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Found 17,501 results

  1. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm 5 weeks out. I only have two that are somewhat a darker pink. Otherwise they've healed up nicely.
  2. Just about to fly home and will anwser everyones posts then. Thanks all for your support and words and suggestions. Loving the new profile picture @NickelChip and @RonHall908 What an amazing transformation! Here are some of me, pick tracksuit is 2 weeks post surgery, brown dress is yesterday.
  3. I'm currently 3 weeks post-op from gastric sleeve surgery and am struggling BIG time with the diet. The pureed foods aren't doing it for me as the texture is not right...Has anyone else struggled with this? If so, please let me know what worked for you...I've always resorted to food when I'm feeling low and now I can't...I have snacked on no-no foods already and I'm petrified of returning old habits. I've gained 2-3 pounds in the last week and that's incredibly discouraging. I know it could possibly be water retention as my intake hasn't been a full 64oz per day. I know I'm not getting enough protein as well...I'm ready to resort back to a full liquid diet in hopes to lose weight over the next couple weeks...any suggestions would be incredibly helpful!
  4. ukkodiak

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello. I had my RNY on Oct 9th. I have recently graduated to soft foods, yay!! So far, I haven’t really noticed many changes to my taste perceptions. Some things taste mildly different but I still hate and enjoy the same foods as I did pre-op. My cravings for sugar have vanished however. Unfortunately , I’m still stuck in the 3 week weight stall for 12 days now. But overall, I do feel great and sleeping soundly through the night most nights. Waking up feeling rested and refreshed most every morning. That’s the biggest changes I’ve noticed.
  5. Rabella Rob

    Weight loss journey

    I’ve lost 55lbs since Feb. I’m on Saxenda, eating Lowe carb, high protein and walking/pilates a few times a week. I’m 25lbs away from my goal weight.
  6. HI my lovelies ❤️ I am just about 3 months post op (surgery was 12/6/24) and 1 lb shy of being down a total of 40lbs. While this is great I feel like I should be down more, or wish I was down more. I can't help but see others with close to 60+lbs down within the same time frame. I know we're not supposed to compare ourselves, it's literally the worst thing to do, but I can't help it. I was apart of the Tuesday Talks meeting last week which there were 2 women there that assured me that they lost at a similar pace, losing about 10lbs a month every month after the surgery. One of the nice ladies explained that 10lbs/month = to 120lbs down in 1 year. When I thought of it like that, I did feel better and more assured however I am still struggling with self depleting thoughts. Also, the last 2 weeks I been struggling with eating the wrong foods and snacking on foods I shouldn't be eating which I'll beat myself up even more mentally. My biggest struggles are iced coffee with sugary syrups and pizza/chips. I will have these about 1 x a week the last 2 weeks. How the day goes is it's usually a Sunday, I'll get a sugary coffee for breakfast and then end the day with 1 of those single serving bag of chips and 1 slice of pizza. I've done this now the last 2 Sundays. While it may not seem like a lot Im worried that I will start sliding down the wrong path and give into my old ways even more. The luxury of this surgery is Im incapable of overeating now and these foods still stay within a "normal" caloric range for the day (about 1400cals) but still, I know I shouldn't be eating them at all. I also workout 5 days a week now and have been consistent with this since late December. I do about 1.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym 3xs a week and then do a step ups aerobic type of exercise 2 days a week at home. I always leave my workout super sweaty with a high calorie burn on my Apple Watch. So with all this being said, I feel like I eat perfectly 6 days a week w 1 day where I'm "off", workout 5 days a week every single week taking off 2 days usually Wed and Sunday to let my body rest. Is there anything else I could do to speed up my weight loss? Or do you think this is "normal" and I'm on a good path? I also do these week to 2 week challenges with my bf that help me stay on track too. For example we did one from 2/12 - 3/1 and the rules were no junk food, fried foods or sugar and workout 5 days a week. I completed the challenge and lost 6 lbs total. But it was the day after the challenge where I ate pizza and iced coffee w mocha. We started a new challenge today which ends on Saturday 3/9. After that I'll be partaking in Ramadan beginning Monday 3/11 this year which will also help to keep me disciplined. Please do share your thoughts and how you combated your bad food habits? Also, please be kind ❤️ Thanks for reading! xoxo
  7. Arabesque

    How much protein is too much?

    The PPI won’t cause hunger. It reduces the acid in your tummy. You’re ahead of the game if you can differentiate between head & real hunger. Yay! Those distraction activities will help when you are experiencing head hunger. If you feel hungry after you’ve eaten, that’s head hunger too. Try a warm drink instead of a shake. They’re a meal replacement not a snack. Many are advised to wait at least three or four hours between eating & only three meals a day & maybe a snack. I still have times I can feel liquids go down. It’s a bit weird at first but now it’s just one of those things like my vey noisy, rumbling, grumbling tummy. Your experience last night sounds like late stage dumping not the foamies. The foamies (frothy, thick saliva & bringing up what you ate that was stuck or too coarse or too much) occurs pretty soon after you’ve eaten the offending food. Dumping symptoms can include chills, weakness, light headedness, nausea, bloating, heart palpitations & vomiting &/or diarrhoea. Dumping usually occurs if you eat foods that are too fatty, have too much sugar. Even dairy can cause it. It occurs when these foods go through your tummy to your intestines very quickly (dumps through your system). About 40% of bypass patients can experience dumping. Once you work out what causes yours, you can avoid those foods. Some say in time they work out how much of those foods they can eat without experiencing dumping. Worth a conversation with your team to diagnose & management.
  8. ms.sss

    Bad Knees and excercise

    Reformer PILATES. All the benefits of cardio and strength without the stress impact on joints. Its actually touted as great for mobility (joints, rotations, etc). I have recently become a reformer pilates addict so i may be biased. I started about 6 or so months ago going once a week, then twice a week, and for the past month i have gone 4 or 5x per week (i bought an unlimited plan at a local studio). i feel stronger (legs and core...my arms still need work lol), waaaaay more flexible (i was already pretty flexible, but now i could probably join a circus), and my abs are pretty frickin awesome to look at these days. it can get expensive, but studios do offer starter packs at a heavily discounted price for first time visitors...a friend of mine just studio surfs and gets starter packs everywhere lol. I also second swimming for low impact exercise...i used to go lane swimming much more before, but now maybe go once every couple of weeks with my Kid. while i love the actual swimming, i hate the changing/showering/etc afterwards, boo. there is also tai chi (never tried), yoga (love!), elliptical (not my cup of tea), cycling (also not for me as it hurts my butt). but the most important thing is to find something you actually enjoy as you will be more likely to continue doing it Good Luck! ❤️ But seriously, try reformer pilates!!
  9. I had my consultation and my psych eval. I’m just waiting on my recommendation letter from my pcp and because I already see a therapist, they had to also write a brief note. Assuming they come back positive, I’m cleared to move to the next phase. Which that is getting a letter sent to my insurance for approval of my surgery. Once it’s approved I can move to the pre surgery blood work. I do hope they get their letters in this week!
  10. Spinoza

    Down Time

    Honestly can't remember but I think I had 2 weeks off but wish I had taken more. I know everyone is different. I had no complications at all but a lot of pain from my incisions, especially the big one, and trouble sleeping because of pain in all positions. I did manage my work after 2 weeks but it was a complete slog because I was still sore and tired.
  11. I am using miralax once a day post op and a week after have had only one bowel movement - my dr says bowel habits change and you identify constipation by an ‘urge to go but can’t’ Anything more specific bc post op honestly I am so apprehensive it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s me stressing Also any advise for constipation ? Was warned prevention better than cure and again apprehensive
  12. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Hello @BigDane looks like we Will be pretty much be going through the stages together. How is the preop diet going? I was told by the nurse that since he didn’t mention a preop diet I just needed to do a two day liquid diet but last time he had me do a week long liver shrink diet first. I’m just going to do that to be safe. The smaller the liver is the safer the surgery is with the added bonus it’s less weight to lose after.
  13. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis I think you should try rocking the Queen Elizabeth look! I'm glad you've gotten to the bottom of the anemia and blood pressure concerns, and hopefully addressing that will help with your temperature regulation. I'm still losing so slowly, which is frustrating. But at least it's going the right direction again. I weighed in at 201 lbs this morning, which I also had hit a week ago but then bounced up for several days. I think the scale is just teasing me because I'm so close to being under 200. I'm trying not to let it bother me but it's hard. I'm only down 4 lbs in the past month, and only 22 since surgery, despite hitting protein, water, and exercise goals daily. I look forward to talking to my surgeon's office about it next week.
  14. Hi, I had surgery a week ago. Since then I’ve had this fear my stomach is going to stretch out by drinking too much water or food. I’m so scared that I’m barely eating and drinking. I’m spacing out my liquid diet by 30 minute intervals. I’m I worried too much? Did anyone else feel like this at first?
  15. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Last week I spent $96.94US for groceries of which one was a delivery order so that covered fees and tip, too. (The delivery item prices don’t include the discounts or sales promo code I had for $30 off $60
  16. If you have enough time to do it, I did like a cleanse the week before my preop diet where I cut out all the carbs first which for me made the cravings a little quieter during the pre op diet. I figured I would silence the carb cravings while I could still eat as much as I wanted portion wise. For me, those are the hardest to ignore.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    I finally have some appointments lined up. I am seeing the PA at the surgeons office tomorrow, the dietician in two weeks and I do a pre screening for a bariatric therapist this week. They don’t take my insurance and I THINk it said it’s $175 a session but I’m hoping I don’t need too many. None of this is mandatory for revision but I want to dive in this time 100% readh!! I am just excited that I should finally be getting answers and some help.
  18. catwoman7

    Care immediately following surgery

    the only issue I really had was that getting in and out of bed was a bit of a challenge the first few days. I could do it - but my abs felt like I'd done 10000 crunches. Other than that, I had no pain and was able to get around fine. It was just that transitioning (going from lying down to standing up - and vice versa) was tricky. But once I was up - or down - I had no pain and could get around with no problem. My husband had taken a week off of work, but he ended up going back after three days because I really didn't need him to do anything for me. It was nice to have him bring me protein shakes or whatever, but it wasn't really necessary.
  19. Good Morning: I am currently on day 9 since my revision surgery. For some really strange reason I am no longer having any issues like I did on day 1. No pain, no stomach spasms, very minimal nausea. I am now craving something with substance. Contacted my surgeon today and he advised that if I am tolerating liquids...move to the next stage-puree. If in a week I tolerate this well...move to soft foods, then the next stage and so on. It almost feels surreal. Every clinics website states two week for every stage. I wonder since I was a band patient previously that my stomach is accustomed to the sleeve diet. I was very fortunate to loose 150lbs total with that gastric band and good food choices. It seems revision patients have it a little different...we know what is going to happen.
  20. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I did bone broth, tomato soup with protein powder, every flavor of sugar free drink mix and shakes. As long as i got enough protein and the recommended calories i felt good. I loved sugar free peach tea to help get the fluids in….. sip sip sip. For the first two weeks my surgeon included the shakes as prt of my 64 oz goal.
  21. NickelChip

    What's to slow?? Is this to slow?

    Yeah, I wondered because my dietician gave me this same goal at my 4 week post-op appointment. She recommended 80g protein and that for now, protein should be about 40% of my calories, which means a goal of 800 calories per day. But she definitely said the goal would be shifting over time. I have an appointment with her next Wednesday and I'm curious what she'll say about my targets now that I'll be almost at the 3-month mark. For what it's worth, I've only lost 22lbs since surgery, so mine has been really slow going. If I hear anything interesting from my dietician next week, I'll let you know.
  22. Nan CC

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    OMG, I think I love you! Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and comprehensive reply. I'm taking a PPI twice a day. Maybe I need to eat 1/4 cup more often. I'm eating that much about 4 times a day and you've suggested 5-6. Your explanation about swelling and healing is super helpful. I'll try the Millie's broth. I'm about to move on to soft foods and maybe that will help, too. I'm encouraged to hear that even after stalls you can have big drops--I have been so worried that I did this and now I'm just going to lose a pound or so a month again. At that rate it will take me almost 4 years to lose the remaining 40 lbs! You can imagine why I'd be discouraged. It's good to know hunger will return to normal too. I realize I'll have to eat more frequent smaller meals. Thank you again for your supportive and reassuring post. ❤️
  23. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I think the hardest part for me, like @RonHall908 said, is having foods be fine one day and nearly lethal the next. I had scrambled eggs several times, no problem. So I ordered scrambled eggs while out one day last week and ended up searching high and low for a discreet place to vomit. I made a batch of tuna salad and split it into two servings. One serving was fine. The next day, nope. I could accept it so much easier if I just knew okay, this item is off the list for good. But having to build up the courage to try again in another week or two after an unpleasant experience is daunting.
  24. The Greater Fool

    running or walking?

    I did a lot of walking from a couple weeks after surgery until I was down to about 100 pounds overweight. By then I was walking 6-8 miles 3 days a week, along with non-planned outings. At about 100 pounds overweight I challenged myself to complete a C25K (Couch to 5K) program that gets you running 5k in 30 minutes in a month. Having completed this, I continued running, increasing distance until I was up to about 90 miles a week. I ultimately ran 5 marathons. Of the two, I enjoyed running more. I did my running first thing in the mornings, when I could contemplate the day and listen to audio books. Very enjoyable stuff. Walking and running burns about the same number of calories per mile. I would recommend doing what you enjoy and can sustain. It's hard to sustain something you dislike. Good luck, Tek
  25. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis I think the hardest part about this process is accepting that the weight loss happens over a full year, or sometimes even more! The stalls make it feel like it will never happen, even though it will. Just not as fast as we want. But you'll get where you want to be eventually if you keep doing the right things. I've been thinking about it and one of the things I think makes it hard for me right now is that part of my brain never really accepted or acknowledged the size I was when I reached my highest weight. I look at myself in the mirror now and even though I haven't been this weight in 25 years and the last time I was close to it was 7 years ago, in my head, this is what I looked like all along, so I don't see the difference. I'll admit, I saw a photo of myself from last summer and was shocked at my size. Did I really look like that? But I look at myself now and all I feel is the frustration I had in my mid-20s of "when will I lose this weight" because it feels like the last 50 lbs never even happened. I'm just back to a place where I recognize what I'm seeing in the mirror instead of pretending it's not there. @RonHall908 I'm also struggling with sleep. I started tracking with my Fitbit and I don't get what I thought I did. I go to bed around 10:30 and I don't have to be up until 7:00, so I always thought I was getting plenty, at least 7 hours and close to 8, but in reality, I wake up at 5:00 this time of year because of the sun coming up. In the past 3 weeks since I started tracking, I've averaged 6h7m and only hit 7h twice. For comparison, my tracker says I've had an average of 1h9m of REM and 1h13m deep sleep, with 45m awake and 3h44m light sleep. For the most part, I'm energetic. I get over an hour of walking in almost every day, with 38m in the moderate zone according to my tracker. I don't drink any caffeine. But I do have about 30 minutes between 2:30 and 3:00pm when I can barely keep my eyes open. After that, I tend to have a second wind and am wide awake by the time 9pm rolls around so going to bed earlier isn't a great option. I try to relax and read, but I still don't fall asleep until close to 11pm, and I can easily stay up until after midnight if I don't stop myself. Maybe this is just what my body wants?

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