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Found 8,836 results

  1. collegeteacher

    Banded 7-19-05

    I was banded 7-19-05. So far I've lost approximately 10 lbs. I got my staples removed yesterday, but I am still in soooo much pain! When will it not hurt anymore? Can anyone help?
  2. Hi because of you (mellisa)i am really thinking of doing it...i live in forest park ,IL and i called your dr.fred..very nervous and looking for a lil support so here i go HELP!!!!!!!!...LOL i've been trying to find out how painful it really is which is my only fear...for the ladies i had a hys about 3 years ago if its even close to that im gonna back out......so plz tell me Should Ann Band PLEASE IF ANYONE MAN OR WOMAN CAN EXPLAIN A LIL ABOUT THE PAIN..
  3. i really havent been hungry and today i am starving..i am still on full liquids(yogurt,pudding,soup).. i dont know why today i feel like i could just binge but i know i cant. HELP!!!! it is very frustrating!
  4. i am 10 days out today and i still feel so strange on my left side.. the only way i can describe it is like when you are pregnant and the baby is pushing on you ribs .. i actually feel like i have a baby on my left side.. please tell me some of you recent banders know what i am talking about,because i am starting to think something is wromg:cry
  5. flower

    24 to 10

    we should start a contest how many different sizes we have in our closets personally I have from 24 to size 10 I keep them all because I always have that hope I will fit in to them someday how many sizes do you all have
  6. La_madam

    NSV Size 10 Capris

    It is official, I am now in a size 10 pants What a thril this is for me, I can not remember the last time I wore a size 10. Went shopping yesterday and today and bought 3 pairs size 10 capris The scale has not moved much for me the last month or so but the inches are coming off. So for those of you who are discouraged the scale is not moving, do not fret, your probably losing inches..I'm living proof What I weigh is not as important as how I look & how I feel and right now I'm feeling pretty damn good!!! Just thought I share my fantastic NSV with all of you I LOVE MY BAND!!! 14 lbs to goal :banana
  7. Okay, I just need a place to post thoughts and lists and "nerval" musings and it's 10 days to my surgery date, the last place I need to be is on this dumb ole computer...grrrr...but I need you guys!!!! SO, I am changing my avatar temporarily to Jammin Jamie's little pee-pee dancer man (if I can FIND it!!) just because I'm getting really excited. I'll go get back my pretty "Blossom-y" wreath I share with Hopefull when I get back. Ya'll don't have to cheer me on just yet, I'll just journal my pre-op jitters away...Here goes!!!!!!!!! WoooooooHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  8. I have to share it here, my DH is clueless about why my NSV's bring me sheer ~J.O.Y~. 1.Let me say I feel giddy inside. Like I'm a little kid and Christmas is coming, but it's every day that I feel this way. 2. I LOVE how my back feels soooooo much better, my hips don't hurt every time I sneeze, cough, roll over in the middle of the night, or when I bend over. 3. My house is cleaner, and I actually WANT to paint, redecorate, etc... 4. I'm actually EXERCISING!!! ME? Exercising??? Yes!!!! I can't believe it, and the best part about it is, I actually LIKE it!!! Plus, my sister, my best friend, and my neighbor are so excited that I'm exercising that they want to do it with me! 5. I'm a nicer mom, I feel like I am enjoying my children in a way that I've never enjoyed them. And I've only lost 22 lbs!! 6. I enjoy the "fun stuff" with my DH sooo much more (yes, the REALLY fun stuff!!) 7. My right knee doesn't hurt anymore, and it's been at least 3 years since it hasn't hurt! 8. My stomach is the flattest it's been since before I got pregnant for my first baby. I can't believe how great that feels. 9. I got to donate my sz. 22 jeans, and buy 18's. I havent worn that size since 1990!!! 10. I can bend over and not feel like my face is going to rupture from the pressure. Wow! What an amazing thing! I could list a dozen more. Most importantly, I feel like I have so much more to look forward to. And I want to add... I don't always respond to the posts on this board, but I do read them, and they are an important part of my day. Each triumph, every heartache, everyone elses scale and NSV's, every word of advice, wisdom and encouragement are taken to heart and have an important part in how I now see MY world, and my thoughts, prayers and best wishes are there every time I read someone elses post. This board matters........I wouldn't have gone to Mexico without everyones encouragement and advice. And knowing that this board was here for me when I got home was one of the reasons I went through with going to Mexico and got my "wonder band" Thanks to you all. You're simply wonderful and greatly appreciated!
  9. I'm 27 years old and I'm flying to Monterrey Mexico on March 31 to have lap band surgery with Dr. Rodolfo Sanchez. I'm also going to have cosmetic surgery (nose and chin) with Dr. Cardenas. In the last 10 years I have had countless struggles with my weight. I've been on every diet from Weight Watchers to Jenny Craig to Atkins, name it and I've done it. Some were successful, most were not. I will have my one year wedding anniversary in a few months and I still haven't ordered any wedding photos because I can't bear to see myself in them. I've had serious depression for the last five years and will not go out with friends or relatives because I'm ashamed of how I look. Most recently, I refused to attend my father-in-law's funeral because of the shame. I've been so consumed with my image lately that I'm afraid my husband will get tired of it and leave. I'm 5'9 and weigh 245 pounds. My goal weight is 150. I'm sorry to drag this on, but has anyone had surgery with either of these two surgeons? I'm terribly frightened and I'd appreciate any reassurance anyone can offer...
  10. Well it's been a week and a day since I got my LB. I don't know how much I've lost becasue I am waiting for my first post op Dr. visit on Mar 15 for that. Anyway, I know I've lost weight because I am able to fit into a lot of pants that haven't fit in a long time. Today I decided to try on a pair of khaki cargo pants I had in a box in the closet(yeah, my "skinny clothes" box) They fit! Size 50! A week and two days ago I was tightly fitting into a 54! And guess what I found in the front pocket? $10! And today is even my birthday! WAHOOO!!!
  11. Brighteyes, best of luck Tuesday, January 11, when you get your band! Now get that hip replaced and you'll be good to go! Really, take care, have a smooth surgery and easy recovery! Please come back here and let us know how you're doing!
  12. Tracie, sending you (((hugs))) and prayers for a non-eventful banding and a minimum pain recovery time. You've done your research and you have a wonderful surgeon. Now get your band and get out there and enjoy life to it's fullest w/your precious family. Best of luck to you!
  13. Hey Newbies and those seeking info.... I went to Mexico to Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey . I was self pay . I had my surgery 10/19/04 . I was as much as 224 in the spring of 2004 by the day of surgery 213. I am now 188 12/23 -30.6 pounds ( since beginning liquid two weeks prior to surgery.) I was new to this board and had a million questions before I decided to go through with it. It has been great so far!! My bad habits of overeating have been stopped in it's tracks. Some of you may be twice my beginning weight---- but so what.....in five years or less I would be that weight . I just got here sooner --that's all....I urge you to consider this great Lapband and that you frequent this fantastic board. The info here is invaluable. And that is the truth. Happy Holidays to all!!!
  14. Hello Everyone, Well, I decided to go for the lapband and do the self pay with Dr. Jossart here in S.F. California. I will pay 12,500 and 4,000 for five years of follow up care for fills ect. I was going to try and find Dr. Ortiz but thought it would be easier on my children in I had it done close to home for one night. I just adopted my son eight months ago and really feel uncomfortable being away for too long. I have been home on disablity for over a year and think it is time I do something so I can really enjoy my children. I blew a disk and need to replace my left hip from a football accident that happen when I was 12. So I am doing the lapband ad my 1st procedure. My partner had gastric by-pass August 2003 and has lost 130 pounds. During that time my 8 year old daughter started to fall apart and came to believe we were not ever coming back. When we were in Kaiser there were a lot of complications for my partener and it turned into a 14 day hospital stay versus 5 days. She almost died and another woman did died. I was so overwhelemed with all the complications I saw. So for my children's sake who are 8, 7, and one I thought I'd keep in short and sweet in hopes of keeping their anxiety down and so I'd be around I chose the lapaband. It was hard because I would most likly have full coverage for the by-pass with Kaiser. I hope to recoup some of the money when I start feeling better and earning some extra money later down the line. I keep telling myself that I am worth it and I will be able to pay off the money as I get better. I watched Oprah the other night and they had done a special on a woman who had been 500 pounds. She lost 301 after by-pass surgury. Her story motivated me to do something. I too keep telling myself I can beat this by .... and the years keep passing and the medical problems keep mounting as my weight creeps up and up. She talked about the pain she was in and how she had come to accept it as normal and that she had some to point she was unable to move. Even though I am 300 pounds I feel the same way. I am in pain all the time and move more like I am eight verus 38. I need the help and while some have asled whya message I am sending my daughter by having used surgury to loose weight I hope that by being healthier they will follw my example of eating well and caring for myself. In fact, my daughter came in and saw some of Oprah with us and said something like you need to sweat to loose wieght like her to loose weight ...right. I don't think she gets that the surgery part is a tool but she inderstands the life style changes are necessary for me to feel better. I simply told her it was my turn to get better. My partner is better and while it seems that the weight loss with the lapband is slower I hope to loose 100 pounds. I am scared but I hope to be a sucess like so many people here. Thanks for listening to me ramble. The baby is up and I need to go. I hope all is well for everyone here. Take care, Melanie :banana
  15. Denise, sending you hugs and prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow and a great "afterlife". Can't wait to hear about your adventures! Take care!
  16. I have read and re-read all of the posts and even printed many to take with me next week. I can't tell you all how much your posts have helped and informed me on what I am about to do. I loved seeing the new pictures today of Michelle and Rebecalee and how awesome they looked! I guess I feel like I did when I went in the hospital to give birth... I remember thinking of spring break in Lake Tahoe ---- I was at the top of a crest of snow hanging over this huge bowl 20=25 feet down at Snow Valley skiing when I was 19 (120 pounds by the way) and the ONLY way back down was to go for it and jump!!!! I remember when I was in the thick of it with all three labors and scared and in pain....I just knew there was no way to go back now right???I am treating this the same way I must DO IT there is no way else !!! I probably am overreacting ...I have read so many great detailed posts that have made me feel like I really now know what to expect. The people on the site are incredible and I hope I can help others when I can ...I think the week before most people are probably totally freaking out like I am. I must do this there is no other way I just want to feel good about myself and especially confident. I have let myself go soooo much! I have been cleaning and organizing my house and tackling things I have put off since I moved into this house 4 years AGO!!! I feel like if something does go wrong I want my husband to have everything easily accessible and organized for him and the kids.... I went through boxes of pictures that I cried over because I saw myself 20 40 60 80 pounds ago with my three babies over the years... going through all of this has made me realize even more how much I have isolated year after year due to my weight issues. I have to do this I want to be the woman I was just starting to be---- when I married young and started having babies and gaining weight. I want to wake-up and feel great again and feel like I have all of the confidence in the world sorry for rambling on and on .....maybe you guys get me and what I'm saying...... I have become a different person with this weight the past fifteen years .. I have gained and lost so many times and gained again and again....I finally gave up five years ago ... I am hoping this will assist me in controlling my food issues . I will abide by whatever they say I must do but I simply can't do it alone I just can't........ This to me seems like the best option or rather the piece missing to the puzzle....of being able to control myself with eating!!!! I thank you all for your honesty and humour I think you are all great !!!! LOL LOL
  17. Thanks LapBandTalk for your support these last few weeks as I prepare for surgery Tuesday. I havent posted much, talked with Michelle who intoroduced me to this site. I JUST found out today about the las Vegas trip this weekend...sheesh! need to come back here more often to get the party dates before they're over! I've made it through almost 2 weeks of protien shakes. My surgury will be at 7am in Laguna Beach, South Boast Hospital with Dr. Quebbemann. Again, I've sure enjoyed the posts and support here. Anita
  18. Hello to all. I feel great. When i woke up after my surgery i felt a little pain but it was not severe. I thought i was going to hurt really bad. I stayed overnight in the hospital and it was very pleasant. There was alot of nurses there that had lap band done of them here recently. So they could really understand how i felt. I did not sleep at all last night. The demeral continued to give me headaches so they had to give me ibruprophen to stop the pain in my head. Otherwise it went great. I have six small incisions on my stomach. I cannot see them yet because they have tape on them. The nurse told me that i can take a shower as soon as i get home. I am not hungry at all. I have been thristy. I have been drinking applejuice with no problem. They stated that tommorrow i can start eating yogurt, applesauce, etc. I just wanted to let everyone know how i was doing. I will try to figure out how to post my pictures on this website so all can see me. If anyone wants to email me,feel free. I will email back as get some rest. Thanks:banana :sleep :tired
  20. lapbander081004

    1st Fill 10/01/04

    !st fill was today...No problems didn't feel a thing.
  21. Well. I've got 10 more pounds before I hit my 200 lb mark. My last fill was on Augsut 23, and i'm still pretty restricted. So hopefully before I go back to the doc I will be there. Although I think his scale is 2 lbs off. So, I don't know. But thanks for the support guys. 280/210/150
  22. I am excited, this was a tough decision but I feel great about the band...No problems. Although some people think I'm crazy to have done it. I feel free for the first time in years.:mad:
  23. sheeanisland

    10 days until banding

    Well I'm off in 10 days to monterrey to get banded by Dr. Rumbaut. I'm starting to freak out I can't believe its here already. I must say, I find myself eating alot. thinking I dont know if i will be able to ever eat many of my favorites again. I am getting pretty sick of stuffing my face anyways. I have got to kiss my friend "pigging out" good-bye. any last minute words of encouragement...? Did anyone else start having sleepless nights thinking about there banding?
  24. Hi everybody, I had my post op visit today with Dr. Abkin and everything is fine. I'm down 10 lbs. and he told me I can start experimenting with real food next week. Hooray I'M STARVING, but I feel terriffic. Janis
  25. I have observed what I eat for the last month and I am eating a big plateful once or twice a day. HOW in the world could 1/2 cup 3 times a day provide enough nourishment? I don't want to weaken myself or cause malnutrition. I am overweight, (about 90 pounds) but I have always fed myself good, fresh, food (not junk at all). I have low carbed it and been eating fresh veggies, lost of salads, fresh fruit, etc., dense whole wheat bread only. (good eating habits, I am healthy, but don't lose weight) Will my face wrinkle up? (i have good skin and look a lot younger now) -- geeesh -- there are a lot of things to be unsettled about. My Mom @ 89 is skrinking to almost nothing since she is not hungry ever, and she has become a tiny little thing, and she was always as big as me. I am going to be willingly doing to myself (starving) what has happened to her because of age and sickness? Do I have a right to volunteer for something that might weaken me? All this fight to get the procedure approved, the time off, etc., (all which went smoothly) and now I get scared. In the picture - on the Island of Molokai- My two girls & me on the left.

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