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Found 17,501 results

  1. Clueless_girl

    Am i overeating?

    I'm almost 4 months post op from the MDS and I've been asking myself that question, "am I overeating", on and off for the past 2 months. I've been able to figure out 2 body cues so far: feeling full to me is a pain in a specific part of my chest and feeling hungry is a intense pain in my abdomen. But other than trying to avoid those, I feel like I spend a lot of time grazing or snacking. Because of my morbid curiousity, I weigh myself pretty much every day. I didn't experience the "3 wk stall", but my weight has bounced around a bit. Dealing with pain and nausea has made me lose both pounds and inches, which scares me more than it makes me happy. The stress of school made that worse recently, in 4 days I lost 6 lbs. At my last follow up, my dr and dietician said to slow down my weight loss by adding in some carbs. I have been doing that for the last 2 weeks and I've been able to gain/maintain a range of 2-3 pounds, so I agree with @SleeveToBypass2023's advice about the rice and such.
  2. Iam one year on March 31, i was261 on surgery day and one year later I'm 221.so I feel how you are feeling. I feel like i never even had the rny..nothing bothers me i can eat anything i have never had foamies,vomitted,or had the dumping.i drink more than the daily recommendations of water.i exercise 30 mintues 3 times a week and i have been th ame weight since last september.i hmave not gained any nor have i lost any.At my one year check up the dr did a fluoroscopy,she state my pouch was right how its supposed to be.my labs are all on point.so iam i done with losing any more weight? its so frustrating. oh yes get my 60 to 80 grams of protien in.i dont know what iam doing wrong.
  3. I am three years post op and I can drink while eating but I don’t recommend it. For one, I’m pretty confident my pouch was left bigger than most since I was always able to eat more than expected from day one. For two, I gained my weight back and this could have contributed. I am thinking I am doing a revision and the PA reminded me I should be doing all those things such as the 30:30:30 (30 before and after with no water and take at least 30 minutes to eat your meal). They haven’t checked it yet but if it is possible to stretch the sleeve in any way, I worry that I have stretched mine. Regardless, he explained that the purpose of not doing both even once you have room is because the liquid flushes the food through your system quicker so you don’t feel full as long. In terms of the size bites you can take they will gradually increase BUT, ideally you will still stay with “normal” sized bites but with time in between so that full signal can get to your brain. Hopefully others can Learn from my mistakes. Apparently they make these rules for a reason 😔
  4. Cajunboymom82

    Hungry or not?

    I had surgery on March 21 making me almost two weeks out. I am eating every few hours, dropping weight like crazy. My scale says I'm down 29lbs from when I left the hospital. I'm eating some soft foods now, when I do eat though I get like an empty feeling after a couple bites. I feel like that's my "full" Feeling because if I do try to eat any more, I'm hurting. Anyone else get different cues that you're full?
  5. if you increased your weight training, it could be water retention. Muscles hold on to water. Calories sound OK at this point in your journey with the added weight training, so I wouldn't drop those until you rule everything else out. AND three-week (or longer) stalls aren't uncommon when you get that far out. I remember times around the year mark (and after) thinking "OK - so this must be it.", and then I'd end up dropping 2 or 3 lbs. So it's not over 'til it's over.. EDITED to add that I just checked your stats. You're very close to goal. The closer you get, the slower the weight comes off. Those last 20 lbs were a BEAR for me to lose - but I just stuck with it and finally managed to make it
  6. I agree with Nickelchip. Programs vary, but that sounds like a misunderstanding. Most people are on solid foods at about a month out (after doing a week or two of liquids, then purees, then maybe soft foods). You're two weeks out - most people at that point are on purees or soft foods - and they start introducing solid foods about a month out, give or take... or like she said, maybe you have some unique medical circumstances (?)
  7. I've never heard of phases taking that long to get through, so unless you have a very unusual case with special circumstances, I think there's been a misunderstanding. A week or two of liquids, which I assume included protein shakes, is normal. After that, some programs put you on purees and some will say soft protein food that you chew thoroughly, usually once you're doing well with this, after a week or two, but certainly by week 6 or so, you will be told to slowly introduce veg, fruit, and finally starch and grain. I had gastric bypass on Feb 21. I had one week of liquids, which included yogurt, cream soups, and thin cream of wheat. At week 2, I was allowed to have cottage cheese, tuna salad, refried beans, ground turkey, and flaky white fish. At week 3, I was allowed to start including cooked vegetables and fruits and told to slowly start incorporating other foods, but to wait until 3 months for pork and beef. I had a setback with some vomiting, so I had to go back to liquids for weeks 4 and 5, but I had my 6 week appointment today and was told I was clear to resume a normal diet (minus beef and pork) and just needed to be cautious and keep track of/eliminate anything that caused upset. I found this video very helpful, although I will point out this program's way of reintroducing foods is not quite the same as mine, (or most others).
  8. jparadigm

    Post-op diet troubles!

    THANK YOU! So much for your kind response. This is indeed work and I intend to stick to the plan...it's been easy up until last week when I was able to start in on pureed foods. I took that as a challenge to see what I can thoroughly chew before swallowing. And I've paid the price by doing so...Easter was really hard. I'm trying my best to get my proteins in, but more than that too. Didn't really realize sodium plays a negative roll as well. I decided on surgery before gaining more weight. I was almost not qualified due to not weighing enough but my doctors worked with me. I have had a real bad relationship with food for so long. And with the pre-op diet going so well and the first 2 weeks of liquids i thought for sure I'd be golden by the time I hit pureed foods. But now I feel as if I've just set myself back. I have to really digest this new lifestyle change. Thanks for responding it really means a lot.
  9. summerseeker

    Post-op diet troubles!

    I just could not do puree, I did soups instead. I chewed any big lumps or squished them with the back of my spoon. I found a lot of these forward steps difficult. My team were very happy with me going at a slow and steady pace that suited my new stomach. When I was ready I went straight to regular foods like minced meats and vegetables and well cooked stews and casseroles. You will find what you can eat one day will not be ok another day. My new stomach has tantrums even now. Just do your best. I was so turned off food and was never hungry. I had a filthy taste in my mouth all the time, numerous tooth brushings never altered this. I too had deep regrets, everything I ever knew about eating was altered. I had to find new ways to find pleasure because now we have to eat to live and not the other way around. You will get there, just ride this out. Your hormones are running wild at the moment so it is all against you at the moment. Weight gains and stalls are all par for the course. You will get them all the time. A full bowel, a salty meal or salty broth can cause a temporary weight gain. Just stick to the plan and believe , it works. Soon you will be able to make your teams water and protein goals then you will feel so much better. People think that doing WLS is the easy option. Its not, especially early on. Contact your team and tell them your struggles. Get counselling if you need it. Chat and vent on here, we all have. Everyone has had similar issues.
  10. Good Afternoon, This is my firs posting so excuse me if I am a little rusty at this. I had my Gastric Bypass on March 19, and my Surgeon said to drink the Clear Liquids for the next 2 weeks. I go to him tomorrow for follow-up. Yesterday my Nutritionist said I should start today with "Stage 3/4" eating solid foods. My Surgeon had told me before my surgery that I would do the following: 2 weeks before surgery - clear liquids 2 weeks after surgery - clear liquids up to 3 months after surgery - thicker liquids after 3 months - introduce solid foods Now both my Surgeon and Nutritionist have conflicting statements. My Nutritionist states Phases. Does anyone know what phases you consume what? I thought It was - Phase 1 - clear liquid, Phase 2 - thicker liquid, Phase 3 - soft solid foods, Phase 4 - easier to digest full solid foods. Any clarification would be Greatly Appreciated. Yes I will be asking my Surgeon tomorrow also. Thanks, Terri
  11. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).
  12. My surgery was scheduled March 13th! I'm currently 3 weeks post-op and things have started to become tricky with the pureed diet! I hope your surgery went well and you're doing great!!!
  13. I'm currently 3 weeks post-op from gastric sleeve surgery and am struggling BIG time with the diet. The pureed foods aren't doing it for me as the texture is not right...Has anyone else struggled with this? If so, please let me know what worked for you...I've always resorted to food when I'm feeling low and now I can't...I have snacked on no-no foods already and I'm petrified of returning old habits. I've gained 2-3 pounds in the last week and that's incredibly discouraging. I know it could possibly be water retention as my intake hasn't been a full 64oz per day. I know I'm not getting enough protein as well...I'm ready to resort back to a full liquid diet in hopes to lose weight over the next couple weeks...any suggestions would be incredibly helpful!
  14. Lily2024

    Feeling regret

    That first week I felt like a fish out of water, it was so surreal and jarring. Not everyone feels that way, but a good number of us do and it's hard. We're here to support you and tell you that it will get better, you will feel better, and things will feel normal again once you've adjusted. This is not forever. I'm going to my 3 month post op today, I'm able to eat and feel good most of the time (When I don't eat too fast) and able to do a fairly intense daily walk for an hour as well as the normal daily activities. I'm still a bit tired, sometimes I feel emotional when I've not gotten enough nutrition or sleep, but I've learned to see the signs and take proactive measures so it really doesn't happen all that often anymore. I really started to feel better around 8 weeks, and feel much better again at 12 weeks. Right now the best thing you can do is remind yourself that this is ground zero, all the healing is ahead of you, there's a lot to learn but you will learn it as you go.
  15. Hello! I had my surgery March 25th and am only a week post op. Now I understand right now I cannot take normal sized bites and cannot drink with meals but will this be a forever thing? Will I ever be able to take normal bites of food again or be able to drink water with meals? I had a gastric Bypass
  16. NovelTee

    Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay

    I had my surgery last week and my surgeon said he has all of his patients stay one night for monitoring. There are other surgeons in the same unit that let people go home same day, but he said he prefers not to rush care. It made me feel safer. I did have some overnight challenges, so I was glad to still be there. I left the next afternoon.
  17. I had my first doctor's appointment. I AM IN THE 260'S!!!! I haven't been this small in over 6 years. I'm down 13 lbs since surgery 2.5 weeks ago and 28 lbs since January. She said she fully expects me to reach my goal of 180 within the year I'm so freaking happy
  18. Best Simple Engagement Rings for 2024


    Reasons for the popularity of simple engagement rings in 2024

    Even though one of the main trends of 2024 is called chic and expensive engagement rings, simple engagement rings are still popular. Primarily because of the dire economic situation. Many people have lost a stable income and confidence in the future. However, you can not postpone a romantic relationship for later, as well as the desire to be together and get married. In difficult times, family traditions and the support of loved ones help to find a firm footing and look to the future without fear.


    How much can I spend on an engagement ring?  


    This topic is explored every year and 2024 is no exception. Once upon a time, in the 1930s, De Beers offered an advertising formula according to which the groom should spend a month's wages on the ring (at that time the De Beers jewelers had to get hold of a huge number of small diamonds (up to one carat), of which there are more in nature than any other stones. This was the reason for which the whole story was invented. In 1980, it was already two months; in the last decade, it came to the equivalent of three months' salary. However, the most recent National Wedding Survey showed that, for example, in the UK in 2021, grooms are willing to lay out about 2,419 pounds. And a survey conducted by an insurance company showed that the average spending on an engagement ring is about 1,483 pounds. Incidentally, back in 2016, the average ring cost £573. In the U.S., the average cost of an engagement ring is higher at $5,000. 



    However, of course, not everything always comes down to money. When choosing such an important piece of jewelry, it is important to know and understand your partner. In many cases, young girls are not ready to wear heavy and expensive rings, which will be put on only on family occasions, the rest of the time the jewelry will spend time in a safe. Besides the fashion for minimalism among modern brides does not give up yet. Among the simple wedding rings, it is easier to choose a model that will fit into the everyday fashion closet and will not look pretentious.

    3-каменное кольцо

    Another common sense thought to help you determine your engagement ring value is this. It should be worth as much as you would feel good about losing. Will you have a heart attack or get a little frustrated with the romantic component of the jewelry, will you be able to make up for the loss as soon as next month? Consider what amount won't make you worry too much.

    кластер-алмазное-кольцо вечности

    Not all couples start their romantic history together with bulky and expensive rings. By choosing a modest engagement ring, you get to renew your vows and the main ring in your life in a few years. It's also a good idea if you consider yourself a minimalist. The simple design and affordable price are just what the modern minimalist bride needs. Minimalist engagement rings also have a sophisticated design and sophisticated beauty.

    0-5-карат-лаборатория-бриллиант-кольцо для ввязку

    Today, jewelry brands create a variety of engagement rings to suit all tastes and wallets - traditional style, heart engagement, simple solitaire, or minimalist eternity rings. Even diamond rings may not be as expensive as they seem. If you prefer responsible consumption, you can always choose a model with a moissanite or lab diamond. The cost of such pieces will be pleasantly less than you would pay for a large diamond ring.




    What is a simple engagement ring?

    The main thing that distinguishes such jewelry is simplicity and minimalism in design. Wedding jewelry can have one or more stones, and they don't have to be diamonds at all. Now there is a huge choice of gemstones based on your taste or social status. In this case, lab diamonds or moissanite come to the rescue. The design of the minimalist ring is laconic and devoid of pretentious decorations. With clean lines and simplicity, these minimalist engagement rings are an absolute dream for a modern minimalist engagement.

     алмазная вечность

    Simple engagement rings with natural gemstone


    If you are not too impressed by diamonds, here are a few models of rings with colored natural gemstones. For example, if you look at the history of engagement rings of European aristocrats, most of their rings contained rubies and sapphires. Elizabeth II's sister Margaret received a large ruby for her engagement ring. When paired with diamonds it resembled a rosebud and looked very symbolic given the bride's full name, Margaret Rose.

    рубиновое кольцо


    Elizabeth's grandmother Princess Victoria Mary of Teck also received a ring with rubies - large, oval-shaped ones. Kate Middleton also passed on a family piece of jewelry - Princess Diana's sapphire ring. The model, which has survived so many copies that it has earned a ban on its reproduction, was presented to the princess in a way not quite traditional for an engagement. The princess-to-be chose her ring herself from a catalog. The legendary Wallis Simpson received an emerald framed by small diamonds. The engagement ring of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, mother of Elizabeth II, was traditionally made of yellow Welsh gold and decorated with a large blue sapphire framed with diamonds. Given the tradition of handing down jewelry from generation to generation, it is not surprising that brides from old aristocratic families received colored stones.

    кольцо из изумрудного камня



    4-мм изумрудное кольцо с бриллиантами

    In the past few years, the fashion for colored stones in engagement rings has been making a comeback. If you choose a really good stone, you will only benefit. Quality rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and spinels are much rarer and more valuable than diamonds. And every year the price of such jewelry will only grow. 


    Simple engagement rings with moissanite


    Moissanite is a wonderful substitute for a diamond. Without a loupe and a tester, a common person would hardly be able to tell the difference between a diamond and moissanite jewelry, because diamond "doubles" shines so beautifully. For quite a long time, the stone was exotic and was known only to a narrow circle of gemologists. Now moissanite is the full-fledged economical version of diamond for Simple engagement rings.

     собор-кольцо для помолвки



    How to choose a Simple engagement ring?

    If you can't decide on a style of engagement ring, make some notes for yourself in a notebook. This will help you make up your mind: 

    1. What is the color of the shackle metal (white, yellow, or rose gold)?
    2. Will the ring be embellished with a pavé?
    3. Will it be a single-center stone or multiple stones in a cluster style?
    4. What kind of stones will they be - diamonds, colored or moissanite?
    5. What kind of engagement ring will you pair the Simple engagement ring with?

    We know that brides' tastes are different and can't be the same, so we've tried to collect 50 of the best simple engagement rings in different styles.

    Solitaire has just one stone in the design. It is the most traditional and simple style of engagement ring. If you like an elegant look and timeless style, the Solitaire is your choice. 

    0-5-карат-муассанит-кольцо для волвовки


    аквамарин-кольцо для вововки


    1-каратное муассанитовое кольцо


    A small natural diamond as a solo is the perfect piece of jewelry for an important romantic proposal. The sleek design will be the starting point of a journey through simple engagement ring styles.




    Cluster diamond setting engagement ring consists of nine stones of different sizes but creates the same alluring sparkle effect as a larger single diamond. Its laconic style suits young and gentle brides.


    кластерное кольцо


    Three-stone diamond rings have a modest but very graceful look. In addition, these rings open up the possibility of assembling a set of several engagement rings. The stacked ring trend is also great for engagement rings.


    обручальное кольцо-бюджет


    танзанит-кольцо для помолвки

    рубиновое кольцо для женщин

    кольцо с бриллиантовым кластером


    рубиновое кольцо




    золотые кольца с обещанием

    белая свадебная группа

    Одно бриллиантовое кольцо

    жемчужное кольцо

    кольцо для предварительного ввязания

    кольцо обещания

    золотое кластерное кольцоhttps://one2threejewelry.com/products/open-ring


    скрученное бриллиантовое кольцо




    сапфир и бриллиантовое кольцо

     обручальные кольца для женщин



    обручальное кольцо

    свадебный браслет из розового золота

    сапфировые кольца для обвлечения

    простые бриллиантовые кольца

    аквамариновое кольцо

    изумрудный свадебный оркестр

    золотое стекируемое кольцо


    кольцо в арт-деко в v-образной же видеz

    черное бриллиантовое изысканное кольцо

    бриллиантовое свадебное кольцо


    крест-крест-бриллиантовое-кольцо вечности


    бриллиантовый свадебный браслет


    обручальное кольцо-с-лабораторным-брилиантом


    изумрудное кольцо




    кольцо полувечности




    муассанит-кольцо с бриллиантами


    Морганит-кольцо для ввязку


    опаловое кольцо


    жемчужное кольцо с бриллиантами


    опал-кольцо для обручки



    Custom Orders

    Custom Simple Engagement Rings not always as expensive as you might think. We are willing to help you make changes to designs to give you the perfect result. You will be able to choose the band's width, size, and shape of the precious stones and make a personal engraving. Besides, creating a personal style does not take much time, especially if you know what result you want to get in the final.




    Модные блоги - OnToplist.com

  19. BigZ

    Navigating Eating Out

    I tend to find the healthier option, however I have done a burger with no bun, no condiments. I will ask to substitute out the fries for a vegetable. Most meals at a restaurant will be 3-4 meals, and I don't eat them all in the same day. It will be spread out over the week. One thing to remember, if it is a 2000 calorie meal and you eat it all the same day (spread out), it is still a 2000 calorie meal. Just be wary of how and what you eat. I am 7.5 months PO, 8 months since I started Pre-Op, and I am still losing pretty quickly. I still limit my carbs (no bread, no rice, etc). And if you do have something that isn't "healthy", just get back on the bandwagon, don't beat yourself up about it, and don't abuse it. It is ok (no matter what everyone says) if you have something that isn't perfectly healthy once in a while. Just remember we all had the surgery for a reason, don't back slide into the same mistakes you made before.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Collagen after surgery

    I was taking the collagen peptides after surgery. When I showed the NP she said that there wasn’t a whole lot of research on these post WLS but they wouldn’t hurt. She just asked that I didn’t count the protein towards my goal. That was three years ago, though, I would ask your team what they suggest about the protein.
  21. Arabesque

    Feeling regret

    Just read that cipro can cause nausea & vomiting so you may be vomiting from the med or from your healing tummy being vey sensitive at the moment. Is there an alternative antibiotic you could take? Also you can take it with food so maybe take it with your last sip of shake or soup or whatever to see if that helps. Certainly worth a conversation with your doctor. And yes it does get better. It takes a good 8 weeks to fully heal from what is a pretty major surgery. Plus you’re trying to wrap your head around all the changes & requirements of your plan. Allow yourself some grace during this time. But get used to the gurgling. Some of us continue to experience it in the long term. I say I have my own personal abdominal poltergeist rattling the chains, moaning & groaning. It’s just our digestive system working.
  22. ShoppGirl

    When to get new clothes?!

    It honestly depends on your clothing budget but I would want to have at least a couple outfits that truly fit at each size. Consignment shops and thrift stores are your best bet (the church ones tend to have better prices because they price each item based on brand and condition rather than making all jeans or all tops a set price. Im sorry but a worn out camisole shouldn't be the same price as a silk Michael kors blouse with the tags still on it. Yet at goodwill, you will find them next to each other both marked $4.99 (or whatever price they have on tops). This is great if you find the nice top with the tags in your size but I usually don’t. lol. I would rather go to another store that prices based on quality and pay $10 for the nicer blouse. I wish I had more consignment stores near me because that would’ve been a great option. They would most likely buy back everything as it becomes too large so you would always have a credit to apply to your next visit. Plus, consignments stores tend to sift through and not take that really worn out camisole plus they organize the clothing by sixes a bit better. Tjmaxx, Marshall’s and Ross are good too. Especially their clearance sections. Clothes shopping becomes so much fun as you begin to really lose and I is not deny myself that but I did keep my real big splurges to accessories so they wouldn’t be too big in a few weeks. Whatever you do. Don’t forget to budget for a couple overhauls of your bras and panties. Because as mentioned before those will need to be sized down a few times as well.
  23. I'm only a week post-op so I don't have much experience with this particular conversation -- but I've struggled with weight all my life and have had a few periods of great weight loss. And those conversations were never great, either. Honestly, I feel like the majority of people just want you to reveal "the magic solution" to them -- whether because they want an easy solution themselves, or just want to write you off as having "cheated" for your success. They don't want to hear about the tough, ongoing, lifetime of work you're putting in. Some people -- those who deeply care and connect with you -- that won't be the case. But those people that care, won't get too pushy if you set a boundary. And that's really what I wanted to talk about: setting healthy boundaries. It's nobody's business how you achieved this. Decide how much you're comfortable sharing, and allow yourself to set a clear boundary. There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving a bland "oh, you know, lifestyle changes" as an answer, and if they push further let them know "Honestly, I'm not comfortable talking about it. I'm healthy and happy though." Anyone who tries to push past your boundaries? Deserves the stink eye, and maybe a LOUDER repetition of exactly what you told them. At most. (But most people feel too awkward to push, I think. If they don’t, well, they don't really deserve you to be polite back. Get sassy. Ask them what part of your statement needs clarification. Ask them something extremely probing and personal back. Tell them to look up the definition of 'boundaries,' 'respect,' or 'pushiness.' Ask if they're a Taurus. Hiss at them 'Alien Abduction' and walk away. Most importantly, take care of your own emotional and mental health first -- because nobody else will prioritize it for you. 🤍
  24. What version of the truth you choose to tell is up to you IMO. If you refer to the gall bladder thing as a stomach surgery and you said your “stomach surgery” is why your losing- frankly that’s not a lie because the WLS was a stomach surgery too. In terms of claiming it’s due to all the changes you are making that’s absolutely true. I made the changes three years ago and guess what. I changed back to old eating habits and I have gained it all back. I still have a sleeve but I am obese again. So that surgery did not do the work to lose the weight. I did. And the second I stopped doing my part I started gaining and ended up right back where I started. My point is it is what you are doing that is making all the difference in your weight. The surgery is just a tool. No one tells a carpenter he is taking shortcuts if he uses a drill instead of a screwdriver. So why does society assume we shouldn’t take advantage of the best tools money can buy to set us up to succeed. I am willing to bet that they all buy the latest and greatest gadgets they can afford to make things easier on themselves. And realistically it’s not even like it makes it that much easier. It just makes it possible instead of impossible!! IMO taking the lazy or easy way out would be to never try anything. We have tried everything. To include facing some pretty scary complications not everyone would face to achieve their goals. Nothing about this is easy and people who think it is are just ignorant. You just have to decide what your comfortable sharing. It’s no one’s business unless you want them to know. Honestly if someone was really going to think I was doing drugs I would just think to myself that they never really knew me anyways so what reason do I have to care what they think about me. You are facing enough with your upcoming surgery. I say Focus on yourself and your health.
  25. JennyBeez

    Feeling regret

    I feel you. I was in a similar place last week, mentally/emotionally. You'll definitely get through this. I'm glad you're consulting your doctor tomorrow, especially if the meds are contributing to your malaise. Right now, it sounds you're in a really tough place. Between the recovery diet being restrictive and not feeling well enough to eat, it's like this viscious cycle. The drugs and lack of nutrients/calories make you feel weaker, ill, and can zap your energy so bad it's hard to force yourself to eat/drink. (Sleep all you need to though -- our bodies definitely need that for the healing process!!) In the meantime, try to remember why you decided to go on this journey. For me, I'm looking forward to less joint pain as the pounds let up, getting my diabetes and blood pressure under control, being able to keep up a little better with my active nieces. Heh, and being able to shop for clothes that make me feel good instead of making me feel hidden. Are you on any supplements? Chewable multi vitamins and calcium/ vitamin d3 need some time to build up in your system but are definitely helpful in feeling more alive & awake.

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