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Found 15,822 results

  1. Im getting a little discouraged,Ive read about the 3 week stall but im having the 3 week gain. I had gastric bypass 10/18 I also had my gallbladder removed.The first 2 weeks I lost 18 pounds.I was happy and then i go to my clinic for a class with people who had surgery the same day or around the same time.We were there to go over the next phase of eating .Everyone was discussing there weigh loss (30lbs and up) and what they've been eating.I thought to myself im eating far less than most of them why am I only down 18 and there 30+ At the time I was having 8oz of pureed soup,a protein shake or two,and 32oz of water.Im having trouble getting in 64oz of water.I thought maybe Im not eating enough so I started getting in 3 meals a day and now they are allowing us to eat solids at our own pace. I went to the store and bought full grain bread,avacodo,and sliced cheese. First thing in the morning Ive been having 1/2 of one slice of bread with avacodo or a slice of cheese.For lunch I'll have the other half of slice of bread with avacodo,and dinner I'll have pureed soup 4oz. I dont stop eating because Im full,I stop eating because Im afraid of eating to much and getting sick. I've been eating far less than I have ever eaten in my life and now everytime I step on the scale for the past couple of weeks i've been gaining weight everyday!! I dont get it.Why would I be gaining weight when Im eating healthy and Im not going over 4oz each time I eat. Ive gained 3 lbs so far.
  2. BeanitoDiego

    What was your “Moment” ?

    My final FINAL moments were last year. I saw a photo of myself at Thanksgiving, and I resembled a potato. I was round, just like a circle. At that time, when I would sit down, I noticed that the way that my stomach would land on my thighs was only about 5 inches from my knees. I had the distinct thought that the weight gain was going to continue unabated if I did not make a radical life change. First appointment was almost one year ago, and *everything* is SO much better.
  3. Hi I got my sleeve surgery on August 22nd .. I've lost about 50 pounds but I was in the hospital a few days with sepsis and now I just got on the scale and gained like 8 pounds? I've barley eating so I'm confused any help ? Start weight 302 Surgery weight 288 Monday 251 today 260..
  4. I read this article in the New York Times this week and thought it brought up a lot of interesting issues. With the alarming growth of obesity in young people, including children, there are a lot of questions about when should a patient become a candidate for WLS. With my upcoming surgery, I've had a few conversations with my teen/tween daughters about nutrition/healthy eating, as well as some of the possible genetic components of weight gain. Both of my girls are active and not currently at risk, but I know that my younger daughter is physically a lot like I was at her age, and I would do anything for her not to ever have to deal with weight gain the way I have as she gets older. I hope I can teach them both good habits now that they can carry with them. But what happens when a kid is already so large at age 16 that their quality of life is impacted? What's the responsible/ethical thing to do with regards to a surgery that can't be reversed? This is a very interesting read. In case you didn't read it, here's a link (it should bypass the paywall for non-subscribers until the end of November): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/31/magazine/teen-bariatric-surgery.html?unlocked_article_code=1.7Ew.M7l-.QaJi8BjntPW_&smid=url-share
  5. SarahByNumbers

    IUD removal after surgery

    Hello! I didn't have a Mirena removed post-op (my VSG surgery is scheduled for 11/22, so I am still pre-op!), but I HAVE had a Mirena IUD removed previously. I had it replaced with a copper ParaGard IUD (which does not have any hormones) because the Mirena hormones were causing me to have cystic acne and other weird hormonal stuff (more ovarian cysts, etc.!), and I can confidently say that the removal did NOT cause any weight gain. Hopefully that is at least slightly helpful for you to hear! You may want to ask in one of the post-op forums for other experiences, as well!
  6. Arabesque

    Surgery Failure

    First we all fluctuate. It may be a pound or two or it might be more. Tracking your weight will allow you to see your natural fluctuation & help you recognise that versus weight gain. Secondly, a 50 pound weight loss in about 5 months is great. Why do you think you are failing? Does your surgeon, dietician or team say you are failing? The only people who lose more than that in the first months are those who start at much higher weights than you like on My 600lb Life. They may start at losing 50lbs a month but that doesn’t last. Like everyone their rate of lose slows as they lose weight. I echo others suggestion of tracking everything you put in your mouth - solid or liquid - ensuring you weigh & measure everything. Do it for a few weeks, then discuss your food records with your dietician to check you aren’t missing something or confirm you are on the right track. PS - Real fruit is always a better choice than fruit juice. You get more nutrients, better fibre & still get fructose as a natural sugar to help with your diabetes.
  7. NickelChip

    Want to get surgery

    I know in the US, our requirements for insurance to cover the surgery (if you have insurance that does) is generally a BMI of 35 with co-morbidities (blood pressure, diabetes, etc), or 40 without. I've had similar struggles to yours, weight gain starting in my 20s blamed on thyroid. With diet and exercise I could lose a few pounds, but never enough. I hovered in the 190s until my late 20s, 210s in my 30s, climbing to 225+ in my 40s. I went to my weight management center that was connected with my hospital network for 6 years starting at age 43 and started with nutrition and lifestyle changes, followed by medical interventions (Contrave, Saxenda, Wegovy when you could get it). I never got below 204, and that was with a strict 1200-1500 calorie diet that I tracked religiously and 10k or more steps daily for a year (I never missed a single day!). As soon as I relaxed even a little, the weight came back with a vengeance. This summer, I hit 251 and also have hypertension and prediabetes (A1c of 5.9) . That was when my weight management doctor (an endocrinologist) finally asked if I wanted to talk to the team on the surgical side. I'm awaiting insurance approval now. It should be covered though I have no idea about out of pocket expenses. I don't really care at this point. I'll make it work. If you are considering paying out of pocket and concerned at all about going to Mexico (although my brother went that route many years ago and it was fine), I did see a self pay option here: https://www.poundofcureweightloss.com/bariatric-surgery-cost/ I know it's frustrating, and if there's one thing I wish, it's that I had dealt with this when I was turning 40 instead of 50. Wishing you luck!
  8. im 5 years post. at this point i eat what i feel for, when i feel for it. i don't avoid anything except large amounts of sugar in one sitting (or on an empty stomach cuz im a dumper) everything else is fair game. yes i eat chips and chocolate and hot dogs (with buns!) and all sorts of deep fried stuff and drink alcohol along with my salads and roasted veggies and sashimi and grilled chicken breasts. normally (not right now cuz im super sick), i eat about 1800-ish cals a day without gaining or losing any unintended weight, and can consume roughly 1 cup-ish of food "material" in volume in one sitting. more if its salad, less if its dense meat or fluffy bread. give me a couple hours and i can down another cup of food. so long as my cals stay around 1800 a day, it doesn't matter whats its made up of...at least from a weight gain/loss perspective. from a health-wise perspective, well that is likely another story...cuz im sure 1800 cals of chicken breast is better for my body than 1800 cals of buttered popcorn. so far so good as my last labs (this time last year) were a-ok. we'll see what this years labs say when i get them done at end of month. i realize i haven't really answered either of ur questions. for the latter, i can't really comment, but for the former, below is a screenshot of what i ate when i was 8 months post op (trusty ol MFP!) note i had already reached goal and was in the process of upping my calories to settle into maintenance at this time. it took me another 2-3 months and another 10+ lbs lost before i figured out what my maintenance calories were. (sorry this was so long!)
  9. ChunkCat

    Weight gain s/p bypass

    I had the same side effects listed above. It radically changed my tastebuds. But since my weight isn't from binging/overeating junk the med didn't cause weight loss. I took a pretty high dose of it for migraines for several years... I think you'd be better served by tracking your food and activity for a few weeks to see if your patterns have changed. Even a regular 300 calorie difference can result in steady weight gain. Also, some go on GLP 1 meds to help with regain but their side effect profile isn't exactly kind either... Dealing with regain can be very frustrating!! I hope you find a good solution... 💚
  10. I had a gastric bypass 2.5 yrs ago and have recently experienced a 17 lb weight gain. My doctor recommended Topiramate to help get me back on track and advised it’s very successful with bariatric patients however the possible side effects were kind of concerning has anyone taken this? And if so what was your experience? I appreciate your feedback!
  11. kamigrisham

    Weight gain

    Ugghhh I am 18 months out and have gained back 12 lbs since May… help!!!
  12. No, the SASI slims the excess of the stomach from the sleeve and meets the upper and lower intestines. I was quoted $18,900 for that at IBI Healthcare in Buckhead in Atlanta. The bypass is $14k. I think I’m going to go with the Bypass. My goal is to really stop eating bread and cheese. I am almost a vegan as I’ve cut out every meat, and all sugars. I want this tool to trigger dumping so I can really stop. My weight gain recently is due to starch and stress. And, I also stopped going to my therapist and my nutritionist. I’m restarting my therapy right now. Unfortunately, I’m back at my starting weight from back in 2017 which is 240. So, I’m a bit defeated by the recent weight gain. I’m hoping to start again with the process this week or next week. Since my goal is to lose 90 lbs, I don’t think the ESG would work for me.
  13. NickelChip

    Calories at maintenance shock

    So, post-op he is definitely not advocating for a pound of veggies per day, at least no time soon. That goal is for a person who has not had surgery or is years out and has regained a pretty standard appetite. What he does suggest for bariatric patients is that for that honeymoon period of the first year or so, you focus on protein first. But as time goes on and your hunger returns and you have more capacity to add foods, you should increase the veggies you eat while keeping your protein and starch servings small by comparison. He likes to say veggies should be the star of your meal. In other words, instead of going from 3 oz of chicken to 6 oz so you can feel more full, you would eat your usual 3 oz of chicken and fill up the rest of the way on healthy veggies (but only to your personal capacity, whatever that is). Same with snacks. If you get hungry and need a snack, make it a healthy one with veggies instead of a junk food snack. From what I gather, the strategy is one that really helps to combat that weight gain in later years when it becomes a little too easy to eat a lot more like you used to (the way that got us all into trouble to begin with!)
  14. weight gain is really common if you let bad habits sneak back in. Happens to a lot of people. Most people don't gain everything back, but it's not uncommon to gain 30, 40, or 50 lbs. You can lose it again, but it's definitely more challenging than the first time around!
  15. Hi! I had vsg 8.15 and have lost 24 lbs. This am I seem to be up 3 lbs. Not off course. Still eating pureed. Cals are between 6 and 700. I meet protein daily but water is tough. I usually get 52 ounces vs 64. I eat 3 meals daily plus 1 snack of string cheese. I still have some muscle discomfort in tummy area but find I'm emotional a lot. Dr is happy w progress but I'm super upset with stall or gain when I'm not even eating or drinking off program. Any thoughts?
  16. I had my VS in 2012, lost 150 lbs and maintained that loss almost effortlessly for 8 years, then Covid hit and in a matter of 3 months I gained 80 lbs back WITHOUT CHANGING MY EATING HABITS!!! I feel like I’ve been robbed. By no fault of my own, the weight came back and stayed. I still can only consume 4 or 5 bites to eat and I’m full. I just don’t understand why this happened and if I do a revision to a DS will that help?
  17. Hi, I am nearing the 7 year anniversary of my VGS. I initially lost 102 pounds. Losing the weight was easy after surgery. A year later I started to feel too small. I needed to wrap my head around my new body. I felt that I was too small and gained 10 pounds. I was able to maintain this weight for years but then the Covid lockdown began, I ran into problems. Living alone, eating, & very little physical activity led to a 20 pound weight gain. Today I have gained 40 pounds and I am working towards losing the weight. Has anyone experienced the same? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.
  18. LindsayT

    What was your “Moment” ?

    I was is SO MUCH PAIN every day. It hurt to walk, climb stairs, carry groceries in, sit. I was always out of breath and had zero stamina. I was uncomfortable in my skin and the negativity that was running through my mind. I absolutely hated for my husband to see me naked, and pictures were very cringy to look at. I also dealt with mental health, and the medication I was on contributed to my weight gain (I gained 60 lbs in less than a year). I was just tired of being fat, unwell, and unhappy. I struggled to lose weight and needed help. I also had sleep apnea and high cholesterol. In the long term, I wanted to be well for my family and, eventually, my grandkids. I wanted to enjoy the second half of my life (I just turned 41). I didn't see that future at 262 lbs and the physical and mental condition I was in. Now, 71 lbs lighter, I have minimal pain (arthritis is still an issue), I'm growing stronger every day, and my stamina is higher. I strut around naked in front of my hubby and am confident in my own skin. I'm off all mental health medication, and my cholesterol is normal. I'm still having some sleep apnea issues, but I'm hopeful those will resolve by the time I get to my goal weight (30 lbs to go). And I feel hopeful for my future. I'm so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to have this surgery.
  19. Hi! I'm new here. I went through about six months of the process for WLS about four or five years ago, but I didn't lose weight during the six-month pre-op phase, so things stopped. I had also been running across many horror stories (mostly on social media), which made me think that maybe it was for the best, anyway. Well, five years later, I weigh no less than I did back then. I have a huge list of co-morbidities, some of which are related to weight, some I had prior to my weight gain, and a couple that cause weight gain. I'm on over ten meds a day, and I'm only 42 (well, 43 in a few days). I feel like I'm falling apart. I think the last straw was that my oldest son got married in June. I saw myself in the wedding photos. I ruminated on that for a few weeks, and then woke up one morning and decided I was sick of obesity and everything that goes along with it. So, I asked my PCP for the referral, and I have my first appointment in September. Because I did six months of their program and because I read their patient handbook, I have a better idea of what is expected of me than I might otherwise. But I'm angry. I'm angry that I'm going to have to give up my favorite foods or accept sugar-free versions (and I can't stand artificial sweeteners; I'm actually really worried about it because most protein drinks/powders seem to rely on them). I'm angry that I won't be able to eat like everyone else. I'm angry that I'll have to go through so much physically. I'm angry that I have to lose weight to have surgery to help me lose weight that I need because I can't lose weight on my own. And I'm angry that it's such a long process. If I have to do it, tell me what to do, let me sulk over it for a few days, and then let's just do it. I know that's not how it works, and I don't know why I'm so angry. I have no one to blame but myself for being in this mess. I made a list of positives that could come from the surgery, and I got a full two pages. So I shouldn't be angry. And I realize my reaction shows that I have inappropriate attitudes toward food. I've discussed it with my therapist, and we're going to work on it, but I guess I was wondering if anyone else dealt with this and what helped them get past it. TIA!
  20. Hi My partner had a Allurion balloon fitted 4 days ago. She has been losing each day but today she has put on 3 lb. She has been stringent with her diet. Is this normal when starting to eat pureed food?
  21. BabySpoons

    I should have just shut my mouth....

    Sometimes crying can be viewed by healthcare professionals and some people in general as weak or neurotic. I quit crying in front of others at 8 years old when my grandmother yelled at me and told me it made me look ugly. Then when my father hit me because I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I learned to cry in private. He used to beat my Mom over whether food was on the table at a certain time or if the meal was missing a condiment or not to his liking. I told my bariatric psych this is why I only ate when hungry or skipped meals. I fasted for days sometimes. I was neither anorexic nor bulimic. What I couldn't understand as a child or adult was how someone (dad) could act that way over food. So, it was easy for me not to think about eating till hungry. Then I ate whatever I wanted. Usually for pleasure. Usually not healthy choices. I saw the therapist 3 times within 3 months. First was initial greeting. Second was a 2–3-hour test I took in the office on their computer. Third was to go over my test score. I wasn't sure if I would get clearance since I was honest about my eating habits, but she said she felt I had already dealt with the mental reasonings in how I ate and believed my weight gain was more physiological. I'm not saying it's wrong to cry @saramelie and it's good to talk things out with a therapist. It was a first for me and I too questioned what I should share or not but it's for the best to get on with it so you can move forward to a better you. GL!!!
  22. LindsayT

    Medication and the Gastric Sleeve

    I was on psych meds and didn't have any issues getting approved. However, I was told to work closely with my med provider to make sure my medications stayed at therapeutic levels as I lost weight. If you're not already, talking with a therapist might help. Also, FYI, part of the approval process for most insurances is a psych evaluation. And, as already stated, a lot of psych meds do cause weight gain. So that is something to consider for long-term success. One of the medications I was on contributed to a 60lb weight gain in a years time. Thankfully, I was able to find an alternative.
  23. Yes unfortunately the antipsychotics cause metabolic issues, such as lot of weight gain and increased cholesterol levels. Quetiapine, risperidone, mirtazapine all come to mind as some of the worst offenders, but all psych meds have this unfortunate side effect. Whether your surgeon wants to proceed, I can't say. Your weight loss may not be as effective as you expect.
  24. catwoman7

    Sadi vs gastric bypass

    honestly, there are more people who never make it all the way to their goal than there are those who lose too much, but that said, you can always increase your calories to either stop your weight loss or gain a few pounds if you think you're getting too thin. So I wouldn't worry about that at all. I lost 100% of my excess weight and yes, for a time I was "too thin", but I was also aware that a majority of us have a 10-20 lb rebound weight gain during year 3. And I did. In addition, even before the rebound gain, things (fat, I guess?) tends to re-distribute itself after a big loss, so even though I weighed the same for awhile, I started looking a lot better. My face filled out, etc - even before that gain. as far as it being hard - the first year, it wasn't too bad - esp before my hunger and appetite came back at month 5. For those first few months, for the first time in my life, I wasn't thinking about food at all the time. In fact, I didn't think about it much at all - and at times didn't even want any. Even though it was weird not to ever be hungry and to not give a flip about food, I found it very liberating! But things changed at month 5 when suddenly my hunger came back (and it does for most of us sometime during the first year). Then you're dealing with the hunger beast again, although it's not as strong as it was before surgery. But I wanted more than anything to lose this weight once and for all, so I really stuck to my program and lost it all (weight loss didn't stop until I was almost two years out, though - I had A LOT to lose!) it does get harder after the first year because diet fatigue sets in, as well as some old habits. You really, really have to watch yourself. And eight years out, I have to continue to watch myself. It's so easy to slip into old habits. But I have a "drop dead weight" limit - I weigh myself once a week now, and if I hit that limit - or come close to it - I cut back until my weight is safely within the limit again. But this really isn't any different from most of my never-been-obese friends. So many of us have to monitor our weight and to cut back when it starts getting too high. anyway, yes, it can be hard - esp when your hunger comes back and your motivation starts to wane, but unlike before, your effort actually pays off. You put in the work, and the weight comes off (or stays off). Before, the most I could ever lose is about 50 lbs (and even that was rare - most of my dieting ended up with a 10 or 20 lb loss). And inevitably, it will all come back. Happened every time. BUt this time, it worked!
  25. ms.sss

    No appetite

    i went through stages. 1st month: looking or thinking about food and eating made me sick. i was like REPULSED. month 2-3: didnt want to eat (but no longer REPULSED) though i forced myself to eat because i was getting weak. i had a very strong restriction so wasn't able to eat much anyway. month 4-7: there would be days that i wanted to eat and days that i didn't. i stopped forcing myself to eat on no-hungry days at this point and just ate when i wanted to because i started to develop this thing where i felt like eating was WORK and i didn't like that. my restriction was still doing its job though, so i still couldn't eat much anyway. month 7-12: struggled to up my calories to ease into maintenance and i think my not-wanting-to-eat phases during this time period had more to do with a mental block than anything else. i had a bit of a time when i had a challenge "allowing" myself to eat higher calorie foods and carbs, ha. fear of weight gain and all that. though in hindsight i needn't have worried, as my restriction kept me in check. 1 year and onwards: i still get the odd don't-want-to-eat or oops-i-forgot-to-eat days here and there. not as often and regluar as before, but they show up every once in a while. i don't sweat it, as i know there will be hungry days too. my restriction is still very much in play, even at 5 years out, and i have learned over the years what foods and what amounts i can consume before i hit my full mark. i was/am a regular food tracker so its second nature. i tend to only eat things that i really want because, why fill my valuable limited real estate with something meh? luckily the list of things i want does not comprise of just junk. while i do enjoy a bite of dessert and a bowl of chips, i love me a salad just as much. though personally, my fave kind of meal is when there are an abundance of different things to take a bite or two of (like hors d'ourves at a cocktail party, or a tasting menu, or dim sum/tapas/izakaya, or when i go to a restaurant with a large group and get to have a bit of everyone's meal!) anyway, i think i may have gone on a tangent there, lol. but yeah, you are not the only one that gets the food aversions, and while you will get differing advice on this topic, i would say go what works for you. if you are getting worsening physical symptoms from not eating, or if your labs are not coming back satisfactorily, of course, please speak to a medical professional. otherwise, if you are losing weight, AND suffer little to no angst, then in my non-medical opinion, you're golden.

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