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Found 17,501 results

  1. Many surgeons use an internal scaffolding type stitch around your larger incision through which they removed your tummy. This stitch eventually ‘pops’ around 4-8 weeks (individual healing times). My thought is this was the pop you felt. But always good to check with your medical team.
  2. I have my referral from my PCM here in Texas and my consultation with my surgeon is next week. I need a hernia repair, I have GERD with esophagitis, and mild sleep apnea. My last EDG was two months ago. Will I be required to redo all these tests? Or will the surgeon’s office just request my medical files from my other docs? thank you!
  3. How frustrating when you're already doing so much! All I can offer is my experience with my pre-op liquid diet. For the weeks, I had 3 protein shakes per day, sugar-free jello, broth, and the occasional sugar-free popsicle. Averaged around 600 calories per day and around 20 carbs or less per day. It was effective, if not pleasant. I lost about 6.8 kg in 2 weeks.
  4. Star1234

    Bowel movements

    I haven't had a movement in 2 weeks and i take senna every night !
  5. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I do tend to weigh myself twice a week. I'm sure that doesn't help. But, it would if the scale would move. I just expected a faster response from the surgery. From October up to the two weeks before my surgery, I had lost nearly 70 lbs. Just from changing my diet and exercise. I'm still doing the same thing, but I'm eating less. May 8th I see the Doctor at the bariatric hospital I go to. That will be my 3 month post op appointment. I'll have another blood work-up then to see if there's any issues with nutrition and vitamin deficiency. I've lost over 100 lbs. since October, so that's definitely a big plus.
  6. Sergeant

    Did anyone go home same day?

    I took 2 weeks off work. The first week made sense. The second week was more of a precaution for myself as I work inside a prison and anything can happen. My doctor didn’t want me lifting more than 15 lbs for 4-6 weeks after surgery. But if I’m honest at 3 weeks I was picking up my niece at 25lbs carefully but no issues. I think it just depends on what you do for a living and what required of you to complete you day. Do what best for you!
  7. Arabesque

    Comparison food numbers 4 months out

    Stalls are common & a necessary part of your weight loss. It’s when your body stops & assess the changes you’ve made & resets things like digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. based on your changes & new needs. Think of it as your body taking a breath to understand the stress you’ve been putting it through. Once it understands what you now need, your weight loss will start again. Stick to your plan, don’t stress your body more. Your stall will break when your body is ready. They usually last between 1-3 weeks but it can be longer. Can be difficult to compare what others are doing or achieving at a certain point in time. I was barely eating 900 calories at 6 months. Barely touched a carb except what was in vegetables & fruit & barely any sugar (still average less than 10g added sugar a day often only 5g). Most are eating way more than that. With your calorie intake you will still lose weight but I agree, your dietician is your best help.
  8. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I had my final pre-op appointment with my surgeon today. Nothing really to report as it was very routine. I weighed in about 3lbs down from 3 weeks ago. That was nice, but I'll admit I have not been too strict the past week about my food. I start my 2 week liquid diet in 2 weeks and that'll be plenty strict so I've stopped for fast food once and had some chocolate when I normally wouldn't. I see the nutritionist next Thursday and then it's just a countdown to Feb 21!
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Significant. I'm just thankful its winter and I can wear stocking caps. I've been losing it for about two - three months now. There is nothing you can do. Biotin etc..work on growing hair, not keeping it. The hair falling out now is old hair. I've read it should start stopping around 6-8 months post op <crossing fingers>. I have heard it comes back thicker, although I think that's just because you're used to the thinner hair so it seems like it. I'm not losing as quick as others..only down 70. This month and last two months have slowed significantly. Happy New Year back at you!
  10. ms.sss

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    yep, i sorta became an exercise fiend at around 3 months. i tried my hand at many things to see what i liked...i ended up sticking with yoga, zumba, dance class and running. i also did some strength training, but only the bare minimum cuz i hate it lol. i'm 5+ years out now and while i don't run 5K every day like i used to (AND go to 4-5 classes a week), i still run 1-2 times a week, go to pilates 2-3 times a week, and i have a weekly tap class. low calorie intake. hands down.
  11. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    This really is the big fear, isn't it? I mean, I know when my bad habits hit. It's when I'm stressed and short on time. Like this week, where one kid had a major school presentation and the other was both sick AND had rehearsals for dance recital every night. And they need to be fed, and have all their stuff, and did they remember their water bottles, and money for a snack, and where are the dance shoes, and what time is pick up and...oh, wait, have I eaten anything today? And now all the food I bought to be so good and healthy is still frozen and I'm trying to figure out if I should choke down a protein shake or if putting peanut butter on a Ritz cracker can count as protein... This is definitely where those new, good habits need to be built. Because of course I can anticipate the craziness of a week like this ahead of time and prepare for it. I just need to work on actually doing so because a trip through McDonald's is no longer in the offing or I'll end up right back where I was. The modern world is built for convenience, but not for good health.
  12. Jessica Marie

    February surgery buddies 🥰

    I have my 2 week pro-op appointment this Tuesday! I'm really hoping I don't have to do a full 2 weeks of liquid diet before surgery 🤣
  13. NovelTee

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Oh, how interesting! I wonder what caused them to make the adjustment, but I’m glad it moved closer to what my doctor does. Though a total of 5 weeks of liquid makes me want to cry lol. I’ve got 2 left.
  14. So I finally reached out my bariatric team and they said my post op appts "slipped through the cracks", So instead of having a 3 and 6 month appt I am have one next week (at 5months ish) that will combine my 3 and 6 month post op appt. ANYWAYS to my point! I got my blood work and everything is normal range! my A1C even went down from 5.6 to 5.3 which is pretty groovy! Also my iron is normal for the first time in my life! However my B12 is 1116 which from what I read optimal results are >500 for bariatric patients? So does that mean I am doubly good? My Vitamin D is at 119 and toxic levels are over 100. So my assumption is I could probably cut back on those vitamins lol. I feel great! I am down to 185 as of last week. Hair is still shedding but tis life. Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
  15. Sorry to hear you’ve been going through all of that…thankful you’re finally home! Hope the pain subsides soon for you and energy levels start to get better. I’m 5 weeks post op & still low energy…keep telling myself my body is healing. Looking forward to getting energetic
  16. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    One week out of gastric bypass surgery, I was a bit down. Tired, sore... so decided to watch something to lift my mood on TV. What normally would make me smile, chuckle or laugh wasn't happening. I thought. Oh no! Have I lost my sense of humor already with all of the hormonal changes happening? Shirley not Post whatever makes you happy. I'm sure many here would love to smile with you
  17. Thank you I appreciate your response. My only other question right now is, will the dr. get a hold of me to schedule another telemedicine or how does that work? I think I was just sent 4 weeks worth. So, will it just automatically ship out? Sorry for the silly questions I am just a little unclear.
  18. toodlerue

    Afraid to Eat

    The 1st few days are rough. Consentrat on protein and liquids right now. The protein shakes can be counted as liquid. The first few weeks I only got between 700 and 900 calories day. Just don’t go on a binge. I need a bunch of crap and you will be fine.
  19. missjaclynn

    Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay

    I only stayed because I live alone and did not have anyone to come stay with me. I am at 3 weeks tomorrow and doing great.
  20. SaraSara4

    Weight gain s/p bypass

    I took it prior to surgery while I was still considering options. It did absolutely nothing except made my hair fall out. After about 90days. I didn’t go bald but it was definitely noticeable and I did find out that was a weird side effect. max dose for weight-loss and I lost zero pounds. It gave me headaches the first 2-3 weeks but other than that it was not worth it
  21. I'm going to say this as gently as I can: stop feeling guilty. You are not on a diet. You are living a new post surgery life. A life that sometimes has room for half a tuna sandwich. And even some chips. They didn't make you sick, so that's great news. You got lots of good protein. You enjoyed them. You've lost 43 pounds. Stalls happen. Weight fluctuates. Follow the guidelines as best you can and embrace a life where you can make sensible choices (like half a tuna sandwich, I mean, it wasn't a triple cheeseburger and extra large fries) and not have to feel scared about it. I would bet the head hunger and the guilt are all connected somewhere deep in your psyche. (They usually are for me, anyway). Maybe spend some time reflecting on why you are craving what you are, and why at that exact moment, and what might make you feel the urge to self-sabotage by making choices you believe you will regret. Those would be good questions to get to the bottom of. But when you do make a choice you don't like, just chalk it up to experience and try to do better with the next choice. It'll be okay! Remember, this is a life journey, not a crash diet.
  22. Lily2024

    Feeling regret

    That first week I felt like a fish out of water, it was so surreal and jarring. Not everyone feels that way, but a good number of us do and it's hard. We're here to support you and tell you that it will get better, you will feel better, and things will feel normal again once you've adjusted. This is not forever. I'm going to my 3 month post op today, I'm able to eat and feel good most of the time (When I don't eat too fast) and able to do a fairly intense daily walk for an hour as well as the normal daily activities. I'm still a bit tired, sometimes I feel emotional when I've not gotten enough nutrition or sleep, but I've learned to see the signs and take proactive measures so it really doesn't happen all that often anymore. I really started to feel better around 8 weeks, and feel much better again at 12 weeks. Right now the best thing you can do is remind yourself that this is ground zero, all the healing is ahead of you, there's a lot to learn but you will learn it as you go.
  23. Nan CC

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I need to rant a little! I have always struggled with excess weight in my adult life. Over the years I tried Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, my own thing, you name it. For the past 8 years I have been struggling to lose 50-60 lbs. It was extremely difficult for me to lose anything at all unless I severely limited calories - like 800, 900 per day - which I could only do with the help of prescription medicines. When I'd stop taking them the weight would come back despite that fact that I was rarely overeating, usually around 1500 calories per day. Over the years I gained and lost the same weight this way. I took Contrave, but it hyped me up so badly I couldn't stand it. I took Belviq, which worked well - I didn't care if I ate or not so it was easy to consume so few calories, but it was taken off the market. I used Qysmia, which also worked the same way. I lost 30 lbs, but I was paying out of pocket and couldn't afford it any more. One of my issues is that I lose weight VERY slowly, and it was frustrating to work so hard and lose a pound or 2 a month. After gaining all the weight back plus 10 more pounds in 2 years, I knew I could lose it again by getting back on Qysmia but I couldn't bear the thought of the "yoyo" again. I'm 67 and have diabetes and heart disease in my family, which I was afraid of developing if I didn't take and keep the weight off. I'm on blood pressure and cholesteroI meds already. I can't play with a yoyo any longer at this point in my life and so I began to consider sleeve gastrectomy. I researched and thought about it for a long time before finally having surgery 1/24/24. Yesterday it was 4 weeks since surgery. In the 1st 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. While I hoped to lose more, this was a good result because before surgery it would have taken me about 6 months to lose 10 lbs. Victory!! Or so I thought. Since then, however, I haven't lost any weight. I've read about the 3 week stall, which I guess is what I am experiencing. I think I get it. And at the same time I am enormously frustrated and sometimes find myself thinking that I made this drastic and permanent change in my life only to have the same result - consuming very little calorically and the weight just not coming off. Except now I'm consuming even fewer calories (still on purees). And on top of that, I am hungry almost all day. After breakfast, I wait 15 minutes and start on water/fluids again. Fifteen minutes after that, I am hungry again. And yes, it's genuine hunger - with growling and an empty feeling. Eating 1/4 cup of food is not filling me up. I am getting usually around 70g of protein each day in what I'm eating and drinking, so it's not that. I had some wild expectations, I'll admit. My doctor gave me a goal weight that requires me to lose 50 lbs. (60 for a "stretch" goal). I (crazily) thought that it would take about 2 months to lose that much. I've since realized that with relatively little to lose it will go slower, but geez! For who knows what reason, I also thought I would hardly ever be hungry. Five days post op, natural hunger returned. I was mad! And surprised, but I relied on this forum and learned that hunger was still normal. I thought once I could actually eat something it would be more like "normal" hunger - like before surgery - when it was about time to eat. Instead I find that I am often just hungry all day (usually worse at night) and the amount I'm eating isn't enough. I eat the recommended 2 oz of food and I never feel full, but I stop because that is the recommended amount. The instructions I've been given have implied that this should be more than enough to fill me at this point and that I might not even be able to finish that much, but it hasn't been the case for me. In 30 minutes or so, it's like I didn't eat anything and I'm hungry again. Of course I realize that a lot of my problem is my unrealistic expectations. But sometimes I do feel frustrated that I did this drastic thing only to have nothing change - I still can't lost weight. Mostly, reason prevails and I know that sooner or later the weight has got to come off. Reason is reassuring for the mental issue I have here, but reason does nothing to help the hunger. Ok, rant over. Does anyone have experience like this? Very slow loss and constant hunger? Does the weight loss pick up? How long does the 3 week stall last? Does the hunger ever return to normal? Help!!
  24. Star1234

    Bowel movements

    This is completely normal, I didn't go for over 2 weeks, you need to try drink as much as possible , keeping hydrated will help
  25. MrsFitz

    So Frustrating

    Re hospital meds - apparently a change in brand name caused the whole system to grind to a halt for my delivery. How ridiculous in this day and age?? These meds can only be delivered via whichever service the hospital uses due to the nature of them (injections) so it’s not as though I can have a say in that. It just means a lot of chasing when it goes wrong. The rules around the NHS dispensing meds in the UK changed some time ago for some reason. I think it was to stop stockpiling and for patients to only request meds they will use instead of just getting them automatically and then wasting then potentially 🙄 It doesn’t seem to matter what repeat medication I request, the pharmacist at the Drs makes the decision when he authorises the script. For example, a couple of weeks ago I requested 2 months of Ibuprofen 400mg as it was difficult to source to buy over the counter - I got 2 weeks. My HRT gel I get 3 bottles at a time (1 bottle a month) but the tablets I get are only issued as 2 monthly scripts so they never marry up. It’s just so annoying when you need to order repeat prescriptions! Sorry, I know I’m whinging but it’s things like this that drives me insane 🤯

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