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Found 8,836 results

  1. julieplunk

    Banded 01/19/2006

    I began my new life today. I am now free from prison and I am able to spread my wings and fly. As I was being transported to the OR I was already making plans for my new life. Thinking of things that I wanted to do, and places I wanted to see.. I am now able to get out and visit old friends that I haven't seen in years.. It feels good to be able to move about and breathe clearly and know that it is all up hill from this moment on. Since my banding I have lost 9 more pounds in just a few days. I am seeing the light now and I know that I can do this with lots of determination and will power. I would like to thank everyone who has stood beside me and supported as I have struggled through this journey. I think I am on the right path now and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me as I continue climbing this mountian to reach my goal..
  2. julieplunk

    Just Banded 01/19/2005

    Hello Everyone ! Just wanted tp check in and let everyone know that my surgery was a great success. Dr. Jay and his wonderful staff have been soo supportive and helpful. I am very sore and still adjusting to the band and eating very little but I think I am doing as well as to be expected. I have already lost 9 pounds and I am excited.. I am looking forward to a wonderful road to recovery and would highly recomend this surgery for anyone who is looking for a new way of life..
  3. HeatherGurl


    Thank goodness the scale move a tiny bit! :mad: I have been faithfully doing this stair thing and I think that in a few weeks I will be able to see results. I didn't do any other exercises last night though. I was just tired. My DH didn't get home until later and we were playing with the baby, so I just didn't feel like it. I know, excuses, excuses. At least I have been eating better. I am really trying to stay low carb now. The low cal thing has never worked for me, and now if I can just follow the bandsters rules and eat protein, veggies and then fruit, I will be ok. I need to go and do my stairs, but I think I will wait until after lunch so I can do it without anyone seeing the fat girl almost die :0 ) hahahah Heather
  4. mousecrazy


    First of all, this journal won't be specifically about lapband surgery and weight loss. I'm on this site every day more than once usually, and I need to start journaling again. So, it's just common sense to use this space. Secondly, I like to write. Last year, 2005, was the toughest roughest year I have yet experienced. My mom had surgery, stayed in hospitals for 5 months due to complications, and a septic infection finally ended it. Her funeral was on what would have been her 73rd birthday. There will be more about this in other entries. Part of this journal's purpose is to work through this grief. So, the first half of 2005 was spent in hospitals. I decided to face this weight problem and the health problems associated with it and had lapband surgery in July. In November, the day following my 50th birthday (THIS was the highlight of 2005 - my 50th birthday...go figure!), my beautiful, wonderful 92 year old grandmother passed. She had a stroke that led to a coma and she passed peacefully. Yeah, she had a great, healthy long life, but dang! My mom and my grandmother in one year? I told you it was going to be about other stuff. Attitude of gratitude - well, that's just a reminder! One way to handle loss is to try hard to see the good stuff you have. Seems like that might be a good idea for us "lapdancers"...that's what my DH call us...to have the attitude of gratitude, too. I'm sure I'll explore more of that idea, too. I'm grateful for this journal space, and the invitation to use it. I'm grateful for the blessing in disguise offered by the dr. who told me I was too heavy for him to realistically treat my ankle...and suggested this lapband surgery. I am grateful for my little girl's unquestioning, unconditional love (if you don't count being held hostage by the desire for more Polly Pockets!) To be continued...
  5. Hello everyone, I was banded on January 9th 2006. I have already lost a total of 11 pounds in the 1st week. But as of today I feel no restriction. I was sick on 2 occasions yesturday, is it possible that I have moved the band or even made it come apart? I dont feel like eating now at all and have dropped to 1 meal a day. Would anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks BLUE
  6. sunsett

    Lunch 1-19

    Hey girls, I talked about meeting today at Showmars for :hungry: and haven't heard from anyone. So how does tomorrow look? I have a 10:00 at Queens College then I"m open. So if we could meet at 11:45ish that would be great. I'll call Loretta, she doesn't come on here much anymore.
  7. Hi all, I just wanted to officially introduce myself...I've been lurking around for the past couple weeks on a daily basis and let me first just say THANK YOU ALL for the invaluable information I've been able to gather from all of your posts...your encouragement and support are priceless! :rofl: The Bajanor Obesity Center got the check yesterday from my financing company and will be booking flights for myself and DH today. Thursday is the day!! Dr. Covarrubias will be doing my procedure, along with his team of surgeons. Well, I can't believe it's so soon and I'm so ready, believe me. I feel very blessed to have this opportunity to change my life with this wonderful tool called the Lap-Band! Just thought I'd share the great news and say hello...and again, thank you! Michelle (Soon to be Bandster)
  8. Hello all.....it's been a while since I posted...... but I saw the doctor today for my 'two-week' follow-up....actually 19 days--thanks to the holidays...so this seems like a good time to share. My surgery on December 16th was relatively uneventful and went pretty much as I expected based on my research and a thorough review of all of your collective stories and experiences....I went in at 7 and was home by 2....days 3 and 4 were difficult just in terms of soreness, nausea and feeling like I had been the victim of a hit and run....my recovery was slower than I expected and it's taken me until now to begin to get my strength and endurance back to normal....and then on day 5, there was the unrelenting hunger which really surprised me...I stuck with the liquids--in fact, I'm still doing modified liquids, but I am like a big baby--hungry every two hours...not just a little, but the stomach growling Paul Bunyan kind of hunger, usually reserved for three day fasts....I brought this up with my surgeon and she replied that she was going to have to give me her "week two lecture", which turned out to be something I'd never heard before....she said that the month following surgery is often the most difficult time of the whole process. The two weeks which precede the procedure, you are focused on going the distance and making it to the prize and motivated and excited, the first week post surgery, your appetite is somewhat diminshed by the whole process, but weeks 3 and 4, she said--your stomach and muscles are healing and you have virtually no restriction....the further out from the surgery you get...the less restriction you feel.....hence, she said that during the first month following surgery, she is not interested in seeing her patients lose any weight necessarily. She prefers that that time be totally concentrated on eating to provide maximum conditions for healing....she said if I was hungry every two hours to eat every two hours, just as long as it is something easy to digest that won't interfere with the healing process....the part that was new to me was what she said about not expecting weight loss during the weeks immediately following surgery....I had been programmed to expect that the process would begin immediately and I know that some of you all experienced restriction right away....the good news is that I have lost 13 lbs. since the office visit immediately prior to surgery and the other good news is that she is going to give me my first fill a week from Monday...she usually does it at four weeks for all her patients unless there are some unusual circumstances...anyway, my scars look good, the left side of my stomach is still a little distended and sore, but she said everything looks perfect....sorry for rattling on, but I am very relieved to be at this point in the process and look forward to sharing other milestones with you guys.....
  9. Hello out there , I am going to be having surgery next sat. Am very excited but a little scared about it. I know it is the best thing to have for me but traveling so faraway can be a challenge. please give me some in put out there. i have read the book lap-band for life cover to cover. anita
  10. I am a 35 year old man who was banded in February 14, 2005 (Valentine's Day). At that day I weighted 275 lbs. and today I weight 215 (total 60 lbs. down). I feel great because I went from a pants size 42" and now I'm a 36", I can tide my shoes without getting out of breath and I love the compliments. I want to be at 200 lbs. when my aniversary comes. My goal is to get to 190 lbs. I've had 3 fills so maybe 1 more should do it, anyhow just wanted to share and wish you all a very happy Christmas. Dan 275/215/190 Dr. Kuri 02/14/05
  11. queenbeeoffour

    10 Days Post Surgery

    I'm thrilled! I've lost 20 lbs in 18 days (9 days pre-surgery/9 days post-op). I'm already scheduled for a fill on Dec 28th and I can move from blender to soft foods in two weeks! Another 20 lbs off will take me to a weight lower than what I was when I met my husband over 12 years ago - I'm so excited!!!! I know the honeymoon will be over soon and the weight loss will slow down, but what a great running start. I'm happy that I have made this decision. I feel for everyone that is having problems and wish you all the best. Yes, the band has it's risks, but look at the great advantages! Thanks for this site and for all of the great people that make it what it is!!
  12. Saturday 12, noon at Red Lobster in Laurel Teresa Skinner LSasha Shellyj Carrie, Gunnya, Crystal....will you guys be able to make it?
  13. Hi all, I was just banded one week ago in Mexico and I am looking for a Doctor in the Nashville, TN area for follow-up and fills down the road. Can anyone help?? Thanks, Rick
  14. Hi all, I am one week into being banded and just found this site! I worked this entire week so I am sure I would have felt better if I had stayed home and rested but I did not want to blow a week vacation. I had the surgery in Mexico so I am curious if there is anyone out there who also went to Mexico. I am also curious if there are anyone in the Nashville area who has been banded and on this forum - I am looking for a Doctor in Nashville for follow-up and fills. I look forward to getting your responses and sharing my experience with everyone, Rick
  15. how many fills does a size 10 band need for good restriction? does anyone know?
  16. Hi - just thought I'd introduce myself! I was banded on the 20th and am still in the liquid phase, I have a post-op appt tomorrow (wednesday) - I'm hopeful they getme on the puree so I can start feeling at least semi-full... I haven't weighed yet but will most likely tomorrow at the appointment. Starting weight - 365 Current Weight - ? Goal Weight - 250 or 225 (not sure how I'll feel when I hit 250, so I may just keep going down from there) Glad to be here - hope to contribute
  17. I had my first fill this afternoon by Jessie at Northwest Weight Loss Surgery and was in and out the door in 10 minutes...that included taking my shoes off, weighing-in and getting the fill! (My doctor does not have his patients do the barium/fluoroscope unless absolutely necessary. I don't know if that is trpical of most doctors or not). Amazingly, I did NOT feel a thing! She was done before I even knew she had done the procedure! (I was staring at the ceiling as she instructed me to do, reading the chart overhead.) The person who did my fill is one of the best in the US and wrote the book: [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0595311148/qid=1130296666/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-8191535-1545448?v=glance&s=books]Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Achieving Permanent Weight Loss with Minimally Invasive Surgery[/ame] by Jessie H. Ahroni Ph.D. A. R. N. P. After filling me up with 1.5 cc she had me move to her office and drink about 5 ounces of Water before I could leave. I tolerated it well but could definitely tell there was a difference. My restriction has been pretty good so should be even better now! I pb'd this morning for the first time. I was running late so woofed down a few bites of scrambled Egg Beaters...wrong move! Took me 15 minutes to recover (burp..pb...burp...pb...burp) then off to the dentist I went...and of course I was now running late for my appointment...to have even more fun for the day...pb-ing and the dentist!!!! I could only eat a half cup of food for dinner tonight (I've been able to eat quite a bit more then that previously) and I felt satisfied so hopefully will start dropping pounds again. After a 27 pound loss, I went up a couple of pounds...eating too much soft food like cream Soup, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes (I know not the best idea!) and yogurt. I was eating meat and veges too but usually had one or two of the mushies with my meal. I can eat a cup of popcorn...no problem but bread is a no, no. I'm sure learning as I go. What a journey it is!!! I love it!
  18. Hello All, I just discovered your forum this morning and am very excited to find you. I have been researching and learning about the LapBand for some time now. My surgery is scheduled for this coming Thursday, 10/20 at 9:30am. My surgeon is Dr. Randal Baker from MMPC in Grand Rapids Michigan. My PCP first suggested that I look into this surgery last May. I attended my orientation session at MMPC in July and have been stepping through the process every since. I am 49 years old, married, have 3 children--ages 13, 15 and 17. I work full time in an administrative position. My health has been my last priority for quite a few years now. I am struggling with high blood pressure (on medication for that) and have osteoarthritis in my knees. I had surgery on my left knee back in August and still am recovering. My weight has peaked at 232 lbs. I am 5'5" tall. I have finally decided that I must do something to lose significant weight and regain my health. I am very anxious and excited to begin this adventure. Any suggestions or advice as I prepare for Thursday is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Suzanne K
  19. Hello all! well I survived! All in all it was a pleasant experience, and the nurses were extremely nice. I arrived approx 6:10 am, pre-op was a breeze, spoke with Dr and Anesthesiologist. At approx 8:45 they put some anesthia in my IV and I was out right away, don't even have memory of being wheeled into OR. Next thing I knew I was in recovery! In quite a bit of pain, but they asked if I was OK - I said not really and they gave me some pain med thru IV. I did the breathing exercices 8 times, then the nurse helped me get dressed and I was off to the bathroom. No problem there! Yea! From there I was off to do the barium swallow and everthing went fine.. have a nice pic of it going thru. Then I went to step down and had to sip a full 16.9oz bottle of Ozarka Water before I could go home.... that was a bit of a surprise; I didn't expect to be able to drink that much Fluid right after. I felt so groggy and tired. My Mom arrived just before I finished all of the water and got the discharge instructions, it was cool & raining when we left. Little bumpy ride home -pillow helped tremendiously! Stopped to drop off Rx and then it was off to rest at my parents house, take some liquid tylenol and chewable gas-x. All the IV fluids are making me go to the bathroom every 45 minutes or so!! On a realllly positive note, when they weighed me this morning I was 234.0 !!! At my last appt in May I was 246.5 I'm still at my parents, my son and I will leave soon so I can get him ready for school tomorrow.. I was really trying for surgery on a Thursday or Friday but could not work out the schedule. I hope I have enough enery to help him get up tomorrow. thanks to everyone for the support!
  20. I will be banded on 10/28 and want to be excited, but do not have the support of my family. My husband is supportive so that helps. I am starting to question my decision now, and feeling a little depressed.
  21. According to the Farmer's Almanac, tomorrow is the best day to quit smoking this month. I'm quitting! Want to join me? :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke :smoke
  23. Well, I've Finally Finished With All My Pre-ops And I Finally Got A Date For My Surgery (9-19-05). Now The Wait Is On My Insurance Approval, Hopefully I Won't Be Denied. I'd Hate To Have To Wait Any Longer For This Surgery Cause I Am So Anxious To Have It Done And Be Part Of Lapband Gang. Does Anyone Have Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield? If So, Please Let Me Know If They Are Easy To Approve For Lap Band Surgery. My Surgeon, Dr. Chaudry, Says He Believes It Won't Be A Problem With Insurance And That I Should Have A Reply Within A Week From Them, But Just The Waiting Is So Stressful. Anyway, If Anyone Has Any Feedback On Empire B/c B/s, Please Advise Me. Thanks
  24. I Got Banded By Dr. Wade Barker (he Was Great) On Fri. 08-19-05. Im Doing Great Thanks To All For Yor Help.
  25. Lisa Marie C

    8/10 Surgery date

    Hey everyone, Well I was approved and am so excited! I have a 8/10 surgery date! Please goive me all the advice I need. I am getting a little nervous! I am looking forward to the rest of my life! I am afraid though that once I have the band I will be afraid to eat. Has anyone else had the same fear? What other fears have you had. What did you find easy? What did you find hard?

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