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  1. I am only 9 weeks out of surgery, I am feeling great however for the past 3 weeks I have stalled. I have gained a pound, lost a pound, for 3 WEEKS!!! I am eating my 'soft' foods, getting in my Proteins, my Water, upp'd my exercise (walking) and still no change. I know all about the 3 week stall, that lasted about 6 days for me but not this 9 week stall. It's so frustrating and I feel like I am already a failure ..... anyone else experienced this?
  2. Well I know there's the dreaded 3 week stall. Dont get discouraged. Think of it this way there's no way you can't loose weight with the amount of food we eat. I remember my Dr telling me that your body will try and hold on to the weight because it thinks its starving. But it can only hold on to it for so long. I would also try taking maybe milk of magnesia to help you with the #2 problem. I'm almost 4 mounts out and don't go to the bathroom very much also. Good luck to you! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. So I was completely prepared to deal with the unavoidable 3 week stall... But wasn't prepared that it may come sooner! Stalled out at about 1.5-2 weeks. Anyone else stall sooner than 3 weeks? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. So it’s been 3 weeks since my VSG surgery. And can I tell you, WHAT a 3 weeks it’s been. I feel like a completely new person!!! I have energy, I willingly take my kids swimming (in a bathing suit… gasp!) and I look forward to the gym. Now for the (impressive, if I do say so myself) weight loss stats: I have lost a total of 22 lbs in 3 weeks!! I have stalled for the last week or so, but I’ve lost inches, so I’m not super concerned. In fact, I’ve more than 4 INCHES off of my waist in 3 weeks. So yeah, awesome to say the least!!! And I've experienced literally ZERO hunger since surgery. food just isn't exciting to me anymore. I did the 2 week pre-op diet, had surgery and had to modify my eating after surgery and I had to deal with my husband and other family members. I’ll go ahead and describe each of those items in a bit of detail. First, the pre-op diet: I had a strict 3-4 Protein shake menu, plus 1 small “Lean Cuisine” type meal per day. All in all, my diet is less than 1,000 calories per day. Since I had done the HMR diet in years past, which was surprisingly easy for me, I just went ahead and did that diet again – 5 shakes and 1 small pre-packaged meal. Very easy. I’m not saying that I never got hungry or had cravings, but with the volume of protein that I was ingesting, it was hard to stay hungry for long. And I had a big goal in mind – my surgery date of 8/8/11. Right after starting the pre-op diet, I attended the pre-op class. It was ALL DAY and went through blood tests, hospital check in, the post-diet surgery, the hospital stay and all post-op prescriptions. It was very thorough and thankfully they gave me a binder with all the info in it, because there was a guy in my class who (I kid you not) was the most annoying person on earth. He interrupted the doctor and nurse about every other minute with some personal concern (I knew his entire life history after this class), and he asked the same question multiple times. Now, I GET wanting to get your questions answered, but I made sure that I had asked all my personal questions ALONE with my doctor during my individual appointment. Anyway, it was hard to listen to what they were saying when that guy kept talking – I sort of stopped listening. But when I got home, I made sure to review the binder in detail. The day before surgery, I was allowed to eat a REAL Breakfast but only liquids after that. I was too nervous to eat honestly, so I just had my normal Protein Shake day but I skipped the “real food” dinner that night. I also had to shower the night before with Hibicleanse antibacterial soap, sleep on clean (washed in super hot water) sheets and PJ’s, and then take another Hibicleanse shower the next morning. They weren’t taking any chances with infections, thank goodness. I was scheduled for surgery at 8 am the following morning and I had to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 am. I ended up having a coworker drive me to the hospital and drop me off (she’s totally awesome, like an older sister that I never had). My husband had to get our 2 little girls ready for preschool that morning, so he was going to come to the hospital when I was still in surgery. So, I arrive at the Sharp Memorial Hospital at 5:30 am and I’m called back to the “S.P.A.” area to get prepped. Basically, I took off my clothing, they made me take another pregnancy test and they hooked up my IV. Then I sat and waiting for another hour or 2. The anesthesiologist came in to talk to me. Now, the one thing I made SURE to do was to tell him that during my last (and only) other surgery, I felt awful for about a day afterward because the anesthesia had made me so nauseated. Like I couldn’t walk without barfing – think seasickness or morning sickness times a thousand. And with a surgery on my stomach, I imagined that throwing up was NOT a good thing. And thank goodness I did that – no nausea at ALL after surgery. It was night and day different from my last surgical experience! Then my doctor came in, made sure I had no questions, and we were off to the operating room. I then moved over to the new bed in the room and the doctor told me he was giving me something to make me calm down a bit. Boy did it ever! I felt a bit drunk for about 2 minutes…. Then I woke up in recovery! Recovery: Now this was weird. I knew where I was and what was going on, I could hear everyone talking (nurses and doctors) and my brain felt like it was working OK… but I couldn’t open my eyes. Very weird! I lay like that for a few minutes before I was finally able to open my eyes. Then I got some pain medication, even though I wasn’t in pain, and fell asleep again. I woke up while being moved to my new room. And let me tell you, my room was AWESOME! Totally private and in the new wing of the hospital, and it was a corner room with ceiling to floor windows that overlooked pretty much all of San Diego. I totally lucked out with the room! My nurses were great, too. I was up and walking within an hour or so of getting to my room, and I had little to no pain. It was very surprising and, like I said before, a completely different experience from when I had my gallbladder removed 2 years prior. I had 5 very small incisions that really didn’t hurt. I was able to suck on ice chips for the first day with no problems, and then I was moved to Propel Water the next day. I did manage to disconnect my IV line (there was a connection in the middle of the line from the bag to the needle in my arm) while in the bathroom. I didn’t notice until I saw blood everywhere on the floor. That was a bit scary! But the nurse came right away (like within 10 seconds) reconnected me without having to run a new IV and I was as good as new. I was discharged the next day. OK, now for the family drama. I didn’t tell anyone about the surgery with the exception of a few people – my husband, my awesome coworker, my boss and my Aunt who has gastric bypass a year ago. That was it. I didn’t tell people because of my husband’s reaction. He was 100% completely and TOTALLY against the surgery. We fought about it for over 6 months, and he went so far as to schedule a shoulder surgery the WEEK before my surgery in an attempt to get me to cancel. (A side note, he’s needed shoulder surgery for years, but he decided to do it right before mine at the very last minute). Poor guy – not only did I not cancel, but he was left taking care of 2 preschool girls with one arm in a sling. That backfired for him badly. Anyway, now that the surgery is over and I’m not dead (that was his big concern obviously) and he can now see how great I feel, how much more energy I have (especially for certain “things” that I didn’t have much interest in before.. wink, wink) and how much better that I look, he’s much better about the whole thing. He’s turned from 100% NOT supportive, to completely supportive. Thank GOD! The other family drama that I had was with my Aunt. She knew I wasn’t telling anyone – I made it a point to tell her right off the bat that I wasn’t sharing with ANYONE until I was ready- but what does she do?? She calls my SISTER and tells her. So my sister was frantically trying to reach my husband to find out what’s going on with me, how I’m doing, etc. So now the cat’s out of the bag. My sister is very supportive, and I was going to tell her, but I wanted to do so on my own time, and I kinda wanted to surprise everyone in a few months with the “new” me. Now I also have to tell my parents because they would be devastated if they found out second hand. But, whatever… nothing I can do about it now. Anyway, that’s my story in a nutshell. I really can’t believe I’ve done it, and it was SO incredibly easy for me. I was expecting some problem, some complication or lots of pain, but I got nothing. No energy loss, pain, nausea, nothing. I was back to work a week early (after only a week) and I actually worked from home starting on the Thursday after my Monday surgery (I was bored and I’m a bit of a workaholic). This whole process has been a dream. I just wish that this DAMN 3 week stall would let up!!!
  5. Hi. Any advice on what to do to overcome this food obsession. I'm about 3.5 months out and down 50 pounds. I've been averaging about 800 calories per day and the scale is not moving. I did hit the 3 week stall at about a month out but since then very slow. I think about food all the time exactly like I did before surgery. I want to get to a point where I eat to live not live to eat. I have been doing well as far as choices but I know too much of a good thing is just as bad. I have figured out some trigger foods...triscuts & peanutbutter extreme (life choice) protein bars...they kick in the carb monster heavy. I'm trying the quest bars now..they seem to satisfy that sweet craving but I do not want more. The life choice bars ....I could eat them back to back. Yesterday seemed to be a good day..I got most of liquids in and I kept the carbs at 20 percent got 90 grams protein and the rest n fats. I woke up 1.5 pounds down but it has been fluctuating up and down for awhile. The head crap sucks! I know I can do better have done better but depression set n an exercise has dropped to nil. I need to get back to me! I will NOT fail at this. I refuse to surrender to those dark unworthy thoughts. Is it always going to such a battle?
  6. Thank you @@mykdzmom for your reply! I had my follow up on Tuesday and the surgeon (not my surgeon, he'd called in sick, so I met someone Ive never met before) was very happy with me. However, since Tuesday nothing's changed (or if it's gone up 0.2kg, I cant really remember atm) I will definitely search for the 3 week stall, I have been trying to, but I guess I was using the wrong search words. But can I ask another question: that little bar that tells you how much is lost and how much is yet to loose, how do I get that to my profile?
  7. Fluffnomore

    Ladies: How much loss 1st week?

    The 3 week stall actually refers to a stall that many of us have around 3 weeks post surgery. If you search it under forums you will find probably dozens of posts about it. I weigh every day but didn't weigh from my approval date until my first post-op appointment, so I really don't know what the loss was the first couple of weeks.
  8. Thanks for all the posts! Makes a girl believe that this journey isn't for nothing. I am a little past three weeks out post op (surgery Jan 25) and I haven't seen a loss in over 10 days! I know that it is part of the 3 week stall, but still so upsetting. I am hitting my liquid and Protein intake everyday, as well as taking all my required Vitamins. I just wish that the scale would move just a little bit to show that what I am doing is so worth it.
  9. Just hang in there...that's the best advice. When in your life have you ever lost 2 pounds a day? You are still healing and the weight loss will come but in time. Vent away but e more days is not so long. You may also be in the 3 week stall so I would recommend at this early stage to take your measurements. Stalls are common and will happen from time to time you have those measurements and you take them monthly, you WILL see change even when the scale isn't moving. Don't become obsessed with the scale, hard to do but you can do it. Good luck!
  10. I hit a 3 week stall too! I knew the weight was one my body was at for years pre-surgery and my last gain before finally having the surgery done, but it was frustrating. I am now back to losing almost a pound a day for more than a week! Yay! Knowing this stall ended will help me get through the inevitable next one. Hoping all of you are feeling great!
  11. BLERDgirl

    Not losing weight

    Do a search on 3 week stall. 20lbs in one month is good.You can try eating slower. I mean snails pace slower, sometimes that helps the tummy readjust to eating food again. You can also try taking a step back and doing one shake and/or Soup a day instead. Are you on a PP? Sometimes the acid generated to breakdown food makes the tummy uncomfortable.Have you called your nutritionist or doctor to discuss this? Also keep in mind lower BMI's often lose at a slower pace. Step away from the scale if it making you crazy. Seriously pack it away for a few months and just focus on following the program.
  12. Wow @alliesjourney you have done great! My friend just got sleeved and lost 20lbs post op then went right into a 3 week stall. She just broke it. My appt is at 7:30am. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. I just wanted to let everyone know there is hope if you're in a stall. I am only about 6 weeks out so I'm early but I did suffer through an almost 3 week stall. Which means the majority of my weight loss thus far has been from pre-op diet and first 3 weeks after surgery. I was losing 1 lb a day and then I lost NOTHING for 3 straight weeks. It was driving me insane b/c I am not getting to eat my favorite foods, when I do eat it's a few bites and yet no movement on the scale at all. Very frustrating and depressing. I'm walking and I'm following the rules. Then every morning...nothing. In fact I even went up 2 lbs and then down and then up and then down. The same 2 lbs! Well finally this week the scale decided to move again. I'm back to losing 1 lb a day. Crazy, right? I have done NOTHING different. Same thing, same level of exercise. So now I must remember the next time I stall to just chill out. Everyone told me to wait it out but a part of me believed that my body was going to defy all scientific logic!
  14. Joy@boman

    3 week stall?

    I have heard of three week stall but I am coming up on two weeks and havnt lost anything so it scares me to stall in 3rd week. I have lost zero since coming home from hospital. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. MustangAli

    Feeling Like a Pig

    No. I was doing good before the eating once a day. I was doing 2 or 3 small meals a day and then I just wasnt getting hungry. I'm still not. I think its head hunger. But I would literally forget that I hadnt eaten all day. I would get this horrible emprty feeling. Im trying now to eat 2 or 3 small meals a day but its the snacking and the sweets that I think are hindering my weight loss. Im on a 3 week stall right now. I finally got to ONEderland and a total of 52lbs lost so I'm happy about that. Just wondering WTF is wrong with my head that these sweets are tempting me, and Im losing!! I look at a cookie, and I think to myself....there's no way in hell its worth it. Next thing I know...cookie is in my tummy. Ugh!! I was good at fighting my temotation at first so Im hoping it's just a phase?
  16. Veronica_mm

    Stalling out already...

    It seems like where I come to break a zero, I stall for about 2 weeks and stay at that damn zero. Then boom!! Same happened to me at 3 weeks. Stalls happen constantly so it's normal.
  17. fuzzyfeline

    Newbie only 4 weeks post-op

    Hi, I'm Fuzzy and also 4 weeks out. Down 31 and at the 3 week stall. I don't know if there is a private chat but would like to. I'm in Florida. You? I feel well; the only time I'm in pain is when I play bridge; that's due to the awful chairs. There is good news. I saw my regular doc and he cut my diabetic med down from 500mg 2x p/day to 250 once a day. I still have to push myself to get out and walk. I still haven't tried going back to the gym or yoga. How are you doing? If you reply I will see it show up in my email. Fuzzy
  18. The time has gone by so fast. I can't believe I had the sleeve 2 years ago today. I had a lower BMI so I had to pay for it myself using my HSA in the US. I had been a yoyo dieter for years. I always loved to workout and would lose the 50 lbs but then I'd always be hangry and get tired of logging my food etc and eventually gain the weight back. I am so happy I decided to make this lifestyle change. It's not an easy way out. I still eat 5 small meals a day focusing on Protein, drink my Water, take my Vitamins, and workout 6x a week. I weigh myself 2-3x a week and focus on staying within a 3-4 lb range. When it creeps up I cut out the carbs and go back to the basics. This Group has been so Wonderful over the last two years. I have learned so much. The 3 week stall, my favorite Protein Bars, favorite shakes, etc. I also learned that even at 2 years out I make mistakes. Sometimes I will over eat and feel miserable for about an hour or not drink enough water and get a headache. Don't beat yourself up but also never give up! You will gain confidence and courage. Here's me on my trike before surgery and then this summer rocking 2 wheels. If you ever have questions I am happy to help. ~LA
  19. Jazzy1125

    Third week out

    i am not sure how long the 3 week stall lasts.. just keep plugging along and you will see the change. Also do not weigh daily. You will drive yourself nuts... Stick to weighing once a week. A stall is a stall if it last more than 2 weeks.. you mentioned a few days.. you could still drop before the end of your week and it would not be a stall
  20. NevadaDave


    Don't worry after the 3 week stall you will start to loose fast again. The stalls are just part of the process, you get worried you are doing some thing wrong or the surgery stopped working. The stalls are the way your body looses weight, you are putting your body through a big change.
  21. Adri

    Im really FRUSTRATED

    Hi Jinjin, I just started week 10 post op. I had 2 stalls within 8 weeks. My first 4 weeks were awesome...lost 30 lbs. Then at week 5 I came to a screeching halt...I even gained close to 3 lbs in weeks 5, 6, and 7. Yes, I had a 3 week stall and was freaking out the whole time!!! Reading these boards helped me so much. I stopped weighing myself every day, now just weigh-in every other day. Somewhere between week 8 and 9 I stalled again for a few days...BUT, after all is said and done...Since July 1st (the date my first stall started) I have lost another 7 lbs. And I'm good with that. If you look at some postings of long-time sleevers, you see the number of lbs. lost really go down after the 1st and second month. I've realized it isn't how fast I get it off, but that I KEEP getting it off...and ultimately that it stays off. I was complaining on previous posts that when I stalled at about 30-35 lbs, this was the same amt I've lost on countless other diets, it felt like the same old bad vibe. BUT with my pre-op diet loss, I am at 45 lbs. lost. Now that is a new one for me! I have not seen this weight since I was a teen. And now I know, the weight loss may stall, but it will not stop anytime soon. Stop worrying! You WILL keep losing and you will become happier and healthier! It took me a week or 2, but now I'm not worried, I am just trying to stick to the rules...and rule#1 for me, low carbs...40g or under a day if I can; less than 1000 cal a day if I can, and all my Water. Exercise is my issue right now, but it may not be a coincidence that when it increased, my weight decreased and my stall broke. I am a very "the glass is half full" kind of person, and this is what I now say to myself: "I CAN'T wait for my next stall !!!" Because that means between now and then I will lose some weight, and then once the stall is over, I will lose again!!! Yay for stalls!! (I know, I know...get over myself! ) Take care, I hope some of these words are helpful to you.
  22. Butterthebean

    Stall Started At Week Two! Really?

    It is a "thing." It's called the 3 week stall. Most people get it. It will end on it's own very soon. Read the link in my sig. Good information about why you are stalling.
  23. I was also unable to escape the dreaded 3 week stall. Surgery date was 6/24 and I lost 20 lbs the first 2 weeks. Now I have been at the same weight for 9 days. Everyone keeps saying "hang in there, it will pass". I'm ready for it to pass!!
  24. SweetCarolineMidwest

    3 weeks post op and depressed.

    You could just have described me! I am almost 2 weeks post op and other than the acid reflux (doc said to take Prilosec for 3 months to keep acid down and the stomach heals). I lost 7#'s the first week after surgery. I am getting in at least 60g of Protein. I'm drinking 60+ oz of Water. I eat soup (tomato mainly) - and I can eat the entire can - I didn't think I would be able to. I haven't lost any #'s the last week. I feel like I didn't even have surgery! I'm hoping when I get to the pureed stage that I will fill up with small amounts. I'm not depressed - I'm just concerned that I'm not doing enough of something or too much of another; I know about the 3 week stall but I haven't heard of a less than 2 week stall! :/ I'm also 3-wks post op and not loving life. I have very little discomfort unless I take too big a swallow of something (my own fault). My biggest frustration is that I'm not losing weight. I lost 10 lbs the first 7 days and since then nothing. Here I am 3wks post op and I've only lost 10 lbs. I hear other people at 3wks lost 20+ lbs. I try not to compare myself but jeeze I'm bumbed. I'm logging every bite (range between 800 - 900 calories/day) and every sip of water (40-60 oz/day) and every bit of exercise (walking about 2 miles every other day). Oh, another crazy thing is the lovely acid reflux I have every time I eat (never had that before - yummy!). And, when I drink water, soup, or any liquid, my internal plumbing likes to grunt, groan, and gurgle until air bubbles come up as burps. I can stifle the burps but I can't control the other noises and my co-workers are noticing and giving looks. Yup, so I'm there with ya on the frustration platform.
  25. SweetCarolineMidwest

    3 weeks post op and depressed.

    You could just have described me! I am almost 2 weeks post op and other than the acid reflux (doc said to take Prilosec for 3 months to keep acid down and the stomach heals). I lost 7#'s the first week after surgery. I am getting in at least 60g of Protein. I'm drinking 60+ oz of Water. I eat soup (tomato mainly) - and I can eat the entire can - I didn't think I would be able to. I haven't lost any #'s the last week. I feel like I didn't even have surgery! I'm hoping when I get to the pureed stage that I will fill up with small amounts. I'm not depressed - I'm just concerned that I'm not doing enough of something or too much of another; I know about the 3 week stall but I haven't heard of a less than 2 week stall! :/

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