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Found 17,501 results

  1. How is everyone? I'm doing well here. My knee feels a lot better, although I'm not sure it's completely healed. I've finished my steroids. I'm praying it won't flare up again! Today was my weigh day and I was down 3 1/2 pounds this week. That's with no exercise and minimal movement, so happy about that. I hope you all are doing well!!!
  2. I made a post about losing weight slowly and I just kept doing what I was doing, and dropped 5lbs this week…WEIRD! But I am officially considered overweight and not obese!! Below is a before and after picture. The before is not even my heaviest!
  3. I've been at a steady weight now for months. ( It's a darn stall ....gggrrrr ) I haven't weighed myself for weeks but today I stepped on the scale expecting to see the same number and I gained 4 pounds !! HUH ? I'm panicking . All these thoughts are running through my head "am I eating too much? am I not exercising enough? did I eat the wrong thing ? " I see my doctor on Monday and I'm embarrassed to show up with a weight gain . My first reaction is to starve myself till Monday ,but I know that's part of my old way of thinking when I was yo yo dieting. I'm wondering if your weight fluctuates for no reason. Is this a normal thing?
  4. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    You're eating 100 Grams of protein or more and actively walking 4/5 times a week. Seems like you've got a good routine down. I would just keep doing what you're doing and follow your doctors advice.
  5. JennyBeez

    Best Vegetable to Eat

    I have trouble getting in enough veg or fruits right now. I was trying to force myself to get some lettuce (romaine or iceberg) and use them as lettuce wraps once or twice a week, but I don't eat enough of the head to make it worth it before it goes bad. My nutritionist has been telling me that 'fresh is best' -- but also that the best veg to eat is whatever veg you do eat. (in other words -- it doesn't matter how good something might be for you if you don't end up eating it, lol). I have a small can of low sodium V8 twice a week, and try to throw some frozen veg in with my protein -- spinach, broccoli florets, green beans. Bell peppers. I used to heavily dislike bell peppers, but after my surgery I love them -- steamed or on the barbecue.
  6. I went through similar for the first few months and couldn't keep them down. In the end my surgeon agreed that I could take 'normal' vitamins for a month, which I had been taking pre-op, and then to go on to a different format of the bariatric vitamins once my stomach was ready to accept them. I had been taking the hard ones that were so big, dry and tasted disgusting and couldn't keep them down, even the smell of them turned my stomach. Now I can take the capsule format as there is no taste or smell. I also tried a different brand of bariatric capsules but they were cherry tasting (hate) and couldn't keep them down and even putting into a smoothie turned the the taste of the smoothie vile. For the calcium I have to just buy generic ones on Amazon as the special bariatric ones I can get here can only be sold as a package with the horrible cherry capsules. I also had to take a daily dose of iron for a month or so when my levels got too low as I have pernicious anemia. Picture attached of the daily vitamin one I take. I also took their special hair capsule one in addition for three months to help when I was losing so much hair.
  7. My sense of smell was very heightened for at least the first week after surgery. I'm about a week and a half out and it seems to be calming down. Thank goodness... we have 5 dogs and 3 cats in the house! My doctor gave me meds for nausea, I hope yours will give you something!
  8. ShoppGirl

    Question about fats.

    Okay so I am still so terrible with this stuff but my dietician makes it seem so much more confusing and I really need to understand this so I can get it right this time. I asked her what my requirements would be post SADI surgery and she said 1000-1200 calories 90g protein 90 carbs (45 fruit and veggies and 45 from starch), and 15g fat. I am trying to eat similar to that now to see what it’s like and I am logging my food. I figured my portions will be a little larger so I won’t be able to hit the exact goals but wanted to see where I am. This morning I did great with my protein iced coffee which is just a caramel shake with some coffee mixed in. Low calorie and carb and high protein. This afternoon however I thought I would have 2 scrambled eggs and one Turkey sausage Patty. The calories and carbs are fine but it seems like Either that fat goal is unrealistic or the protein goal is from normal food if there is really 15g of fat in two scrambled eggs and only like 13 grams of protein? Even if I forget the 7g of fat leaving out the Turkey sausage just two eggs is too much fat for one meal and reduces the protein. I hate egg whites but assumed two scrambled eggs would be okay. I know post surgery I will not eat two whole eggs which will reduce the fat some but also the protein. Could i add protein powder to the egg or something? Maybe an egg and a yogurt would be a better option? Or Do I have to just suck it up and eat the egg whites. She also said something about three teaspoons of “healthy fat” and I’m not sure if that’s in addition to the 15g of mono and polyunsaturated fat or if 15 is the total which may be where I’m getting confused. I just emailed her asking for clarification but last time it took her like two weeks to get back to me so I figured I’d see if anyone else can make sense of this.
  9. GreenTealael


    Am I your brother? joking My levels have remained the same (low-normal but I don’t have a lot of fat in my daily diet except 1-2 weeks per year) I not sure of the metrics used to measure in Australia? Is 5.7 very elevated? What would be optimal?
  10. SR2024

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi Calli, I’m 2 weeks post op and same here two wounds refuse to heal and one behave infected. So I am not on Antibiotics and ointment. Surgeon said they will need to close by secondary intention, so will need dressing and salt baths. Pretty annoying. However I have lost 17 kg so far including the pre op diet
  11. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    What a productive morning @ms.sss. I had a fridge clean out this morning too but there was no saving my leftover cabbage or sugar snap peas. There are two limes I’m giving another few days. Was considering making some pickled cucumbers a couple of weeks ago too but turned out I had eaten the two I had. Now I’m thinking I should just buy some more. Mmm?? PS. How are vegetable prices in the northern hemisphere? Still recovering from the $14 punnet of blueberries 125g/4.4oz last week.
  12. Bypass2Freedom


    Heya! My surgery is next week, but my birthday is about 3 and a bit weeks after that, so I have been asking myself the same question! My plan is to make everything as non-centered around food as possible. I am hoping to go to an animal experience so I can pet some capybaras, and then just see my family and watch some movies or something! Don't get me wrong, it feels weird that this will be the first birthday in like 28 years where I haven't had cake, but at least I should be feeling happier for the first time in many years! Where I have lost something, I will also gain! Happy belated birthday ❤️
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    WOW. No offense, but I'm glad I'm not in the UK. There's absolutely no way I could do 4 weeks. 2 weeks pushed me to my very limits. By the time I couldn't do it anymore and was ready to just give up, it was the day before surgery! I give you all the credit in the world. Just hearing 4 weeks would have absolutely put me off from the surgery. The fact that you're doing it is extremely admirable and impressive. We'll all definitely be here to support you and cheer you on. If you can do 4 weeks of this, you can definitely stick to the bariatric diet after.
  14. I had surgery May 1st, 2024, I lost 14 lbs the first week, but as soon as I started drinking and eating protein, I’ve stopped losing weight. I’m assuming it’s because I’m assuming it’s the protein intake, and not being able to eat veggies. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyone experience this?
  15. Clark Griswold

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hi and welcome to the forum! I got mines on Thurs 13th and currently in first week recovery. I can’t lie I have really struggled so far with the pains and aches since the surgery. The liquid diet isnt great for me so I am looking forward to chewing something. Anyway good luck and I hope you find something that works with your new stomach
  16. After only 4 days? I've seen dozens of people on this board say it took them a week. It might be time to take a dose of Miralax.
  17. Lorna Nicole

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hello everyone, I had my surgery yesterday. Surgeon said it went well. I am pretty sore at the moment and will be in hospital for 1-2 nights more.Will provide an update in a weeks time.
  18. NOt boring at all! I like structure! this week I haven't had that. I am making foods on the fly because its been busy this week. But I would like to try and cut back my calories somewhere. Idk where but I feel like I can cut it back somehwere lol I like your lunches! do you just make that in the crockpot?
  19. Arabesque

    How Can I tell I’m Hungry?

    We’ve all been where you are now. Loss of hunger & appetite is a benefit of the surgery (though there are some who don’t lose their’s) but it can be confusing & difficult to work with it. Aim for three ‘meals’ a day and eat what you can. Don’t force yourself to eat more even if that means you don’t eat all your portion. You’ll get used to leftovers in your fridge you’ll finish at your next meal or the next day. I only drank two ‘meals’ a day during liquids. I diluted everything and just sipped, sipped, sipped until it was finished - usually a couple of hours hence the two meals. Probably the most challenging part is understanding the difference between real hunger & head hunger especially as many of us were driven by our heads when it came to eating not real hunger. Head hunger isn’t affected by the surgery so it can be a real struggle to manage as it seems almost stronger. Generally, if you’re craving a specific food, flavour or texture that’s head hunger (a craving). If you’re hungry out of boredom, emotions (like stress & worries after the surgery), habit (always snacked by watching tv or after dinner, etc.) that’s also head hunger. If head hunger is making itself known try distracting yourself: read, craft, do a puzzle, ring a friend, go for a walk, sip water, a cup of tea, or similar. It takes about 8 weeks for you to be healed after the surgery and this includes your nerves which carry the messages to tell you you’re hungry, had enough or are full. So for a while those messages may not get through or may get through differently and the signals may be different. Like some sneeze, or their nose runs when they’ve eaten enough. Believe me, when your hunger does come back you’ll wish for the days you didn’t have it. All the best. PS - Yes they pump you full of lots of fluids so the scales can show an increase after surgery. You’ll pee it out over a few days.
  20. Glad you're doing better! My hysterectomy was by far way worse than my bypass (was in the hospital for two weeks) so I understand the issues one can have from removing lady plumbing! You're on the backside now and things are looking up for you! Take care of yourself, looking good!
  21. I'm several years out so I probably shouldn't answer the first question since I've been in maintenance for a long time.. but for the first, I just made sure I was sticking to my program, weighed, measured, and logged everything I ate, and backed off on weighing myself - from daily to about once a week until the stall broke.
  22. KathyLev

    Miralax Mistake

    The nurses at the hospital were so anxious for me to poop - they gave me full strength Miralax after I drank a bottle of something to check for leaks ( which was ALSO a laxative ) I spent 2 weeks in adult diapers and finally I took immodium to stop the volcano eruptions. That was the worst 2 weeks of my life !
  23. You can have daily fluctuations of weight simply from water weight. Eating salt, menstrual cycles etc. That's why I only weigh once a week but even then, weight could be up on that weigh day for any of those reasons. Obviously overeating will do it. But I think you would know if you were doing that. Hopefully you are not one of the sleevers who lose 30 pounds then weight loss stops. It's usually at that time when doctors go the Ozempic, diet pill route. Or.. looks like you only have 29 pounds to go to hit goal weight. Those last few pounds will come off slowly. I have around 55 more to lose and expect it will become a much slower process now. But I sure hate those stalls too. If you are not seeing any loss in weeks or months, tell your doc/nutritionist and come up with a new plan. GL
  24. Hello @New To This23 thank you so much! My current loss includes preop diet as well. I was only required to do a 3 day preop diet. I agree about the stalls or slow moving scales! I plan to only weigh once a month. I already was getting in a habit of weighing everyday...I don't feel that's mentally healthy. Anyways I feel good about the holidays. I current cook several times a week for my family and have already meal prepped my "bariatric portions". I may still make old favorites for family dinner... but there no pressure to do so. I may even try a little of normal food... but won't push it.
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Thank you for responding! My bowel movements are daily so that isn't the issue. I've read stalls are common, but I wasn't expecting one only 3 weeks post op! May I ask, you said you checked with your doctor when you had a stall? Then you had a revision? I had a RNY, what more could they revise at that point? I'm sticking with the program..don't really have a choice even if I didn't want too...major surgery done..no going back. 😋 I know its fairly common to experience these stalls, but, it doesn't make it easier its still frustrating!

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