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Found 17,501 results

  1. The Greater Fool

    running or walking?

    I did a lot of walking from a couple weeks after surgery until I was down to about 100 pounds overweight. By then I was walking 6-8 miles 3 days a week, along with non-planned outings. At about 100 pounds overweight I challenged myself to complete a C25K (Couch to 5K) program that gets you running 5k in 30 minutes in a month. Having completed this, I continued running, increasing distance until I was up to about 90 miles a week. I ultimately ran 5 marathons. Of the two, I enjoyed running more. I did my running first thing in the mornings, when I could contemplate the day and listen to audio books. Very enjoyable stuff. Walking and running burns about the same number of calories per mile. I would recommend doing what you enjoy and can sustain. It's hard to sustain something you dislike. Good luck, Tek
  2. first time someone outside my home said something to me UNSOLICITED was around 3 months (was down maybe 50-60 lbs by then). mind you i asked my Mr. and Daughter like every week, lol. they did say "yes" to my constant pestering around week 2 or 3, and i was down probably 20-30 lbs by then (but this includes the 11 lbs i lost during the 2 week liquid pre-op diet). don't forget that there are folks who consider it impolite to ask or comment about someone's weight (i wish there were more of these types of people!), so while you may not get stuff SAID to you directly, they may be THINKING it.
  3. From the album: My Progress

    First month weight loss starting from day one of my 2 week pre-op diet. Note the bounce from fluids when I got home from the hospital.
  4. catwoman7

    Roughhh week

    could be water retention from your period or it could also be the infamous "three-week stall" that most of us experience (it's not always the third week - it could be week 2 or 4 or 5 - but most of us have our first stall pretty early after surgery. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. Best thing to do is stick to your program and stay off the scale for awhile...it'll break and you'll be on your way again...)
  5. I'm currently 7 weeks post op today and I'm feeling better. I can eat again, but that's like all I want to do. Is anyone else having hunger issues? I have been struggling to get my protein in every day. Some days I don't want to even eat hardly because I don't know if my stomach will agree. BUT im so hungry all the time. Like before surgery...and it's so disheartening.
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Hey there! Would love to hear how it's going for you! Here's where I am: My highest weight was 251 back in the summer, which is when I was referred to the surgical program. I started making changes to my eating following the Pound of Cure book by Dr. Matthew Weiner and was down to 238 on Feb 7 when I started 2 week pre-op liquid diet. I was 223 the day before surgery, so 15 lbs down in two weeks. That's compared to 13 lbs in 6 months, which is crazy, but I also know that I wasn't trying to lose weight during those months so much as make healthy choices. I didn't count calories or other macros. I just made an effort to reduce processed foods and eat a pound of vegetables most days. Whereas the liquid diet was pretty much me starving for 2 weeks. But I survived! Since surgery, it's gone a bit slower, which is in part due to the fluid shifts from surgery (according to my meeting with surgeon last week). My weight this morning, 3 weeks post-op, was 217 lbs. So, 6 lbs down since surgery. I'm healing pretty well, meeting my 60g protein goal and 64 oz water goal daily. I did have one incident of foamies / vomiting two days ago that set me back a little on food tolerance, but I think I'm doing better today. I go in to see the dietician on Monday. The first week I was getting around 400 calories per day. Last week and this week have ranged between 500-700, depending on the day and what food choices I make. I haven't really experienced anything I would call hunger. As for non-scale victories, I had to pull out one of my smaller bras yesterday that I still had from about 5 years ago! I also fit into an outfit I bought last year that I wasn't able to try on at the store and discovered was too small when I got it home. But not anymore! And I'm officially off blood pressure meds!
  7. Spinoza

    Water intake issue?

    I agree with the others - I found warm liquids miles easier to drink a few weeks post op. Glad you're finding your groove OP - so much adjusting to do along the way but it's so worth it!
  8. Tomo

    Finishing Food Sometimes

    I had the lap band for a long time, and there were definitely days that food would go down much easier. Then I had days I couldn't eat but a few bites, and other days that it felt like there was no restriction at all. Many times, it depended on what type of food I was eating. I don't think you need a fill unless your weight loss has completely stalled, and even then, a common problem is being too aggressive and getting too many fills and ending up causing serious long term side effects with the esophagus. As long as you are still in the general ballpark of say, your calorie goals, I wouldn't worry about the day to day fluctuations. You can get a barium swallow and see if you pouch has stretch or not, I did that yearly to make sure the band didn't slip and/or if I stretch the pouch above the band. Sometimes that can cause people to be able to eat a lot more when they have the band.
  9. I just had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass on 6/13/23 and I am a little nervous now after reading a lot of these posts regarding the lack of weight loss.
  10. catwoman7

    Pre-op diet & period

    it's very common in the weeks or months AFTER surgery have unusual periods. Haven't heard about before - but the reason for having weird cycles after is due to estrogen being released from fat cells during rapid weight loss (estrogen is stored in fat cells) - so that might be what's going on with you now...
  11. SomeBigGuy

    Laying Flat

    Congrats on the surgery! I was sleeping in the recliner for 3 weeks, and was 5 weeks out before I was comfortable lying completely flat. I'm at 10 weeks now, but I'm still using some pillows to prop myself up in the bed, I guess I got used to being propped up, but I am able to sleep flat without discomfort.
  12. Sherry57

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    It is, I guess I worry to much because the scales are not showing weight loss each week.
  13. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I was the same, first week was 3kg Ive been told by a physician who I work with that no more than 2kg a week is good moving forward is a great goal as it means your body won’t go into the natural starvation mode and try to hold onto the weight. Plus your body is doing it slowly which is good re rapid weight loss problems also. I also felt sad about how slow it is going but we will get there I’m 3 weeks post op and I’ve only been loosing 1.3kg a week roughly.
  14. Mandy_VSG

    Sexy Time

    Girl, you can totally laugh! I just really needed to know lol I’ve been having a bad stomach week and I was like nothing I have been doing has changed…except 😂 But thank you for being honest and a woman in solidarity! Haha
  15. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Three bits of advice if you can manage it: 1. Curbside pickup for groceries 2. Takeout instead of eating in for your restaurant meals 3. Hotel close to your hospital for the night before if poor weather is at all a possibility. For many reasons, my mom and I are staying in a hotel the night before my surgery, and Mom will stay the next night while I'm in the hospital. Traffic, early call time for surgery, snow. I live about an hour from the hospital and there is a nice Courtyard Marriott about 1 mile from the hospital on a very busy road that is sure to get plowed 24/7. Plus my mom hates night driving, especially to and from areas she doesn't know well, and she wanted to be sure she could come see me in recovery and feel safe driving by herself.
  16. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    Just checking in too! Today is 6 months since I had surgery, around this time I was nervous as heck whole finishing up being prepped. I'm down to 117 kilos, for a total loss of 38 kilos, or 83 pounds. I've lost 24.5% of my starting weight. I'm just 2 kilos away from being halfway to my big goal of reaching 75 kilos. Everything is going well, I've lost every week with no stalls apart from Week 2. So gateful for that! I still need to be better with fluid and definitely need to be more active. My weight loss is very obvious, especially in my tummy, arms and face. Down 3 to 4 dress sizes which is fantastic. @SynleeI how are you going hon? Lindsay, wow! You look incredible, well done! Lipman, you're rocking it as always!
  17. You are another source of inspiration to me and I feel that we are very much similar (stats and progress and the love for food lolz) from what I gather through your replies and posts. I do not weigh daily and I do not track. I did track for 3 weeks a month or so ago and saw that I sit at around 800 calories a day (around 4.5 months post op) and now at over 6 months post op I still eat the same amount give or take. Even at my fittest and slimmest I never tracked or counted my calories and I don't think I will be doing that in my future if I am able to maintain my weight (with a little deviation that is). I also hate the weighing scale as it gives me so much anxiety (my heart starts thumping in my chest every time I step on it, I know I should talk to a therapist but I digress). What helps is that I exercise a lot and love working out since forever and it is sacred to me. I was traveling the past week and decided to have a little fun (to celebrate reaching the lowest weight I ever have) and allowed myself to eat normally (what the kids and the hubby were having) and that included burgers, bread, dessert (dumping is no joke, yikes!) and all things I didn't allow myself to eat. The portions were tiny mind you (thanks restriction). I decided to step on the scale once I was back and saw that I had lost 200 grams lol. I guess I should make friends with my scale and say hi multiple times a week instead of one. How do you keep tracking your calories without getting bored?
  18. I love your explanation @NickelChip! I've read it before in another group but you made it so easy to understand!! That is exactly what is happening during our stalls, especially the early ones. The body is just trying to protect us and make sure we'll survive. I believe during this time it also assesses things like set points, what the metabolism is doing, etc... Our bodies are hard workers even when the scale is sitting there staying the same. I too wish doctors would take the time to explain this to their patients, it is a major source of anxiety throughout the weight loss phase! OP, I'd highly suggest getting yourself a tape measure. Measurements are a fantastic way to track weight changes in our bodies and often when the scale doesn't move we lose inches, because we are actually still losing fat, we are just losing in stealth thanks to that water weight. A similar process happens when we start exercising, often the scale stalls or we even gain! But below the surface we are still changing our body's composition, fat is still being burned. Apps like Baritastic will track your measurements and show you over time how they are trending down, it is pretty cool. I only allow myself one weigh in a week. If I feel anxiety about the scale I don't even do that. It isn't worth the mental anguish... For the VAST majority of people, if you follow your plan, eat regularly, drink your water, and get some movement in, your body will continue that fat burning for a long time. There are always outliers, of course, and my heart goes out to them. But the odds are we won't be outliers... I remind myself of this every day, I'm 3 weeks out! You've lost the same amount that I have in less time, that's pretty cool!
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Looking for weight loss reassurance..

    I put my surgery day weight in my stats instead of my highest weight because I wanted to track what I was losing since the actual surgery. But if you look at my signature, you can see what my numbers were, and they weren't pretty by any means. Everyone loses at a different weight. It depends on what we have going on with our bodies. It took me 2 years to lose 200 pounds. Some on here have lost more than that in that same time. Some have lost a lot less. We can't compare ourselves to anyone else. HAVING SAID THAT..... you lost, from your surgery date, 367 pounds - 294 pounds = 73 pounds lost. In 4 1/2 months. That's an average loss of roughly 16.5 pounds per month, or just a hair over 4 pounds per week. For reference, I lost 79 pounds by 5 months out. So you're very close to where I was. Don't lose hope or feel discouraged. You're doing well. Maybe try hitting the gym once a week and also going for a nice long walk once a week. You'll see the extra movement really helps a lot, too. Stick to your protein first, then veggies, then carbs, then healthy fats and you'll also do well. If you can't get the protein and fluids in at the amount you need, do your best. Supplement with a protein shake for now, on top of the rest of your foods because that counts for both.
  20. Victoria Wank

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    The major fatigue will get better. It’s a result of the surgery. As for the “3-week stall,” check your bowels. Have you had a bowel movement since the surgery? I ended up in the ER with severe constipation. The doctor prescribed Miralax and Lactulose.
  21. These things can & do happen. Constipation is often an ongoing issue for many of us at least until we’re eating a broader range of food like vegetables & fruit. Try adding a soluble fibre to a drink, shake, soup, yoghurt, or similar to help. I used to take a stool softener if I hadn’t gone for three days to keep on top of it. Remember too you’re not actually eating that much so you don’t have much to actually poop out especially in the first couple of months. So don’t expect to go every day. Meeting or being close to your daily fluid goal is extremely important because of dehydration. Sip, sip, sip. I still drink during the night to ensure I reach mine. (Have a drink whenever I wake.) Your throat can be swollen for a little while after the surgery though it does generally pass in a couple of days. Do mention it to your surgeon when you go for your check up if it’s soon otherwise give them a call. Try drinks at different temperatures in the meantime. Many of us found warm or hot drinks more soothing than cool or cold drinks. And again sip slowly. Also remember we all heal & recover in our own way & time. This is a pretty major surgery & some take a little longer or can experience some challenges with certain aspects like hitting fluid or protein goals, or experience a little more surgical pain, have more gas pain, take a little longer to get their strength back, tolerate or not tolerate certain flavours, textures, smells, etc. Like your weight loss, your recovery may be a bit erratic. Easier today, but tomorrow not as much, then the next day is okay. Look back over a week to better see your progress. You can be sure that it does get better & easier in time. All the best.
  22. NovelTee

    I want solid foooooooood!!!!

    So relatable!! My surgery is in two days. I've been on an all liquid diet for two weeks, and cravings are REAL. Sending you good vibes and hope you're on to the next phase soon!
  23. Hey y'all! I'm currently one-week post op and I'm trying to interpret when I'm getting close to full. In the beginning, I was starting to consume 4 oz at one time every thirty minutes to get my goals in (I've stopped that since, I take it much slower). I never experienced any real discomfort even then but I'm afraid of hurting my sleeve. What are some signals that are experienced at this stage or what I should look out for? Any help is appreciated!
  24. cutlass6521

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Day 3 post-op from band removal to gastric sleeve. Yikes, this was way worse than what I thought. They took longer to get that band out-appears previous surgeon was making sure that bugger wasn't moving. 2 days of sleeping and sipping water. Can't even think about food. I hope this gets easier as the week goes by.
  25. Hi- I had surgery on 5/15/24... so I'm 5 weeks out. I struggled getting water in this weekend and ended up needing fluids. My mouth has been killing me and I thought fluids would help but nope! Now I'm struggling with get in protein because the only way I like protein is with hot coffee. I just feel like I'm failing! Support/suggestions... I'm all ears!

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