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Found 1,208 results

  1. As anyone else gained a little weight during the 6 month supervised diet? I gained 4 lbs during the second month and haven't been able to lose it. I'm going into month 4 and am incredibly nervous about going through all of this just to be denied. I do have a letter from my PCP stating that I have trouble losing because my thyroid isn't yet regulated (I'm hypo). I'm 29 bmi of 40 with asthma. Back problems. Reflux. High cholesterol. Medicaid insurance. So nervous!
  2. Hi, I am 1 yr post op and have 6 mls in my band. In August I started a new job and during my orientation I have been switching between day shift and night shift every few days. My eating habits are crazy trying to eat at night and then eat during the day. And now I'm just hungry all the time and I've gained 15 lbs. Does anyone have any advice on how to get back on track and to not feel hungry at all hours of night and day? I will be permanent night shift when my orientation ends.
  3. I am 2 year post sleeve surgery. Had lost 125 with about 50 more to go. I have an autoimmune disorder so for last 3 months I have been on prednisone and have been eating everything. I have gained 18 pds. I am so upset. Why can't I stop eating... Ugh Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. i started in may received my band june30th i have lost 53 pounds total and six sizes yet im frustrated that i bounce back and forth 2 or 3 pounds for weeks at a time but now my dr gave me water pills and i lost 6pds in less than a week but my friend says i only lost it because of the water pills can that be true other than that im excited i fit my husbands large sweatpants and xl tshirt how does the size compare what size would that be in womans
  5. Has anyone had issues with weight gain during the 90 day nutrition and getting denied? My weight has been crazy with going back and forth and I have my final visit weigh in tomorrow and know I'm 3-4lbs higher than my previous weight. Of course I had thought my previous weigh in was my final one so I didn't follow my eating plan as closely as I should have since birthday and all going on.
  6. I had my band done in Oct last year and starting in Nov, began having these horrible pains once or twice a month that would last anywhere 4rom 15 min to 12 hrs. I thought maybe I was getting food stuck but I find out 5 months later that it's been gallbladder attacks. I ended up having 2 b admitted a week after I was diagnosed with gallstones in the ER due 2 the fact that I had another attack that weekend at which time 5 stones had passed through and became stuck in my common bile duct. ouch !!!! :eek: I had my band unfilled so they could do an endoscopic procedure 2 remove the stones, then 2 days later had the gallbladder removed. I was in the hospital 4 a total of 4 days..one of which was my birthday. What a way 2 spend it.:thumbup: During my time in the hospital, I wasn't allowed 2 eat or drink for about 4 days. That was rough. Prior 2 going in for all of this drama, I had been stuck 4 about 3 weeks at the same weight which is typical 4 me. I'll not loose weekly but instead every 2 or 3 weeks, then 2 or 3lbs will come off. A couple of days after the gallbladder removal 4 lbs came off. I thought, finally. A week later another pound, a bonus. Must've been the 4 day starvation. But now about 3 weeks post op, I've put back on the 5lbs. granted my band isn't filled but my diet hasn't changed. What the heck's going on? I've heard that people sometimes put on weight after this type of surgery but I'm already on a low fat diet and I have a band so why did I gain? I'm gonna get refilled halfway 2 what I was this Tues. I'm gonna b sure 2 ask my Dr. if weight gain is normal and will I gain more. I hope not, I'll b so mad !! Anyone else have this happen 2 them?
  7. makemelean

    Xmas weight gain

    Dear Fellow bandits has any one but me gained weight over the holidays? I was banded 11 21 o6 and have never felt any restriction at all to this date. I feel like I never had surgery and never went into the pureed form of foods and never felt any ill effects from this. I see my surgeon today and I am scared he is going to say I am a failure. I am scared to be weighed but I have to face the music for failing myself, could anyone relate to me on this? I feel so alone in this matter and defeated. Thanks for having this site so I could vent my frustrations and anxieties.
  8. mindovermatter

    Weight Gain

    I am scheduled to be sleeved on October 16th. What happens if you gain weight after the supervised diet and exercise classes are done? Ever since I got the call for my surgery date I have been excited, scared, anxious and just about every other emotion you can get during this. I'm just wondering what happens if I do gain weight. Another question I have is....I have my pre op on oct. 4 th. what do I need to expect for that? They said something about test I know I have a class...but if I don't pass a test it will have to be rescheduled. I'm not sure what test it would be.
  9. I am 5 days out from surgery and have gained about 6 lbs. which is more than I weighed the day of surgery. Someone on one of the other threads said that is not unusual because of all the IV's they give you in the hospital. Is that the case for any of you. I know I have to be patient, but gaining weight is NOT what I am looking for. I , like the rest of you, am eating little. Still on liquids. When will the scales start to go down, not up? Of course would like some instant results like I got on the liver shrink diet when I lost 16 lbs. The day of surgery I was 286 and now am 292. Please let me know this is not unusual. Thanks. I am also so glad we have this group. I have asked some "wild" questions, and have always gotten a response, so am glad we are all here together for support.
  10. Has anyone gained any weight since they have had the lap-band???:hungry:
  11. MissPriss81

    Weight gain on preop liquid?!

    I’m on day 5 of my pre-op liquid and have GAINED 6lbs! WTH!? I’m assuming it’s the sodium from the broths.... Totally insane!
  12. I am fairly new into the process. I have completed my psych eval and will be doing my EGD on Wednesday. Ever since my first appointment, I have eaten well and exercised due to my doctor telling me that he wants me to stay the same weight or lose weight. Well I weighed myself this morning and I have GAINED 7 pounds since seeing my doctor last and i do not know why! I am freaking out that when I see him on Wednesday, he will tell me I cannot have the surgery. Anyone deal with something like this and what was the outcome?? Thank you all in advance!!!
  13. Hi everyone, I've been on soft foods for 5 days and I've gained 2.4lbs. Pure panic has set in and surgery regrets and all that fun stuff, but I am a worrier by nature. There's no way I'm eating enough to gain 2 lbs in 5 days but it makes me think I'm doing something wrong. I'm usually getting 2 meals and 1 snack in and I'm having no issue with foods so far. I don't have an appetite but I make sure to get my Protein in. For example, this was what I ate yesterday: Meal 1 - 1.5 oz lean roast, 1 laughing cow wedge, 1 piece of soft beet Snack - babybel Meal 2 - 2 oz baked chicken breast, a few peas and 2 T of tzatziki sauce I could eat about 75% of each meal. I drink a lot of Water. Is this a normal part of recovery or am I doing something wrong?? I fear 2 weeks of liquids has further damaged my metabolism. I'd appreciate any input! Thanks Kelly
  14. I am about 10 months post op and have lost about 60 lbs, which includes some weight gained back. I am starting back to the gym which got derailed due to a big out of state move, new jobs, etc. I need to get back on track as I can tell a difference in energy level and don't want my health to start suffering again. Did anyone have this happen to them? What did you do to get back on track? Any advice would be appreciated! Please no lectures... I'm human, after all.
  15. I had VSG on 5/25/16. SW: 245. I lost 10 lbs in the first week after surgery, then stalled for the next 2.5 weeks. Then I GAINED 2lbs over the last 3 days. I drink 2 Protein shakes per day and eat pureed diet (Beans, lean meats, cheese). In total I get 7-8 cups of Water a day and 80-100g of protein. I am so frustrated! I am trying hard to follow the program, but I feel like I'm a failure. I feel like this is just one more thing that doesn't work. Has anyone went through this? Advice?
  16. I am working on my last weigh in for insurance and I have gained weight 5 of the 6 weigh ins. Has anyone had this issue and still got approved. I am so worried this will effect my insurance approval. Help, please and thank you.
  17. I had my surgery on 22 July.....I have started getting a little concerned as I have gained 3 lbs......Is this normal? Here is my weight loss so far: February 22: 233lbs May 22: 219 July 22 (surgery day): 219 3 week post: 198 Aug 12: 194 Aug 29: 198 Does anyone experience the roller coaster with their gastric sleeve?:tongue_smilie:
  18. Anyone struggling with weight gain afterwards? I am a huge sugar addict and I worry about gaining back the weight. My bf does not like sweets so we don't need to have any in the house but my job always has some type of sweets lurking around.
  19. hi everyone. i am almost 12 weeks post op and i have lost almost 60lbs. last week Tuesday id lost 4lbs then weighed again on Wednesday and i had gained 1lb literally overnight i was like HOWW?? Then i jst weighed now and iv gained an extra 2lbs like what is going on? i am eating clean i barely touch carbs iv been eating chicken and fish with veg no carbs. i eat about 800-900 cals per day do regular excercise iv treated myself to some chocolate once a week which i have done since the start of my solid food journey and never gained so it definitely cannot be that. im pulling my hair out and feel like a failure Whats happening to my body??? Sent from my SM-G935F using the BariatricPal App
  20. FreeToBeMe

    Exercise=Weight Gain? Help!

    Is it true that increasing your cardio will make you gain weight or stall for a bit? I have doubled my cardio and keep fluctuating between 2 pounds on the scale. Is this muscle holding onto water? Will drinking more water (I average about 80oz) help? TIA!
  21. Hello everyone!! I had my sleeve June 12th, been doing good, following meal plan and all however I am still struggling with my water intake. I have been losing about a pound a day however yesterday and today I gained a pound. There are no changes in my meal intake, is this normal?
  22. I have read into the Phase 1 of this book. I am impressed. Oprah does the forward. Even with the band we have issues. Right? I am involved with this new program with high hopes. My wife has joined me this time. I have high hopes. Anyone have opinions on this book? There is some solid info there. Also the best life products. Barilla has the new Pasta plus out..Its good and better for you. I hate to say it but I had a severe weight gain over the holidays. Gaine 13 lbs in the last 6 weeks, thats never happened in 3 plus years of being banded. I hurt my back in the gym and had to rest plus got the flu. You see what happened when I didnt exercise? BAM here comes the lbs. With my band restriction I can eat if I have the desire to drink with my meals. I feel Im in a good restriction when Im respecting my tools like the band to help me. Thats why I dont want another fill yet. Lifestyle changes is what I want to cure this weight gain. I completely stopped drinking alchohol. I thought this would be a definate weight loser! Nope, I gained. Maybe I replaced that comfort with food. Obviously huh? Better to not drink. Sober 5 months and counting. A record for me. Anyway I am back on track and have my wide joining me for support now. this could be the recipe for success. Lord knows that recipe has worked for everything else. Thanks folks.
  23. Hi everybody! After finally getting enough of my still increasing weight I found this site and decided to take the leap and join. Well, where to start?! Having been BIG all my life and having to endure everyone's pitiful looks and hurtful comments for too long, plus the immense difficulty of trying to find clothes in my size that look half way decent (like, not from the 40's or my grandma's closet) yet not having to save up money to just buy a simple shirt for almost $100 (yes, Europe is expensive and different that way!) I decided, not only for convenience and my own comfort and health reasons, to get RNY surgery. At that time my weight was 335 pounds and a clothes size of 28/30. I was on the waiting list for a bit over a year before the military hospital in NC asked for volunteers to have the surgery done laproscopically, so I did and my surgery was in the beginning of May 2005. At first everything was good, the weight dropped left and right and my excitement rose with each smaller clothing size. I did NOT turn out to become lactose intolerant (thank God! since milk is my coffee!) but red meats and rice still to this day give me trouble. I hit a small bump bout 6 months in, tossing my Cookies a lot, feeling dizzy and sick whenever I moved. That time wasn't fun, but a little later they removed my gallbladder and everything was fine and dandy again. The weight kept coming off, with me surfing a small plateau in 2007 just around 240/250 pounds, but I was still happy and not too concerned since everything was going fine otherwise. Then, about 6 months later, I started losing again, but at a much slower rate. I crept down to my lowest weight of 196 pounds in September 2008 at a great size 16!!! Gosh was I happy, feeling good, sexy as heck and couldn't wait to show off my wonderful new me in nicely fitting clothes that were purchased at a regular store in the "normal people" section. The first time I was able to do that, I had a high that lasted for a few weeks!!! Anyways, then all hell broke lose around me, my personal life fell apart, then merging to become an emotional rollercoaster with extreme highs and lows that plummeted into the loss of a child in my second trimester after being told all those years before that I wasn't able to have/carry a child of my own, yet a miracle had happened! Obviously I was devastated and am still dealing today with depression and the loss I suffered. With the pregnancy I only slightly gained a few pounds (about 10) before all hell broke lose. I lost my child and my uncle on the same day, my mother had nothing better to do than to blame me for all of it, telling me how ungrateful I am and that it is all my fault. Yes, that surely didn't help me then (or now even) so I did what I did best all those years ago: I started eating. Right around Christmas 2012 I got my act together, moved back stateside, got my meds in order but my weight kept increasing, although I went back to pretty much everything as I did before I became pregnant. Yet to this day, every month I gain about another 2-5 pounds, am back in clothes size 24 and am absolutely NOT happy, healthy or otherwise enthused about it! So, if you have bared with me this far (and I gotta apologize for my lengthy introduction), I am just putting out the question to all of you, who have had RNY successfully also, lost the weight, just to gain it back. My eating habits are the same as they were after the surgery, my thyroid levels checked out normal, yes I'm aenemic ever since the surgery but OTC meds are still the same too, and otherwise nothing else is wrong physically. So WHY am I still gaining weight back slowly but surely?!?!?!? I don't wanna go back to where I was/came from and I was perfectly fine and good in my new body sized 16/18. Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? Any ideas on what I could do to reverse the direction again? Please let me know about your experiences, since I'm running out of ideas and clues on what's going on with me... any comments are greatly appreciated!
  24. Anyone Have the sleeve due to weight gain from ssri or ssri drug? I weigh 275 pound I'm on Prozac and been on all the other in the different classes but have gained 75 pounds in the first year and that was 12 years ago.. as long as I'm on the meds the weight won't budge... If i go off the meds I don't cope with life. anyone here do the sleeve for weight gain due to run induced weight and the drug is one that you need to stay on? and what been you experience?
  25. New member to the website, although found you all so helpful in deciding to get the band. Banded in Sept 2011 and fell into the category of the 30 BMI with 50lbs to lose, but no health problems. I self-paid and live in LA, so I went to TJ. Dr. Almanza banded me and was wonderful. I have been back for two fills and think they are fantastic and Dr. Almanza is soooooo cute I just like seeing him for 10 minutes. lol Please ask any questions about my experience there. I don't think their clinic is for everyone, but it was fantastic for me and I will give you the truth. I know in some forums "only" needing to lose 50lbs was criticized and mocked, but I found some positive comments here that helped give me the courage to get the band. Carrying the same 50lbs for 10 years was a problem I couldn't solve on my own. I'm down about 20lbs and now I think I need support to get to the last 30 off. First, I think I have about 2.4 cc's in with two fills. I am adjusting to realizing I can just keep on eating, hungry or not, with the same emotional issues as before. I do a lot of what I call "companion" eating. I am single, no kids and work and go to school. I eat out of boredom, loneliness and for a "companion." Nothing feels as good as snuggling up to a big hunk of chocolate cake, right? However, I still think I can eat too much quantity. Just struggling with restriction vs. length of time between hunger. About the only "restriction" I get is if I eat bread type stuff early in the morning or if I don't chew enough. Then it gets stuck, feels horrible and I sorta vomit up slim until it shifts. I don't really every throw up food, just the slime. Anyway, I am still working through eating well and not going to those comfort foods, but I think out of guilt of eating bad foods I don't think I "deserve" another fill. lol Getting the bad doesn't make us any less messed up, does it? Only two fills, so it can be that I just am not in the green zone, right? Thanks for any feedback! Oh, also, I don't have a doctor in LA. I just went and got the surgery so "go talk to your doctor" isn't a helpful answer for me. Just looking for personal experience and encouragement!

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