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Found 17,501 results

  1. I went in for a consult with a plastic surgeon last week and we booked in an extended brachioplasty surgery for September. Yesterday I got a call saying there's a free spot next week on Thursday... so I was like, ok, cool, let's get it over with. I don't want to panic about it for months - this is a good opportunity. So now it's happening next week. I'm a bit worried that I'm unprepared. I'm hoping to have it as a day surgery so I can come home, if not, there's a room booked for me - I'll take an overnight bag just in case. I've taken leave from work. My mother and sister are around to look after me. If the drains gross me out, I can call a community nurse to do them (it's about $100 per day). There's a ton of food in the freezer I can eat. I was thinking of downloading audible so I could listen to some audio books (assuming it's too painful to hold my kindle). There's a ton of shows/movies I want to watch on Netflix etc. I've got some old bedding ready in case things are gross from the incisions, so I don't stain my nice sheets. I'm a non-smoker. I exercise every day so hopefully blood pressure will be OK (unlike when I had VSG). I don't have any scar stuff/compression garments but I think I will get that from surgeon. I have some hoodies that zip down the middle. Anyone else have any ideas on how I can prepare? I'm sure that I'm missing something. Any hints or tips would be appreciated... particularly from those who have gone through it. My only previous surgeries are gallbladder and VSG, which were both laparoscopic so I'm pretty freaked out, but I really want this.
  2. 17th day post op.   Feeling pretty good.  Nearly 30lbs weight loss (since two weeks before surgery).  The first few days were a challenge, questioned my decision a few times.  However from about day 2-3 on, I improved exponentially each day.   Pain management wasn't terrible; I could feel discomfort internally from the start. I didn't feel any incision pain until day 4, (he used a local anesthesia called Exparel).  Initially it hurt to drink anything and the volume of water/protein supplement they suggest seemed unreasonable.  However by day 3/4 I was able to get down the full amount.  I was nervous about the pain that vomiting would induce but I never did vomit.  Energy level was very low. Everyone had told me, "Walk, walk, walk."  I couldn't even imagine taking any type of lengthy walk. Only made it around the house; as a mom of two I couldn't get away with just staying in bed.     So now... fast forward 2 weeks and I am feeling pretty good.   I got through those initial days of recovery.  Now I am beyond the clears, the full liquids and now on the purees.  I have survived on sugar free popsicles and Pure Protien shakes.   Now I am just trying to figure out what I can cook that will be within the parameters of what is suggested.  Soup.  Energy level and stamina are still not what they were preop.  I am getting more and more active each day but everything seems more difficult than it should be.  It is a bummer because I am a busy person and I have lots to do.  II have been pain free since about post op day 9; until yesterday.  I began having some lower left quadrant pain.  Any discomfort I have had thus far weather it be fleeting (after meals/drinks) or even right after surgery has been high in my abdomen, almost to the sternum.  Now it is low, quite low and on the left side.  Has me a bit concerned... will keep y'all posted.    I will try to write more.  I like the idea of journaling throughout this transition.    

  3. Hello! I’m currently waiting for insurance approval for gastric sleeve surgery. The dietician gave me the post surgery food guidelines from week 1 through 18 months+. Weeks 1-4 are listed as pureed foods. Almost every article & forum post I read about this topic says puréed foods don’t start until week 3 in order to let the sleeve heal. I’m really worried that my stomach is going to stretch out right away. Can anyone else who’s been told to immediately start puréed food tell me how your recovery went? Thank you!
  4. I’m having a hard time keeping hydrated I’m not sure how much water I can drink and it’s difficult taking little sips when I work. any recommendations?
  5. So I tried a green smoothie today - 1/2 a banana 1/2 cup mixed berries a handful of spinach soy milk and protein powder - Blended pretty thin. It tasted great but holy heck it hit my stomach like a ton of bricks. I felt nauseous and my stomach hurt so much after like 3 sips. I felt unwell for about 2 hours after and I was at work for my first day back so I wasn't in a rush to leave. Was this dumping? Should I try again with less fruit? Was it just something I can't tolerate right now? That pain though, nope, I never want it again. I have had a great first 2 weeks other than this no pain, fluids in easy - getting in about a cup of strained soup at meal times and I have been feeling great. Anyone else not tolerating smoothies at this stage? Any tips?
  6. krystalhaldeman

    2 weeks after surgery

    From the album: Krystal

    © Krystal

  7. One week post surgery. Was in the hospital for two days - no visitors of course- and was discharged on Wednesday.  While in the hospital, I slept the first day with regular vital checks and dr visits.  I had a cpap machine issued to me the Thursday before Monday surgery and it was awful. I discovered that I hate anything on my face and my unit was the least invasive.  I plan on returning the machine this Wednesday as it’s next to my Bariatric dr office. Feeling good and looking forward to moving to the next food stage. Still have pain when I cough or sneeze - esp with one of the incisions. So glad to have finally gotten the surgery since all has been on hold.  

    1. Tripledblessed


      Did you have to have a companion stay with you the whole time or can someone drop off and pick you up ?

    2. Tisha Ann

      Tisha Ann

      With COVID, I was dropped off at registration and picked up curbside. No visitors

  8. Heyyyy it's yo girl. Got my arrival time for my butt lift and thighplasty tomorrow at 7:30 a.m., then 450cc silicone implants in-office on the 15th! Thus will conclude the plastic surgery journey. Prior to bypass I had a breast reduction w/ full nipple graft breast lift and full body liposuction. Post-bypass I had bra-line excision, arm lift, tummy tuck, and soon-to-be butt and thigh lift and implants. AMA! I'm officially an expert. lmao. There's nowhere else for them to nip and tuck! $$$$$$$$$$$ He was supposed to email me my before and after tummy tuck and arm lift but he forgot. I will post them this week when I remind him at my follow-up Friday.
  9. Y’all, 😩 I’m one week post op today, and between yesterday and today I’ve had, LITERALLY, completely liquid bowel movements. Like, thought I needed to pass gas and.. yikes. Is there anything I can do to help this???
  10. Help!!! I'm almost 6 weeks post op. I stalled for about a week and when I weighed this morning, I had gained 3 lbs... is this normal? Also having trouble getting enough calories in. Any food suggestions? I have no protein restrictions now. Thanks!
  11. 3 weeks from today is my surgery date!  I am so worried that COVID will continue to get worse and I will be put off again.  Prayers for all with upcoming surgery dates!!  

    I am putting together my preop meal plan today.  Any advice from the POST OP crew?   I only have to do 4 days liquids and 3 days of clear for my 7 days. 


  12. Hi everyone. I’m 3 weeks post op and currently in the “puréed food” stage of my diet. I’m having a really hard time having one single meal a day. I am tolerating tuna well so I’ll be able to have about 6 bites/3 quarters of one of those starkist packets over 40 minutes with slow chewing and long pauses. But truly no more than that a day. I’m meeting my protein goals with genepro in water and a protein shake daily. But I’m really struggling with food. Is this normal a few weeks out?
  13. Hi all. I underwent a gastric sleeve on June 11, 2020. Roughly two weeks post-op and I suffer from nausea. I was prescribed ondansetron hcl and metoclopramide. The nausea is managed but not abated. I welcome any insight or thoughts, including whether I should request other medication or try a natural remedy. Best, Erica.
  14. I believe in month my doctor will set the day for my surgery. So I need start getting ready and I need Help with what to buy for the 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after bypass surgery. Please , can you all help me with names of proteins , drinks,.... What I can buy (what I will be allowed to each or drink) to keep at home for those 4 weeks? I really don’t go out for nothing since the pandemic start. Almost everything is buy online or my husband go get to me. Thanks
  15. I am 3 weeks postop VSG. I lost 40 pounds before surgery and about 6 pounds first week after surgery. So frustrated that I weight just goes up and and down by about a pound but not lost anything in last two weeks. I am religiously logging all food and water. I am supposed to be on pureed food but have gone back to just three protein shakes a day (150 cal each) and nothing else but water. I am walking my dog 30 minutes every day which I couldn't do before due to low back pain. With increased activity and low intake of calories why am I not losing any weight? Mystery to me. There is no food in house except protein shakes so I am obviously not cheating. I heard of "three week stall" but this started one week postop. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Hello! I had my surgery on 6/11. I'm not going to lie, so far I'm really regretting getting this surgery... My pain is fine. Walking fine. It's when I swallow anything is the problem. I have a lot of gas/bubbles in my whole esophagus that I can feel down to my stomach. EVERY time I sip something. And sometimes the pressure really bothers me. The pressure gets so strong like I need to burp and sometimes I do or it goes away slowly. The pressure ends up in my upper esophagus/throat area. I haven't been able to get in hardly any protein. I'm still trying to concentrate on getting fluids in... Last night/early this morning, I felt I found something that really helped me with fluid intake! I tried drinking fluids with a straw and I'm not nearly getting as much gas/pressure drinking with one. huzzah! Well, with that little victory my menstrual cycle decided to make its way to me, middle of the night mind you... and yes, this was expected as I'm taking birth control pills. Woke up very early this morning with bad cramping but that's kind of normal for me. Well after my successful fluid intake with a straw from this morning, I decided to heat up some broth for lunch. Mind you, this broth I had last night and thought it was delicious. I took two sips and my pouch/stomach didn't like it at all. My stomach started gurgling and there was even a small pain. Nothing major, but I could tell my stomach felt "sick" drinking that. Now ever since then, my stomach has been upset feeling and I have a nausea pressure in my throat. Thing is, I'm pretty sure this is because of my stupid period that this is all happening. Did anyone have any similar experience to me? When you get your period, do you get similar symptoms? Also... for menstrual cramps... did anyone by chance drink pickle juice so soon from surgery for cramps? Want to try it if I have a cramp attack again. I've ordered some protein drink fruit mixes from the bariatricpal store to see if I can handle them to get my protein in...
  17. MichelleinWNY

    Week 2 soups

    I am going into week 2 and I can start eating soup. I am planning on making my own. I bought a cookbook for food but many of their soups seem to have cheese added. Should I being consuming cheese at this stage? Or should I just subtract this ingredient? Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I just got off the phone with my surgeon for my pre-op appointment and he's set my pre-op diet for 1 week before surgery (nothing but protein shakes). When I had my lap band surgery 9 years ago, the pre-op diet started 2 weeks out and most of the info out there also talks about pre-op diet starting 2 weeks out (which was liquid and veggies). Has anyone else done just the 1 week pre-op diet? Is this something more common now?
  19. Had first puree yesterday. Canned tuna with a little lite mayo and whipped it up food processor. Went down easy without any issues but definitely felt the restriction for first time. Plan to try egg salad, sardines, canned chicken, and avocado instead of mayo and ricotto bake. Will continue with protein shakes to get in all my protein. After weeks just liquids, this will be great change. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Hello All, I need your help/advice, I had my gastric bypass completed back on Oct 2018 and still continue to feel weak. I'm currently taking the Optisource, post bariatric surgery vitamins and my labs come out just fine but I continue to feel weak and always feel tired. Another of my medical conditions is depression which I've been experiencing for years since before my surgery. I was able to meet my weight loss goal but when walking I feel as I if I don't have the strength to support my body weight. At this point I don't know if this lack of strength is due to my depression or a consequence of the weight loss surgery. If anyone has information they can share it will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance
  21. Newyearnewme2019

    3 weeks post op

    From the album: The Journey

  22. Hi everyone - I’m a little over 2 weeks post-VSG (5/15). Everything has been going great and I’ve already dropped 25# from my surgery weight. The problem is, I have ZERO appetite. I thought some hunger would begin to return as my body healed, but if anything, it’s declined further, because just the thought of eating anything, including sipping broth, gives me terrible waves of nausea. Yesterday, it was so bad, I dry-heaved into the toilet for 5 minutes, but nothing of course came up except water. I’m really struggling to get at least my protein in, sneaking scoops of Genepro into anything and everything, but it’s so hard because really the taste of anything except really cold, unsweetened iced pineapple black tea (yes I know, very specific 🤣) turns my stomach. So even protein water is a no go. And I cannot do protein shakes - something about the texture of that cold, thick liquid grosses me out to my bones ::shudder:: Has anyone else struggled with this? If yes, what did you do? Did it abate on its own?
  23. Hi All, I am curious of what I can eat and what can I not eat. I do have a very small list from my doctor but I am curious if I can eat ground beef, or popcorn, and other things. Can you all share some of the things you all ate at 5 weeks post op. Thank!
  24. I had VSG on 5/18. My insurance required a 6 month program prior to surgery, then I was delayed 2 more months with COVID-19. I lost quite a bit -73 lbs- pre-op (48y male, 6' 2", HW 382, SW 309, CW 301). Surgery went well. Surgery day was rough with gas pain, but discharged by 2pm day after surgery and feeling good now. I walked about a mile a day from day 2-5. Since day 5, I have walked 2 miles per day and do some resistance band training every other day. I lost about 8 lbs in the first week, but have been stalled for the last 4 days. Since day 4, I have been averaging 400-500 calories daily with 70-80g protein, ~30g carbs, almost no fat. Most carbs are from milk with the protein shakes or light fruit juice. I am getting in my hydration with non-milk liquids at ~70oz/day. Still on a liquid diet until 2 weeks post-op. Is my pre-op weight loss slowing me down, or is this normal? A little frustrated as I thought this would be the time weight would just fall off.
  25. I have had no issues since having surgery two weeks ago. Today I woke up with a burning sensation at my large incision. No other issues but it hurts to move today. I called my surgeons office (got voicemail) any suggestions? Advice?

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