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  1. NovelTee

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Thanks for this! I fully intend to follow the guidance, it was just a curiosity as to how they determine their guidance. I just think it's really interesting to basically still be on full liquid to week three post-surgery. Maybe yours is tailored and mine is just sort of a set rubric? The food guidance I have isn't tailored to me––it's a PDF that's given to every bariatric patient in our medical group. My assigned nutritionist shared with me that her department always receives random updates to the diet directly from the bariatric department when the issue the new PDFs (we went through two updates while I was waiting for my surgery to be scheduled. When I have update calls with my nutritionist, she just asks me if I'm getting in my fluids and proteins and following the PDF for guidance on what I'm allowed to have. Either way, really interesting! Hope your surgery goes smoothly!!
  2. Bypass2Freedom

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Heya! I think every Dr/Surgeon must do things with a slight variation, but it is always best to follow the advice given by your own Dr/healthcare team - it is often tailored to you e.g., in terms of weight, health conditions etc. I had my dietician appointment today and we went through when I am starting the LRD, which will be for 2 weeks, and then went through the different food stages which for me are: Week 1 - Liquid Week 2 - Puree/slush Week 3 - Mush (thick/lumpy foods) Week 4 - Soft foods Week 5 - 'Normal' foods
  3. Does every doctor interpret this treatment process differently? I've been reading so many different timelines that everyone is being given, and I'm confused as to whether there is actually a "norm" and then doctors deviate accordingly, or if each doctor/medical group sets their ideal SOP? For instance, my surgeon required 2 full weeks of liquid only diet for pre-op and at least one night in the hospital after surgery. My first in-person check-in was at one week. I have video/phone appointments until my next in-person at 6 months. Pureed/soft foods don't start until week 3. Solid foods will start week 7. Red meat/shrimp at 6 months. I have Kaiser in the DMV, so the food part is proscribed by the bariatric department, but even the overnight requirement was different with other people having surgery the same day as me. A nurse said my surgeon makes it a standard while others are out in hours. Obviously, it looks like my doctor is moving out of an abundance of caution, which I appreciate, but is anyone not in the Kaiser system getting the same guidance?
  4. I am similar timeframe and similar stall so to read the two above posts is reassuring. I am still only eating about 900 calories a day which is about 90g carbs and 70-100g protein. I do aqua aerobics once a week and light training three days a week plus try to get a 20 minute walk in most days and I have been stuck at the 78/77kg (171/169 lb) for a few weeks now. I am going to give it a bit more time as I think I have another follow up appointment with my surgery team in a month and can discuss then, especially as the surgeon told me in January that he would be happy with me getting to 75kg this year - I just didn't think it would take this long to get there.
  5. kristieshannon

    Will I ever be able to enjoy Pho again?

    Pho broth saved me in those first few weeks post op! My local place was happy to sell me a container of broth only. It was a nice change from the powdered broths and protein drinks. I’m almost 5 years PO now and have pho from time to time, mostly just the broth, meat, and veggies with a couple bites of noodles at the end of my meal if I still have any room.
  6. Life just throws it all at you some times & I’m sorry you’ve been through a lot. Unfortunately the pouch reset is a fairy story/old wives’ tale. What needs to be reset is not your tummy but your head. Remember all that head work we had to do in the beginning? The stress, emotions & changes you’ve been experiencing has likely meant those old bad habits have snuck in again & you’ve been turning to food to comfort yourself. It’s easy to become complacent too. All completely understandable. Don’t know if you were a food tracker or not, but tracking even for a couple of weeks like @Spinoza suggested will help you identify what you may need to adjust - food choices, protein & fluid goals, portion sizes, nutrition. Then start by making one or two changes & another one or two a couple of weeks later. Small changes are easier to adopt & adapt to. Probably aim to get back to about where you were when your weight stabilised & how you initially maintained. Maybe contact your nut/dietician to help you get back in the right mindset. Therapy may help you manage & better cope with the stress you’ve been experiencing too so you don’t turn to food. You’ve been successful for ten years. You can do it again. All the best.
  7. I am only 2 weeks out but I wanna get some ideas for when I am able to eat them. My doc has already allowed me to eat soft foods such as lunch meats as I am able to tolerate them really well so I’m just getting more ideas for the future. Also how do you edit the stats? I keep trying and I cannot figure it out. It says in my bio when my surgery was and what surgery but that’s all I can figure out how to edit.
  8. PdxMan

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    As Arabesque mentioned, you will experience many stalls on this journey. They are normal and if you just keep with the plan, weight loss will resume. It can be discouraging, for sure, but Arabesque is wise.
  9. Rabella Rob

    Weight loss journey

    I’ve lost 55lbs since Feb. I’m on Saxenda, eating Lowe carb, high protein and walking/pilates a few times a week. I’m 25lbs away from my goal weight.
  10. wendy4energyrenewal


    Thank you, longhaul68! I read about hair loss and was hoping it was a rare side effect. It sounds like it does get better when nutrition picks up?? Did you tell everybody you had weight loss surgery? My friends know, as they are my support system. I have not told anyone at work. I told my boss I'm having surgery. I told my families (I work with kids) that I'm going to be out for 2 weeks (BTW is 2 weeks enough??). It's not that I'm ashamed of the surgery, I don't think. I'm not sure why I haven't told everyone in my life. They'll think I'm sick when I start the weight loss! What have others said to people?
  11. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss journey

    Hello @Roselyn.327795 and welcome. As others suggested there are lots of threads when weight loss stories that you can read and respond to things that you can relate to or questions you have suggestions for, etc. (on a phone or tablet you Just click the little magnifying glass near the top Right corner and search). My story isa’t a success story YET. I had the sleeve three years ago and I lost a big chunk of weight, but due to number of factors (to include my eventually giving up) I never reached my doctors goal and I regained my weight. I am currently pending revision, though, I hope this time I will have a much better story to share. Have you had WLS? Are you considering it now? What is your story? Do you know how to fill in your profile? If I remember correctly you have to do that from a computer.
  12. Bypass2Freedom

    Did you cheat too?

    Hey @jparadigm, I wanted to say I am sorry to hear that you are struggling. I do think however that these feelings are entirely normal, and from reading others who have posted in these forums, a lot of people do go through this. Dealing with our relationship with food is one of the hardest things to do, but as you know, is a key part of working with the tool of surgery. I think your idea of maybe seeking some help from a therapist/counsellor would be a good idea. I am pre-surgery, but I have therapy every week and my main focus at the moment is around my relationship to food. I would say however, try not to beat yourself up too much, as this can do the opposite and not motivate you at all. You're still healing, and that takes a toll on you mentally and physically. This is all new for you. Maybe start a journal and when you are feeling those cravings, write down what it is you want, and how you are feeling in that moment - try and pinpoint exactly what feeling is driving those cravings, sit with it, be interested in it. Hopefully that may start to give you that time to acknowledge how you are feeling before any incidents of deviating from your current food plan. Then think maybe about something else you can do that will give you that hit of dopamine! Either way, speaking to someone about how you are feeling and seeking to address your relationship with food will be key, and you have already taken that first step in admitting how you feel here and seeking help. Be kind to yourself x
  13. Arabesque

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    Not hundreds but thousands of posts about it. I never understand, when it is something that almost every single person experiences after their surgery & it can be so demoralising, that surgeons & support teams don’t warn & prepare people for it. Yes, it generally occurs around week 3 +/-. The stall can last 1-3 weeks. It likely won’t be your one & only. Your body shuts down to reassess your needs as a result of the weight you’ve lost so far. This is when your body resets things like your digestive hormones, etc. The stall will break when your body has made the adjustments & is ready to move forward again. Stick to your plan. Don’t stress your body more by making additional changes to your activity or food intake other than what your plan recommends or requires. While waiting fir the stall to break, celebrate the weight you’ve lost so far. It’s a fabulous achievement.
  14. jparadigm

    Did you cheat too?

    Week 3 Puree diet sucks. I may need to seek counseling as I didn't realize my relationship with food, or lack thereof, is this out of control. Maybe it's not a food addiction? Maybe I don't try hard enough? I lack control and I know it will affect me long-term. I convince myself that I'm trying, but am I really? I'm supposed to be eating/drinking plenty of protein. 64oz of fluids per day, but I'm not. I have absolutely NO motivation to get out of bed or the control to not snack on foods I'm not even ready to properly digest. I keep telling myself I'm chewing enough so it's "basically pureed" before I swallow. I could literally be furthest from the truth. Wth is wrong with me? I did SO good for my pre-op diet. I was very militant, even drank more fluids than I was supposed to. I also lost more weight than my doctor asked me to. What happened? I'm hungry, what seems like, all the time. I was warned I may not like sweet things and even salty foods could throw me off. If anything, I'm craving those two like never before. I've been cheating with food already...drinking around 35oz of fluids per day, on a good day. I'm so tired all day all the time. End rant... I hope I'm not the only one here who is suffering from stagnancy and lack of control. I will become stronger. I have faith in myself. It's just right now I'm at a loss.
  15. NovelTee

    Upcoming surgery in April

    I had surgery last week and those were definitely my feelings lol. Honestly, I’m still excited and nervous—excited at the changes to come but also nervous that somehow I’ll let myself down. Grateful for my support system. Just taking it one day at a time. Good luck to y’all!!
  16. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  17. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I was given the all clear to restart eating solid food at my 6 week appointment yesterday. Hooray! I'm not hungry but I did miss variety in flavor and texture. Tonight I'm making a 15 bean soup because the weather is terrible and it sounded soothing. The doctor did say I'm losing weight at the low end of normal. I need to increase my exercise, which I definitely struggle with. I need to figure out a good way to incorporate exercise every day.
  18. Nan CC

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    My 3 week stall happened at 2 weeks. I was so discouraged! I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, then...crickets. But I found all kinds of information here about the infamous 3 week stall, which apparently can happen from 2 weeks to 4 or 5 weeks post op. It broke after 2 weeks and I have been steadily losing since, although it is slow. My surgeon said that since I didn't have a lot of weight to lose it would progress more slowly. I'm not thrilled with that, but as long as I'm losing (and honestly it seems effortless at this point), I'm happy.
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    Look in the forum search bar for "3 week stall." Its very normal and common to stall out right where you are in the program. There are hundreds of posts covering this, hopefully knowing this will help.
  20. I am 3 weeks Po and I initially lost 20 pounds but I haven’t loss a single pound in a week! I am following the diet, exercising everyday. I’m getting discouraged
  21. UGH - Just UGH - I'm an idiot. I KNOW what to do.... but can't seem to get back into the game. Up almost 15lbs from my lowest and can't seem to get it back under control. A couple of weeks ago, I put some slacks away because they no longer fit comfortably. It just about made me sick to toss my "goal pants" on a shelf. As I type this, I'm thinking I need to go back to where I started. Put those bad boys back in the closet, try them on weekly (like I used to) until they fit right again. STOP wearing the comfortable stretchy leggings that I wore when I was losing weight... It's so easy to get comfortable at this point. I guess this is really just a rant (and a warning): don't get comfortable. Pay attention and BEFORE things get out of control, get back on track. It's much easier to lose 5 than 15. I tend to be a social eater/drinker vs. emotional so I know that I need to make sure I have the right (raw veggies and fruit) foods available when in social gatherings instead of the "standard" snack foods (charcuterie boards are my absolute downfall). Knowing I will have an adult beverage, making sure I'm also drinking a water in between to at least slow myself down.... Putting on those ill-fitting shorts at home to remind myself NOT to over indulge. Make small changes every week instead of trying to go all-in with a "pouch reset" (which I fail miserably at every time I try). Take pictures and compare. Anything it takes to remind yourself of WHY you did this to begin with. TRACK - Whew, I can't say that enough... TRACK. My failure to track is why I am where I am. When I see what's going in, it's a real eye-opener.
  22. Arabesque

    Hungry or not?

    Lots of nerves were cut during your surgery, so messages either don’t get through or are not like you know. It takes a good 8 weeks to heal from the surgery so this period of not understanding your cues will persist for a little while longer. It’s why it’s even more important to keep to the portion size recommendations you were given. (Mine was 1/4 - 1/3 cup from purée maximum). You don’t want to risk straining your poor tummy & all those sutures & staples holding it together or hindering your recovery. But if you feel discomfort or pain stop eating regardless of how much you’ve eaten. You can always have a little more of your portion later. Remember to ensure you’re taking small bites (I’d dip my teaspoon in so maybe a half teaspoon) and eat slowly (leave a couple of minutes between bites - aim for 20 minutes or so). Congrats on your surgery.
  23. Yes, plans vary though generally the stages seem to be two week cycles: liquids, purées, soft, then more solid. Some stages are longer or shorter, some skip a step, some allow or advise avoiding different foods. Some plans are adjusted depending upon your progress & recovery. Have to say I’d go back to the surgeon & ask for clarification before the dietician at the moment. They know your medical situation better than the dietician & it is your surgeon’s plan you’re following at the moment. All the best & hope you get answers soon.
  24. Arabesque

    Post-op diet troubles!

    The textural aspect of purées can be a challenge for a few of us. Add in the changes to our taste buds &/or sense of smell & it can be extremely frustrating. Soups were my friend too. Plus yoghurt, thin instant oatmeal (made with milk), runny scrambled eggs (try poached). Mashed hard boiled eggs (mayo) were okay too. Even had some baby food a couple of times. I wasted a lot of food I puréed & couldn’t tolerate - puréed tinned fish was the absolute worst. Blah! I was glad I wasn’t interested in eating. Do stick to your plan. In a week or so you’ll be on soft food which is so much easier & purées will be only a bad memory.
  25. In time, yes you’ll be able to take normal sized bites (whatever that is) but not big mouthfuls. You’ll notice as the weeks pass you can take more than just part of a teaspoon until you work out what size bite you are able to take. For me, it’s more not swallowing too much than the size of the bite. But smaller bites do help ensure you to take time to eat your meal & allow the message you’ve had enough to get through (takes a good 20+ minutes) & to think about your eating not mindlessly shovelling food in. You may find you don’t have to wait 30 mins before & after eating to drink & can get away with less time. Or you may be able to have the odd sip while you eat. Again this is an in time/eventually thing & working out what you can do as against anyone else. But remember, fluids will temporarily fill you & will flush food through your digestive system more quickly.

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