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Found 17,501 results

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bad pain any time I eat

    What surgery did you have? Moving through the stages SLOWLY is so important, especially the first 4 weeks. Eating slow, not drinking while you eat, chewing food until it's mush, and being very mindful to stick to the diet is so, so important.
  2. Hi- I had surgery on 5/15/24... so I'm 5 weeks out. I struggled getting water in this weekend and ended up needing fluids. My mouth has been killing me and I thought fluids would help but nope! Now I'm struggling with get in protein because the only way I like protein is with hot coffee. I just feel like I'm failing! Support/suggestions... I'm all ears!
  3. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I've done the same thing, not chewing enough or I've simply just took one bite too many. Chicken seems to be the only thing I can't eat much of. Two maybe 3 ounces at most. But, then I'm too full to eat any kind of veggies with it. This will be my 7th week post op. Overall I've lost 22 lbs. since the surgery, for nearly two weeks my weight didn't move. It's discouraging for sure. But it doesn't last. Even when you don't lose weight, you're probably losing inches.
  4. GreenTealael

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    The guidelines lines I’m referring to are : Limiting sugar intake to 5g or less per serving, protein forward meals, limiting carbs and fats. Separation of meals and drinks (30 min rule), limiting calories from drinks, etc. (I’m sure others can chime in with more Bariatric specific rules that they were given to follow). What is your doctors recommendations now that you have stalled? How tall are you? What does your exact calorie intake look like weekly? Do you accurately track it or eyeball the amounts? Have you used any online calculators to figure out your BMR, visceral fat, lean muscle mass, etc? These can help you figure out your excess body weight . Also InBody and DEXA scans will tell exactly how much excess fat you are carrying.
  5. K Ramirez

    Bad pain any time I eat

    I ended up at the hospital. I have extreme pain but no explanation as to why. My nutritionist doesn't know why either other than I ate phase 3 in phase 2. (Cottage cheese and black beans). Yes I was in pureed stage but even with the beans and cottage cheese mushed well... My tummy didn't like it. So I'm going back to just protein shakes, jello, broth and Greek yogurt for another week. Going to try pureed food in a week again. So far, I still can't drink any water/shakes without extreme pain. Shoots through my chest and shoulder still. Still unsure from anyone as to why unfortunately
  6. Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Operation is on May 1. I'm one week into the liquid diet. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. My doctor's nutritionists made a schedule (I always do better with a plan) and required me to buy Unjury products. I have the chicken soup and cookies and cream shakes. The shakes are actually pretty good. My sense of smell is through the roof. I wasn't expecting that. I can smell people cooking meat a mile away I swear! I get odd tightness and heat where the back of my head meets my neck. Is this the headaches I was warned about? I'm feeling good about the surgery. I'm already down a pants size after one week and am looking forward to sustaining gains through the next 12 months.
  7. Talegi

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hello Everyone! I'm a little late to the party, and remiss I didn't find this thread when I went looking over a month ago. I had RNY on May 31st, and went back with a blockage less than a week later. After two more nights in the hospital, I seem to be doing well again. I haven't read all the posts in this thread, but plan to asap. Thank you for being here!
  8. Sherry1997


    i made a vsg four years ago, i started from a weight of 148 kg, going in three month to 122 kg. than arrived covid. italy was in lockdown, i regain weight to 138, than go to 126, back again to 134, in this period i see the 119 when i was sick, and now back to 128. i feel like i was a failure, and i don't know what to do. i work with a dietitian and an endocrinologist but nothing work on me. what am i suppose to do? i am the only that have that problem? in the first year i was alone, nobody follow me and now it's so difficult make it work
  9. hayleymarie2703


    I’m usually at about 1000 calories. 80-100g protein. My carbs are around 60-70g but that is from eating strawberries/red grapes. Am I eating too much as I’ve not lost for 4 weeks. Started at 249lbs I’m now 210lbs. Should I maybe eat less fruit and cut calories to 800?
  10. pinkneymm@aol.com

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I’m not scheduled yet but I know we do a two week liquid diet too. Just remember it will make the surgery easier.
  11. My surgery was scheduled March 13th! I'm currently 3 weeks post-op and things have started to become tricky with the pureed diet! I hope your surgery went well and you're doing great!!!
  12. SacB

    November Surgery Buddies 2023

    Oh yes, indeed. It was only that beginning half hour in the recovery room that caused me any problems. For the remaining hours of my hospital stay I had zero problems. I may have been sore, but it was nothing that bothered me. I'm three weeks post op now and doing very well. Thanks for asking, and the best of luck to you in your process.
  13. JeninBelg

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I have just found this site today. I had my gastric sleeve May 21 thought I was doing ok but see others are zooming way ahead of me. I have lost 10.7 kg since surgery (exactly 6 weeks ago). I only lost 400 grams on my liver reduction diet. According to weight charts, I need to lose 80 kg more, but I would be thrilled with 63kg. I am currently 137.9 kg.
  14. Bypass2Freedom

    I did it! I had my surgery

    @SleeveToBypass2023 Thank you! I have made the decision not to weigh myself for the 4 weeks that I am on my post-op diet, just because I don't want to get fixated when my body is still learning this new way of living! I am definitely struggling to get food in at the moment! But I shall keep trying! ❤️
  15. I’m starting my pre-op diet in one week! I’ve been planning this for so long, it’s kind-of hard to believe I’m getting close. My preop diet includes two protein shakes, two snacks, and a healthy dinner daily for two weeks. There are some adjustments in the days before surgery like dropping one snack and adding in a special protein drink. I have my pre-op appointments next week and have a long list of questions, tho I really thought I’d asked them all. 😄
  16. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm losing inches. Which means it's going in the right direction. Also since I'm still 5 weeks out everything is still healing and getting used to the bypass.
  17. I’m 11 weeks out from RNY and had a weekend trip away with the grand babies. Hotel had a swimming pool and I discovered I no longer float. I kept sinking and it took so much more work to not drown.
  18. Arabesque

    successful Total knee replacement !!!

    How wonderful for you. And congratulations on maintaining your weight too - inspiring! I remember my mum saying how horrendous the pain was with her knee reconstruction (she had both done at once - yikes). She was on opioids for ages & iced her knees three times a day for a couple of months. Hope your pain subsides soon & you have a speedy recovery.
  19. SomeBigGuy

    November 2023 buddies

    Congrats and good luck! I had mine last Monday, and had similar doubts going into it. The first 8 hours afterwards was the worst, but it wasn't so much that it hurt, it was more just an uncomfortable feeling. That combined with coming out of anesthesia and the way I overthink things didn't help, haha, but around 8 hours afterwards it started easing dramatically. I felt way better the next morning and walking was easy after that. Definitely recommend walking and Gas-X to reduce the pressure feeling. As for the scale not moving, just remember that weight loss is not linear, it comes in waves. Whenever there's a sharp change to our body, our mind overreacts because it thinks we're under threat and its trying to save our life, even if its something as simple as a diet. The fat we accumulated was as a defense measure to protect against starvation for our ancestors, but we as humans haven't adapted to the plentiful amount of food and high carbohydrate availability that we have present day. Think of our fat cells as little balloons that can store pieces of fat as a potential fuel source for starvation protection. As we go into a deficit with our calorie restriction, the body is forced to burn those pieces of fat, but those balloons remain, waiting to be filled back up again "just in case". If our body thinks it is threatened after a significant amount of that fat fuel is burned, it will temporarily fill it with water/fluid to keep the balloons in tact. This is where the "water weight" you may have heard of comes into play. So even though the fat itself is gone, those balloons are hanging on for dear life, thinking they're trying to save you. Only after some time passes, the body decides that its safe to shed those empty fat balloons, and you'll have a "whoosh" of weight loss after a stall period. These stalls can be 1 week to a couple months, which makes it very easy to get discouraged. When (not if) you get to a stall, just remember to stay the course. You had an entire lifetime to condition your body that your higher food intake was the normal amount required for survival, so it won't be convinced that everything is ok with a reduced caloric intake for a little while. Your weight loss will appear like stair steps instead of a straight line. Also anticipate slight gains during these stalls. That is just the water retention, and not fat reappearing, so think of it as "fake weight". As you get close to your final goal, and you're exercising more, remember that muscle weighs more than fat, I think about 1.5x as much. So as you build muscle, it will offset the number on the scale. That is why the scale number isn't as important in the final phase of your weight loss journey. It can be discouraging if you're only chasing the number, so keep in mind all the other victories towards the end. Think of the energy you have, an easier time breathing, the ability to do things you couldn't before, being able to wear clothes you never thought you'd fit in, and the additional years added to your life!
  20. JennyBeez

    Struggling post-op

    I slept in a recliner for a little over 2 weeks, and then got a wedge pillow for my bed to transition. I also slept with a pillow next to me for a while to discourage rolling in my most-common direction. XD Like others have said, your taste buds can be really all over the place after the surgery. I found a brand on Amazon called ProtiDiet -- their chicken protein soup was a godsend in my early weeks. I still like it now tbh. My team allowed sugarfree puddings during my liquid stage, and stirring some unflavoured protein powder into the pudding (after it was already set! wait until it sets!) got me through some rougher moments. See if you can find smaller samples of protein shakes (premade or powdered) until you find one you can keep down. After my surgery, anything with stevia caused me to vomit, and erythritol made me nauseous but not nearly as bad. Even now, I can really only handle sucralose/splenda and aspartame sweeteners (or monk fruit in low doses). You might be reacting to the sweetening agent in your protein shake. Also, most care programs I've seen seem to prefer whey protein to all others (for good reasons!), but some people develop lactose intolerance Post-OP -- so something else to maybe look into? I'm lactose intolerant and had trouble with whey at first but my body got used to it after about a week. We're buds now.
  21. NickelChip

    I did it! I had my surgery

    Congratulations! The first few weeks are hard. Everything is so new, and no matter how much you've read up and know the facts, the reality is enough to make you question yourself all the time. But it does get easier! And even when you make mistakes, it's not the end of the world. Use this recovery time to rest and start good habits and you'll do well!
  22. I am almost two and a half years post sleeve. At your stage I was eating around 800 calories I think, but if I've learned anything it's that we're all totally different! Well into maintenance, my typical day is: Breakfast: full cream milk latte. I have never eaten breakfast at breakfast time and never will. Mid morning: one or two fried or scrambled eggs, depending on how hungry I am. Generally one. Lunch: a salad with some protein (last night's dinner meat, tinned tuna or deli meat - sometimes cheese). Or more often soup - usually homemade and usually with either chicken or pulses for protein. Or occasionally, if I'm feeling really lazy and can take the sugar hit, 100g tinned baked beans with cheese and hot sauce. Snacks, probably three a day at this point: cheese (and usually a couple of crackers with that); 150mls [approx] full cream milk kefir or a kefir yoghurt; nuts (30g approx); seeds (20g probably); deli meat; fruit (I eat at least one portion of berries or an apple every day). I tend to keep lots of meat snacks in the fridge as they're filling and help me reach my protein goal. Dinner: whatever I've cooked for everyone else but without the carb element, or just a tiny bit. Basically protein and veg - in that order. But that includes fried chicken, bolognese, casseroles, sausages, roast dinners, fish pie (no potato topping) - everything I used to eat before my sleeve. Supper: I do most of my carb intake here. Toast and butter, porridge (oatmeal to you lot) with stewed fruit, crackers with butter (or cheese if I haven't cheesed out by then). Exercise: I do a 1 hour aerobic exercise class 3 days a week. I walk between 2 and 4 miles every day and I jog about a mile once or twice a week instead of walking. I am still amazed by what my new body can do. I probably should do more. This is my diet 90% of the time. I have lots of days when I stray badly off the path and eat chips (crisps) and occasionally chocolate. I also drink wine every weekend, which I accept is totally empty calories with no nutritional value. I just track everything and try to adjust if I can. I've had a couple of regains of a few pounds now (4ish), but so far I've been able to jump on those, ditch the rubbish (carbs mainly), up my exercise and get back to 140 or thereabouts. It's no problem at all - a couple of weeks of being more vigilant about what goes into my mouth and a few runs instead of walks. I really hope I can keep doing that. I may have to accept that my set weight is higher than 140 but I am loving it here!
  23. I had stalls thru out my journey. One stall was 5 months. After that stall I lost a huge amount of weight very quickly. If you noticed how your body is acting with carbs cut the carbs.
  24. Well, tomorrow I go in for an impromptu hiatal hernia repair after ending up in the ER over the weekend because I couldn't get food down and water was moving at a trickle... I've been having these symptoms on and off for a few weeks but Sunday was the worst by far and came with chest pain and trouble breathing. The ER PA thinks it is just esophagitis and that the surgeon and radiologist are wrong. But the bariatric surgeon swears it is a hernia, possibly a sliding one based on my symptoms. So he fit me into his schedule this week to repair it! I hope he's right and this sorts it out. He's going to do a scope afterwards to be sure there is nothing wrong with the esophagus. Here's hoping it all goes well!!

    1. gracesmommy2


      Hope you’re doing well!

    2. NickelChip


      I hope it goes well! Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery!

    3. AmberFL


      How are you doing? any update?!

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  25. As the title says, I hit my 3 week stall about 2 days ago. I have been through this before, so I know not to check my weight for a week now. The stalls are the worst part of all this, and as time goes on, they get longer and longer. But I've already been to this dance, so at least I know what to expect. My gerd is getting bad. I had to go up to 40mg every day and see how that works (going to every other day caused issues, so today starts every day again). I was really hoping that I would be able to get off PPI with this revision, but so far, no. At least I've gone from 80mg daily to 40. If I could get down to maybe 20mg I could learn to be ok with it. I guess time will tell. I was given the ok to try some ground turkey and HOLY CRAP I FOUND THE RESTRICTION!!!!!! I can eat scrambled eggs, avocado, hummus, refried beans, even cheese cubes....nothing. But I had 2 tbsp of ground turkey and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD there was ALL KINDS of restriction!!!!! I've never had this before. It's awesome!!!! I was told my stomach is the size of a golf ball, and I found it hard to believe before, but oh man I believe it now!!!

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