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Found 1,239 results

  1. if you're swollen, that likely means you're retaining water. Might explain the weight issue. like others have said, it could also be the infamous "three-week stall" (that most of us experience) a little early - or you could still have some of the IV fluids in you that were given to you in the hospital. Some people leave the hospital up to 10 lbs heavier than when they went in!
  2. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall 3 weeks out

    here are the 17,501 previous posts on the 'three week stall" (and no, I am NOT kidding). Happens to almost all of us. I wish bariatric clinics would tell their patients about this, because we get at least one post every day from someone worrying because they're only a couple of weeks out, and their weight loss has stalled. It is normal and it happens to the vast majority of us. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  3. squeaker31

    Weight at a stand still

    After seeing all the three week stall posts I admit I still panicked a little lol. I am trying to have faith that logically you can't follow this plan long term and NOT lose.
  4. LisaMergs

    What the heck happened?!

    Omg. The three week stall is a myth. A true stall lasts three weeks or MORE. All your body is doing at three weeks is regrouping to the new way of living and making needed adjustments. There is nothing to worry about if you're following plan to the letter. You could literally sit on your arse for 4 months and if you follow plan you will lose. Not saying this is the thing you should do, but that your body has no CHOICE but to give up the excess in The beginning IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR EATING PLAN. You eat tacos and huge hoagies? Well, yeah, you're going to stall. Or gain. But at 3 weeks? Nope. NOT A STALL Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. catwoman7

    Feeling like something is wrong

    search this site for threads about the "three week stall". Happens to almost everyone.
  6. DreamLife36

    15 pounds?

    Well let me tell you.... When I hit the 3 week mark, I didn't move for 2 weeks. Even my Dr. told me that my weighloss sucked. But after reading about the "three week stall" I came to the conclusion that my body was just in shock and needed time to chatch up. I continued with my diet and after 2 weeks and TOM I started moving down again. So dont be suprised if you don't loose as fast around TOM and during the 3 week mark. Keep your chin up, stick with the diet, only weigh yourself once per week and you will be fine.
  7. iggychic

    1 Month Out Calorie Ranges?

    I have been at 600 since surgery, though early on that was a challenge. Now I average around there, sometimes less, sometimes more, but instead of focusing on the calories I actually just focus on getting in my 60g protein. As soon as I started doing that I broke a three week stall and have dropped over 8lbs in a week. Eating more, and drinking wine Who'da thunk LOL
  8. catwoman7

    First Plateau?

    almost all of us experience our first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. We call it "the three week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3 - it broke during week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days we get a question on this early stall at least a couple of times a week, and if you do a search on "three week stall" on this site, you will see over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost everyone. And just so you know, you'll experience occasional stalls throughout your journey - it's a normal part of weight loss. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a week or two if you need to, and know that it WILL break. They usually last anywhere from 1-3 weeks...
  9. The three week stall is fairly common. I know I am dreading my first stall.
  10. Let's see, a few things: 1. You may have a few uncomfortable days when you're wondering what you got yourself into. Don't worry, it gets better quickly. 2. Being "full" will feel different after surgery and you'll want to learn to recognize that feeling quickly. Overeating or eating too fast after surgery makes you REALLY miserable. 3. You'll only be able to eat a tiny amount at first. Just getting enough water and protein in will be tough. Don't worry, you'll be able to eat more soon. 4. Stick as closely as you can to the eating plan your bariatric team gives you. 5. About a month after surgery, you might stop losing weight. It happens to almost everyone and it's called the "three-week stall" here on the forum. Don't worry, you'll start losing again. 6. Don't buy a lot of clothes as you start losing weight. You'll be blowing through sizes really quickly. Just get a few inexpensive pieces until you know what size you are eventually going to be. 7. Don't compare your progress to other people. We have a different metabolism, dieting history, lifestyle, etc. Some people will lose faster than you and some slower. It's all good. 8. You will definitely reach a point when you can have your favorite foods again, although likely in small portions and not very often. Some things might taste different after surgery. Just a few tips! Hope all goes well with your surgery. 🤗
  11. the infamous three-week stall. Almost everyone goes through their first major stall sometime during the first month after surgery (it's usually the third week, hence the name, but it can really occur any time that month). If you do a search on this site about it, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to - and rest assured that it WILL break. most of us hit several of these stalls along our weight loss journey. I think it's your body's way of recalibrating before it moves on. They typically last 1-3 weeks, and as long as you just stick to your plan, they WILL break. My three-week stall was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, it broke and I lost like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. So hold tight! btw - I just did the search for you. We're up to 17,501 posts on this topic: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  12. New Me, New Mind

    First Plateau?

    I hit my first stall at weeks 4-5 and it scared me, even knowing it waa called the three week stall mark. Bwginning of qeek five i woke up and had lost 2lbs..still going again:) we've gotta somehow expect this and not let it bother us but it's difficult when the scale is consistently dropping and then it just doesn't for a bit..stay positive! Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. SerendipityHappens

    How often do you weigh yourself

    I weigh daily and record losses in MFP, if my weight fluctuates back up, I don't record the gain and then will record the next loss when I see that I am below my last recorded weight. I count my wednesday weight in order to track my weekly progress. I had a three week stall during my preop process.. I gave my scale a bit of a time out during that time because I was getting frustrated, but ordinarily I'm not bothered by fluctuations or up to a week without any loss so I like to weigh daily.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Day 13- no weight loss in 3 days

    By definition, a stall is longer than a week. The "three week stall" is called that because it usually happens about three weeks after surgery, not because it lasts three weeks. The three week stall is where your body replenishes the energy/fluid that is stored in your liver that was depleted during the pre-op diet and post-op. It is possible that your body is doing the same thing now. It is also possible that your body just needs to take a break to rearrange, rebalance, etc. It has to do that periodically. As it dismantles the larger structure, there are going to be periods where you won't see changes on the scale. You still may see changes in your body, though. Please read this link: Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall There is a reason I posted it above.
  15. VSGAnn2014


    Boy, that was dramatic. Maybe if you hurry, you can get your old stomach back. Seriously ... in less than a month post-op you lost 15 pounds. FYI, my surgery weight 8 weeks ago was 216. One month (30 days) later, I'd lost 10.4 pounds. And I was thrilled. Thrilled! I cannot remember (decades ago?) the last time I lost 10.4 pounds in 30 days. Also consider this: About a month ago, I gained four pounds in two days. And then two days after that I stepped on the scales and had suddenly lost 8 pounds, for a net loss of four pounds in four days. It's not typical. But it happens. I would suggest that with the purees you've taken in some salt and maybe also have some constipation that's causing a temporary weight gain. Don't go off the deep end every time you get on the scales and see they've gone up or haven't gone down--especially if you're eating/drinking what's recommended by your surgeon. Give yourself a break and appreciate that you / we will NOT lose our overweight in a straight downward path. (Also google "three week stall" if you don't know about that. Happens to almost everyone.)
  16. Search "three week stall." It happens to everyone. Just stick with your plan and the weight will come off in its own time. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint!
  17. Miss Mac

    Weight loss halted

    If I remember correctly (dang, I should've kept a journal) I was starting soft foods at three weeks on an accellerated schedule. I was told to start weening off of the Protein shakes and switch out to regular foods mushed in the blender a bit. One thing I had to be careful of was to not try to subsist on mashed potatoes and oatmeal. I was eating eggs well at that point, and cheese, and put meats in the blender with some broth to break it up and keep it moist. I love tuna, but could not eat it dry - had to put a little plain yogurt with it. Watch out for salt, and don't become part of the couch. The three week stall doesn't last forever. Trust in the plan that your bariatric team gave you, and drink Water until your eyeballs float.
  18. Kelly and Michelle- I know I said I would be up early but my husband and son went to the Civil War cemetery around the corner for the annual anvil dropping (boys do love a big bang) and without them here I slept and slept and slept. At three weeks that is something I still do pretty easily. I just ate manna from heaven , aka a soft scrambled egg. Or rather half of one. I decided to stop there, not because I actually felt anything that told me to- and I would really love to get tuned in to that, but to be safe. Carter the border terrier shared ;-P IT WAS FABULOUS!!!!! You would think I hadn't had solid food for five weeks! Oh wait- I hadn't... This egg was sublime, bodacious, perfect in it's tasty savory egginess. And it went down fine and I have no pain or discomfort!!!! HOORAY! Meanwhile I am statistically part of the three week stall- I have gone between 250 and 249.6 for four days now. Sigh. I just hope it does not last weeks. My pool opens tomorrow so I will be back in the Water along with my long walk every day so that should help. And I will keep on keeping on with the fluids and Protein. I figure with the small amounts of mushies I will still need the dread Protein drinks for a while. Double sigh. I would love some feedback about how you all know you should stop- what sigh do you get? I really want to avoid the pain, foamies, etc....
  19. Your doctor was sad about 9 pounds in 10 days?!?!??! WTH??? OK, let me tell you something... a week after surgery, I was still the same weight as the day of surgery. I was so pumped full of fluids in the hospital that I came home weighing more than when I went in! So it wasn't until a week after surgery that I even finally began to lose weight. I definitely hadn't lost 9 lbs in the first 10 days. I think some surgeons try these tactics to "motivate" patients to lose weight and stick with the plan. The reality is that you've lost 15 lbs in 19 days since surgery, and that is REALLY great! Stalls do happen. They suck. I had a three week stall early out from surgery, even though I was following all the rules. You just gotta keep on working through them. You are doing great! Hang in there!
  20. it's the infamous three week stall. Happens to about 90% of us. If you do a search on this site for the "three week stall" (it's so common it even has a name), you'll find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. just stick to your plan and stay off the scale. And know that it'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks.
  21. TES

    I feel so frustrated

    There's something called the "three week stall" which started for me at two weeks. Hang in there--your body is adjusting. Look at it this way--even if you don't lose until 4 weeks, that's an average 5 pound per week loss. Keeping rocking it.
  22. Exact same thing happened to me great weight loss, three week stall, gained two pounds. Then stall broke have lost the weight plus and am back on the losing road.
  23. catwoman7

    Dreaded STALL

    Happens to almost everyone, and you'll hit several of these on your journey. No need to go back to liquids. Just keep following your program and stay off the scale if you need to - and remember that it WILL break. it always does.... (it's probably just coincidence that the dreaded "three-week stall" happens around the same time that you start eating real food)
  24. that's not dumping syndrome - dumping syndrome is when you eat too much sugar (or for some people, fat - but sugar is by far the most common culprit). The sugar passes into your small intestine too quickly and your body goes into overdrive trying to deal with it. You get heart palpitations, dizziness, sweating, diarrhea. It can go on for quite awhile. Some people get nausea, too - but I don't think what you had was dumping syndrome. is the soup allowed on your plan at 15 days out? A lot of people (but not all...) are still on liquids then. I was on purees then, so I would have had to puree the soup before eating it. a lot of us can't tolerate eggs the first few weeks or months after surgery. Most of us can eat them again eventually. Wait a week or two and try again - but know that it might take longer. I never had any issues with eggs, but I know a lot of people do. anyway, I think the issue is you're progressing a bit too quickly, although the bleeding stomach would concern me. I'd call your clinic and let them know. and yes - a stall at two weeks out is not uncommon. Most of us hit our first major stall sometime within the first month after surgery. It's called "the three week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. During week 4, it broke and I dropped like eight pounds within a couple of days. Just stick to your plan and stay off your scale for a few days. And know that it WILL break. It always does.
  25. catwoman7

    11 Days Post Op plateau

    I would guess that about 99% of us have our first stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. My weight loss started up again week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. To save you the time, I did a search on the three week stall for you. It's VERY well-known among WLS patients. A lot of clinics even warn you about it beforehand (mine does - so I knew what it was when it happened to me). Anyway, here are all the posts about it. Over 17,500 of them: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall p.s. as the above poster said, it could just be water retention, too. The IV fluids they give you in the hospital have a lot of sodium in them, and a lot of people are salt sensitive. Although usually that's gone by the end of the first week.

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