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My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
KellyL replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
That's so awesome hahaha. Congrats on your success, and thanks for sharing that NSV. You are rocking your sleeve. -
My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
LindaS replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
NSV is a non-scale victory. The things that make you realize you've lost weight that have nothing to do with the numbers on a scale. -
My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
Felicity549 replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
What does NSV stand for? I feel like an idiot asking. Ha. -
Finally Hit My 3 Week Stall And An Nsv!
Ms skinniness replied to Lilee84's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Love that your enjoying where you are and not stressing over a stupid stall! CONGRATS! That's an additional NSV! :wub: -
Finally Hit My 3 Week Stall And An Nsv!
Lilee84 posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
At almost 7 weeks I finally hit my 3 week stall! Am I concerned about it? Nope! Because I know that it's normal and temporary and that this is my body's way of catching up with my almost 40lb loss! So while the scale may not be moving, my pants are starting to REALLY sag. That sounds like a kick-ass NSV to me! -
My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
thinoneday replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
What fun that must of been! Congratulations, those NSV's are always great! -
My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
wannabb08 replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
I agree with 100%Sleeved....huge NSV!!! Yay, for you! -
My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
LilMissDiva Irene replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
I have to say, these types on NSV's are always the best. Enjoy your hard work!! -
My Brother's Friend Didn't Know Who I Was .. Till
100%Sleeved replied to Rico's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
What an awesome nsv! Thanks for sharing. -
Congratulations everyone on all those great NSV's so far! Very encouraging!
Nsv - New Headshots!
Shemy-away replied to JackieOMonroe's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Whoaaaaa! Gorgeous. What a great nsv! Sent from my iPhone using VST -
My First Nsv.....and Second!
nancy_marie_00 posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I was sleeved on 2/21/ of today I officially weight less than my husband!!! And my wedding band fits again!!!! -
I'm a performer (singer and wannabe actress), but my weight killed my confidence so I pretty much stopped going to auditions. About 5 years ago, I had professional headshots taken that were the final nail in my theatre coffin. They are, without a doubt, the worst pictures I've ever intentionally posed for. That includes drunken Vegas pictures, sweaty end-of-the-day at Disneyland pictures, everything. THE WORST. On Saturday, I had new headshots taken by a friend who isn't a professional. The new pictures aren't the same quality as the pro pics, but they're still worlds better. I have my sleeve to thank for making me feel and look better. If you're still on the fence about this surgery, I hope this gives you the kick in the pants that you need. Okay, here goes. One old headshot, and then one new headshot. Don't laugh. Old headshot New headshot
Hi All!! I got my first fill this morning- it was a breeze! I got 1 cc- I have a 14 cc band, and he had put 5 cc's in during surgery, so total of 6. The PA who did the fill said with a 14 cc band the sweet spot was usually between 7-9 cc's but different for everyone. They do 1 cc at a time there, so my next appointment is April 2nd. Right now (about 2 hours after), I don't feel any different. On full liquids today, mushies tomorrow, then full foods Wednesday. It was super easy, I was so glad! Nicole- some suggestions- I've been thinking of taking up crocheting or cross stitch- journaling helps me. Go to the park, read a book, get on the treadmill (or do crunches or jumping jacks, etc)- even if you've already worked out, a little more won't hurt, LOL. Stress eating- just think about why you shouldn't- how much weight you've already lost, the NSV's you've already experienced, how much better you feel- that is head hunger, not real hunger. Journaling about your stress might help with that too! I'll post more if I think of any. Kymie- that's a bummer, but you're not a week behind, you're still going to lose weight!! You're doing great. 32 lbs is awesome! And about the skin- cross that bridge when you come to it. It will rebound some, I think, especially with exercise. And someone on the boards- I think it was SHirley54 or something- said something about talking to the head surgeon at a burn unit- they need skin there- who sometimes will do it if you donate the skin! Whoda thunk it? But don't borrow trouble- lose the weight! Maybe you'll win the powerball and can get all kinds of plastic surgery (remember who your friends are, LOL). Tell us any good recipes you come across. Hi Otaknam! Slow and steady DOWN is waaaay better than going up, LOL. Someone on these forums reminded me that the first little while is for surgery and healing, then comes the several months of fills to get to your sweet spot, then comes the losing!! So you're doing awesome!!!! It 's a marathon, not a sprint. Mags- weekends are hard for me too- I do a LOT of talking myself out of eating things. I too am a card carrying member of the clean plate club- let's tear those membership cards up together!!!!! Let's be a member of the "Leave a bite (or lots more) for Miss Manners" club, LOL. Journaling will help you be aware, for sure. I think it just takes several fills to get to where we feel like it's not such a struggle always. We are doing awesome! It's been only a month or two for all of us, depending on surgery date!!!!
First Size 10 Jeans!
twoboysandagirl replied to Sleeve2B's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Awesome NSV! I cant think of a better way to end a work out! God is good! -
Nsv And Houston Livestock Show And Rode-O! Lol
Pookeyism posted a topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
If you aren't local you just might nit understand what a big event the Houston LS & R is, but it talkes over the Reiliant Stadium, Toyota Center, and adjacent real estate (hundreds or acres) and parking lots all around - rodeo, shopping, shopping, shopping, food, food, food, live big name venues every night, every type of farm demonstration and animal, etc... ..oh yeah, and the carnival. I will be riding the rides today, for the first time in years.... I will NOT be eating the fried anything! or the popcorn! I got me a rock-a-billy shirt and steampunk vest, pair of carheart jeans and my trusted steel-toed boots, and my hat with my horns...cause sometimes the missies are the one's with the biggest, er, horns, LOL. -
First Size 10 Jeans!
D1NOnlySexyLady replied to Sleeve2B's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
congrats wishing you many more NSV moments -
I been stalling out over the past 2 months. I have lost 4lbs, literally over Jan and Feb. So, I figure that if I am not loosing (large) amounts of weight then I must be loosing inches. I am working out regularly - ie running, weight lifting etc -- I try to keep my eating in control. I focus more on portion control and getting in ample amounts of Protein -- compared to calorie counting. But, last week (Friday) I wore jeans to work. I thought they were a little "big" on me -- so I went to Walmart (yes, I buy my jeans there because they are CHEAP, and the most COMFORTABLE pair of jeans I have found around the city. <side note> If you check the label and it says that they are made in Egypt; it's like having a 2nd layer of skin on. That's how "light" the jeans are..... Anyway, to my size -- I bought a size 10 -- didn't try them on (because I walked in there after my morning workout)-- took them home and tried them on -- AND THEY FIT!!! Talk about a great NSV while moving into the summer. Hopefully by end of summer I will be a 4-6!!! Yeahhh me. Also, I am now down to 178lbs. I can't tell you -- when I have EVER weight 178 in my life. I am loving my sleeve....thank you Lord Jesus for making all of this possible for me!
23 Days Post Op And Feelin Good!
pink dahlia replied to angel_eyes4477's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
congrats ! arent nsv"s fun ? way to go on your weightloss! keep it up ! -
I chose to have VSG as a last ditch effort to save my life. Not because I was a compulsive over eater, because I was not, but because even eating like an average person caused me to be excessively large. I was a befudlement to my doctors. I had multiple health problems, extreme pain, used a cane to walk (when I could walk) or used a wheelchair. I was on 15 Rx meds and 6 supplements. I was dying. Today I am almost three weeks out of surgery and I am happy to report; I do not use the cane or wheelchair any more. I don't even walk with a limp. I wore high heel shoes to church this morning for the first time in years, walking completely normal and with no pain. I have also quit ALL of my meds- cold turkey. My doc was amazed and to tell the truth, so am I. They never gave me any hope of being able to quit my meds. I only take a ppi and a Vitamin now. It is so great not to be held slave to that pharmacy bag any more. I have not been able to go more than a day without them in years. I feel more like myself than I have in forever. I am not saying I will never have to take meds again, because I dont know. I can't see the future. I am saying that my future seems a whole lot brighter to me now though. I believe that God is still in the healing business, but sometimes it's not in the way we were asking. I think VSG was the miracle of healing God sent me. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Thank you Jesus, I'm LML Sent from my iPhone using VST
I had my surgery on February 10. The first few days were pretty rough due to the gas pains and the fact that I had a bad sinus/lung cold. Let me just say that coughing/blowing your nose after lap band surgery is NOT fun... After that, things have leveled out as far as surgical pain. Have a UTI, but it isn't too bad. Anyways, I weighed myself again today and so far, in the last 23 days. I have lost 45 pounds total! I am excited about that. And not only am I having victories on the scales, but I have also had a few small NSV's so far. Such as clothes fitting better or being too loose, being able to see my ankles, and being able to walk around wal-mart. Usually when I go into wally world I am in a riding cart, due to health factors in addition to weight. Last night when me and my boyfriend went in, I walked around the store most of the time. He followed me in a rider just in case, and I had to use it once or twice, but I got back up and walked more. It felt great! I'm loving life with the band. So glad I had it!
Lets Be An Encouragement To Newcomers
peacequeen replied to yecats's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
That's a great NSV! Congrats,,that must feel so awesome!! -
Salutations, My Sleeve Family, Let's kick our day off with a Spiritual Vitamin. Today it's R: REJOICE Phillipians 4:4 says for us to, " Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! " YAYYY!!! We are doing "It!" Winning the battle against our weight issues. So we should be rejoicing today in what we have accomplished so far, and wait in anticipation to see what surprises, tomorrow may have in store for us! Keep a journal of all our "NSV" triumps, so we can have them to reflect back on, when the day doesn't seem to be our friend, and then "rejoice again", praising God for His unwavering Love and support. We've spent enough time being down, sad, and feeling sorry for ourselves. No More! Stay on course, keep moving, remembering that "time waits for no one," so make it count everyday. Rejoice, your heart will thank you later! Praying For My Family Always, Diamond45 :D
Ok so my surgery was January 31, 2012 in the first two and half weeks I lost 32 pounds and have been stalled for 2 weeksish. This has caused me to be so bummed. Even through reading posts about it being normal, and doing everything right: I'm still obsessed with the scale and bummed. My NUT said I already started out with a dramatic weight loss and I'll start to equal out and lose 10 pounds a month, conservatively. However I am trying to focus on the positive. Therefore I am posting my first NSV: I HAVE A NECK!! In my wedding pictures I was at my highest weight (still had an amazing wedding). However the one thing I noticed was my head looked like it sat on my shoulders. Yuck. Last night I went out with some friends and after being tagged on Facebook (I usually dreaded) I was happy with most of the pictures and noticed my neck (: I also posted two pictures in my gallery and can see a little difference there as well. Here's to more NSVs and a healthy journey! Have a fabulous Sunday, sleevettes!
NSVs are my favourite to. They are helping me break my scale addiction.