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Found 17,501 results

  1. lizonaplane

    Acid reflux/gerd

    You can try "lifestyle remedies" like elevating the head of your bed on bricks or whatever, not eating for the 4 hours before bed, avoiding foods that may be a trigger (tomatoes, greasy food, spicy food, alcohol, chocolate, peppermint, etc). If none of this works (there are other lifestyle remedies that I may have forgotten - try googling) you may need a revision to bypass unfortunately. It's a very common problem. Good luck!
  2. I have just done over a week of cold turkey coming off my PPI after nearly a year. It is getting better, thank God for Gaviscon, and I am glad I did it. I am nearly drug free now. Apart from the alcohol of course.....:drool5:
  3. 65DueceCoupe

    Too fat to graduate

    OMG like fat people haven't had it hard enough. This ticks me off College's too-fat-to-graduate rule under fire - CNN.com How about a class for skinny people to put on weight or smokers to quit or alcoholics to stop drinking. Fat is the just the next target to pick on - they don't realize that we've been picked on and we have rage built up to fight back. Being overweight is one's on struggle - a college degree shouldn't be based on looks.
  4. BigViffer

    Why no liquor??

    There are many reasons for the disparity in alcohol consumption. A surgeon may specialize in patients with exceedingly high BMI. Those patients with so much extra fat will have massive quantities of hormones stored. When the rapid weightloss starts, hormone levels can skyrocket. Add a barbiturate to the mix and you can have extreme mood swings and/or depression. We see it all the time on here with comments laden with attitude or excessive weepiness. Add to that the lay persons understanding of what is happening, it is just easier to say "Don't drink booze because it causes heartburn." or something else that is simple to understand. Better to just avoid alcohol until the major physiological changes are done and hormone levels return to normal.
  5. fruitandveggies

    Why no liquor??

    I was hoping I'd that I'd be a cheap date and get more affected by alcohol like they say you will. But I don't. I can drink my 3-4 gin and tonics with no issue. But at 3 weeks? Not so sure that's a good idea since wine is so acidic and your stomach is still all torn up inside. It also might make you forget that hey, you can't snack right now. I personally wouldn't do it at this point, but my surgeon said okay after 6 weeks. Happy anniversary though!
  6. toodlerue

    One week before surgery

    I loved reading your story. Thanks for sharing it with us. Food is always gonna be a struggle, surgery just helps you get to your goal faster. Just like an alcoholic has to remain sober. Obesity is a disease. Please follow all of the guidelines that your surgeon gives you!!! I wish I would have never let sugar & alcohol back into my life. I am struggling so much right now. Best of luck to you.
  7. jintycb

    4 years post op-vsg

    Thank you for this thread. It serves to remind me that once the initial euphoria with getting rid of the excess poundage wears off, the job of remaining sylph like really starts. Bit like a marriage once the honeymoon period is over and reality sets in! Your comments guys are now etched into my brain and hopefully they will serve me well in future. When (not even an 'if') I decide to that I don't have to adhere to the WLS suggestions, then I will forward the video to what could happen in the future to my body. I need to remember where I came from. My journey needs to be as my journey from alcoholism has been. I stuck close to AA for years and took on board things that I heard at meetings. It is still my touchstone to keep me sober. BP is going to be the same for me with food and my weight.
  8. crazy stacey

    What Counts Toward Your Water Intake?

    I remember when I have done weight watchers in the past it was the same - everything except caffeine and alcohol.
  9. Kime-lou


    I went to school for and hold a degree in addiction counseling. You would think someone who has taken these classes, learned ways to help clients cope and recover from addiction could herself fight her own addiction. Just like the difficulty people have admitting they are addicted to drugs and alcohol I had difficulty admitting I was addicted to food. Just like people who abuse drugs and alcohol try to validate their addiction I have tried to validate mine. But, the truth is an addiction is an addiction and there is validation for it, it is a problem that must be overcome in order for us to become a better more effective person. I have been over weight since I was 5 years old. Before that I was very thin and tiny- everyone always talked about how cute I was. Then the month before I started school the pounds started packing on. Apparently this was the start of my emotional eating and it never went away. As each year progressed my waist line expanded. By high school I was wearing size 22 jeans and was picked on all the time. My self esteem was low and I spent a lot of time alone- the only lead to more eating. I would frequently eat behind my families back so they wouldn't know how much I consumed and then tried to block it from my mind. As a senior in high school I had an accident that required surgery and then months of physical therapy. During that time I lost weight- down to 201 and a size 18. I remained at that size until the last 2 years when my weight balloned up to 247 and I knew something had to change. 5 high school friends have had some type of weight loss surgery with varying degrees of success, but all have managed to loose weight and keep it off. I decided that maybe this is what I needed to get control of my addiction. Likely if I could have controlled my addiction I could have lost weight without the surgery, but I couldn't. I was a slave to food. June 22, 2012 I had my lapband put in. The first week was hell - I felt like crap the entire time. Once I was back on mushy food I started to feel better and gain energy back. I began working out and counting calories and did great. I really felt like I had things under control. In October my Grandmother passed away after a long illness. She was one of my best friends and always someone I could count on. During that time I stopped counting calories due to being away from home, eating things I didn't prepare, and not being where I could get on the internet (my family lives deep in the country of Virgina) and I also stopped working out. When I got back home I though surely I had gained - well low and behold I had lost 3 lbs- WOW. In my screwed up mind this gave me permission to stop working out and counting calories. I know- WRONG thing to do. However, I have continue to lose steadily, but I know this is not a good way to do things. I do move more to burn more calories since getting my fitbit, but I know that can't take the place of the workouts I was doing. This passed weekend I had my first of serveral Christmas parties. I did pretty well, I help my portions down and ate only two cookies (my mom's homemade Christmas cookies - they are small tea cakes). My BFF's mom brought her homemade party mix and gave me a bag to go home. Here is the problem, this party mix for me is like putting a bottle of beer in front of an alcoholic. I love it- so yummy. She gave me a gallon zip lock bag of it. I brought it home and told myself I would only eat one handful a day. Well, it's been 3 days and half the bag is gone. I screwed up!!!!! The salt content alone in this stuff had increase my water retention- I have gained 3 lbs since Sunday- which isn't possible since I am not eating much. (the party mix has been my breakfast and my snacks) I feel like my face is puffy- I know I am retaining. I feel like crap, I can't believe I allowed myself to fall back in to a pattern that is negative. There are so many awesome people on this site who have been so strong and wonderful since surgery and are kicking butt. Why the hell did I think I could allow myself to do this and not have a negitive consequence- insanity. So, today, I am back on the game. I am going to be accountable to myself. Back to counting calories, back to the workouts, back to eating only what I need to live. The party mix as much as it pains me, but go to the garbage. This morning, I have had a Slim fast protein shake (not bad 180 calories and 20 grams of protein and taste like a yohoo). To my suprise I drink it two hours ago and I am not hungry. Now that I have retriction maybe I can do the shakes for breakfast. This afternoon I will get on my elliptical for 30 min. I WILL get back on track. I will not allow insanity to set in. To those of you who have been my support and encouraged me thank you and I am sorry for allowing my old ways to creep in. Thankfully, I didn't allow them to hang around long enough to do any major damage. Today I admit that I am an addict and I can not do this alone. I must be accountable to myself and others.
  10. Brad H

    Alcohol Post-op

    I am 10 days post op and asked my surgeon about drinking, post-op. His feedback was: beer...pretty much never, due to the carbonation/fizziness factor...and it can stretch your stomach out. Regular cocktails/liquor; 6 weeks post op and after. The alcohol inhibits the healing process and can lead to improper healing of the staple line. (He said it much more eloquently than I am). Plus, a lot of spirits/cocktails/mixed drinks, are high in calories and can derail your weight loss efforts. So, beyond the 6 week point, the stomach should be able to handle moderate imbibing. I would guess when the time comes to drink again, it would be better to not do it on an empty stomach...to see how the tolerance is.
  11. I had an awful recovery. I'm 9 months out now so I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. About 13 weeks in and out of hospital and lots of pain meds - the worse of it all was detoxing from the dilated. 5 days of pure hell. So please use pain meds with reason - even when dr's are offering it so freely. Remember WLS patients have a risk of developing dependencies on drug, alcohol...etc. When it comes to gas pain - heating pad really helped. I didn't get better until I started moving around - try and stay on your feet as much as possible. And than drink drink drink.
  12. terrydumont46


    I agree with 2 much. don't get drunk. you do not want to vomit with the band. still call your doctor. if something should go wrong at least he is aware what you were up to. just sip. enjoy the taste of the wine and spend your time enjoying your social aspect of your outing. 3 weeks is really quick to be testing your band, your doctor maybe on board. I had to agree to give up alcohol for a year but at Christmas time my doctor gave me the ok to enjoy my Christmas morning bailey's I have every year. so you never know what your doctor will say.
  13. Hmm, alcohol in moderation shouldnt be a problem, but you can drink too much without being an alcoholic or binge drinker. My parents were always a glass or two of wine per night drinkers. Both my sisters are too. My youngest sister, right in the middle of young kids loves 5 o'clock, lol. She'd have 2 or 3 wines a night. Hardly binge drinking but too much to be healthy for a woman I think. But since she's fallen into this habit, she's gotten really quite fat. Its deadly calorie wise and I find when I've had a drink or two, suddenly I cant be stuffed cooking dinner and will order pizza instead. I love a drink, but I dont drink daily, its too concentrated in empty calories when you're trying to lose weight.
  14. Or just say you choose not to drink. Nobodies business. I have had to take blood thinners for 4 years due to a random episode of PE which almost killed me. I cannot drink alcohol, as it thins my blood. Sometimes people ask, most of the time not. If they do, if I know them, I'll usually remind them I'm on blood thinners. If not, sometimes I'll tell them, sometimes I'll just say I prefer water or whatever. I've found its no big deal. Why would people look at you oddly for not drinking? I've never had anyone care.
  15. I am also a Alcoholic and have not found there to be any ties between the two WLS and Alcohol abuse. This is a nasty hard addiction no doubt and staying sober is very hard. I am by no way clean and sober but i have cut it way back by focusing on my health, my dog, and activities like fishing and females. I found AA to be a freakish cult but it does work for some, My suggestion is to use a aversion approach, it is a common way to divert you away from the use of the bottle. Simply put when you reach for the bottle Drink a glass of orange juice, when you crave the vodka go for a walk, you are diverting yourself away from the addiction by other things. It does work for me, For example wanted to drink last night, so instead i took the dog for a long walk, rented a movie and played clash of clans! But i have been warned by my doctor it will tear the hell out of you little stomach quickly - so the fear of being dead has me alot more sober
  16. it may be up to your surgeon as well. My doctor did not want me to fly within 2 weeks after my surgery or any fills. I don't know if that was because of air pressure reasons or if he wanted me close by in case I had any problems. 3 weeks post surgery I don't think I wanted to get on a plane as I was still trying to adjust with my mushy food phase. I'm with DodgerFan on this one, follow your dr's post-op rules. Do not cheat during this time as your body needs time to heal and adjust to this "foreign" band. Side note: I definitely was not drinking alcohol or anything for the first month. :biggrin: Good luck with your surgery and with your holiday. Let us know how it all turns out.
  17. Sorry to hear that you've been going through a lot. Likely the alcohol is causing the GERD and you'd have to detox completely before undergoing another surgery. Your BMI might be too low at this point to qualify for a revision. But you have the opportunity to work on both issues if you focus first on the drinking part, have you tried AA? I don't think you're going to get your weight under control until you get your drinking under control. My surgeon's office has behavioral counselors as part of the program, does yours? Perhaps you could talk to them.
  18. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother and the other things you are going through. I had my revision in Sept my weight at surgery time was 213. I also had severe GERD and a fistula,which is why my BMI didn't really matter. You and I are the same height so you may not have any issues getting a revision at your current weight. As far as the Alcoholism goes have you tried talking to your regular DR? Most bariatric surgeons also have you see someone, and they may be able to help. I also agree with the diversion therapy that AJ talks about. I wish you all the best!
  19. I was doing great with the sleeve. Then my husband started beating me, my autistic son became a "teenager".... insert dramatic scary music here.... and my mom died on Dec 21. Oh, and I have an amazing 4 yr old girl. I have been hitting the bottle. A lot. In the last 6mo I have regained 15lbs. I'm currently waiting for insurance to approve a revision surgery for my sleeve. I went from 287 lbs to 215 and now 228. My restriction is still pretty good, but I am so stressed out that I have to believe my excess calorie intake is my alcohol intake. I'm not sure what I am even asking, but does anyone know a good way to battle alcoholism and a good type of doctor that is knowledgeable about bariatric issues as well as alcohol issues? Not specifically looking for a particular doctor, but any ideas would be great. Sent from my moto e5 supra using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Hi I have a VSG scheduled on Monday 06/19. I am required to be on 2 days of Liquid Diet. instruction says I am allowed zero-calorie liquids in between Protein shakes it includes sugar-free popsicles. However they are 15 cal each and has 6 g sugar alcohols. I am confused. Can I have them or not?
  21. My Crockpot Carnitas 3 lbs of Pork Shoulder/Butt 4 minced garlic cloves (I use a whole bulb) 1/2 an onion minced (I use Vidalia) 1 can of Tecate (Mexican Beer) (Totally optional, just sub with water) 1 cup of Orange juice 1 cup of hot Water with bouion or your preference of Stock/Broth Juice of one lime 1/4 a cup of vinegar (I use red wine vinegar) 2 tablespoons garlic salt 2 tablespoons cumin 1 tablespoon chili powder/cayenne 2 teaspoons ground coriander 4 tablespoons of black pepper salt to taste I get my pork in huge chunks and lightly brown it on a skillet and throw in a crock pot. Then I add a healthy splash of olive oil to the still hot skillet and add the onions to caramelize. It is not necessary, but does make the dish a bit sweeter. I caramelize the onions for 15 mins until they look good and dark/burnt, I lower the flame add a shot of olive juice and very, very lightly cook the garlic. Do not burn the garlic or it will be biter. Then add the Tecate and all the lime juice to the skillet and loosen all the bits and burn up the alcohol for about 5 mins. Then pour over the pork in crock pot. then in a bowl I add all my dry ingredients to my oj/stock and whisk. Then I pour on top of the pork. For my crock pot this about half way covers the pork, but if it cover it completely that is ok also. then I cook on low for 6-8 hours or overnight. When done, pull out the pork and use 2 forks to shred. I also add fresh chopped onions, cilantro and lime to my ready to eat portion. I freeze half with the juice to enjoy later one. This is all about adding flavors you like. Don't want it spicy, cut the chili and cut back most of the pepper. The lime and vinegar are important to break down the meat and makes it easier to swallow for me. Enjoy.
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    Looking for help with my worries….

    1) Regret - what if I regret my decision? Unless you are unlucky and have a complication, I seriously doubt it. I thought I would regret it and miss out on a wonderful life with food but, my life is so much richer, and I still love and enjoy food. 2) Age - is 54 too old to do this? 54 isn't old, you probably have another 20-30 years of life, don't want to spend it fat and uncomfortable in bad health. 3) Post-op diet - along with the pre-op 800 cal. a day diet (wow!), I'm worried about the weeks of liquid diet. I have to work, how will I do it if I'm starving? (my job can be intense and I have to be on the ball all the time). The diet is tough I won't even lie. Not sure about doing a physical job, it will be hard, but you can live off 800 calories for a little while it won't kill you. 4) I have chronic migraines and see a Neurologist. Will the weight loss alleviate/lessen migraines, or make them worse? Not sure, but low carbing is usually good for brain issues. I would see someone about getting botox injections for the migraines, research it. 5) Will I ever actually enjoy food again? Or be able to? We have a favourite restaurant - would hate if I can never again enjoy that sort of outing Yes. Maybe more than you do now. I still eat at my favorite places but I just order differently. I also find I can enjoy a lot of expensive and trendy resturants with small portions because they satisfy me in a way they didn't before. I can enjoy the flavors of food more, because my concern isn't on being full at the end just enjoying the food. 6) No caffeine, no alcohol! OMG - that's harsh! I love wine and would miss that. But think it's 6 months off of it? Caffeine. Due to migraines I'm not supposed to have it at all, but I now just have a tea in the morning so guess I could do that. I do love my tea and wine though :-) I drink coffee every day. I don't drink really but I didn't drink before surgery either. I can drink if I want to, I just don't want. I take a sip and I am not interested but there are plenty of people here that after hitting maintenance have a glass of wine with dinner each night. Most of the big changes are short term, 6 months until you heal. Then once you are healed and the bulk of your weight is off, you can play with what works with you.
  23. I bought several bottles of different flavored protein drinks - most of which I thought tasted nasty. I passed my unopned ones on to a friend who was having surgery. I did the same with a tub of protein and all of the chicken soup protein packets that I had ordered. I should have ordered one of those sample packets before I ordered anything in quantity. The other thing I would do different is do more work on my head in addition to making my food choices. The food stuff was easy for me early on. But now that I am normal and eating mostly how I will eat from now on, I realize the psychological stuff that led me to have a bad relationship with food is still there. I don't do the bad behaviors (mostly) but it's like an alcoholic taking it one day at a time. I wish I had started working on this stuff 6-10 months ago.
  24. Hey there! I'm new to this forum, so I hope to get a warm welcome I plan on having my surgery in November of this year and I'm super excited! Now, I've looked up some of this information on this already, however could not find very much. So I'm hoping with some luck I will get a few answers here. I am a recreational smoker of marijuana. However, I am proud to say that I am now 85 days sober due to the fact that I'm going for a promotion at my job that requires a hair follicle test. Before this however, I smoked a bowl at least once a day for 2-3 years. And before I get everyone talking about transfer addiction, understand that I was able to cut cold turkey without any desire or withdrawal from the lack of smoking. And on top of that, when I'm high, I don't find myself succumbing to food cravings or having a hindered ability to function normally. Eventually, you build a tolerance for marijuana, unlike alcohol or other harmful substances. It eases stress and makes me feel better, and honestly having a "marijuana addiction" is the least of my worries (in fact, I would MUCH rather have an addiction to marijuana than an addiction to food). Anyway, I have read that actually smoking marijuana is unadvisable with the sleeve because of possible ulcers. I have also read that if you do smoke marijuana, it is advisable to wait at least 3 months, which would not be a problem. However, for those who smoke regularly, I was wondering if vaporizing/eating the marijuana lessens the chance of stomach ulcers? Would I still have to wait the 3 months after if this is that case? Any input helps, but I don't need any moral preachers who are uneducated and inexperienced on marijuana and its "addictiveness". Thanks!
  25. F Mike


    What is the earliest anyone had a sip of alcohol? Not a lot, I know all about the calories. Going on a cruise in three weeks, just curious.

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