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Hi all, Ok so I'm 4 days Post-Op. I am almost 100% healed up, I mean the scabs over the incisions are already falling off. I have absolutely no appetite at all I mean "Zero" I don't even think I coming near 200 Calories a day, if that. I don't feel weak, I feel normal as always. I still can't seem to keep much liquid's down, nothing painful, but I Burp and up it comes. I was told I was breathing in to much Air, so I've been very careful with that, makes no difference, it still comes up. I can go more than 2 hours without any sort of liquid and start developing the "Foamies" as I guess there called? The weight seems to be Melting off, as far as the scale keeps telling me, I still can't really see anything! I was Weighed in the day before my 2 week Opti-fast Diet (3/12) at my Surgeons office at 341lbs. The day of Surgery (3/27) 322lbs Today's Weight 313lbs. Since the day of Surgery I'm dropping Approx. 3lbs a day, but like I said I'm hardly hitting 200 Calories a day. So is this Normal? Is there any reason to call the Doctor Monday Morning? I mean I feel good, healing up great. I'm trying to just take very little sips when I do drink, but then...Foamies! I'm out and about everyday doing my normal things, no problem. I am taking my Vitamins, and my Meds, they seem to stay down with no problem. So do I have a problem? Or not? I also found out why my Ear was Plugged up, went to my PCP and he put me on a liquid Antibiotic (Keflex) He said my Middle Ear Drum had an Infection. I'm having no pain, started on the Antibiotics yesterday morning, but still can't hear anything, my left Ear is still Plugged shut. Which is just annoying as hell... Look forward to all of your impute! Much Thanks, Rocko~~
Is this a stall?? Or.....
juzmejnee replied to Tamz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I am 13 days out and have been at the same weight now for 6 days! Ive increased my walking, my water intake and i too cant' seem to lose! Is it possible to get a stall this early out????? -
hot and humid here in Jacksonville, FL too. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling down. My surgery is Monday and I am looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. My doctor says it is totally normal. Our body issues didn't start with the weight (at least mine didn't). Most of us let our happiness be dictated by our expectation of perfection....I am sure you look beautiful to those that matter and the rest, oh well. Your pic is beautiful and hang in there!
Newbie...only 8 days post op and have questions
AGreenEyedWolf replied to healthyliving23's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
I am also 8 days post op. I have lost 11 pounds... but... for the last 2 or 3 days I keep gaining and losing the same pound and a half over and over. I think it's going to be a little longer before we see much more significant weight loss... we have to recover from surgery completely and rid our bodies of all that excess Fluid and gas and get our bowels on a more normal schedule first :-) Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App -
ok so since my follow ups with my dr are now further apart and I wont be able to weigh myself as frequently.. I went to Bed Bath and Beyond tonight and bought The Biggest Loser scale to have at home. Got home, sat it on the kitchen floor.. set it to zero.. and here goes nothing......... It showed that I was only 2lbs lighter than a week ago! THEN.. i moved it to the bathroom got on it again and it showed that im 4 lbs heavier since last week! WTF! I am miserable right now..... and so discouraged. I should not be gaining or losing just 2lbs a week yet Could it be the scale?? Has anyone had issues with home scales? Now this is going to be weighing on my mind.. ugh
Newbie...only 8 days post op and have questions
Redmaxx replied to healthyliving23's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
It is normal. Your body stored a lot of fluids in the hospital. You will lost the weight, just give it time. Congratulations on the weight loss. -
Home from the hospital and so happy to be SLEEVED!
graygirls posted a topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Just thought I would post a quick update that all is good and am so glad to be home. I didn't get much rest at the hospital and am hoping to sleep (and walk and sip!) lots today and this weekend. I am having trouble, though, just getting the one ounce of liquid in at all. There sure doesn't feel like there is any room for this stuff to go. It feels very tight and restrictive. I guess that is a good thing, but it is hard getting the required liquids so I don't get dehydrated. glad to be on the loser's bench!! Looking forward to this journey and keeping my eye on the prize and to be a better steward of the body God has blessed me with. It is all going to be in my attitude. If I choose to concentrate on what I can't have and how the foods/drinks I can have don't measure up then I will be miserable and will hyper-focus on reaching the stage where I can "eat again". This journey it all about learning to deny my overwhelming need to gain instant gratification through food. It is going to be difficult physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, but in the end if I do it God's way, I will never regret it . -
Hi, I'm Cassi. It has taken me several years to make this decision. I previously felt like I was "giving up" or somehow "cheating" if I chose to do bariatric surgery. I felt like I needed to learn the lessons I needed to learn by working through this on my own. Now I've come to a point where I feel like the lesson I need to learn is that I don't have to do everything on my own. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to NEED help. For so long I attached a lot of "moral rightness/wrongness" to choosing the surgery, as if losing weight the "old-fashioned way", i.e. diet and exercise, meant I was somehow stronger, better, etc. I have come to see it as a tool, a way of helping with the hunger part of the equation while I stay committed to the diet and exercise parts. I went to my PCP on Sept 6, 2007 with my decision to do the lap-band, which she whole-heartedly supported. From there, insurance had to approve the referral to a bariatric surgeon. They initially denied it, but then reversed their decision a few days later based on additional notes from PCP (showing consistent weight loss attempts). I have been to the requisite seminar, have scheduled the psych eval, and have scheduled the initial consultation with the surgeon, set for Oct 19, 2007. I'm hopeful that an approval to have a surg. consult. will mean that they will approve the actual procedure. It doesn't necessarily meant that, of course, but I can still hope, yes? Right now I'm at the stage of practicing eating with a lap-band--not the microscopic portion sizes, of course, but chewing thoroughly, eating slowly, avoiding "cheat" foods like ice cream, etc. My concerns are primarily centered around social issues. How/what do I tell people who say, "Wow, you look great!"? What is life at a Thanksgiving family get-together like? How do I deal with those who think I took the easy way out (believe me, I understand their mindset--I've been there). I just don't want to feel like I have to "explain myself" for the rest of my life. Anyway, sorry to get long-winded. I tend to do that. :-) I'm looking forward to getting to know many of you. Cassi
New guy - banding in October
Brewa2000 replied to DavidB's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Welcome Dave! The band will help you lose weight if it is properly adjusted and if you follow the guidelines. I think everyone who has been banded has gone through "buyer's remorse" before and/or after surgery. Just focus on your why you want to be thin... Good luck and keep us posted. Bruce -
Cassi, You only tell those people you want to tell. If someone comments on how much weight you have lost, all you have to say is Thanks. If they ask how, tell them through hard work and will power. If someone suggests you are cheating, ask them if using an alarm clock to wake you in the morning is cheating because that is all the band is - an alarm clock to tell you it's time to stop eating. Congratulations on your decision. I'm not banded yet but I am hoping to be soon. I am from Australia and it never ceases to amaze me how much trouble Americans and Canadians have in getting approval for their surgery. Here, if we have private insurance and the surgeon says we need the surgery our insurance pays - no debates, no questions asked. As long as you have been a member for 12 months and you have sufficient coverage the decision is not theirs to make.
Still on @$#%* Liquid-Diet! Day 30!
Lorsbander replied to Bloo's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I lost about 25 pounds or so during my 4 weeks on liquids. It was darn close to a pound a day. I have 3 small children I had to feed everyday- so that was kinda tough at first. It got easier day by day. Watching your weight fall off made it worth it! It is a great way to jump start your weight loss, that's for sure! -
Questions and more questions
IndioGirl55 replied to heather113076's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
I to am an Insurance Girl - Agency side - Commercial Lines - I was back to work 6 day post op - had surgery on Tues back at work on Monday - Your port is attached to your tummy muscle under your skin. You can have the band removed - but why would you - it's not that we can't lose the weight it's that we always gain it back. The band is a tool to help us control our portions for the rest of our lives. -
Hi Morgan, You have come to the right place for help and support. First of all, I'm sorry for Doctor laughed at you and told you that you were too young and just need to lose weight. That infuriates me to no end. Nobody has the right to say that to anyone else. It sounds like you have had a weight problem you whole life, like most of us here. People who have never been overweight tend to find it hard to understand why we are obese. They make assumptions that we're lazy and all we do is eat. That's so far from the truth. If you went into your Doctor's office for any other medical reason do you think he would have laughed in your face. Absolutely not! When I started this journey, the first thing I did was research. I then found a local information/support group for lapbanding. When I called to register I was asked questions about my weight, height, and BMI. The woman sent me some info. in the mail. The information session was great because it walked me through the steps of everything I would have to go through such as consults and so on. Things have moved very quickly for me already. I went to my first meeting on Augsut 24th. Since then I have had my psych. consult, nutrition eval. and my consult with the surgeon is scheduled in two weeks. Find a surgeon in your area, ask if they have a bariatric coordinator. He/She will be able to assist you in what you need to do next. Search this site, you might be able to find someone from your area who can give you more info. I have met someone who lives about 5 minutes from me who has been so helpful. We have actually met and walk together at least once a week. Sorry for rambling, I wish the best! Jenn
Gina, Relax....take a deep breath....I know exactly how you feel...I have been there and I remember how scared I was over everything...You would have had to eat alot of food to stretch the pouch, especially this soon after banding...if you have been on liquids, you have been doing everything back to your instructions from the doctor and do exactly as and drink the amounts you are supposed to eat and drink.....don't cheat...this is the time for healing...once your swelling goes down you will start to lose...don't worry about the weight part right now...let yourself heal, then you can start expecting the weight to come off....If you eat or drink things that you are not supposee to eat and drink , you could cause damage to the have to heal ...your band will scar in place and keep it where it is supposed to be...don't take the chance of eating real solid food before it is time..
8 Weeks Post Surgery I'm So glad to have found this site !
sewenup1 replied to ivyrose325's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
:welcome: ivyrose325, Congratulations on your weight loss so far. Don't try to lose the weight too fast - it is tough to take it slow but always best for your body. Keep in touch and good luck with the rest of your journey. -
Still on @$#%* Liquid-Diet! Day 30!
faithmd replied to Bloo's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Oh man! Two MONTHS on liquids? Seems over the top, but did you have any other problems? I would definitely ask the dietician. Is the dietician one that works specifically for a bariatric surgeon and one that does lots of bands? Take care and CONGRATS on losing a great amount of weight already, woohoo!!!! Chin up, you'll eat soon. You can do this liquid thing, it's not going to be forever (though I know it seems like it now, huh?). We wait with baited breath for updates! -
:paranoid:paranoid:rain: OK....has anyone gone thru this? I have been doing my research...I am still in the beginning process of this ordeal. To make a long story short I am starting over tommorrow I am going to the required WLS seminar. In the meantime...I have been calling all the doctors I have been seen by within the last 10 years.... I am trying to gather as much weight history as possible... anywho... I made a list and call all of them last week. All but 1 I had to leave messages. The 1 I was informed of a fee for records...I paid $11.23 and receive the records in the mail 2 days was great... I did not even get a call back from the Monday I decided to type up a letter and make the request written I faxed to all doctors on Monday...I got a call from another one no fee will be faxing I should receive in next couple of days... But this morning a call from a gynecologist who wants almost $40.00....say what!!!the crapp..... wuuusssaaaa!!! I said that is bananas..... I explained the situation...she said would call me back..... I refuse to have to pay that much... I understand the fee process..but that amount is ludacris to me! Anyone else go thru this?:help:
Oh...I was kinda aware all the records might not be required..since my BMI is over 40. But since it is just recently over 40 and not doctor documented yet at 40.... :kiss:kiss:kiss:kiss:kiss:kiss:huytsao:huytsao:cry:cry sshh...our secret I gained 10 to 15 lbs to get the over 40BMI terrible I know...but I have always had weight problems....Plus I just want to increase my chances of insurance approval. Am I the only one who has done this? Yes...with that said I just want to have it all for that just incase of if the doc decides not to submit it and then the insurance provider BCBS of GA decides to deny and I have to appeal. Better safe than sorry I always all my med records are from doctors that are over 800 miles away as I have moved to the state of Georgia. But it won't hurt to submit as much weight history with dates as far back as possible... Thanks everyone for your suggestions and support. Ah...two doctor's down.confirmed received...four more to go and follow thru! src="" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /></p>
Another gall bladder question
chicalynn replied to thereitgoes's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I had my first gallbladder attack about 6 months after my surgery. It was while on vacation and I attributed it to indulging too much food during breakfast. It was the first time I had any problems with food and throwing up after 5 hours of extreme stomach and pain. It was the worst pain and I never ate sausage gravy again. I suffered from an attack about once a month from that point on (always thinking it was band related and food related even though I am the most strict rule follower in the band world) Until December where I had a 5 day attack that resulted in 5-7 hours cycles of extreme pain resulting in vomiting. We thought it was swelling from band, virus, etc...finally saw a surgeon who was filling in for my actual weight loss surgeon and his first questions were about right side pain, back pain, after eating, etc....he sent me for a Hida scan and sure enough my gall bladder was not "squirting" correctly (his term). I had my gall bladder out before Christmas and I have not had one single episode again. Unfortunately after doing some research prior to my gall bladder surgery it is very common for weight loss patients to have gall bladder issues as well. Don't suffer through the pain, go to the doctor! Good luck! -
I had my lap band put in back in Oct. 07 and had wonderful results. By Feb 08 I lost 50 lbs in the first 4 months, then I God decided to give me a little gift and by the following October I had a new baby girl. Well that was back in 2008 and I have had the worst time trying to get back losing weight again. I have went back for fills and ended up too tight and then had to go back and get the fluid remove. I've been so frustrated about it I wait several months to go back because several times a week I will take a few bites and have to go throw up. I just feel like something is just not right. I did have a scan about a year or so ago and it didn't anything but I just know something is wrong. Plus when I first start eating and feel that I need to throw up I can actually stretch my arms up and feel my stomach move some and then I have no problem eating. Has anyone else had these feeling or problem. Please give me so good advice. I'm at the end of my rope and about to just give up. I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I’m telling them something has to be done because I didn't go through this to gain all this weight back.
the deciding reason for WLS
Momonthego replied to RJ'S/beginning's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
My big thing is that my weight is going to kill me. I have 3 little kids that I need to be a mom for. I'm tired of being tired. Also tired of my weight being a barrier to try things with my kids because I'm too big. Lastly, I'm going on a volunteer mission next December. Right now I wouldn't be able to handle the long days. So I guess I have a threshold reason:) -
My name is Augusta. I am 38 years old, happily married for nearly 19 years, a proud mother of a 17 year old boy and a 15 year old girl and I just got banded almost 2 weeks ago. For me it was an easy choice to make. I asked my pcp if there was anything new on the market as far as weight control goes and he told me about the lap band. (I'm a worrier of the worst kind so I don't listen to the news, if you're wondering how I didn't hear of it before now) So, I did the research. By the end of the week I went to a seminar, in another week I was having a consultation with a surgeon, in another week I began my 3 month pre-approval path for my insurance and on August 28th I was banded. I was terrified. Being a worrier, I required valium to get me in the door and cried until the moment I was put to sleep. I had the best surgical nurse ever. She held my hand and whispered in my ear how everything was going to be fine. It was to her voice and my prayers that I went to sleep. Bravo to the Norhtwest Weightloss Surgery team. My doctor, Dr. Montgomery, took very good care of me and I came out just fine. I felt pretty crappy the next morning and for a few days after. I had my gall bladder out almost 16 years ago and there was some scar tissue to deal with causing a bit of pain for me, but now 1 week and 6 days later, I'm feeling pretty good. Still a bit sore, but feeling more human now. Since August 18th, I have lost 20 pounds. Since my banding, I have lost an even 10. 10 pounds in 13 days.....I keep asking myself if I'm dreaming. Saying goodbye to the 290s and the 280s in less than 3 weeks is a bit bizzare for me and I can't shake the feeling it's all not real. I am 273 now and can't wait for the rest to come off. My goal weight is 160. Anyone out there who needs to talk about anything, please feel free to email me. I look forward to building lasting, banded friendships. Augusta
?'s about financing
bandster_1007 replied to *BruNeTte*'s topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
that it isn't uncommon. i'm getting more than used to that question. my doctor hasn't really seemed concerned. he says the weight loss will happen when i find restriction. The 2 lbs that i lost were from my last fill. so..maybe i'm getting there. Also, i had lost 12 lbs, before moving to solids, then i missed one of my fills, so it all came back, then i gained 2 one week. so my overall loss is 2 lbs. i try not to stress about it. i'm eating less. now i just need to exercise. i don't know what is up with my body. -
Banded 4/16 And Gained A Few Back
m.boyer replied to m.boyer's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Thanks everyone! Glad to know I am not the only one. I am going to try and just weigh once a week so the scale doesn't drive me so crazy. I know I am still recovering...just want to make sure I have some good results before seeing my Dr. I was disappointed that I wasn't seeing her until 7 weeks after, but now I am glad. I decided to start working out on my elliptical while my son naps. Going to make myself a chart today to keep track of my workouts and weight loss to keep me motivated to make the right choices. -
Banded 4/16 And Gained A Few Back
Carolinacrumb replied to m.boyer's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Try upping the calories a bit! I lost 14lbs 3 days before surgery, then 7lbs the next week, then only 3lbs the next week and was frustrated. Sometimes our bodies can go into "starvation/shock" mode and hold on to everything thinking it is never getting more calories again or for a while. I talked to my nutritionist and she said to try upping my calories a bit to 1000-1400 a day and it has worked wonders! I have been dropping more weight since... Also, it is super normal to feel hungrier now that the post surgery feeling is going away. I am personally struggling with that now because I was supposed to have my first fill last week but due to a incision infection it has been put off until this thursday. Stay strong lady! Also, try to only weight yourself on one day a week, in the morning, naked. I used to get on the scale every other day and I made myself crazy! Our weight fluctuates daily depending on if we have gone to the bathroom or drank alot of water or where we are in our cycles etc... If you stick to one day a week you won't stress out as much! Good luck and keep up the good work... be strong lady!