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  1. mamapony

    May 7th 2008 was D Day

    Well I have only told one friend about the surgery. I was a person that just could not see getting gastric bypass. My sister did and she looks awful, rotted teeth, no bone density, no muscle, just flabby gross and very sickly. Then to top it off she became an alcoholic! I am not doing this for anyone but me. I went to CA with my granddaughter and just had no strength in my legs to do all I wanted to and so that was it for me. I took my 10k from my retirement acct and 5 weeks later I am done. The incisions aren't leaking badly, but the coughs still give a new adventure in pain. I was bad today, ate some chocolate covered strawberries. Mothers day gift. I am in some pain but working through. I need and want to lose weight. I am tired of being tired and fat and weak. I will resume my pool time as soon as dr says I can. swimming will tone me best! Keep smiling!
  2. So, I was thinking today, about the conversations I've had with people about my decision to get the Lap Band surgery. And I'm really surprised at the responses I've gotten, even from some of my overweight friends. Several of them have said "oh no, don't get the surgery, let's go walking together". Which is what they all say but never stick to. I can't tell you how many times I have flat out begged my friends for help with motivation, admitting that I'm to the point where I can't do this alone. And several have agreed that they're in the same boat. But when I call to go walk, they don't answer, or when I stop by their desk and say "hey let's go" there's always a reason. Now don't get me wrong. I am well aware that the ONLY reason I am overweight is because I ate this far to get here. The only reason why I am at the weight I am is because somewhere along the line, I gave up believing in myself. I know this. And frankly, admitting that gives me the first measure of hope I've had in a long time. However, I also know that I have become addicted to food. Like a drug. Eating has taken over my body and my life. And it's hard to admit that, but even harder to hear my friends stiff objection to this surgery. How many other options are out there to help people face their addictions? There's the patch to quite smoking, the methadone clinic, and several hundred different alcoholic cessation programs. But when I feel like I've finally found some help, then people are all of a sudden "concerned". As if me being almost 300 pounds doesn't cause concern enough!! At any rate, if you're reading this, thanks for putting up with my rant. I have my first visit with the nurse scheduled on January 12th, 2008! I am really excited and relieved. Finally, I'm starting to DO something, instead of feeling trapped!
  3. anonemouse

    Why is it...

    I am actually on the verge of being approved by insurance. I had to get screened for drugs/alcohol (don't ask me why) and have an upper GI done before insurance would approve. I got the screening done yesterday and have the upper GI scheduled for next Wednesday. After that, though, I should be approved. The major thing that postponing the surgery is that I had to switch surgeons. My information had already been submitted to insurance before we found out that the original surgeon wasn't in network for my insurance. So, I had to find one that was. No problem, right? Wrong. There are only two bariatric surgeons in my state that are in network. I decided to use the most experienced one, but she's very busy. Plus, she's going on maternity leave this summer, leaving me with a surgery date of late July, at the earliest.
  4. mustaphr WELCOME WELCOME to sleeveland you are doing terrific not "officially" 3 months - and you've lost 52 lbs!!!! GREAT!!! there is a saying "knowing the problem is 1/2 the battle"!! (something like that) things you don't have a total grip on yet - you are working on correcting them!!!! you know you must drink more water (you are not alone with that issue - many others have that problem too ) chewing slowly - yes thats very important (vomitting is no fun ) drinking alcohol - glad that you are trying to curb that recording your food - that is great to do (but to be honest, i don't record enough ) smoking - no lecture, you know its bad for you i never smoked but i realize thats a very hard addiction to deal with - but I know you can do it, you will be successful Ok, out with the bad, in with the good you are eating properly, exercising - doing many things right Not to forget, you are losing lots of weight too!!! continue to work on fixing your "issues"/problems and you will become a healthier, happier person, looking forward to a longer life keep up the good job good luck kathy congrats
  5. Nykee

    Nykee's Food Journal

    3 ounces OJ 16 ounces chocolate milk Half a Mc donalds saugage egg and cheese KfC chicken snacker small root beer float one peice chocolate easter candy Plain double cheeseburger 16 ounces 2% milk half a snickers bar Handfull of fries, mayo, ketsup.. hershey sunday pie Chocolate milk 24 ounces Gulps of OJ... who knows how much, didnt even pour it into my 8 ounce cup. NOTES: I am not even adding it up. Worked really hard in Water aerobics today though.. went a half hour early and swam with the kids, raced them backwards crawl ... its the only way I can swim fast enough to give them some competition. I won a few times. Some lady was holding "Margaretta night" and I said "on a wednesday, now thats alcoholism" I said it so only a few could hear and it was old ladies.. and i wonder why I have no friends. lol I also could teach that class so much better than she could!!..(In my mind.. not my body,,lol) I guess thats why college graduates dont teach water aerobics at the YMCA too often.. My daughter goes and cant even get a workout yet she is too lazy to work out for real.. oh well, she lost 12 pounds and is at 143# and I just want her to keep it off, so... shes the smallest and youngest girl in the place. AND I found out she wont get naked in frount of the ladies.. she uses a dressing room! Age 17.. thats just stupid.. and i told her so.. ok I will add up those stinking calories and stuff tomarrow. I hate looking at this but I hope it will ne nice to look back upon when I have restriction.!! Chins up girl!
  6. I have been thinking about how I got to where I am now. How I got to be so unhealthy. I love food and food is a big part of socializing in American society. I was talking to a college friend of mine and they are big too. We came up with the following explanation. It doesn't fit EVERY situation but I think it is possible to sum it up for most bandsters. We are "Food Aholics" (FAs).We love food and like to socialize with others. The main difference between FAs and alcoholics and drug addicts is that you have to eat in order to live. We can't just abstain from alcohol or illicit substances. It's not possible for us to step away from our "drug" and continue to live life. We have made the conscious choice to make changes in ourselves and our lives by getting banded. We want to live our lives and be happier than we were. I think that some of us are "wired" for tastes of food. I love the taste of some foods. I love it so much that it goes to excess. That's how I got to where I am, I know it. I read a lot in the forums and my heart goes out to those that are chastised for getting the band or making choices that they are being judged for. I would advise that you focus on you and to hell with the nay-sayers. At the risk of sounding uneducated, "Haters gotta/gonna hate." There are some people that want you to stay bigger so they can feel better about themselves. You don't need those types of idiots in your life. If someone asks you how you are doing, and you told them about getting banded then educate them on how it works. The best remedy for ignorance is education. Good Luck!
  7. OzRoo

    What foods do you avoid?

    I completely avoid artificial sweeteners (was addicted to Equal), use Stevia now. I completely avoid alcohol and chocolate. I avoid fruit juice, ice-cream and red meat, bread Basically avoid any foods/drinks that my body reacts to in an unpleasant way
  8. Ballermom


    Hi Kay, As far as Diet coke I still don't drink carbonation drinks. I sipped it once and it gave me an amount of Gas that I won't forget. But I've read people here that can tolerate carbonation. Being real about Alcohol. Talk to your doctor. I do have an occasional drink of alcohol but I can't tolerate sugary drinks of any I tried it my self at the same time. That said enjoy your Holiday.
  9. I have a halloween party to go to Sat night. I'm pretty excited because I'll get to dance & socialize! While I'm not a big drinker, I would like to be able to have 'something.' This party is at a hotel so they should have a decent selection. Any suggestions out there?
  10. Sosewsue61

    Need to quit drinking!!!

    So you can fake drinking...I was married to an alcoholic and I faked it when we were with friends. I was my own bartender, the life of the party chatting up people, getting their drinks. I made fake drinks with a slice of lemon and whatnot in my glass but it had pretty much zero alcohol, and if someone else made one, I would carry it around awhile and then dump it out in the bathroom. I had to drive home. Or say you have an ulcer and can't drink alcohol. Honestly do you want to not drink? Or are you lamenting aimlessly and want permission?
  11. Sophie74656

    a success story at week 3? lol..

    congrats on the loss you could still probably have those drinks but without the alcohol, they will still taste good
  12. I haven't been on these forums in so long!!! A lot of life changes/busy schedule kept me away but I have to come back to share good news with all of the amazing online friends who have been there for me throughout this entire journey. 1.5 Year Post-Op Stats: Highest Weight: Around 360 Current Weight: 190 Biggest Size: 34 / XXXL Current Size: 12 / L The topic title is "Forever21" because I've never been able to shop at that store for pretty and cheap-y clothes my entire life though desperately wanting to - and now it's become a staple of my college wardrobe. I can't believe I'm under 200 lbs. I didn't think I would be so successful since I have PCOS. I haven't had any complications from the surgery, with the exception of hair loss (which seems to be recovering) and brief bouts of acid reflux (not significant enough to be a concern). My life? Well, I'm doing things i never dared to dream about. Shopping, traveling, dating, exploring, and enjoying. I'm still not used to the positive male attention. Sometimes I freak about that I can "fit" into places and buckle plane seatbelts and stuff. Just enjoying life and living it the way I've always longed to. I am so grateful that I did this. I beg anyone who is hesitant or has fears of doing this surgery to come to me with questions, I will answer any. But I must be completely honest and state that I do not, in any way, believe that the surgery is entirely or even mainly responsible for my success. It truly is just a "tool." I have put in a lot of hard work into getting the results I have. It takes a lot of serious time and dedication. Funny mini-success: -A guy I used to know asked me out, not realizing that he knew me back when I was over 300 lbs. He would not believe that it was actually me until I showed him my ID. Man, was he embarrassed! You don't realize how truly overweight you were until you notice that new people you meet just accept you as "one of them" and not their one super morbidly obese friend. It's weird being part of the gym crowd. It's weird dating fitness enthusiasts and realizing they wouldn't have given the old me a second look. It's weird getting comments like "oh you wouldn't understand, you're not fat." Really, really weird. Making new friends and having them never know that I was (and on the inside, still feel like) super morbidly obese. I feel like I sometimes need to "come out of the closet" and confess this to them! I still don't recognize myself in pictures/video, but in a good way. Sometimes I feel like the world/my reflection is trying to trick me into thinking that I'm average-sized, because I can't believe that I'm no longer so overweight. I've been thinking seriously and I believe these are the most important steps to take in order to make the best use of this surgery and to hopefully get similar or better results than I have: -Start a simple walking regimen at least two weeks before the surgery, and keep it up afterwards. -Weight train. I'm serious. Don't put it in your "to do later" list. Start doing it now because the strength and muscle building will seriously burn fat and make your loose skin look SO much better. -Take good Multivitamins. -Don't ever get back on the cycle of eating sugary/fatty foods because it will be very hard to stop. -DON'T cheat on your pre-op diet. Prove to yourself how serious you are about this. -Avoid smoking/alcohol. Some concerns/negatives: -The hair loss (somewhat resolved) now that my weight has stabilized. No weight gain so far. -I no longer feel the same amount of restriction. I still can barely eat a fraction of what I used to, but now I can have a small salad, a meal of 4 oz Protein + side, and a tiny dessert. Basically, I can fit in the minimum amount that a healthy eater should be having. But it's no longer just 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese! -It is still a little uncomfortable to have fizzy drinks. I'm so happy with my life right now. I feel like people give me more respect and listen to what I say, which can actually be frustrating at times. People treat me immensely better, and although it feels good, I feel sad that it took all this weight loss for it to happen. I'm talking giving me free stuff, opening doors, going out of their way to do things for me. Why the hell am I getting special treatment? It still feels similar to unfair treatment I got from being obese, only now it is positive. I go out of my way now to treat everyone with equal respect and courtesy. Update: I'm looking into getting surgery to remove a lot of the excess skin that I have. Thank you for all of the support in the past few years - I hope to have more great updates in the future!
  13. kcmagu

    Enjoying Lower Calorie Summer Cocktails

    Found this great eArticle regarding ways to enjoy some of everyone's favorite alcoholic beverages in a reduced calorie manor. Just thought I would share - also remember that Bacardi makes a lite rum (almost 50% calorie reduction) Here are the drinks: Thanks to the dozens of different diet crazes, we are all abundantly aware of carbs, protein, and fat, and we all have different opinions on which is the most evil. But we forget that alcohol has calories too, specifically 7 calories per gram—more than carbs or protein and almost as much as fat. What does this mean for you? It means that it's a challenge to burn off alcohol, especially when it's mixed with yummy sugary ingredients. The most obvious solution is abstinence, but what fun would that be? Since we cannot remove the alcohol from the recipe, let's remove the excess calories from some popular summer drinks. Here are six summer cocktails and recipes to make them waist friendly. Margarita. The enemy in the margarita is the margarita mix. There are "light" versions out there, but the taste is less than extraordinary. Here is another option that will cut your calories in half without sacrificing flavor. Ingredients: 3 oz. light limeade (either the Minute Maid® version or your own, made with limes, water, and a sugar substitute) Lime juice (one lime) 2 oz. tequila 1.5 oz. triple sec Ice Either pour over ice or blend with ice. Add salt to taste. Sip while pretending you are on a beach in Mexico, and you look amazing in your swimsuit. Calories before: 435 Calories now: 180 Cosmopolitan. The sneaky trickster here is regular cranberry juice, which should be called sugar with cranberry flavoring. This light version uses only one type of alcohol, which drastically cuts your calorie count. Ingredients: 3 oz. light cranberry juice drink 1 oz. raspberry vodka Squeeze of lime Lime twist, as garnish Shake together with ice. Strain ice cubes and pour into fancy fluted glass. Look incredibly trendy and thin at the same time. Calories before: 413 Calories now: 98 Tipsy Arnold Palmer. Sweetened bottled versions of lemonade and iced tea can be pretty loaded with sugar. However, if we brew our own iced tea and squeeze our own lemons, with a bit of sugar substitute and 2 ounces of vodka, we can make a really tasty cocktail that doesn't have so many calories. Or, the light Minute Maid version and some diet iced tea will work for the domestically challenged. Ingredients: 3 oz. light lemonade (or juice of one lemon plus 3 oz. water and sugar substitute) 3 oz. diet iced tea (or 2 teabags steeped in 3 oz. water) 2 oz. vodka Sprig of mint (optional) Ice Pour over ice. Stir. Enjoy. Just don't try to play golf after two of these. Calories before: 156 Calories now: 71 Strawberry daiquiri. Nothing says vacation like a drink that a little umbrella will stand up in. Sugar, yet again, is the culprit. Try this version for a vacation flashback that will be reminiscent of the good times, and not of how you ordered seconds of dessert. Ingredients: 1/2 cup sliced strawberries 1 Tbsp. lime juice 1.5 oz. light rum Sweetener to taste (depends on how sweet the strawberries are) Ice Throw it all in a blender, and let the good times begin. Please don't consume so many that you try to drink the umbrella. Calories before: 299 Calories now: 118 Piña colada. Done correctly, it is the taste of summer. If not made well, a piña colada will taste like someone served you suntan lotion in a glass. This recipe uses actual fruit and skim milk to replace the sugar and cream. Ingredients: 7 oz. canned chunk pineapple, including juice 2 packets artificial sweetener 1 tsp. imitation coconut extract 1 cup skim milk 1 cup ice cubes Blend well, garnish with a small plastic monkey, and mentally escape to the Caribbean. Calories before: 297 Calories now: 146 [*]White wine/light beer/champagne. These all seem fairly obvious and don't require recipes, but they're worth mentioning. White wine has about 100 calories in a 4-ounce serving. And it's rather refreshing on a summer day, especially if you add a blast of club soda to make it into a spritzer. Beer comes in very light versions now, and some contain fewer than 70 calories. Champagne is not only fantastic with brunch, it also is around 100 calories per serving. With all of these, just be sure to measure your amounts so you don't end up with a splitting headache the next morning. And there you have it. A handle on your summer cocktails, without adding to your love handles. Now get out that swimsuit and let summer be the party it was meant to be!
  14. joatsaint

    Alcohol after sleeve?

    I occasionally drink - tequila, beer, Mike's Harder Lemonade. I don't drink very often, so it was about 6 months post-op before I had my 1st drink. Now that I'm 2 years post-op, I'm not worried about drinking. But for the 1st year, I was worried about the extra calories in alcohol. I just take into account the approximate calorie count in my drinks and cut back on my carbs to make up for it. I have notice that I get a buzz faster, but it doesn't seem to last as long.
  15. Food is LOVE from my poor childhood with an alcoholic father and a loving Mother who made me Georgia dumplings, biscuits and gravy.
  16. I'm getting re-banded next week- so excited. My band slipped and was removed 2yrs ago and I've gained 50lbs back. Ready for it to be back and the excess weight to go away! One major rule I broke last time was drinking soda and not waiting the specified times before and after drinking. As for the soda, I'm already thinking about what I could use to replace my beloved captain and Coke. So far I've only come up with using those crystal light packets and ordering Water and captain or vodka. Any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. emilygrace

    loosing too much weight??

    cheese sticks/string cheese are a great quick snack. Be careful of adding a lot of sodium to your diet - it's not great for you. Make sure you're doing it under a doctor's supervision. Other things to consider are maintaining your volume intake, avoiding alcohol, and pumping your feet/ankles before getting up suddenly.
  18. Pepper28

    Lapband and alcohol

    It all boils down to what u, ur band, can tolerate at the end of the day. U've just learned that alcohol or a certain alcohol mix irritates your band. The entry way between ur upper small pouch and the lower bigger pouch is probably swolen shut and not allowing anything thru now. Wait until the swelling subsides to eat or drink anything. Rest ur band for a few days with tolerable noncarbonated liquids and U'll know the moment the irritating & swelling are gone. Good Luck!
  19. desertpixie

    Lapband and alcohol

    My one rule with alcohol is nothing fizzy. Which coming from someone who loves cocktails and champagne, but most importantly a great G&T - is hard. But since I had the surgery, I've managed to get rid of the carbonated drinks. I usually drink red wine or vodka with apple. Cranberry is out as I have had it so much now it makes me feel nautius (on one occasion I did nearly throw up - painful), not a fan of orange juice either. But my preference is for cocktails. I know I need to work on drinking a lot less myself and I am fine going out in social gatherings and not drinking at all, however I think you have to give yourself some "treats" and not put yourself down if you do drink. Everything in moderation (so boring) but I try and save drinking for the weekend as much as possible and never drink on my own in the house.
  20. Has anyone had alcohol after surgery? And how has your body felt?
  21. billyvmom

    Today Is My Day!

    They let me leave with a low grade fever. I am not really nauseous but, the few times I've been sick feeling I smelled alcohol wipes and it cured the nausua. I kept down 30 cc of tomato soup and 30cc of pudding my water intake is the worst . It's so hard to try to get it but I'm too ful.
  22. johnsons13

    Food Dreams

    I'm a recovering addict/alcoholic and I"ve had such vivid using dreams I almost called my sponsor to let her know I relapsed. I've also done the same with food then I wake up tasting it. I try to find foods close to what I was craving that is acceptable to my diet. Sometimes I splurge, but it's common after anniversaries, celebration times, stressful times, etc to be triggered in dream form for what is unhealthy.
  23. Ydiva1

    Surgery is TOMORROW!

    Unfortunately my therapist told me that she doesn't think I'm ready due to me having one emotional eating day. She recommended I return for two visits in July and two in August. I'm so upset that I cried in my car for over an hour also I'm totally depressed after seeing her. I have waited for six months with one visit per month at the weight loss clinic. I Had all my testing done,quit smoking,quit drinking alcohol totally,gave up soda. Everything I was told to do and now I feel like giving up . The six visits over six months and 2 therapy visits is part of insurance requirements before approval. I planned everything for a reason because I'm almost finished with my internship and I'm about to start a new job so if I wait two additional months it will totally screw up my schedule. I don't want to start a new job and have to take time off for surgery before my 90 days is up.I wish I wouldn't have shared anything with the therapist because she has no clue on how much I changed my eating habits from a year ago and I don't overeat to the point of stomach pain any more. I know that surgery is one of the tools that I need to continue my journey. Right now I'm just miserable in my body ,depressed and I feel like giving up on this whole thing because next it will be another excuse why I can't get surgery😒☹️ Signed , Over it
  24. kellymoos

    My First Step

    Welcome to the board!!! We hope you stay a while....As far as the carbonated drinks...my Dr's office told me that they could stretch the pouch...like when you put coke in a sippie cup it spews out the top; that is what it would be like in your stomach....I think that is one of the rules that all the Dr's agree on. I could be wrong. I have had frozen alcoholic drinks...margaritas and stuff like that and they haven't bothered me...I think there are some of us that have the drinks around here.. Good Luck and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. lapbander081004

    Can't get FLU shot

    Tips for Beating the Flu <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> With the shortage of flu shots this season, here's an alternative. <o:p></o:p> Think about it, when you go for a shot, what do they do first? Clean your arm with alcohol. Why? Because alcohol kills germs. <o:p></o:p> So...... <o:p></o:p> <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l2 level1 lfo6">Walk to the liquor store (exercise) <o:p></o:p><LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l2 level1 lfo6">Put lime in your <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Corona</st1:City></st1:place> (fruit) <o:p></o:p><LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l2 level1 lfo6">Celery in your Bloody Mary (veggies) <o:p></o:p><LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l2 level1 lfo6">Drink on the bar patio (fresh air) <o:p></o:p><LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l2 level1 lfo6">Get drunk, tell jokes, and laugh (eliminate stress) <o:p></o:p> Then pass out (rest). <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> The way I see it, if you keep your alcohol levels up, flu germs can't get you!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
