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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi everyone! I finally did it, after chasing this surgery and fighting with insuracne I had t 3/19/24. I"m on day three, and I'm so tired Im' napping more than I"m awake sipping. Did anyone else experience this? Hot long will it take to east up and I'll feel awake agaIn? I assume it has to do with the liquid diet and very little calories and the array of pills they have me on.
  2. So I was 6 days out from VSG surgery when I tested positive for COVID-19. I mostly feel fine, apart from my throat. It's really prickly and sore. To the point that I am really struggling to get anything down. It has gotten worse over the past 12 hours, to the point that I'm wondering whether the remedies I have used (Saltwater gargle, sugarfree difflam) have done more harm than good. My weight loss clinic doesn't open till Monday. I am really struggling here! 😫
  3. FifiLux

    Five years 🎉

    Congratulations to you and the new improved person you have become over the years. I am 10 months post op and hope to be in the same great space you are in the years to come.
  4. Weighing in: I’ve lost around 100 lbs and my ring size has gone from 10 to 8, so I am in fact big boned lol ! But to answer your original question, I never resized my (various) rings, I just wear them on different fingers now.
  5. I'd personally let it continue. Most of us have a rebound gain after we hit bottom - 10-20 lbs is pretty common, usually during year 3. Some people even gain more. I purposely went below my goal to account for it, and I'm really glad I did, because yep - I put on 20 lbs during year 3 (have put on about 10 more since then, which I am NOT happy about...) and yep - I looked way too skinny at my lowest weight (esp in my face), but my fat shifted around after awhile and I looked much better. Then the gain started...I sure as heck don't look too skinny now!
  6. NickelChip

    Back to basics. Taking vitamins

    I take my multi first thing in the morning with breakfast at 7am and then take calcium at 10, 2, and 6 (I take two calcium chews and a calcium chocolate for "dessert").
  7. Zazu_89

    Pre op diet

    Im from London. Semi skimmed milk with 2 tablespoon skimmed milk powder. I use Hartley 10 cal jelly pot. I've been doing normal because I lost weight fast and because il lost weight in last 3 weeks in liver reduction diet when it's just soup and yogurt.
  8. 10 months out I average around 1500 calories a day and am still losing slowly (I weigh in the low 60s) hope this helps!
  9. Thank you!!! I guess I'll just ride it out and see where it takes me. I honestly didn't think about the regain later on, so maybe it's not a bad thing if I go 10 or even 12 pounds below my goal weight. Thanks for the advice and suggestions!!! Much appreciated
  10. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    Hi Calli, this group is for 2023, there'll definitely be a 2024 group, best to join that and find others having surgery next month. I was sleeved on the 10 May, you chose a great date!
  11. catwoman7

    Slow Loser - Anyone else?

    I'm pretty sure the OP is in the same program I was (UW Health in Wisconsin). Their plan isn't low carb, it's balanced. Or it was when I went through it 9-10 years ago.
  12. My surgery is scheduled for April 10! I both excited and nervous at the same time! Has anyone else experienced these feelings??
  13. Interesting! I have not yet run up against this. I think my photo on passport looks *just* enough like the new me never to have drawn comment. I'll now be ready for when it does though. Driving licence the same. And yeah, I'd also put up with the crappy photo for 10 years before paying an extra penny for the nicer photo, LOL.
  14. Hello everyone its been a while since ive been on here. If you want to check out my previous posts you will see i had quite a few struggles and bouts of depression because of those struggles. But since then things have gotten a lot better. I started the program itself at a weight of 395. I had my sleeve done on 01/18/2024 (i was 367 on that day) and my current weight as of today is 294. Im just wondering if i am losing the way i should be at this point. Ive tried a few online calculators but they just confused me lol. I know for a fact im not getting all of my protein like i should be or water intake because i just get full so fast! (not that im complaining TOO much but it is annoying when something is good lol). I always take my vitamins and such thankfully ive never missed a beat on that. I have my gym membership but i havent been going as much as i should be i get in maybe 2 times a month but i will pick back up on that. Im not just sitting around the house though i have 3 kids and a spouse so relaxing isnt possible until bedtime LOL. Anyway i just wanted to know what you all think of my weight loss so far, and if you think the loss ive gotten at this point is on track. I meet with my 6 month check in next month of course but just wondering until then.
  15. kristieshannon

    Hello, any veterens around?

    I’ll be 5 years out in August. Lost 141 lbs, have regained about 10 but feeling pretty ok about, working on dropping 5. Best decision I ever made!
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    weight stall

    How are you doing now? Also, remember that the average weight loss is 2 pounds per week. So at 2 1/2 months (10 weeks) that would be 20 pounds. You were at 39 pounds. So definitely doing well. I hope you're feeling better now.
  17. BellaMakk

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hey Everyone, I keep seeing how people have a hard time using the restroom. Even my mom told me that she had an issue peeing when she got the sleeve. I am shocked at how my body is working. I’ve been able to pee since day 1 and I’ve had steady, good bowel movements since day 3. I had taken pain meds and was not constipated at all. Maybe my body was happy to get rid of that stomach lol anyway I’m excited for the Summer Time fine bodies we are working hard to get. Happy healing ladies. ❤️ WL Update: as of 01/27, I am down 22.2 lbs. with 121 lbs to go😋
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Daily calorie intake

    This is pretty much what I was told except I'm 10 months out and still being told no more than 800 calories per day. When I mentioned being hungry still they were very hesitant to raise it to 1000..stating I could if I wanted to raise my intake, but to be very careful IF I did...again being hesitant with "allowing" more than 800.
  19. My first cheat meal was 4 months post op (with surgeon’s approval) now 6+ yrs post op all meals are cheat meals! Joking! Maybe 10% now. But I’m a big fan of a long term sustainable diet that you can adjust as needed. So alternate between strict and relaxed however I still prioritize protein.
  20. Hello! I am posting to see if anyone got their surgery in their 20s and what their experience was like? I am 19 years old (turning 20 in July), and getting my gastric sleeve on June 21st. I was wondering if anyone my age who has had the gastric sleeve would be open to sharing their story with me, since I know each age group experiences different side affects and symptoms:) Thanks in advance!
  21. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    I can only tolerate eggs sometimes, mostly hardboiled. Also if something smells like eggs, I can’t eat it. Even if I already started eating, I can’t continue. It’s been this way my entire life so it might be a true aversion (even my children inherited my egg smelling abilities) but after revision, it became 10 times worse.
  22. Thank you so much! I have 4 kids. My oldest son is 30 and my youngest daughter is 10. Then 4 grandbabies. As much as I hated pictures I had to allow some in case something happened to me. Wish they would start them away in a vault somewhere though.
  23. ms.sss

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    holy crap. i am giving you a standing ovation for sticking to that schedule for 14 days! drinking EVERY 5 minutes AND walking around EVERY 10 minutes for 12 HOURS every day???? AND still doing regular daily living stuff??? that is amazing. i can tell you are going to do very well p.s. love your spreadsheet!
  24. Oh no. Sorry it happened to you too. It's rough isn't it? I fly home tomorrow at last - but I have another conf coming up so will be home for all of 10 days before heading off again!
  25. Hi. I'm having some huge issues with my weight and could really do with some help and advice please. In December 2018 I had a gastric bypass and on the day of the surgery I was 24 stone (336 lb). Over the next year I got down to 15 stone ( 210lb). All my friends and family was concerned I wasn't eating enough and said I looked ill due to the rapid weight loss so I started eating a it more. Fro. 2019 to 2023 my portion sized grow and I was no longer eating the correct foods resulting in me being 21 stone (294lb). I'm currently on the path to getting my health back on track but I don't seem to be losing weight. Im one of them people that will eat the same meals every days and this is my current meals all eaten on a bariactric plate. Breakfast = 2 hard boiled eggs. Lunch = hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. Dinner= hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. I'm also walking on average 6 miles (9.6km). In the past 6 months of eating like this my weight has hardly changed, 1 week might be 1lb loss then next week will be 1.5lb gain then 2lb loss ect. Over 6 moths my weight has only gone down 7lb and I don't know what's going on and I'm starting to get very depressed and I seem to be eating well and being active but the weight scales don't reflect that. Am I missing something that's preventing me from losing weight? Thank you

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