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Found 17,501 results

  1. Two weeks for me. 1st week I can have a small balance meal for dinner, 2nd all clear liquid with no red dye.
  2. Jim DiCristo

    Any April Surgery Dates?

    I hope your stall was kick started. I had an awful September but the last 2 weeks I got back on track with getting in more protein and it has worked like a charm. I'm back on the protein shakes (once a day) to supplement my diet and get in around 100g of protein. I got off of the shakes for a couple of months because I got sick of them but I found some new flavors.
  3. I had gastric bypass on 2/22. Pre-op I lost 37 pounds, first week post op another 18. 2nd week the scale didn't move at all and now as of today is UP 5 POUNDS. I want to scream. How is this even possible I haven't even gotten to 1000 calories yet. I'm so discouraged I want to just cry. My RD tells me not to worry but how can I not? Has anyone delt with this? Thanks for any advice or insight.
  4. As the title says, I hit my 3 week stall about 2 days ago. I have been through this before, so I know not to check my weight for a week now. The stalls are the worst part of all this, and as time goes on, they get longer and longer. But I've already been to this dance, so at least I know what to expect. My gerd is getting bad. I had to go up to 40mg every day and see how that works (going to every other day caused issues, so today starts every day again). I was really hoping that I would be able to get off PPI with this revision, but so far, no. At least I've gone from 80mg daily to 40. If I could get down to maybe 20mg I could learn to be ok with it. I guess time will tell. I was given the ok to try some ground turkey and HOLY CRAP I FOUND THE RESTRICTION!!!!!! I can eat scrambled eggs, avocado, hummus, refried beans, even cheese cubes....nothing. But I had 2 tbsp of ground turkey and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD there was ALL KINDS of restriction!!!!! I've never had this before. It's awesome!!!! I was told my stomach is the size of a golf ball, and I found it hard to believe before, but oh man I believe it now!!!
  5. PandaMom1977

    Can’t eat poultry 8 months in

    I am 10 weeks out and I can eat eggs and chicken thighs but not chicken breast. I can't stomach the white meat. Wondering if it will be like that for awhile. We will see. se
  6. Spinoza

    Indoor or Outdoor Exercise

    I am an outdoor walker through and through - all weathers. I have dogs so this has always been non-negotiable, LOL. I also do Pilates (indoors obvs) 2 or 3 times a week nowadays. I enjoy that in a different way. Honestly anything you can do and enjoy you're more likely to keep going with. If you can click with that then do it. Horses for courses!
  7. FifiLux

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    That is crazy. I just had to pay about €80 for the year to join the once a week class. If you haven't checked them out yet on YouTube you should look at Meredith Shirk of Svelte Training in case there are some exercises they have that you might like. They do lots, free to view, and a lot of them can be modified depending on aches and pains like knees, back etc. some are seated or on the bed - https://www.youtube.com/@MeredithShirkandSvelteTraining
  8. NickelChip

    February surgery buddies 🥰

    I have my meeting with the surgeon on Tuesday as well, although for me it is 4 weeks pre-op. I believe the 2 week liquid diet is a given for me, but I've been getting used to the idea by replacing breakfast and lunch with a protein shake several times a week for the past few weeks. It's not too bad. I haven't gotten really hungry during the day, although getting to have a regular dinner does make it easier, so I'm not looking forward to the real thing.
  9. I have been using Nioxin Stage 3, I do a bayalge with blond every 3 ish months and I will say using the shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment REALLY REALLY helped! I also put a Rosemary oil in my hair the night before hair wash day (I only wash my hair 2x a week) My shedding IS SIGNIFIGANTLY less. I also use 2 TBLS of collagen in my profee every morning along and biotin with my morning vitamins.
  10. I've enjoyed reading everyone's plastic surgery threads, and since I'm 3 weeks out from surgery, I thought I would start my own! I'm going to make up for all of the WLS mistakes I made (not taking "before" photos or measurements), and plan to track my PS progress much better!! So here's where I am to date! I originally planned on having a CTT (circumferential tummy tuck, also known as a lower body lift) along with a BR/BL/BA (breast reduction, lift, and then adding implants back in for fullness). Plans have changed slightly since then, and I've also changed surgeons. The original surgeon I was going to does great work, but the surgery center he works for is very unorganized. I was initially willing to put up with the chaos to get that particular surgeon, but there was story after story of women getting their surgeries canceled at the last minute, and it was adding too much stress to what I want to be a really fun and exciting process. The new surgeon suggested a different approach, and I really like her thoughts on it. Instead of a CTT she wants to address only the front of me (tummy and breasts) so that she can remove more skin from my tummy and leave me in that post tummy tuck hunched over position. With the CTT she wouldn't be able to take as much off the front b/c of the posterior incision. So my goal for round 1 is to look great from the front! LOL!! I really like how she explained it, and am excited! Also I'm now down to a 34D, and the lift itself will reduce a little bit, so now I'm just a BL/BA (no more BR). I've completed my pre-op testing (mammogram, chest xray, EKG, bloodwork), and will head down to Florida next week. I covid test upon arrival then report to the office on 1/6 for my pre-op visit. Surgery is on 1/12, and she wants me to stay in town for at least 4 weeks, but better yet would be 6 weeks after surgery. Since I'm working from home due to Covid anyway, and have a place to stay in Florida, I'm 100% on board with the stay requirements! Something good to come out of Covid!! LOL!!! So that's where I am for now, and look forward to updating with my progress as the weeks go by!!
  11. Zingor

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I have been told I don't need to do the LRD, but will probably start next week anyway. Finding liquid protein i can stand has been my biggest hurdle. I like the hot savory ones from unjury, so might stick with those.
  12. Livgreen___

    2 years post op

    Hi guys. Start weight before surgery - 21.9 stone lowest weight after surgery - 17 stone current weight - 19 stone I was sleeved on 02/02/22, restriction was doing it’s thing, I caught covid back end of March. Completely lost my appetite for a week, then after that it felt asif I was never sleeved. I worked from home which did not involve a lot of steps a day, come the beginning of may my weight loss had stalled and stuck at 17 stone all the way up until around March 2023. since March 2023 I gained 1 stone 13 pounds through no fault of my own eating what I wanted no calorie counting etc. I started calorie counting the beginning of this week. I am on 1800 calories by working this out as my deficit through the TDEE website. I know this website does not take into consideration my smaller stomach due to surgery however I have no restriction at all and can eat 1800 calories a day no problem and still hungry most days. 5 days on a deficit and I’ve actually gained a pound, I was 18.13 on Monday now 19 stone. Has anyone else who has been sleeved going through the same thing? Didn’t really lose much weight after surgery and tried calorie counting a couple years post op and the scale just did not move, or even go up? Looking to shift 4 stone but feel deflated as doing everything I should be and scales are going up? I calorie counted years before my sleeve surgery and lost 5 stone in 5 months. Shouldn’t it be even easier now I’ve been sleeved? It seems so much harder! Yes I am tracking everything correctly and I weigh out everything that passes my lips.
  13. Shanna NYC

    3 week stall - Just a rant from a newbie

    Here to give you hugs and a shoulder. I have dealt with the 3 week stall and I’m just here to say, before you know it it’ll be over. Think about when was it the last time you even lost 13lbs in a month? Even in my best place with diet and exercise I can say that was a stretch. But also, this really isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. We are in it for the long haul though our brains feel like this “tool” is an instant fix. It is probably harder around the holidays and I truly can’t say I’ve had to experience that end so early on, but just remember that the holidays are about so many other things. Hold on to the experiences outside of food. Remember that the food is truly not going anywhere and think of how you feel (and look) this time next year. Reach back to your whys. The greater reasons why we did this to begin with. I can’t help too much with full on menus, but one thing that helped a lot with puréed to soft was the ricotta bake. It felt like pizza/lasagna after I was sick of all the sweeter liquids and broths. It feels eternal now, but it will be such a small blip of time before you know it. Much love and wishing you a happy holiday and strength.
  14. As the title says, I had my 6 month labs done a few weeks back (I'll be at 6 months post op Feb 21) and my 6 month check in is next week. My question is this; has anyone's lab come back hyper-hydrated? I told the dietician who called with the results (she wasn't aware my app was next week) there is no way I could be over hydrated I seldom meet my water goals much less go way over it. She said it was beyond her knowledge. I was told my white blood count was elevated as well along with my iron being too high. She told me to cut back to 18mg iron opposed to the 45mgs I was taking. The dietician never commented on my other labs so I'll have to wait for those. I'm concerned because my 6 month is with the dietician and if its beyond her she won't know. Anyone else have odd labs like this? Hyper (over) hydrated yet not drinking enough to do this? Is leukocytosis normal as well, seems my WBC's are always higher.. Although it could be my albuterol which can cause elevated white blood cells sometimes. I'm impatient and thought I'd ask here.. Unfortunately, everything I read isn't good - stupid internet but, I'm hoping its WLS related. So I thought I'd ask the experts - you! I know you aren't doctors, but you've been through WLS and know things sometimes WL clinics don't or just don't think to share. Thanks for answering!
  15. NCL04321

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I hope your gerd issue subsides or they can get it under control. I don't think that is hindering your weight loss. Are you eating too many carbs? Do you track what you eat? Also, now here is the blunt truth..... you are considered obese if you were 5'3 and 210lbs. I'm not being mean, because i myself was considered morbidly obese and would never shame anyone on their weight but a fact is a fact and at that weight and height for a female that would be considered obese. I would try talking to your nutritionist if you are worried about losing weight slowly but do keep in mind we all lose at different rates, stall at different times etc. As Arabesque said, don't compare yourself to others weight loss journey because we are all different and you will drive yourself crazy! Best thing to do is talk to your dietician.
  16. ms.sss

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    like a lot of the folks here, i only had to do 2 weeks. it was 3 shakes a day for two weeks. i had to go back to do the math, but figured out you wrote your initial post on day 2 of your liquid diet, yes? Most will tell you that the first 3-4 days are the worst of it. If you white knuckle it those first couple days, you'll likely find it gets much, much easier. I'm sure there's some science to it, but essentially your body gets used to the lower intake and does something else instead of whine loudly lol (google ketosis). But you have to try to not "cheat" during those days or you may just reset the clock, and have to do those 3-4 days of discomfort again. Doing math again, today should be day 4 for you...how are you doing? In terms of the 4 week road ahead of you, it does sound daunting, but maybe if you could break it down to week long increments it may be easier to bear. just get this friday and you'll have one week under your belt. then look forward to the next friday. or if a week seems too long, just get to the end of the day. whatever it takes to shrink the seemingly endless void into small manageable parts (with small victories along the way). ...and if you fall off, get up and start again. no need for shame spirals or self-flagellation. good luck! ❤️
  17. K Ramirez

    Did you cheat too?

    This is exactly how I feel almost word for word. I'm now 3 weeks post op and just feel... Uninspired, wanting to be in bed, upset that I'm not having as much success as others... I cheated also knowing I shouldn't even though was small. Did it get any better for you?
  18. Yes. I would sleep more than I thought possible during the day and then sleep all night. I think I stopped napping at around a week after surgery. Sleep is good for recovery.
  19. I am three years post op and I can drink while eating but I don’t recommend it. For one, I’m pretty confident my pouch was left bigger than most since I was always able to eat more than expected from day one. For two, I gained my weight back and this could have contributed. I am thinking I am doing a revision and the PA reminded me I should be doing all those things such as the 30:30:30 (30 before and after with no water and take at least 30 minutes to eat your meal). They haven’t checked it yet but if it is possible to stretch the sleeve in any way, I worry that I have stretched mine. Regardless, he explained that the purpose of not doing both even once you have room is because the liquid flushes the food through your system quicker so you don’t feel full as long. In terms of the size bites you can take they will gradually increase BUT, ideally you will still stay with “normal” sized bites but with time in between so that full signal can get to your brain. Hopefully others can Learn from my mistakes. Apparently they make these rules for a reason 😔
  20. ahh okay, my discharge paperwork told me not to lift anything more than 20lbs for 2 weeks but I lasted only a week since I have a toddler and he's 30lbs. Of course I am careful, I would like to try get into a good work out routine. Do you like crossfit?
  21. SomeBigGuy

    Just had gastric sleeve

    Yeah, the first two to three weeks will have you questioning everything about the process, but that's only due to the temporary discomfort and the idle time while resting and recovering. We all go through that phase, so you're right on track! The good thing about the sleeve, like others mentioned, is that you will eventually be able to eat all of the same things again, but now you'll have that governor in place to stop you from going overboard. Early on, just stick to the diet plan, as its more important to prevent stretching the tissue where the staples are and to prevent infections. After the first month or two, then the goal is to keep the carbs and excess calories down, as statistically you'll have the beest luck losing weight those first 6 months before it slows, and levels off around the 12-18 month mark. Its just to get that jump start on the weight loss. Each day gets easier, but it is gradual and expect the occasional "hangry" day while you adapt. You'll have days where your body will try to fight you since its used to the old foods and quantities we used to eat. It misses its snacks, but our mind and stomachs are like angry toddlers in this phase, they require some discipline. Teaching it early on makes it better on the long run, but be ready for the temper tantrums haha. I'm approaching 2 months from my surgery and I have to say the first 2 weeks were fear/regret, then that subsided in weeks 3-4, and I was more upset about "well I feel like I can eat x, y, or z again, why can't I?", then even that started to subside on Week 5. I will say to avoid excess sugar, as that will still set my cravings off. I made multiple mistakes sampling cookies and cake over the holidays, and the following 2-3 days I would be craving it constantly and getting angry about it. Forcing myself past those 2-3 days, focussing on protein and more savory foods, and the obsessive craving went away. For the gas pain, definitely find some Gas-X or similar medication from a pharmacy. That helped me a lot the first month. Also, while walking, do some arm exercises like lifting over your head, windmill stretches, etc., and that will help disperse some of the gas. That really helped to get rid of my shoulder pain from it.
  22. summerseeker

    50 and over crowd?

    I have Fibromyalgia and it has not changed because of weight loss. The surgeon told me this. I had zero pain when I woke up from the surgery but was a little tender in my stomach area. I take 8 Co-codamol a day when the pain is fierce and a 10mg Amitriptyline every night to help me relax. My new tiny stomach was very swollen and I couldn't take the pills for about 4 weeks. I had some morphine patches from my doctor but it wasn't severe enough to be an issue after week 1. I take 2 tablets for GERD a day, These have to be taken separately from my pain meds because of absorption issues.
  23. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    11 days to go! My friend just asked me out to dinner for next week before surgery and i explained we can go but i wont be eating! Lol. So had to explain the pre op diet. So maybe we will just go shopping. Im going to need a shopping buddy anyway.
  24. Star1234

    Bowel movements

    I haven't had a movement in 2 weeks and i take senna every night !
  25. Hey all So I am almost 4 weeks post-surgery, and everything is going pretty well for the most part! I have noticed however, apart from the odd hiccup, that I don't really feel full! That being said, I haven't felt hungry either! 😅 I seem to be able to finish all of my food with no issues - I know everyone is different, and I get that this is just my body, but I find it so interesting!

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