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Found 1,208 results

  1. Hello Everyone! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I am a week out from surgery and I started pureed food this week. I'm not sure if it's just my anxiety, but I'm kind of nervous that I gained a pound yesterday. I ate half of a deviled egg, mashed potatoes, and some egg salad yesterday, but it was my first time eating mashed potatoes so maybe I should stay away from carbs? I also felt hungrier than normal. Is it possible to stretch your stomach a week in? My program is kind of behind due to COVID, so my apologies for the many questions. Thank you so much!
  2. I had surgery September 15th and the last two days I’ve gained weight. Please tell me this has happened to other ppl?? That it will go away?? I’m so upset!
  3. Hi, I had a VSG on October 27th and have just been moved to soft food. I am following the nutritionist recommendations for food and portions. Over the last week I have not lost any weight and this morning am up 2lbs. Is this normal? Sent from my SM-G981U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. I'm in my 3rd month of 6 months of prep for GB and am terrified of gaining even a single pound for fear of insurance turning me down. Wondering how Ohio Medicaid is on this. Anyone else had/have this issue?
  5. In the last several years, I have shrunk from 5'10" to 5'8.5" (it won't let you put half inches on here, so I am listed as 5'8")... I am wondering if, when I lose the weight, I will gain that 1.5" back? Has anyone experienced this?
  6. Hi all, I had my sleeve revised to bypass on Monday, 8/31. I am 4 days in and weigh more than I did on surgery day. Is this still surgical fluids? I’m following my Stage 1 plan to the letter and frustrated.
  7. Cross post OMG please help! I had a VSG 18 months ago and successfully lost about 80lbs. When the pandemic hit my anxiety went through the roof and I have gained back 30lbs. I still feel full after small servings but it’s SUGAR that is doing me in. Oddly I can easily eat a pint of ice cream in a sitting but cannot eat more than half a serving of “regular food”. Have I killed my sleeve? Do I need a second surgery. I’m so embarrassed to call my surgeon
  8. OMG please help! I had a VSG 18 months ago and successfully lost about 80lbs. When the pandemic hit my anxiety went through the roof and I have gained back 30lbs. I still feel full after small servings but it’s SUGAR that is doing me in. Oddly I can easily eat a pint of ice cream in a sitting but cannot eat more than half a serving of “regular food”. Have I killed my sleeve? Do I need a second surgery. I’m so embarrassed to call my surgeon.
  9. Hi everybody, A little background info: Had vsg in Fall 2012, lost 120 lbs, felt amazing! I got married, had a baby in Fall 2014, gained weight. Had another baby in Summer 2016, gained even more weight. I sought the advice of my bariatric surgeon, he recommended full bypass, and gave me a goal to lose 15 lbs, before he would schedule. Well, I've lost 40 lbs. I feel like I should be able to get back to my goal weight (165lbs) without having a bypass...but the task of losing another 80 pounds seems almost impossible. Has anyone on here, lost that much weight, without additional surgery? Thanks for reading.
  10. Hey everyone, I had gastric sleeve surgery back in 2014. I did pretty well over the years coming from almost 240 all the way down to 140 but now about 165. I'm definitely a stress eater. This year has been a struggle & I'm not even talking about COVID. No point in sharing my reasons because they don't help. I'd like to get back on track but I don't even remember how to start. I'd like to ask what you guys are eating on a daily basis; a sample menu perhaps? I'd be so grateful if anyone could give me pointers on how to get back on the right path! Many thanks, Fran
  11. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    First.... I know this is the Rants & Raves section. This is why i'm posting it here!!!! Trust that i know i will get flack for this.... I'm confused about how people are gaining weight during the Covid..... Shouldn't people be losing? It would seem to me that with people not having to get up and go to work they would have more time to dedicate to there diet and exercise. People have been complaining for YEARSSSSS that they don't have time to plan their meal and don't have time to exercise. What about now? What's stopping people from either... growing there on veggies or buying them and having more time to food prep. Also, why aren't people taking the time to exercise more.... walking, running, yoga, stretching..... repurposing those milk jugs and filling them with water/sand. Grab those resistance bands and use them or the exercise equipment you are using as a clothes hanger....... I just really don't understand. Not trying to be mean.... i really just don't understand. There is no way i'm the only person that has these questions.
  12. Melanie Vandergriff

    Weight gain

    13 months post sleeve, lost 50 pounds gained almost 10 back. Feeling frustrated. Please send me some good vibes and any suggestions Thanks
  13. Hello, I started my 2 week pre-op diet on Monday.. Weighed myself Sunday night, and was 283. By Tuesday I was down to 278. Yesterday I was 276 and today I'm back to 278.. how the heck did that happen? I'm on two bariatric shakes plus one healthy meal a day. Usually 3oz chicken or steak with brocolli or green beans. I drink a crazy amount of water and I'm using Metamucil like the doctor asked.. What am I doing wrong? Sent from my Z982 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. So I first had a banded gastroplasty in 2001. I had to have a revision into a gastric bypass in 2012 because of scar tissue issues. I had lost 197 pounds between the two surgeries. I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve gained 150 pounds of that back. I’m not supposed to be able to eat sugar or high fatty foods due to dumping, but I can do both with no problems. I’m wondering if anybody else can eat anything they want after bypass? I’m so frustrated it sucks.
  15. so, i had m surgery on July 14, and first time i have weighed myself since surgery (same scale) I am up 5 pounds. Since i am tracking my intake and know that i am consuming about 600 calories, i ask....is this normal? Am i just holding surgical/anesthesia/fluid? So odd.
  16. Sooo i need some help! My preop is July 27 surgery date is august 25th. My Bariatric coordinator keeps telling me that if I’m over my original weight my insurance will deny me. She keeps saying Aetna is strict but i don’t have Aetna i have Medicaid but it’s called Aetna better health Maryland. I even called my insurance company and they said weight gain is not something that will deny me that’s not something they look at. Help please!
  17. Post GS I went from 208 to 125lbs. I bounced between 125 to 128 was rarely hungry, could eat pretty much whatever I wanted. Three months ago I was diagnosed with pneumonia and prescribed prednisone and antibiotics. After 2 weeks was hospitalized for iv antibiotics and iv Solu-medrol followed by 3 more weeks of prednisone. I ballooned up to 147lbs and it’s been about 3 weeks since I stopped steroids. I am now hungry almost all of the time! I have cut down my caloric intake to a fraction of what I ate “pre-steroids.” Currently I weigh 139, it’s been a constant struggle, it’s like preGSV Did the steroids permanently screw up my system? Will I get my “system back” as it was before the steroids; if so how long will it take? Any suggestions? Or should I start saving $$$ for a revision? What scares and confuses me is I am actually eating LESS than I was before getting ill. The steroids slowed my metabolic rate.
  18. Tammymichigan

    weight gain after surgery

    Hi I had my gastric bypass in 2011 i had lost 120 pounds. i have gained 60 pounds back. I am totally disapointed in my self. I have tried everything to get it back off.i was a slow loser to start with but it came off. also i had a transfer addiction with alcohol i have been sober 17 months i know it was between that and the over eating again as to why i gained the weight back. i just need some good support and disiplin i can get back on track. My name is Tammy I"m 56 from Michigan.i was excited when i found this sight hopefully this is a new tool i can use to get my body moving again lol Thank you
  19. Anyone else having this problem? Any advice ? I find it harder to lose than before
  20. Hi everyone, I'm not usually very good at linking in on forums and other online communities, but I've logged in today for the first time since my roux en y bypass 3 years ago to see if there's anyone that has or is experiencing the same as me. For the first time, I have put on weight and I am so disappointed in myself for letting myself go. I had phenomenal success following my op - I lost around half my body weight: Reducing from 23st 5lbs (327lbs) to 11st 5lbs (159lbs) over 18 months and actually had to eat quite a lot, albeit little and often, in order to keep my weight stable. Since the coronavirus lockdown however I have been non-stop eating and as a result have gained a stone (14lbs). I'm 12at 5lbs (173lbs) now and my clothes are too tight. I can eat normal sized meals and constantly snack. Basically, once whatever I've eaten has digested I'm eating something else. I'm really worried I've stretched my pouch. Can going on a diet cause it to shrink back at all, even just a little? I'm considering a keto diet because I do like high protein and high fat (I'm crazy for butter!). All responses are welcome. Thank you 😊
  21. I have experiences slight weight gain, I had my lapband surgery back in Feb 2020 only lost 20 lbs but been stuck at the same weight, going back to old habits of emotional eating. Do you think a lapband fill is needed? I had my first one in March 2020 but I feel as I can eat and not feel as full awaringly. Any advice?
  22. Has anyone gained weight during 6 mo medical weight management? My consult weight was 331 and I'm up to 347. They told me I need to get back to my 331 weight by my pre-op appointment. I have my last medical management appt on June 1st trying to lose 13 pounds by then as I'm down to 343. Has anyone got denied due to weight gain?
  23. Riva_G.

    Weight gain

    I’m 9 months post op. I lost 93lbs. The last two and a half weeks I gained 8lbs! I tried eating better. Nothing doing. I’m still steadily gaining weight. How do I make it stop????
  24. Hi, I need help! I had the sleeve in March of 2015. About a year ago I started gaining weight back. I've gained about 25 lbs back. I recently got a personal trainer and have been working out consistently for 2 months. The problem is the scale hasn't moved. My trainer focuses on strength training. So 4 of the 5 days we workout we are lifting and 1 day is cardio for about 30 minutes. He wants me to eat more because of this but physically I can't ( you guys can relate). He wants me to eat more than 1200 calories a day but I'm only getting in about 600. Maybe 700 or 800 on a good day. I just need advice. I don't know if I should cut back on the strength training or revamp my eating (which I don't know what I should do with my eating). I just want to lose the weight I gained so that I can feel better in my body like I did year 1 and 2 after surgery. Any advise who would! Thanks in advanced.
  25. Hi, I need help! I had the sleeve in March of 2015. About a year ago I started gaining weight back. I've gained about 25 lbs back. I recently got a personal trainer and have been working out consistently for 2 months. The problem is the scale hasn't moved. My trainer focuses on strength training. So 4 of the 5 days we workout we are lifting and 1 day is cardio for about 30 minutes. He wants me to eat more because of this but physically I can't ( you guys can relate). He wants me to eat more than 1200 calories a day but I'm only getting in about 600. Maybe 700 or 800 on a good day. I just need advice. I don't know if I should cut back on the strength training or revamp my eating (which I don't know what I should do with my eating). I just want to lose the weight I gained so that I can feel better in my body like I did year 1 and 2 after surgery. Any advise who would! Thanks in advanced.

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