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Nsv Sure Does Help With The Healing Process
Lissa replied to Deb of Maryland's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Awww, (((Deb)))!! Isn't that just the most amazing feeling!?! To know that you CAN do whatever you like, need or want to do. I remember feeling like Rocky Balboa the first time I walked around the lake in my apartment complex and the first time I walked from one end to the other of the mall without having heart failure! You go girl! THAT is what it's all about. We take our lives back instead of giving them to the fat and letting ourselves die a slow, painful, ever-less-satisfying death. Congrats!! You've earned that NSV!!! -
Nsv Sure Does Help With The Healing Process
Deb of Maryland posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Yesterday was an emotional day for me...... have had a lot of those since being sleeved. I had been crying pretty much all day if I wasn't crying I was pissed off (seems to happen every couple of days for me). I know getting the sleeve was the best thing I could do for MYSELF but I still have the food emptiness syndrome sometimes especailly around dinner time. So basically I was pissed at the world yesterday because "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS how I feel" and I couldn't invite anyone to my pitty party because everyone that came into contact with me ran the other way...LOL So last night I had to pick my son who is 15 from practice at school. Which normally involves him coming straight out to the car but yesterday was different. I got there at 5:30, still very very emotional, and sat there and sat there and sat there. The old me would have sat there until dark if he hadn't come because the old me couldn't walk that hill to get to the fields without huffing and puffing getting embarrassed starting to sweat then have anxiety over sweating because everyone sees the fat woman sweating, so I sweat even more. I even chose to miss some of his football games this fall because I was so embarrassed of myself, which was very hard for me because I am my kid's biggest FAN!! I had always been to every football, basketball, baseball, school event ( I was PTSA treasurer) the kids ever had. Though last year I took a turn for the worse and had gain so much weight that it turned me into a hermit. I had put on 60lbs in a blink of an eye. Well back to the story, I decided the only way he was going to come was to get him and I thought oh I am going to blast him for not coming to the car. So I walked up the hill NOT A HUFF NOT A PUFF no sweat and it was like the angels began to sing and all the built up emotion of being pissed and embarrassed all went away because I did it. I walked up that hill. Now I have been walking since I have been out of the hospital usualy up to a mile a day but never noticed a differnece until yesterday. I couldn't believe how great I felt. When I got to the courts I sat down and enjoyed watching him practice. Neverminded the time..... This is my 2nd week Post Op and well I've only lost 26 lbs but my body feels like I've lost a 100. I am capable of walking and standing for long periods of time without every part of my body hurting. I woke up this morning so grateful of this blessing and I know there will be those "Emotional Days" for me still but nothing is more emotional then living my life like it is suppose to be:) -
Rootman, I'm with you. I fly nearly every week and when I see a larger person coming down the isle, I think "that was me a year ago". I have a lot more empathy for larger people though. At 6'4" and also within "spitting" distance of 200 lbs, my latest NSV was putting on 32 inch waist pants, something I hadn't done since my wife and I were married 35 years ago. It's a fantastic journey and I'm going to make sure that it will never happen to me again.
Right now I'm om supplements, cream soups, low fat cottage cheese and greek yogurt. I'm not getting in all my protein either but our sleeves are very new and still healing. 6 lbs is great in 5 days! I'm really trying to look at the NSVs (Non Scale Victories) as well. Good Luck to you!!!!
4 Weeks Or 29 Days Post Op:) Here's The Skinny...
phatkatblue posted a blog entry in phatkatblue's blog
the numbers... lets start there because that's what matters here right!!! when i went into surgery i weighed 233# and today i am 221. i have been down on myself for these numbers mostly because it is easy to get into a comparison game with other wls folks and this is absolutely silly. i have lost 12# in a month and this is indeed spectacular! if i continued to lose at this pace i would be at my goal weight in six months! however, i know this may not be a realistic goal as my weight loss has been extremely slow over the past two weeks...according to my surgeon a 1-2# weight loss a week is what is expected with the lapband and any more than that is phenomenal. i have not been as diligent in tracking my measurements which will be key for me because let's face it, we all need some way to measure success, and if the scale is not moving it can quickly become...well, depressing. i picked up some new vocab while perusing this site and found that NSV's are also a cause for celebration! this may seem like a no-brainer, but i have never thought of doing this the past 800 billion other times i have tried to lose weight. so here are a few of my NSV's... doing some type of physical activity---> daily! sticking to allotted food items--->daily! logging my food, mood, and exercise-->daily! testing my blood sugars-->daily! trying to be encouraging and supportive to at least one other person on this journey--->daily fitting into a pair of jeans that are one size smaller! needing to wear a belt with all of my other pants! improving my time and distance when walking outside finding ways to celebrate that do not include alcohol and food my pain... my pain is virtually non-existent and i can pretty much do everything i was doing before surgery. i still have some discomfort and pain in the area of my largest incision at times. i am still not able to sleep/lay on my stomach and i still have some swelling in this area...(anyone else have this 4 weeks out)? also, i seem to have developed a slight headache issue...this happens at least once daily and i am not sure of this is due to my sugars dropping too low, a sign that i'm not drinking enough, or that i'm letting too much time go by between meals...i'm keeping an eye on it. a lump... i have had what feels like a lump in my throat for the past 3-4 days...i'm also trying not to read to much into this as i have had this feeling before pre-band and it has been attributed to anxiety...anxiety! what anxiety?! i have been off work for almost a month, completed school a week ago, have been eating better for almost two months and have been exercising daily for the past month...what gives? being on this forum i have come to understand that this is sign of other things, like being stuck, being too tight, reflux, gas, and on and on...i have not had a fill yet and i am able to get down liquids and foods just fine...i'm going to see my primary care physician this friday who is also banded and i will discuss this with her. burping... i am finding that burping has become...weird! about half of the time when i burp instead of going out they go in and then i spend the rest of the night expelling this gas from various places or burping outwards all that i burped in several hours later...does this make sense? anyone else experience this? burping outwards is grand! support... my biggest supporter in this journey, my husband, was banded yesterday! i am so happy for him and happy to have him take this journey with me! he has decided to name his band "wife #2"!!! i am thankful for this site and other social media that i use and for all that have commented on anything or reached out in any way! i am on fitbit, mfp, and youtube as phatkatblue please add me if you use any of those outlets...the more support and encouragement the better:) i have also found that getting on these sites encouraging others and reading their stories has been good for me as well... till next week in weight loss and beyond... -
Nsv - Getting Loads At The Moment! ;)
Rico replied to cludgie's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Good for you!! Thats great NSV's are such a motivational force for both Pre-ops and Post-ops ... Thanks for sharing! -
Well I finally plucked up the courage to join a face to face bariatric support group yesterday, and it was great!! Most people were pre-op, so I got a few slightly puzzled looks when I walked in, but when I explained who I was and why I was there someone said to me "Thank you so much for joining us, you are what we all want to become". In my logical mind I know I am at goal, but I was so shocked to hear it. I'll definitely stick with the group, I'm hoping it will start to help me cut through some of the psychological issues! Thanks for listening x
I did so much better today! My first NSV for sure! I stuck to the post op diet and feel so much better! I even got more fluids in. I also switched from crystal lite to the low cal gatorade. I think my body needed the extra boost right now. Thanks for the support!!
Tell me what's on your mind! Got a question you need answered? Ask! Got something you want to talk about? Talk! Got an NSV you wanna share? Share! Sleeve related or not, I wanna know what you have to say! What's on my mind today is a tiny NSV from this morning... So, I've decided not to buy clothes until I hit onederland (35lbs to go!) so this morning I put on my size 24 work pants and had to pin them in two separate places! Holy crap batman! Also, the shirt I'm wearing today was too small two months ago. I've gone from a tight 24 in the waist to a comfortable 18, and a 2Xl to an XL in the top Oh, and my stall has finally ended! Halelujah praise the Lord!
I was sleeved on Feb 4th , 2012. I decided to take my measurements on Feb 12th, when I got home and was feeling better. Well I took them yesterday, Mar 12, one month later and although I did not lose as much weight as I thought I would considering my pre op diet lose, I was amazed by the inches I lost. I lost a total of 14 inches this month. 5 inches in my waist alone. Some of you had impressed on me the inportance of NSV's ,now I totally understand why!!!! I feel great!!!!!
That's a great NSV!!!
Awww! Congrats on your NSV!!! That's the best feeling I had a similar experience sleeping on the couch with my little one while visiting family, I thought it would be so uncomfortable but we both fit just fine =D yay us!!!
YAY! Awesome NSV!! That was one of my favorites Especially fitting on the couch with room to spare with my husband
oh, that is HUGE!! Congrats on such a great NSV! Can't wait to do this also! You have done amazing with your sleeve! Hope I can be this much of a success once I am sleeved - I started liquid diet today and will be sleeved a week from today!
I absolutely love the NSV's! They make me want to just hug everyone! I know what you mean. We are going funiture scouting for our guest bedroom but spent the whole first time with him pullin me onto smaller chairs and going "Ill take her"! Embarassing but awesome! You baby girl will NEVER know a time she couldnt run and play and fit on the chair with Mommy! <3
Sooo,after a long day yesterday,I decided to take a rest on the couch. So I curl up and turn on The Bachelor finale. =) My 2 yr old daughter jumps up on the couch with me and curls up right next to me,and fits!! I have NEVER been able to cuddle on the couch with my babies right beside me,I was too big to fit with them before..It took me until commercial break to realize lol,but when I did I almost cried-I just hugged my babygirl so tight!!!! I love love love my sleeve,so much! I have lost 43 pounds combined since starting my pre-op diet to now(6 1/2 weeks post-op) and have gone down 2 pants sizes! Lovin it! =)
That is so cool! I laugh at the added butt, I never had that problem. as a young girl, I had a fellow ask a friend if I had bought booty from Frederick's of Hollywood! Embarrassing for a young Catholic girl! Now, I am glad my butt is flat, HAHA!!!BUt, that is a great NSV you should be proud!
Great news! I have some NSV's to share 1. my replacement wedding band no longer fits, but I'm still holding out for the big one, so this will have to do for now 2. My BMI dropped from 42 to 39.5. I'm still Morbidly obese, but hey, at least its coming down! 3. My fasting blood sugar usually runs 100-110. It's been 89! 4. I kinda sorta in a way can see my waist now! Thats always exciting! 5. I have so much more energy!! It's 3 AM and I'm up and ready for the day. Insomnia you say? Maybe, but at least I'm energetic!! I've discovered a strength this week that I didn't know I had. I'm learning patience, perserverance, but most of all I'm learning to step outside of myself. I read Holly's blog (300 pounds gone, check it out, I love her writing) a couple of weeks ago, and she challenged her readers to help themselves by helping others. I may have paraphrased that all wrong, but that is the message I got out of it. Each of us is so caught up in the scale, the NSV's, our pain and suffering, that our focus is internal. I'm working on remembering to pull myself out of my own head and reach out to others. It's been fulfilling to give encouragement without expecting any in return This surgery is not only good for the physical aspect of ourselves, but also the mental and spiritual. Then again, it is what you make it. Have a great week everyone!!
hey all! it is almost our one year bandverseries! soo hard to believe!! so where is everyone at? how are you all doing? any struggles ? NSV's?? I am down 100 lbs and have dropped 5 pants sizes so far.. i go to the gym every day and loving my band how abut you ?
I Weigh Less Than My Husband For The First Time In 25 Years!
LilMissDiva Irene replied to Queen of Crop's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Great NSV Congrats!! -
Nsv Better Than The Last!
cludgie replied to Pookeyism's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Awesome nsv! -
Yay MsDebi, you are doing great. Dont feel bad, I had to look it up, I had no idea what nsv meant either!
1 Full Year Post Op... The Real Test Of Time.
LilMissDiva Irene posted a topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Hi everyone! I wanted to touch base with you all... because I can! On Thursday I will be 18 months post op. One and one half years exactly. Yay! I'm happy. Yup, that about sums it up right there. Here's something I've learned and I think by sharing this bit of knowledge it might help some of you who might be struggling mentally with figuring out how - when - where - what - why's with the Post Op life of a VSG patient. Notice the word "patient"... because seriously, you will never find this more of a virtue than after you have your surgery. This journey IS!! NOT!! EASY!! You're going to have so many ups and downs you won't know where you're headed sometimes. It's ok, and it's normal to feel confused by a lot of things! That's why this forum is so valuable, all of us pre-oppers and post-oppers coming together to offer support and some great advice. Here is something to look forward to though... rather than become fixated on how much one will lose on the first month out, or for that matter 6 months... concentrate rather on how your life will look IN ONE YEAR from the date of your surgery. You're going to have a Santa's List worth of NSV's, likely you will have cleaned out your closet and replaced all your clothes 2 or 3x over. Some people (for example my own Mom) will pass you right up and not realize that you're YOU... You're going to be bombarded with folks coming up and either congratulating you and/or asking you how you did it. You will probably get a little embarrassed by some comments. You won't need to buy your clothes in the Bigs & Talls anymore. Your shoes are going to fit like they should. You will be able to walk and workout with the greatest of ease and without much pain. Likely you will begin to feel more comfortable in larger crowds... and (if you're single) you might feel more empowered to flirt with others. You will fit nicely in stadium seats, in an airplane without extenders, chairs with arm rests... you will also be able to cross your legs like second nature. Your Before & After photos won't even look like you!! These are only a handful of all the wonderful things you WILL experience at one year out... that you will still be dreaming of at one month. Patience. It's THE #1 asset to have in this whole process. Have a great day everyone! -
Nsv Better Than The Last!
LilMissDiva Irene replied to Pookeyism's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Right on!!! Any type of NSV involving boots is a good one! -
No saddness at all in this one! I have a pair of boots my hubby gave me as a Christmas present either in '08 or '09 and they were just the most funky plaid boots with leather steel toes and leather heels, a leather tongue and a leather strap and came up to my knees. He ordered them from a cosplay boutique in Japan when he was in Tokyo and didn't think about how small stuff ran (like that was why they didn't fit, lol)..and yup! They wouldnt fit at all. I got them out last week and wore them with a LBD and he grinned from ear to ear! The LBD happed to be about two sizes too big, but it was an empire waisted dress, so I kinda pulled it off, still. I am actually reordering that dress - the cut is AWESOME for us gals in transition. I love those boots! I love my Hubbie and I LOVE ME!