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Found 17,501 results

  1. casinocat74


    Listen Buck...everyone on here is different. Everyones bodies are different, and you have no idea how your body will react. Not everyone has problems or complications. The only reason you see alot of them on here is because this is a place for mental support, fellow bandsters come here to dish out their problems and their positives. You can't fully read into everything you see. Try reading the good and positive posts, then in the end, make the decision that is best for YOU and your body!
  2. My surgery is scheduled for Sept 9, 2014 and I've been on the liquid diet since Sept 2 luckily only a week. I've been looking forward to this surgery since I started the process back in December 2013 and I've been thinking about it since Jan of 2012. so this isn't a new thing I've done the 6 month nutritionist and I've gotten psychiatric approval. But now my surgery is only 3 days away I'm freaking out. I've convinced myself I will likely die in surgery and if I wake up I will have a leak or some other awful sleeve complications. I know I'm being irrational from lack of carbs but I really think I'm need words of encouragement and assurances that everything will be ok. P.S. if anyone can advice me on a better Protein shake I'm tired of pure protein!
  3. Holly4fun

    Freaking out!

    Thank you guys so much! I'm doing a lot better this afternoon it kind of comes in waves. Sometimes I'm really excited then 10 mins later I'm freaking out. I m going to center of excellence and I know someone who had my surgeon and loved him. I asked him if I had any risk and he told me honestly no I don't see any complications with you. He's had one complication last year and it was a 600lb 65 yr. old with a lot of health issues and she had a leak. I feel like as surgeons go I have the best. My mom and dad have told me that I shouldn't worry about the surgery that its the surgeons job so I'm going to try that technique for awhile. He told me that when I come in on Tuesday they will start me on some anxiety meds almost immediately. Wish I could of had some starting Friday:) Thanks again!!
  4. BitterSweet*

    Freaking out!

    @@Beni, I agree with finediva. Simply ask, and if he or she isn't willing to be upfront, run like you're on fire. No surgeon is perfect, and even when they do everything right, complications can still happen. It's important that the surgeon is upfront and honest when directly asked questions about leaks, infection rates etc.
  5. Hi...I am new. I attended info session Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Ma a week ago and thought I was heading toward lap band surgery option. Worried about all the complications I have been reading about. I am 70 years old and wonder if I am not setting myself up for possible further surgery at a time in my life down the road where I might not be such a good surgical risk. Today I met with an old friend who had her RNY gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago. I had actually tried to talk her out of it at the time. I was active in OA, struggling along...and she had been told by the team she needed to lose weight prior to surgery. I said "if you can lose 20-30 lb. prior to surgery, why do you need surgery? Why wouldn't you just keep going?" Needless to say I have put just under 100 of the 140 lb. I lost back on this body...and I know I need help to get my vitality and my body back before I am having to have knee and back surgery!!! My friend is thrilled with her choice of this surgery. She has lost more than 100 lb. and kept it off. She looks FABULOUS and says food and weight are no longer an issue. She loves how she feels and strongly recommended I reconsider thinking of the lap band and get the bypass. After talking with her I am thinking this is a better option. I will be meeting with my surgeon next Thursday, the 27th...and will have my mind open to whatever he tells me I should do. My hunch, right now is that the by pass surgery will be what he recommends . Looking forward to any comments and to reading more in this forum. Thanks. Christine (my user nickname is mojaleski)
  6. LOL - Thanks... Happy to answer any questions I can. Yes, I work full time, at a desk, no physical job. I do Protein Shakes randomly, not as much as I used to. I've had 3 fills and I'm right around 5 cc's, I believe. Do I diet? No, I HATE the D word with a passion. Have I made changes? Absolutely, but they are lifestyle changes that have made my band all that much more successful. I've cut out breads, pastas, etc. Sometimes, if I'm really craving something, yeah, I will have it because I'm not DIETING. Dieting is the big ass mean elephant in the room for me. If I'm dieting, I'm doing without and if I'm doing without, well then, that is what I want most. So, do I ever cheat? I'm not "dieting" so there is nothing to cheat on. If I want a bite of ice cream, I take a bite of ice cream, BUT and this is a big big BUT, I do have the will power to LIMIT it. I don't need it, it's a want, I can live without the want, but I'm the type of person that if I don't let myself have something when I want it, I'm going to ruin myself when I finally do snap and eat it all. So, yeah, I have the will power to limit it. My guilty pleasure at the moment. LEMONHEADS!!! BUT, I count out 10 a day and after I eat those 10, that's it, no more. If I get a craving, then I move on to something else to get my mind off of it. If I absolutely cannot, then I have a little something. Freezer pops are good for this, lol. It's a balancing act but something literally flipped when I had surgery. I don't know where or how I got all this will power regarding food from but I do. I've taken to heart that this is a TOOL one that I am lucky lucky to have and I am not going to screw this up. I can't, this is my chance. Plus, I'm terrified of complications, so I probably baby my band a lot more than some. Lastly.... I exercise my ass off. When I hit 250, not even a month after surgery, I started running, and started with a mile. I now run 3-4 miles a day, 6 times a week. I try to run at least one 5k a month. I will tell you, I would not have been this successful without all the exercise. Good luck to everyone on your journeys. It is entirely worth it, everything that you change about your life is for the better! Typical day... Get up around 6am, read in bed for about an hour. During the school year, I'm getting the kids up and ready out the door by about 8:30am. I start work anytime between 8am and 9am. Depending on how busy I am during the day, if I have the time, I get in my run at lunch, if not then I work through lunch and usually eat at my desk. I'm off around 5pm. Getting dinner ready. If I didn't get my run in earlier, then as a family, we go out and run together in the evening. Food wise... Pretty much the same for most of the day, every day. Breakfast - I will either have EggBeaters or make 1 egg, scrambled. Lunch is usually 1/2 cup of 99% FF Chili or canned chicken with Laughing Cow cheese. Dinner is whatever I cook or my husband cooks. We live in a warm client, so we do a lot of grilling. If I feel hungry during the day, I'll eat a Chobani yogurt or something similar. Lots and lots of water/Crystal Light.
  7. Felix1967

    October 29...

    Hi everyone - just a quick update. Had my sleeve done on Thursday as scheduled. Essentially uneventful (ie. no complications). Hospital stay was terrific (big shout out to Midstate Medical Center in Meriden, CT and my surgeon, Dr. Aziz Benbrahim!!!). Came home Saturday morning and haven't had any need for painkillers. Progressed to puree stage this afternoon after a follow up with the doctor. All in all, this has been a much easier experience than I had imagined. We all have great anxiety, fears, concerns, etc., going in and now that I'm on the other side, at least for me, very few, if any, of those emotional concerns were justifed. I do need to make one funny note - that God awful pre-surgery Protein shake (I'll refrain from mentioning the brand) was more of a challenge for me then any of the post-operative stages thus far. The damn thing tasted like dirt with chocolate flavoring - I named them "dirt shakes." LOL. They strengthened my resolve... Lastly, my biggest challenge right now is not what I expected. My family is hugely supportive, my work is supportive, my friends are supportive. The hardest thing is getting 64 ounces of Water in each day. I was a water guzzler - sipping is really, really tough. Doctor says it gets easier, but I'll never be a guzzler again. Sip, sip, sip all day... As of tonight, I've lost 30 pounds since my pre-op weight. Cheers!
  8. T&tummy

    Water Consumption

    Thanks! I have only had one fill so far (2cc). I will just take my time between sips. I guess I am making things more complicated than they really are. I am just trying to get all this damn water in each day! lol! Plus I really want to treat my band with care it has been such a blessing to me.
  9. astericks*

    Cheers and Jeers

    I've joined this site a little less than a week ago, looking for some insight into this whole process. But the story doesn't begin there. The story begins about a year and a half ago when I called my crappy insurance company at the time and asked about weight loss surgery. I couldn't even get the rest of the sentence out before the representative on the other end advised me in the most abrupt manner that this was not covered under my plan. I hung the phone up...pissed as all get-out because I am dealing with a serious medical issue and I NEED HELP. It was not so much the fact that it was not covered that had me all out of sorts, but the fact that it has taken me over 14 years to admit that there is something that I could not do on my own and required the assistance of another person. I've always grown up to believe that the only person that anyone can ever depend on is themselves, as we are all aware of what our limitations are. I've always known with a firm assertion that I could always conquer this weight thing...it's an essential equation of mind over matter. In the very beginning, I believed that I could just do the cabbage diet for a week or two to jump start my metabolism and since I was in my early 20's the weight would fall off. And it did. I lost 35 pounds in less than 6 weeks...got down to a voluptuous size 14 and was able to run a mile in about 10 minutes. I don't need anybody's help. I did it on my own. The weight loss battle continued....I'd lose 25 pounds...to gain them all back. And to never be out done, I always added another 10 pounds to keep it consistent. I tried Weight Watchers over ten times with some success...all to give up when I hit a plateau. I caught the occasional blessed stomach virus (I'm probably going to hell for admitting this...but I welcome a stomach virus and a hearty bout of the flu with open arms) all to go back to being heavier than I was in the beginning. I look back today at all those times..and now realizing that this volatile battle with weight has been a never ending war over the past 14 years. And 160 pounds later, I realized that it's a whole lot more complicated than I thought it was or ever thought that it could be. About little about me...my family primarily consists of my mother and my brother, and they know I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I have always been a big girl...and always got the you have such a pretty face and a beautiful smile...but ....and I've always wanted to say But what? Say it! Say it! even though I knew that meant that you're pretty, but your big. I don't know how I would go on if I ever heard the answer, but part of me wanted to hear somebody have the nerve to say it. Because I was always overweight, I was never viewed by my family as a person who could be loved or seen having a family or those things that most women assign their value to. So I've never pursued them. I'm embarrassed to say that I am 33 and have never been in a serious relationship where the love has been reciprocated. I was always viewed by my family in terms of my accomplishments. So my entire being has been focused on my career and climbing as high on the ladder as I could possibly go. I realized this was true when I turned 30 and was asked at a family event if I wanted a family or if I would ever get married, I found it interesting that the response was a resounding no and I never opened my mouth. That was so hurtful...but I kinda shrugged it off as I didn't care and laughed it off. What...because I am obese I cannot WANT to be married and have a family? Can I not be EXPECTED to be married and have a family? My closest friends really don't believe in weight loss surgery. They are all just a tad overweight...and when you are my size, I hate to admit this...but I could care less about people who are struggling to lose 25 pounds to get to their goal weight. I know everyone's weight loss struggle is different...but for some reason, it irritates me in the worst way. I would secretly get angry at Weight Watchers meetings when I saw a room full of thin, beautiful stay-at-home mothers whining about losing 20 pounds. I wanted to pull an Ally McBeal, slap them all in the face and stand in the front of the room and remind them that there are bigger things in life to worry about than trying to squeeze in a size 4. I mean, c'mon! I get frustrated when my friends want to go shopping....and I am only limited to shop in 2 stores: Lane Bryant and Target. I can sit watching them try on clothes for hours in The Limited, Express and Forever 21...but when they have to sit in Lane Bryant for more than 15 minutes, everyone has somewhere else they need to be when it's my turn to shop. I don't think they know what it is like when you go to a restaurant and the booth is cutting in your gut because you barely fit in it. They have no idea what it is like to fly on an airplane and you whisper for a belt extender...and the flight attendant brings it to you and everyone looks at you with disgust. I doubt they know how it feels to have a host of male friends who call you to tell you about all their dates and heartbreaks with beautiful women who are fit and trim...and you know in your heart of hearts that you can love them better than any woman could ever love them...but know that you are never afforded that 'opportunity' becuase of how much you weigh. I dread being in weddings...because if they decide on a bridemaid's dress it has to come in a larger size to accommodate me and not be backless to exploit my dredded 'backfat.' I can't cross my legs. I haven't seen my no-no in years...and if I so desire to take a peek, I need a mirror to give me the story secondhand. Having sex is like playing Twister with arms that are too short and legs that are too long...you can reach one spot with no problem, but none the other spots that you need to in order to get a good score. Not to mention you're playing incomplete darkness, so you don't know what dot you're aiming for...you're just trying to get to something. I talk to my friends regulary and they look at me and always say that I have the life they want: I have a really good job, have a nice home, nice car, very well educated and single. Well, I doubt if anyone is dying to get at the head of the line to deal with cystic ovarian disease, peripheral vscular disease, sleep apnea and hypertension. Yes, I have a lot of nice things and a ton of accomplishments, but they are... all. just. things. I'll die of a massive heart attack before I get the full opportunity to enjoy them. I live alone, and my dog hasn't learned CPR (I don't doubt that she can...she's almost human) so by the time they find me, I'll be all stew and maggots. Oh, and I have this horrible fear that I probably can't fit in a coffin or when they carry me out the hurst the handles will rip off of the coffin and my body will topple out...so that's another embarrassment from the grave. I don't want anyone to get the impression that I have bad friends or family. I love them and all their flaws. They are exceptional people because they deal with me...and sometimes I can be difficult. But I want anyone who reads this to understand that no matter what your friends and family may think, feel, believe or say...sometimes you have to have to take full ownership for your life and the cheers and jeers that are contained within it. As I write this for everyone to see, I say the following statement to myself over and over again: the instant that you take full ownership of your life is the moment that you fully acknowledge your obligation to do what you must to preserve it. I have no idea what the future holds for me, but I do know that I've made the first step to assure that I'll at least get a glimpse of it by meeting with my surgeon on Thursday for my first appointment.
  10. My insurance does NOT cover any bariatric surgeries, but what if I self pay and then later have complications? Would having it done in Mexico change anything? Sorry if this question is old news, I'm still figuring out this app...
  11. HopeandAgony

    Seeking Friend: Approx. 08/15 sleeve

    Hi Charity. Thank you for replying! Congrats on your weight loss so far. It's so good to hear that so early in your journey you have come to realize food is fuel. That's my downfall. For me still food is, a lot of times, a reward. I don't eat unhealthy which I believe is why I don't have high cholesterol. I eat entirely too much (for example I could eat an entire head of steamed broccoli and tell myself it's OK because it's healthy, along with a large portion of boneless skinless chicken). UGH! This is why I am so afraid of over eating after surgery. I don't eat bad foods......sigh. I haven't been here for a few days because I read thru the complication section and got a little scared. There are some really poor outcomes and of course some fears crept in. I have had 7 surgeries so I am not fearful of the surgery itself, but reading the complications was an eye opener. I just need to be prepared on that front. Perhaps the delay that has me so frustrated is exactly what I need to be as ready as I can be. What made you decide it was time? In addition to my hip pain I am just steady increasing in size. Never down, always up. Walking is ok, but if I put any speed to it my hips go numb and throb for days. Can you share what you've been eating and portion sizes? Exercising? What you've found hard? Thanks!
  12. SueAZ

    Help need advice

    A long time bandster WasaBubbleButt had complications and ended up removing the band and had the gastric sleeve done. I would look at her posts and email her because she could give you even more info. I think she had the surgery less than 3 months ago.
  13. Hoping someone can might know the answer. I was about as far along as possible last wed. in hospital and literally ready for surgery. My surgeon and the anestig. where speaking with me and my wife when I mentioned that I was having muscle cramps. Due to me being on a statin and the muscle cramps the surgeon felt that this elecvated my risk of complications for surgery so surgery was canceled until this wed. and I was taken off the statin(crestor). Here I am two days away again and I thought I would sail thru past week as I had already had dry run(lol) but has not happened. I can't get out of my mind maybe last week was a sign I should not do this now. I was wondering if I postpone will my insurance cover me for this in future.
  14. Hollie519

    Do you think I just need a fill?

    Don't be afraid. It just sounds like you need a fill. That's it. Or maybe you are not eating enough. That's definantly a question for your doctor. If you aren't having any kind of pain or other complications you are most likely due for fill. I have heard that heartburn is a major sign of band slippage. And your food intake would be greater if you stretched your pouch. Let me know how it goes. I'm curious now.
  15. DanitaOrr

    Looking Into Lbt Surgery

    Hi all, sorry for the complicated questions!!! Just trying to figure out a timetable and such for this. I am nervous and scared but I know its the right choice.
  16. LonghornGirl

    Counting Down

    no i will not have to stay overnight... i go in at 630am on tuesday and should be home by the time my son gets off the bus (430pm)... barring any complications that is... clv811 i will add you to my friends list and best of luck to you on your surgery just in case i'm too whiney to send you a msg closer to your date... prayers to everyone getting the band this week!
  17. I have an appointment with the PA at my surgeon's office tomorrow. I'm 7 weeks post-op as of tomorrow as well. I do not have any fill at this point. I'm consistently losing (average of 2.25 lbs per week, not including the liquid diet phase). I can definitely eat more than I could immediately post-op but overall I am fairly satisfied with small amounts of food. For example, 2 eggs and half a slice of toast, 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 4 saltines with Peanut Butter on them, 2 oz chicken breast and a few green Beans. It seems to me that the less Fluid in the band, the less complications people experience, so I would like to take a conservative route on fills. I know the PA agrees with that. I feel comfortable with not getting a fill tomorrow, but I'd like opinions from more experienced bandsters please. My overall weight loss since I began my pre-op diet (10 days prior to surgery) is 30.8 lbs in 8 weeks. Edited to add that sometimes I am hungry 2-3 hrs after eating but other times i can go 5 hrs or more. What I usually do is eat a small amount when I'm hungry 2-3 hrs after eating but after that I usually go a longer time without hunger so overall my daily intake averages out.
  18. SerendipityHappens

    Pre-op "what ifs" without medical insurance?

    I don't think it's going to mexico that's the problem.. it's if they cover complications from surgery or not. If you went to Las Vegas for surgery you'd be in the same boat.
  19. simply amazing and incredible!!! I don't just 'like' your comments, I "LOVE" all of them. thanks again to all of you. Yes - I am getting my surgery done at Mass.General Hospital in Boston. The Hospital is Ranked #1 in the Nation. Not sure where they rank for weight loss surgeries but I'm sure they're great at it. Yeah I mean, I'm not afraid of missing out on soda or coffee or fast food or anything. I can and will go without, seriously. I just wish I could know I'll be ok and make it out alive without complications. that is why I am trying my absolute best to work on my weight and health now. I pray I will be ok and I will have faith.
  20. Having a child is a strong motivator to live and to be healthy. No one can deny that you take a gamble either way, but you have to decide which risk is greater....possible death on the operating table, or a shortened life span due to obesity. Following the pre and post op diets will certainly reduce (but not eliminate) your risks of complications.
  21. Chatterboxa86

    My nightmare

    I completely empathize with you. It is so hard to battle through it all...the unexpected set backs, numerous surgery from complications, the fear, the remorse, the regret (did I do the right thing having this surgery?). I have also had 7 surgeries so far to correct esophageal blockages, twisting, spasms, stomach contraction, closing off of the esophagus so that breathing was virtually impossible (Paramedic & ICU interventions x2) in less than 12 months of the initial sleeve surgery. About every 4 - 8 weeks I'm in for more surgery... I too suffer from severe depression & anxiety, accompanied by seizures, structural physical damage to my knee & back which was my initial motivation to get the weight off & get a quality of life back! The "set back" from complications has been awful. It feels as if it has destroyed my current existence because I never know when I'm going to end up back in hospital, need resuscitation (very scary), and SO want to avoid the pain and/or vomiting. I am struggling with the beginnings of an eating disorder....basically I don't wont to eat to avoid the complications from it. :(Now in the hands of professional help with this which is helping & I recommend anyone in this position to seek help too! Losing more than 1/2 my body weight in a year after surgery causes people to be amazed....but at what cost? Yes I'm also the 1%er...I wish I wasn't! There are so many success stories which brightens my day. I was in such ill health this surgery really was my only option for lasting results. Losing the weight has greatly improved my mobility, reduced back & knee pain...significantly reduced pain medications too (yeah) ALL POSITIVES!!!! I can now jog & walk for km's/miles easily, climb stairs quickly, not out of breath, can touch my toes (lol), no muscle aches....it's GREAT! No more walking stick, wheelie walker or wheel chair anymore which was humiliating at 40 years old. Great to have support here & know we aren't alone on this "bumpy" journey
  22. terry1118

    My nightmare

    I don't know if this helps but when I was researching WLS I was deliberately trying to find people who had complications or otherwise bad experiences. I was impressed by the fact that ALL of those that I managed to find said they would still do it again. I hope everything turns out okay for you and it was all worth it in the end.
  23. Samirax6

    Anxiety with the surgery

    I am so there with you. I am nervous too, its still surgery and complications can still occur no matter how many questions, research, or discussion with previous operated people. I am trying to relax by doing things that keep me calm, for me its movies and listening to music. So guess what I am doing for the next few days, yep sticking to enjoying relaxing movies that takes my mind off it. Plus spending time with my family.
  24. that is so true about complications, my mom had gastric bypass twice! I think that any and every diet works! It just depends on what works for you.
  25. Hello everyone, my current employer's health insurance does not have any bariatric benefits, neither will the new health insurance for 2016. Any suggestions as to where I could get health care insurance? Other than Obamacare? I have a complication on my sleeve and I need revision. Thank you.

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