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What Do I Do About Work??
Catherine55 replied to lookinfwd's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I didn't tell people at work, and that was the best decision for me. It really kept the "Food Police" off my back as I was losing! I've been at goal for 2+ years now, and it's nice to be able to have an occasional cookie without feeling like I'm being judged (as in "OMG.. She had weight loss surgery... What is she doing eating a COOKIE?!") As for work, you should plan to take Monday off if you can, and Tuesday too. You may be OK to go in on Wednesday. I'd just let the office know you are having surgery (it's illegal for them to ask what kind of surgery) and that you need those two days because you'll be recovering. I hope that helps. Congratulations on your surgery!! Take before photos and your measurements ASAP if you haven't yet! Best wishes, Catherine -
Today marks day 7 Post -Op and I'm feeling almost normal. I still have mild soreness around my port incision and the gas pains have been gone for about 3 days. I found out this morning that I am still not ready to sleep laying down in bed so it looks like a few more nights of sleeping in the recliner. My starting weight was 303lbs and as of this morning I weighed in at 276lbs and i seem to be losing about a pound a day. Keep in mind that is including my pre-op weight loss. I am on mushy foods now so I have been eating things like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, apple sauce, pudding, etc. As far as side effects I am having a spasm like feeling in my throat/chest. Seems to happen only when I am up and moving around so hopefully that will be a thing of the past shortly. I'm trying to remember to take small bites and chew everything until its mushy but that part is really hard because I am one of those people who take large bites chew only a couple times then swallow. The same thing goes for drinking. I take huge gulps and swallow. I literally could drink a bottle of water in one gulp and be done so sipping on anything is so frustrating. I actually remember that I would wonder why people pack around a bottle of water or pop for so long and not just chug it. I would never have a glass or bottle of liquid for more than 5 minutes ever. I guess I thought the same way with food because I was always the first person to clear my plate. Anyways, this is just an update of my progress.
The wi scale sounds cool! I love gadgets. Does it track small increases or decreases correctly? I researched scales several years back and in the fine print somewhere, almost all of them said that it remembers and displays the previous weight unless it's different by more than 2 pounds! I want ounces measured! I used to have a 5 pound hand weight that I would put on the scale with me, then take it off just to be sure it was giving the correct number.
What led you to your decision to have surgery so young?
castiel replied to lilricanliz's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
I'm 21 and I was just sleeved a few days ago. I felt very conflicted about this surgery. I've spent the last 2 years navigating the world of feminism and the whole fat acceptance/body positivity movement. I felt that I was finally starting say that it's okay to be fat. And to me, IT STILL IS! There really is proof out there you can be fat and healthy. You just have to eat very well and exercise... and you don't have to lose weight in the process. However, my beliefs about the HAES movement and fat people do not change the social stigma about fat people. YES, THERE ARE MANY UNHEALTHY FAT PEOPLE OUT THERE because they don't eat right. But there are plenty of healthy fat people out there too. My choice was mobility and health. I have PCOS and diabetes runs in my family. Despite exercising, I have high cholesterol. I remember being in high school having a blood test and my doctor said I would need to be on medication to control it if I didn't lower it. Well, I never went on medication nor did I do anything to help it. I've been active since I was a child. I was on the soccer team in high school and in recreational leagues growing up. I've reached this point where I want to help my PCOS, I want to help my heart, and prevent diabetes (if possible) and I want to physically change my body. I also have a hard time not eating a lot and feeling full. The whole stomach being smaller sounded excellent compared to gastric bypass which may experience stretching. There are so many things I want to do with my body that I just can't at this weight. I bicycle, but I want to get into legitimate cycling and do races. I used to run, but now I can barely make it down a street. Hills kill me and so do stairs. I want to run a 5K and eventually do a triathlon. I want to do rock wall climbing and not have to worry about weight limits and the harness not fitting. I want to go kayaking and not worry about my hips not fitting. I'd like to go to a theme park and fit in ALL of the rides. And for once, I'd like the buy clothes that I love because the world of fashion is so crappy at making cute fashionable inexpensive clothing for young plus size men and women as well as older women. We live in a thin privileged society, and for once I'd like to live that privilege and examine its effects on me! -
What led you to your decision to have surgery so young?
Aleks replied to lilricanliz's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
I'm pre-op. I have PCOS, thyroid disease, and high blood pressure. VSG is my last hope to gain control over my weight. I have been overweight my whole life. -
Hi, I was sleeved 12/1/14 and never really experienced acid reflux until after my surgery. Since I've been on solids, had to deal with an acidic stomach especially at night. Right now the only thing I'm doing to ease the feeling is Special K crackers or club crackers. Oh and too much Calcium has already given me a kidney stone, so taking a lot of o-t-c acid reducers isn't a good idea because of the calcium. Any suggestions as too what I can do to help with the acid. Don't want to mess with my weight loss either. Thank you
Scared to finish the process
Babbs replied to cparni's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Will it help knowing what you are feeling is completely normal? Surgery is always scary, even for people who have had surgeries before! You'll go in, get prepped, and they will put you under. The next thing you know, it's done and over with and you're waking up. Not gonna lie, you're going to be a little sore, a little tired, and may struggle to drink your fluids and Protein. You may even regret it for a while. But as time goes on, you start to heal and feel better, and as a bonus you're losing weight! Although I had a fairly easy time of it, I didn't feel completely human for about 6 weeks. It takes time to recuperate from major surgery, so be kind to yourself. Now at 15 months out, all of that is a distant memory. I feel great, and don't even feel like I've had 85% of my stomach removed except for the restriction. One of the best decisions I've ever made! Just remember as you're going through the more challenging times that it WILL pass. Then you'll be on to the next phase of things. Good luck! -
I was banded last monday. I was feeling really good restriction until yesterday. I am managing to only take in about 1000 calories per day but it's hard, especially now that I don't feel full as quickly as I did a few days ago. I'm supposed to be on full liquids this week but I have been cheating and eating soft foods, which I don't necessarily think is a bad thing, as long as my calorie intake is not too high. I get really encouraged by speaking with others who are on this journey.. get a facebook page and join all the support groups you can find! I found a band buddy and we share recipes, and stories about how we are feeling. They say the people that have the most support are the most successful. I haven't told many people in my real life, but I am getting advice daily from people all over the world! Hang in there! choose the right foods, avoid too much cardio exercise for a while try more resistance training. Weight loss doesn't happen instantly.
Don't quit. Just keep it up. Keep busy, plan your meals, exercise. Remember u didn't get over weight in 5 weeks so don't get so discourage and do the best u can. You have invested a lot of time and money into this, you can make it work. Give it all you've got.
I couldn't agree with 4anewme more. I am just starting this journey. My surgery is scheduled for May 16th. At first I kept thinking that I would have the surgery and magically drop weight; however, the more I thought about it and talked to different people, I realized that I didn't gain all of this weight overnight and it would be unrealistic to think I could lose it overnight. With that being said, hang in there. Every day will not be a bed of roses but with determination and consistency, you can and will reach your goal. Good luck!
Hi Maddie, A three week stall is a long time. I know you're frustrated! You're just now six weeks out, so you are starting on 'everything'. Carbs can bring you to a halt fast depending on what you are eating. To kick start a plateau, I'd always up my Protein and Water, do a little exercise and it worked like a charm every time. Protein for me was normally 60 - 65 and I'd go to 70 - 80. My calories when I was where you are were between 500 and 650 per day...and I did good to get that much in. During my losing period I averaged 675 per day. I had great restriction, I still do. I call cottage cheese, the Breakfast of champions, I love it. 1% of course. Eggs; steamed shrimp (i keep a bag on hand for lunch), tuna, I measure 2 TB of lite mayo for a can; whatever meat you want at night; stay away from bread, rice, Pasta, all sweets, nothing until you reach goal; chips; if it's in a bag or a box....chances are, you shouldn't have it!!! The exception, Special K Crackers, a few with tuna rather than bread are ok - recommended by my dietitian. They even have a little Fiber. I have two glasses of skim milk per day. I get liquid and 16 grams of protein, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak!! Greek yogurt, the plain, has TONS of protein in it, add Stivia or some other artificial sweetener to it, or sugar free jelly....a little fruit, be creative, just nothing you shouldn't. Great source of protein. I hope these suggestions help!!! Three weeks is a long time, you can overcome this, I promise you!!! Good luck, this tool works, just work with it!!! Also, I still weight and measure EVERYTHING....and keep an on line food log, it's good to know exactly how much you are eating and to keep track of your protein and calories!!! Just a suggestion!!
Questions for people who have had the lap-band surgery?
btrieger replied to Seevie's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hello and welcome. I've answered your questions the best I could below. The lapband is not a magic wand that you wave and your fat just disappears. Well, it's not. Losing weight takes A LOT of effort on your part. The lapband is just a tool and will not work unless used as directed. There are a few rules that must be followed in order to make it successful: Drink at least 64 ounces of Water a day Eat only 3 meals a day Cut your food small Chew every bite 25 - 30 times Do NOT drink during meals or for at least 30 minutes after meals. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry Do NOT drink high calorie drinks to name a few. Good luck! -
Sleeved December 8!
Mary Gordon replied to Thea'sMom's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
hi i am doing great...good to hear you are doing great as well.....taking care of myself more than the usual, getting ready for next week, xmas food, don't want to over do it. welcome to your new journey to weight loss. enjoy and best of luck. -
It'll be 6 weeks tomorrow & I haven't lost any in 2 weeks, GRRR !! I know we all go through it, but it's so frustrating . Going to start the gym tomorrow , hopefully that will help, at least there's no weight gain. Just had to vent .Any tips would help , thanks
Questions for people who have had the lap-band surgery?
Seevie posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hello :tt2: I have some questions for people who have had the LAP-BAND®, I basically am not sure if I want to go through with it and I would like to hear some stories of people who also couldn't decide at first lol. I understand it is not a quick fix, and it is going to take time and effort and what not. I do have some questions though. I have been overweight my entire life. My mom loved food, therefore I love food. She rewarded me with food and we pretty much lived on fast food growing up, therefore I am quite morbidly obese. In Kindergarten, I was 100 pounds, most of the other kids were around 60. Last time I was weighed, probably close to 2 years ago, I was 427. Food is my comfort and I spend any money I get on food... My parents have never said you cannot have this or no we cannot order this in, if they can afford it, or I am willing to pay for it, we get it. That is that. They have tried to mention my weight and doing something about it, but they know it does not phase me and that I ignore it. I actually made effort when I was 16 to go to a nutrionist but after a bad experience, I completely refused to go back to ANY nutritionist. She basically told me fat peopel cannot be succesful, it felt like an interrogation, and that fat people cannot do anything. It was just so rude. Since I was 16, I am 18 now, my mom has been talking about the lap-band® and how I should consider getting it when I turn 18. Lately she has really been bothering me because the class you have to attend is in a few weeks, and I only have until I am 19 (less than a year) to get it done, which is when insurance stops covering me. I have social phobia/social anxiety though, due to being taken out of school 4 years and put into homeschooling with no real human interaction. I was put into homeschooling due to bullying, I have been clinically depressed since 3rd grade, that is when I was diangnosed. I have told my mom several times, i will not go to a class with other people in it, I cannot do it. If you do not know what social phobia/social anxiety disorder is, it is basically fearing human interaction, and you totally believe everyone is looking at you, judging you, saying things about you, point at you behind your back, making fun of you etc.. That is the only way I can explain it. I have only just started going and getting the mail in the past 2 months, and only if nobody is outside their house and I have a hoodie completely covering me, with a long skirt. I only leave my house if I absolutely have to, and at that, it is usually at night time, and I do not go inside anywhere. I always have to have a hoodie on that covers everything and a long skirt,so nobody can see me. I only go in the dentist when I am in terrible pain, I deal with moderate/mild pain otherwise, because I know I will be in a room with just the dentist and I. I have not even gotten my license yet, nor do I have any interest... I seriously start having a panic attack in social situations, I have not had any RL friends in 3 years. Lately I have been having so many pains due to being overweight, and I am sure in a year or 2 I am going to end up having a heart attack. The doctors said at anytime I can have a heart attack. I never mention these pains to anyone though because the social phobia/anxiety, and I will NOT go to the doctor. So, what I am asking is to hear from people or people who have had friends/family get the LAP-BAND® and if it is really something worth doing? The main questions I have are; 1. Is there pain after the surgery? And if so, what kind? How long did it last? 2. How long do you have to stay in the hospital after surgery? 3. Is there a specific diet before/after surgery? 4. Do I have to slim down to a certain weight before I can get it? 5. I know you eat less, a lot less, do you eat more smaller meals or just 3 really small meals? 6. If really small meals, is there enough food for your body to like have energy? :S 7. Should I worry about complications with my weight? 8. How many people die of complications every year? And how many people get the surgery every year? 9. What kinda of diet are you on currently? 10. I cannot stick to diets, will I be told to TRY dieting before the surgery? 11. What happens on the day of the surgery? 12. Side effects? 13. Problems you had? 14. Did you ever consider not getting it because of the extra skin? 15. How steady of a weight loss can one expect? 16. Did family members actions change after you got the surgery? 17. Your worries before you had the surgery? What about after? That is all I can think of but I appreciate any replies! Thanks, sorry for the long post lol.:thumbup: -
Questions for people who have had the lap-band surgery?
cwm812 replied to Seevie's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Seevie, Everyone's already answered all your questions, but I needed to add to the question of whether getting the lapband is worth it..... Yes and then some. You have spent your whole life being obese and that is difficult all by itself. I remember quite well being a fat kid, a fat teen and a fat adult...Trust me on this, it won't get better being a fat adult. Oh adults aren't quite as rude to your face as kids can be, but they are still judging you by your appearance every day. Luckily for me, it didn't have the anxiety issues that you are dealing with. I can only imagine what that is like. I can only wish I could have lost this weight when I was 19. I don't think it would have solved every problem I ever faced, but it sure would have made most facets of my life so much easier. Given all your issues, I think it would take great courage our your part to go through with banding, but I think it could be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. You are in such pain now, physically and mentally. You will be amazed at how the world opens up when food isn't the center of everything. I spent at least 40 years of my life being obese. I don't recommend it, not when you have another option. You are going to need help with this, but you can do it. Cindy -
I took the first step!
gowalking replied to Journey2BNThin's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Good luck to you Journey. Your story resonated with me because I've had a bad knee for several years and finally knew that I'd need it replaced and heard the news I suspected but didn't know for sure. At 267 lbs. I was not a good candidate for knee replacement. I knew at that point that I needed help to lose weight and I went forward with the band. I'm banded now a little over 7 months and was cleared for surgery when I got to 200 lbs...some six months earlier than anyone expected. I'm now at 182 so I've even gone well below the 200 number and I know the more I lose, the better my rehab will go. I've since found out that my hips are also involved and while the doctors feel that there is an underlying systemic cause for my joint degeneration, I know in my heart and my gut that carrying around that extra weight for so many years surely didn't help any. Keep us posted on your progress and know that there is great support and information on this site. -
Transitioning to solid foods such as chicken and steak can be difficult. I relied on softer foods such as chili and Soups. I have put some of my recipes at the end of the following article. The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. Weight loss is achieved after surgery through volume control. You begin at 2 ounces (1/4 cup) per meal and gradually over the next year and a half increase the volume to 1 cup per meal. With this minuscule amount of food, it is next to impossible to meet your protein daily requirements by food alone, so therefore you need to rely on supplements such as Protein shakes.
So here is an update....still with a J tube, had it replaced twice. very few foods I can eat. very few. I an struggling with a desire to return to an active lifestyle. cardio irritates my tube. i am still not at my goal weight even though i needed to lose about 65 I continue to moderate my life. I hope to have this out soon but nutrionally, I am limited to food. I know things will get better, but it bums me out. loose skin removal/lower body lift will have to wait, no doctor will touch me at this point. one day. anyone with question are welcome..i have a ton of information that i would be happy to share!!!
I weight lift HEAVILY and I am in pretty good shape. I find that the harder I train the more appetite I have. When I take breaks, or I lessen the intensity, I feel like my appetite goes down. I know the intensity is definitely affecting my hunger because I need to replenish what I'm losing in my workouts, but I am wondering what people do to curb the appetite that comes from training. Might sound like a dumb question, but I am just curious about other strategies that people are using.
The approval process in the US seems like a hardship. Here in PR is easier for the patients, if you have a BMI of 35 or higher with comorbidities or 40 or higher, all insurance companies must approve your surgery within 15 days of submitting your application provided you include evidence of having tried any weight loss treatment and or exercise plan without success, and the basic medical evidence. Then with the approval you begin the process of nutricionist, and all the evaluations needed prior surgery.
VSG or Bypass
the sleeved plastic surgeon replied to lakegirlmn's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
I'm almost as your measurements I'm 5' 2.5" and I weight 211# my BMI is 38 I'm a stress and a sweets eater I'm a plastic surgeon and my figure is very important for me and my clients I hv been obeese my whole life This year I got hypertension and knee pain and decided that enough is enough My surgeon who is a colleague recommended mini gastric bypass obviously bcs I'm a sweet and stress eater But I totally refused it I'm a surgeon and I know that is it a malanatomical procedure and I can't handle malabsorption syndrome or dumping syndrome!! My friend had 3 car accidents due to damping syndrome and almost died So I promised myself and him that I will control myself post op and I hope I can control the cravings after I start loosing weight and seeing results Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App -
I have join my fitness pal and would love to have friends. If anyone would like to befriend me my user name is "rgriffin26". In this app you can track your food, weight, exercise, and share your diary with others.
Girls: Depo Provera and the Lapband
rock_bottom_enthusiast posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Heya folks. I've been on Depo provera for six months. I neglected to get my last shot because of some of my concerns (side effects and wanting to conceive eventually). Last shot was due on 2/15/11, which I skipped so I can get off it. My question - I've been banded since March 2010, and my weight loss basically slowed and then stopped in the time I've been on Depo. I've still lost a lot of weight, but most all of it was in the months before I got on depo. Back history - I was on depo a few years ago, gained a little weight, but then, I was already fat. When I stopped it, my periods came back after about 3-4 monnts. I'm hoping this time around is the same because I want to start trying to conceive in about 2 years from now, and I know depo is long acting and I want to clear it from my body long before I start TTC. My age is also a concern (26 now, I was 19-20 during my first depo experience). Can anyone share their experiences with depo, both with how it relates to being banded/weight loss and in general (especially concerning periods/ovulation and TTC)? Thanks -
Finally after all these months of doctor visits and weigh in, the day is almost here. It's seems like forever since I began this journey, but everyday I remembered what the end result would be and this my friends kept me on the right path. I'm not nervous, I am so exicited and can't wait to get this weight off, touch my toes, wear a bra that has one letter and not double, be able to go to a normal department store and beable to buy clothing like everyone else (not go to the plus size part of the store that has nothing cute - it fits on the top and fits on the bottom and hell it's the same the size - imagine that!! I just finally might be able to go to Victoria Secrets and finally buy something sexy I realize that this isn't the end of the journey and that forever I will need to always focus on my weight and work hard to keep it maintained. I will never ever look back nor regret my decision. DR. FISHER here I come!!! Wish me luck!