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Found 1,239 results

  1. feedyoureye

    Is it possible

    Read up on (search) the three week stall. Many get it, I did for 20 days. Your body is still healing, and your body is trying to figure out what the heck you did to it. relax, do what the Doc and Nut said to do, and the weight will come off. You must to do your part, and the sleeve will do its part. You don't have that much to lose, so hang in there, it will come off slower than some, but who cares as long as it comes off! I see you both have lost weight... so its not like you have lost nothing! Just keep on plan. You will see! I am losing about 7 pounds a month right now... it is slow, but going in the right direction. Im happy about it! The slower you lose, the more your skin has a chance to tighten up as you go. My nut said expect 10 pounds a month, and most months have been about that... but slowing down a little the last two months.
  2. eclecticwingtips

    3 week stall.....

    So im dealing with the dreaded three week stall. It is VERY annoying and although i know it will pass it is still a little frustrating. How long did your three week stall last????
  3. Frustrating but normal, the three week stall or atleast signifigant slow down happens to most. If you can put away that scale it really is good advice, not something I've been able to do but good advice. It really helps to not watch the fluctuations that happen in a day based on what your wearing, how much water you've had, etc. You will keep losing! Be patient, keep following the rules and you will get there.
  4. Alex Brecher

    Not losing anything? ?

    Sounds like you’ve hit the three-week stall! The only thing to worry about is if you get discouraged and stop eating like you’re supposed to. Otherwise, you’re doing fine! Keep eating right, and let your stomach keep healing, and you’ll start losing again.
  5. the three week stall ended with this past week and a 4lb loss. and now that's it again for days - the same #. I am happy to hear your story Cheri as it gives me hope that although I am a slow loser I will get there. Thank you for sharing. I truly wish I did measurements prior to surgery as I know things fit better on me even if my scale is "broken" lol.
  6. I really needed to see this. I am having a blah day today and although I don't want to imagine that anyone else can relate I am actually glad that I am not alone. Wow, I seriously seem to be in this three-week stall. However, I have been trying to stay upbeat because approximately two weeks after my surgery (VSG) I passed a kidney stone (never had one before) and then the other one had to be surgically removed. Sigh. So I've been at 262.4 for right at three weeks now. I went to the gym for the first time today. I'm still a bit achy, but I'm trying to push through everything without getting depressed.
  7. I’m stuck in a slump. I didn’t have the dreaded three week stall but now at 8.5 weeks I’ve been stuck between 199-198. Since I started hitting the gym on September 22nd, since then nothing. And by hitting the gym I just mean treadmill/elliptical 45 min a day. I do see via pictures that things have changed since my heaviest I just wish the scale would “poo or get off the pot” [emoji23] Stalls are just jerks!
  8. I was sleeved April 7th and dropped 23 lbs VERY fast. Then nothing. I kept reading about the three week stall and just tried to believe that it would start up again, but I was getting very discouraged. I was weighing everyday and would be anywhere from 249 to 251. This past weekend I went out of town so I couldn't weigh (and didn't need to). I just focused on protein and fluids and did A LOT of walking. I weighed this morning - 242! Hallelujah!!!
  9. You said not to mention weight loss stalls, But I believe the "three weeks stall" can last several weeks. I can't advise any more than that because you didn't give much information on what you're doing etc. but it will happen. Hang in.
  10. You are in the "three week stall" zone. Trust the process, you will start dropping again. I agree that a few more calories might actually help things moving again.
  11. Hop_Scotch

    Raw honey

    There is nothing magical about raw honey that would cause any one to lose weight, it is very likely that you were due for a whoosh of weight loss anyway after a three week stall.
  12. catwoman7

    How fast is too fast?

    people lose at all different rates depending on a bunch of different factors - age, gender, metabolic rate, whether or not you lost a bunch of weight before surgery, body composition (% of muscle), genetics, activity level, etc. As long as you're following your clinic's plan, you're fine. you're also about to hit the infamous "three-week stall" that a vast majority of us experience (it's not always the third week, but sometime within the first 4-6 weeks post surgery). Your weight loss will likely stall for 1-2 weeks (and for a few, three weeks) before it takes off again. it seems like most people lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month (but of course you'll always find a few outliers who lose more or less than that), but i'm guessing you'll end up at the higher end of that range - and maybe even a little over, which is fine. You're normal!
  13. Sassygirl06

    I Want To Lose More

    three week stall.....happens to almost all! its not magic, it wont just disappear. you will get there, but you shouldnt worry about how quick you lose it, some of us take a while to see that scale move....and btw 22 pounds is a great number!
  14. Sassygirl06


    It's the three week stall....happens more often then not. Mine lasted about 4 weeks, then finally the scale started moving. Don't worry! This will pass, and you will start losing again.
  15. yep - it's the infamous three week stall - right on time! Happens to probably 90% of us. If you do a search for it on this site, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (as of yesterday when I looked, 17, 501 to be exact. And no, I am NOT kidding..)
  16. vikingbeast

    Only 9 pounds almost 4 weeks post op

    Don't freak out. Seriously, it will be okay. If you look up "three week stall" on BariatricPal, you will find almost 20,000 posts about it. It happens a LOT. And it's nothing you're doing wrong—it is literally your body rebalancing itself (particularly fluids) after a traumatic surgery. It will break. Mine did—it came late and lasted about a week and a half and suddenly WHOOOOOSH went the scale. I had all the same worries and made a post here and everything. It WILL break. You will continue to lose weight! And once you're fully on solid foods you'll feel the restriction.
  17. many (most?) of us having our first major stall sometime during the first month after surgery. It's called the "three week stall" because it usually happens the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. You may just be going into it early. Do a search on it - it happens to almost all of us.
  18. catwoman7

    Stall on loss

    nope - "normal" WLS patients do not lose that much that quickly. Maybe if they started off at 600 lbs, but otherwise, no. You might find some "normal" WLS patients ("normal" as in starting off in the 200s or 300s - and maybe low 400s) who lose 30+ lbs the first month, but even that's not common - and they certainly wouldn't keep up that pace after the first month. I've been hanging out on bariatric forums for the eight or so years, and just based on posts I've read (which have been thousands), I'd say most of us lose around 15-25 lbs the first month, then about 10 lbs (give or take) a month for a few months - then it drops to around 5 lbs - then 2 lbs......then eventually stops. as far as not losing any weight the last 1.5 weeks, you're in the infamous three-week stall that most of us experience. I just did a search on it here on bariatricpal for you just a second ago. Here are the 17,501 (and no, I am NOT kidding) posts on the three week stall for your reading pleasure: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  19. blizair09

    Three Week Post-Op Stall: Help!

    Google "three week stall." That's all this is. Stay off of the scale, stick to your plan, and the weight will come off in its own time. Good luck!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Timing might be *everything!

    I've just overcame a three week stall that irked me so bad! Yes I was happy for the weight I'd lost to date, but I really don't think my body type is one that should have long stalls. So, when I go a third week and no loss, I investigate everything I'm eating/drinking and how much, when and how its all prepared and I re-evaluate my workout routine. I tweak it to fine tune to what I know works for me and it seems to get things moving back in the right direction. Losing weight comes with a lot of patience and getting to know your body. You have to find what works the best for you and continue to do that through to the end. Logging your food and writing down a certain routine for workouts (if you workout - not everyone does) so you keep track of what you are doing. If you are still stalled, try changing some things or trying new ways. Good luck!
  21. Yes, most folks stall about that point - 2, 3, 4, 5 weeks out. Google "three week stall." Don't worry. Be happy. Keep doing what you're supposed to do. If the stuck scale freaks you out, don't weigh.
  22. catwoman7

    Not losing after surgery 6 weeks out

    three week stall. If you do a search on that on this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost all of us (and it's not always the third week for everyone - but sometime during the first month or so after surgery). your rate of weight loss is fine. I think some people's expectations come from watching shows like "My 600 lb Life", but keep in mind that those people start off at MUCH higher BMI's than the average WLS patient. Your rate is fine. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I ended up losing 100% of my excess weight (over 200 lbs). As long as you stick to your program and your general weight trend is downward, you're good.
  23. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    almost everyone has their first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery. It usually happens during week 3 (thus we refer to it as "the three week stall"), but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will start up again. btw - if you search this site for posts on the three week stall, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it. And I'm NOT kidding. It happens to almost everyone.
  24. I'm so glad to hear there's a "three-week stall" because I think I'm there. I think part of mine is constipation, too. I've started taking Miralax in hopes of turning that around. I'm down 22 since starting pre-op liquids, but nothing the past week. So frustrating, even though I seem to be losing inches still. Here's hoping we all see a big WHOOSH soon!
  25. Smanky


    I'm both a slow loser, and a serial staller. I've lost weight post-surgery at the same rate I did when I tried the old-school calorie counting. I've never had the "honeymoon period" folk on here talk about. I've lost count of how many stalls I've had, and have just this week finally broken another three week stall of zero weight loss. Like you, I follow my plan to the letter, do regular exercise, and know I eat at a large calorie deficit. So I absolutely know how you feel! But as The Greater Fool said - you cannot compare yourself to others, and you cannot let yourself be ruled by the scale. The weight IS coming off, and if it's coming off slower, that's not a bad thing! With luck my slow rate will give my skin the best chance of bouncing back. The trick is to enjoy your own journey without worrying about others, and to celebrate your own little milestones and victories. Because they're happening.

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