing weight be enough? by the way, what do you mean "frowned upon". Where does ANY organisation get off dictating how employees can deal with health issues? weight loss surgery is the most sensible, effective and long term way to deal with obesity. Sheesh.
  17. A New New Dawn

    Oh What A Dilemma

    Self-pay does tend to go very quickly from what I have seen on this forum. However, as the prior post indicated it won't be instant weight loss. The ideal weight loss for this surgery is 1-2 lbs per week. The first few weeks with the pre-op and post op you will have some big weight loss but after that it will likely hover around the 1-2 lbs per week. Also know that the band is only a tool and you will still have to be willing to modify your diet and activity. Guessing since you are military, you are accustomed to exercise as you will need to incorporate that into your regimine as well for this to be successful. While I know you said this is frowned upon, have you checked to make sure your insurance doesn't cover it? I would hate to see you shell out that money if your insurance will cover it. You can call them to find out and none of your superiors would need to know. If it is covered, your medical records are still your private information thanks to HIPAA but not sure if there are different circumstances with the military and what you have to disclose. Good luck to you!
  18. Greetings all, I am just going to lay it all out there because that is WHAT I DO! I am active duty military and I want to continue my military career! I have had two children back to back and since then have struggle significantly to lose weight (story of my life). I absolutely LOVE serving my country and want nothing more than to continue. Weight Loss surgery is actually frowned upon and could get me in a lot of trouble, but so could being overweight. I am at a cross roads with what to do. I already know I will come out of pocket if I was going to follow thru. My question is, from start to finish how long did it take to get banded? Time is NOT on my side and this may be my last resort before the Military sends me packing. Please help!
  19. babsintx3

    Band to be removed Thursday - Soooo Scared!

    Hi Paige, Once again, I find myself playing devils advocate. You make valid points but they are so laced by your negativity, no one really wants to listen. THere is no PERFECT WLS. I have bypass friends who are sick looking, anemic or DEAD in their pursuit to be a normal BMI and healthy. I have lapband friends who have had numerous complications, several erosions, several slips, some pouch dilatations etc. I do not have any DEAD lapband friends although I know that there are a very very few that succumb to complications of surgery. I like the reversability factor because I do believe that one day there will be a pill or medication available to me to put my obesity permanently in remission. Since their presently is not and I had two small children to consider, I did not want a more dangerous rerouting of my anatomy and the band was a great option for me because of my problem with satiety. I never got full. We all know that the lapband is not a perfect solution and does not cure obesity. It is simply a tool to aid in weight loss and the patient must do the work (both mentally, dietary and exercise compliance) THe same applies to all WLS. Sure there are probably better options for long term like the DS as an example, but the associated risks are significantly higher even with a great surgeon and in my case, I was not prepared to take the risk. The band is actually quite barbaric in nature as a restrictive device rather than malabsorptive. Despite all my problems with the band (12 fills and unfills over 3 years, endoscopies, floruoscopies, and all the post op care I have endured, I still feel I made the right decision. Statistically, I am a success, but I busted my butt. Do not think it was an easy journey. I am still considered to be overweight, but I will take my size 14/16 over a size 28-30 anyday. Babs in TX 334/190 ish
  20. georgebals

    Weight gaining....what gives...generally speaking?

    wow, I'm a newbie but exercise will not make you lose weight. I'm trying to replace muscle with fat. I've found most are cheating on diet & grazing to gain weight. A lot of people drink excess calories. I think 95% of weight loss is in my own head. I'm fixing the main frame of my brain. hasta Pronto, George
  21. sassymae

    Gaining weight

    I had my band done in 2012 and hardly lost anything. Had a baby in that time and now I am ready to get back on board! I am doing protein shakes for 2 weeks to get my band/body/mind all back in-check! I control my body , my body doesn't Control me. I am down 4.8 pounds in 7 days and I am ok with whatever amount right now. A loss is a loss!!! I am ready to use the tool I got. I can go back and forth about how I should've gotten a different surgery or how this is harder then I thought so I should have did it differently. But it is what it is SO... let's get this done right!!!! I am ready for a fresh start and to get to my end goal! We can do this!!! Motivation/dedication/ and determination! [emoji4]
  22. Chapstick, toothbrush, toothpaste and hair ties. I used all their stuff. And when I wasn't sleeping I was walking. You won't need anything. I brought ipad, a book, cell phone, didn't use em. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  23. All you need is Biotene mouth spray.... boy did it save my dry mouth. i did not care about my hair. I did bring my own toothpaste and toothbrush. Cell phone too. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. leslie1958

    Doubts: sleeve necessary?

    Very well put and a really good question. This is definitely something I have been struggling with as well. I was originally supposed to have my vsg October 5th but had to cancel at the last minute. But now I am in the process of figuring another date for my surgery and I have had this exact question rattling around my brain too. I don't know the answer - but here is what I know about myself. I have tried every possible weight loss idea out there. I had tremendous success with Nutrisystem - I lost sixty pounds and was working out and looking fit - but here I am now almost back to my highest weight again. At the end of the day, NOTHING has worked long term - and surgery is most definitely a last resort for me.
  25. shelly75

    hair loss help!

    I asked my uncle who is an expert hair stylist and my cousin who is a pharmacist and they said nothing can be done to prevent it. It depends how much Protein you were able to get in during the first few months post surgery. They both also said that it is very rare that it is noticeable. My uncle had 4 clients who got sleeved and none of them lost any hair and my cousin said she has rarely seen it also, and they live in different countries, so ... I am also VERY stressed out about this happening to me, but all I can do is eat my protein and pray that my hair stays on. Good luck.

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