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I must be the only one that doesn’t want really fast weight loss. I want to try and limit malnutrition and loose skin 😩
Clothing Problems! What to do?
BigSue replied to KayBee1972's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
First of all, a belt will be your best friend for a while. You can skip sizes in pants by wearing using a belt for pants that are too big. Also, shop sales and shop ahead. I normally try to avoid buying aspirational clothing in hopes that I'll fit into it someday, because that's just a recipe for wasting money on clothes that I'll never wear, but with WLS, it's a pretty good bet that you'll be wearing smaller sizes in the near future. I bought some clothes in Black Friday sales that were too small at the time but fit me now. Take my advice with a grain of salt because I've never been known for being fashionable or well-dressed, but you can always get some cheap clothing at Walmart or Target during your rapid weight loss phase when you don't want to spend much on clothing that will only fit for a few weeks. You can wear a nicer cardigan (which doesn't need to be perfectly fitted) over a cheap blouse. And finally, you will probably have to accept not having clothes that fit for a while. The good news is that people are going to notice your weight loss a lot more than they notice your clothing, and everyone will be telling you how amazing you look even if your clothes look a little ridiculous. -
How much weight lost, on average, per week?
KayBee1972 posted a topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
I had the sleeve done on 2/4. Lost weight for 3 weeks, stalled for 5 and now just recently started losing weight again. The problem I have is that it seems slower than before. Since March 27th I have maybe lost 5 or 6 lbs. I have 2 different scales, one is a body composition scale that I picked up to see if I could get some kind of baseline on my stats. Anyway 5 lbs in 10 days doesn't seem like much compared to how fast it went in the first 3 weeks. Just wondering if that is normal expected weight loss now? By my calculations I should be burning about a net of 2000 calories per day, which seems like I should be losing more weight than I am. Maybe I'm just impatient because I lost so much perceived ground during the ridiculously long stall. -
I stalled on week three post op and stayed stalled for 5 full weeks. I reviewed my diet with my nutritionist since I was keeping meticulous records in My Fitness Pal and she had some advice for me that may or may not have helped. I am now more careful to watch my fat macros. Apparently eggs, cheese and nuts, while technically on the menu, added too much fat and not enough protein. I also upped my calories from the 600s to the 800s and increased my protein intake to a minimum of 80g a day. Fortunately, I learned to like the Protein20 drink (available at Costco in a 12 pack) and that extra 90 calories gives me 20g of protein and hydration which I was always struggling to meet. Since my weight loss returned last Saturday I have only lost about 5 pounds in 9 days, so it seems slower than the first 3 weeks when I shed about 25 lbs pretty quickly. I was also pretty bad about getting in exercise, but having surgery and then plummeting into sub-zero temperatures in the middle of a pandemic didn't exactly encourage daily walking. Now that it's nice I try to get in a long daily walk and/or 30 minutes on the elliptical. I would encourage you to take some measurements, too, during the stall if you haven't already. I have a friend who had the bypass surgery 3 weeks after me and she claims to have only lost 11 lbs, but her weight loss is noticeable in her hips and thighs. Seeing a tape measure drop may indicate that fat is being burned, but that water weight is being replenished. I feel your pain. The stall is the worst thing to make you feel like you've failed and that your body has betrayed you.
Lately I've seen a number of posts where people are questioning if they are too sensitive to comments and questions from others or what should be said in reply. Take this for what it's worth and it's only my opinion. YMMV. We CAN help how we feel. No feeling is automatic. What we tell ourselves in response to a situation (in this case a comment or question) creates our feelings. That self-talk results in feelings that lead to actions and then consequences, both positive and negative. If you want to change your feelings, you have to change what you tell yourself. The problem is that is hard to do. Our experiences color how we see events. Many of us have spent years telling ourselves narratives about our self-worth as it relates to our weight. I don't think it's a stretch to say most of it was negative. It takes a lot of effort and practice to change how we think. But how we think is all we really can control. Husband made a comment in response to others?? Someone commented on your weight loss?? Someone said you look so good?? Your feelings are coming from what you are telling yourself. Who knows what the intent was. Even if you did know the intent, you can't control what someone else says or does. Examine what you are telling yourself and choose a response and go from there.
that seems to be one of the biggest worries among pre-ops and new post-ops, but I think I can speak on behalf of almost all "vets" that in the grand scheme of things, the hair loss is a temporary inconvenience that's a small price to pay for what we get out of the surgery (i.e., massive weight loss). In retrospect, I can't believe I wasted one minute worrying about it! But I do relate to what you're saying since I felt the same way at the beginning of this process. Luckily, most of us don't lose enough hair for other people to notice, though.
That's true, I guess I'm more offended because people have actually told me I'm looking good NOW or I'm looking good again. That comment was based on previous weight loss attempts, of course I ended up gaining it all back plus more. I might tell people how much I've lost, but that's a big might. I definitely don't tell them how much I weight though. Don't want them doing the math either, lol.
Tips on starting my regular diet stage
Arabesque replied to mischa23's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
The weight loss period is a great time to try new foods & new ways of cooking. Just remember your tummy can be pretty fussy for the first few months. It may turn its nose up at things you used to enjoy or you eat something one day without an issue but the next day your tummy says no way. I was told the reasons to avoid breads, rice & pasta during weight loss is that they are filling & are not nutritionally dense foods. When you’re only able to eat say 1/2 cup of food it’s best if all that food is nutritionally rich. Remember every meal should be protein first, then vegetables or fruit if you can. Honestly, I still follow this thinking. Cauliflower rice & zucchini noodles are great alternatives when you’re losing. When you get into maintenance try some the low carb high protein breads, soya bean or chick peas pastas, etc. I tried a small amount of the soya bean pasta a few months back out of curiosity but it sat heavily in my tummy. But that’s me you may be fine. I don’t miss breads, pasta, rice at all. -
When there is a change, and it appears that you are doing it intentionally, people are going to compliment you! Just like if you get a new haircut, everyone will say "I love your hair" but it doesn't mean that they thought your old hair was ugly! The only time I don't like a compliment is when it's followed by "how much have your lost?" b/c I don't want to tell them! LOL!! I don't want people doing the math and figuring how much I used to weight! I'm usually vague, play dun, or outright lie! LOL!! Best of luck to you!!!
Anyone for October 2020?
Lilfootie replied to barbieater's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hi Everyone - Just checking in! I am currently 152lbs (5’3”, 10/19 surgery, 213 Day of Surgery). Stopped doing extra exercise in Feb due to continued issues with my upper back. It got really bad. I had an X-ray and I have a slight curve to the left in my thoracic spine - not big enough to concern the doctor yet (no visible tumors or anything), but it’s probably the reason for my pain and numbness. Going to start PT next week or the week after. My hair is still falling out, although it is slowing down a lot. I chopped my hair to a bob and it looks way better, but I still have to be careful where I part my hair lol! I am not allowed snacks or more food than 1/2 cup for my 3 meals, so I was wondering how you all are getting in calories? I am anywhere between 550 and 800 per day. I have started having food cravings again, but not hunger (except for the day before my period!!! Eek!). I have tried adding higher fat foods like olive oil, peanut butter, real butter, but it doesn’t take me too far. I am not sensitive to fatty foods. I also noticed that peanuts trigger a stall for a couple of days, even during “losing periods” (I stall for much of the month and then lose rapidly for 5-10 days at a time). I wonder if I am sensitive to them? How is everyone else doing? -
Sleevers....What brand multi vitamin are you taking?
Kukubari replied to Tim C's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I agree with the remark about them. They are very chalky. I honestly hated them before, but after a week or two they aren't bad. The thing is, I'd rather have 2 of them a day than a bunch of capsules any day. It's more a pick your burden. I am on so many meds as it is and they aren't meds that can be removed as weight loss occurs. Each time I take my meds, that's more air into my stomach. So chalky it is lol. -
Running after WLS and at 60 yrs old
BigSue replied to Tana Lynn's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Congrats on your progress! There's a very popular program called Couch to 5k, which has a 12-week plan to work your way up to running a 5k. I haven't done this myself, but I know people who have. My mother did this program a couple of years ago and ran a 5k in her 60s. However, I second @Creekimp13's advice to be careful and not hurt yourself. At my heaviest, I had a hard time walking even a short distance, but now I've been working out daily for months and my mobility is much better because I'm not carrying around an extra 180 pounds. I am even able to jog for short distances. Unfortunately, I think I have already done a lot of damage to my knees, and I'm not sure it would be good for me to put that kind of stress on them by running. I know young, healthy people with BMIs in the normal range who have hurt themselves by running. Getting injured can be a major setback for weight loss, so maybe talk to your doctor before you start this kind of program. -
Just a heads up for those of you who, like me, have lost a large amount of weight. I'm now less than half my previous weight and sometimes I run into downstream effects I wasn't prepared for. Recently I had to take a medication that I haven't needed for some time (certainly not since I've been this small). My doctor and I were not thinking about my weight loss and how that would affect the appropriate dose for this med. Because I am so much smaller, the dose I regularly took before was way too much and I had crazy side-effects and toxicity. At first my doctor was stumped as to what is going on (even though she has seen me and is aware of my weight loss). It was my cousin, who is also a doctor (a hospitalist), who figured it out. As soon as I desceribed my symptoms, she said "That's an overdose, you're taking too much." and she reminded me that my weight affects the necessary dose. When I went back to my doctor, she agreed that was it and reduced my dose to match my weight. And the problems went away. So don't forget that weight-based dosages will need to be adjusted as you get smaller! Even doctors may not remember to make the necessary adjustments.
Hm... Well, my two cents... I am very happily married to a GEM of a man who has put his foot in his mouth far worse than that without a CLUE that what he said was hurtful. So, you might cut hubs some slack in that regard. HOWEVER... I can't get past the info you've shared... marriage "rough" after one year? Plus your significant life-changing weight loss... plus afraid to discuss a comment that hurt your feelings with your husband for fear of an argument? Me-thinks this is about something bigger than the comment (that while perhaps was insensitive just sounds like he was trying to come up with a spontaneous, clever response). Maybe it's time to start visualizing what life looks like without him. Sending you strength.
The shock of the surgery & reduced caloric intake accelerates your natural hair loss cycle. You can’t do anything to stop it as shedding hair is a natural bodily process. All the supplements you could take may only help your regrowth not the hair you are losing. It’s already dead & has to be shed for new growth to occur. This hair loss cycle is something you just have to live through unfortunately even though it can be frustrating. It does slow back to your usual shedding rate. Just give it about 3 months +/-. As you’re losing you are regrowing hair. It’s just regrowing at it’s usual rate & isn’t as obvious as the loss. You don’t usually notice your regrow but it happens all the time. You may also eventually notice a change in the texture of your hair from the anaesthetic. It affects the regrowth. I noticed at about 12 months my hair had become more flyaway & finer.
Are Protein Drinks Legitimate?
Arabesque replied to meathead's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
No judgement here at all. You have to really want to do this. You’ve probably read & heard it said the surgery is only a tool. It is. It’s like buying a treadmill or a gym membership. If you don’t use it, make the changes & take advantages of the benefits it affords, nothing will change & you won’t be as successful with your weight loss. It’s hard work. A lot of reflection on what you eat, why you eat & how you eat. There are permanent changes you will have to make. Some people make a lot of changes some only a few to reach a point where they are happy & the changes are sustainable in their lives. But changes have to be made. If you’re not ready yet, hold off having the surgery. If you’re not in a place to make the changes & reflect on your eating habits, surgery is not the right option for you at the moment. One day you may decide this is what you really want to do then you can grab all the opportunities the surgery gives you. Good luck whatever you choose to do. -
Unfortunately they were created with the aid of my GHD curling wand. I always had straight hair then about 5 yrs ago I suddenly developed a kink at the back. So the back half of my head has a bit of a wave now but the front half is stick straight. So I spend time putting in some bends in the front to match the back. And yep, mine only last a couple of hours too. That’s the two hours in look. It was wavier. ☹️ Whoo hoo @kristieshannon. That dress reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker’s naked dress in Sex and the City. First season I think. You look fab & your shoes are a perfect complement. Love the bunny slippers @Sophie7713.
Are Protein Drinks Legitimate?
meathead replied to meathead's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I can't do it. I want to, but not enough. Whatever it takes to do this, is missing. I can do some things, but I can't do it all. I simply can't find the willpower to undertake this thing. It is too much. I thought the surgery itself would reduce my weight and my appetite so that I could get my weight down, keep it down, and rebuild my body. Now, I realize I can't even diet to qualify for the weight loss surgery. -
Unfortunately, hair loss is a bit part of the process. I tried biotin for a while and didn't see much of a change, but I do know some who never forget to take it. I had long hair prior to my surgery and cut it shoulder length during that stage to make it less noticeable. Adequate protein intake will help and eventually your body will even out and the hair loss will slowly begin to revert. I have noticed though that the texture of my hair did change after and my hair isn't as thick as it used to be.
Does age or menopause make a difference with how much weight is lost.
learn2cook replied to Ready_4_Change🐝's topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
Hi I’m learning to cook again. I’ve lost 30lbs. pre-op and am fully menopausal. Then I got my period again. The Gyn said it was due to weight loss. Did this happen to anyone? I was blessedly free for 4 years, now yuck. -
SIPS procedure coming up
NovaLuna replied to Cherubchub's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Actually, my surgeon said that statistically the weight loss is about the same. At least in the surgeries he's performed and he's been doing those two surgeries for many years before I had mine. Also, just be aware if you have the DS, Loop DS, or Gastric Bypass they don't warn you that you can develop food allergies. I mean, I know they said you can develop a food 'intolerance' but I literally developed a wheat allergy after my surgery. It shows up in my blood work and everything. I didn't have that allergy before my surgery according to my gatroenterologist. You can also develop Celiac Disease. They never warned me about that. I mean, I would have done the surgery anyway, but I really wish they would have warned me. Good luck with your upcoming surgery! Even with the wheat allergy I don't regret my surgery and am grateful every day that I made this choice for myself. Bright side of the wheat allergy is a lot of the foods I used to love I can't eat anymore because most of them contain wheat flour (which is in friggin' EVERYTHING because most flours... have wheat in them!) so I don't have to worry about straying off my diet because I literally can't eat that stuff or it'll make me sick... I see that as a plus and keeps me eating like I'm supposed to. -
Sleevers....What brand multi vitamin are you taking?
Jasmine 7 replied to Tim C's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I'm doing the bariatric vitamin patch with biotin for hair and nails and the vitamin C patch as well. I'm not sure how effective the patches are so I'm also taking oral multi vitamin. -
there's really nothing you can do once it starts falling out. There are things that might help the new hair come in, though (like Biotin - some people claim it helps, anyway...)
I take Finasteride, biotin, collagen powder protein, keratin, minoxidil...I am not at the hair loss stage yet but I doing my best mitigate the loss. Not sure anything can really be done...we shall see.
I'm 4 months post op Gastric Sleeve. I'v been taking my vitamins & protein supplements religiously but still experiencing hair loss. Any suggestions on how to stop the shedding?