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Found 1,239 results

  1. I was sleeved 6/17. On 6/10 when I started my diet I was 190. Today, six weeks, I'm 163. 27 pounds. I was in a three week stall 9 days after surgery. Just recently the pounds started coming off again. I hope to get in the 130s. I hope this helps. I look forward to the journey no matter how how up and down it may be
  2. I wouldn't worry. 1. Guys lose faster 2. If you didn't really do a pre op diet you will lose faster 3. The first week is often a big loss and it will slow down. I lost 17lbs my first week (my dr only does a 48hr pre op clear liquids) and then it slowed down to 5 second week and then I hit the three week stall. If you're losing at that rate after a few weeks, then you can be concerned!
  3. InfiniteButterfly

    Hit a stall 3 wks out. GRRRRR!

    The three-week stall sucks. Especially after how fast the weight seemed to fall off those first two weeks. I've had two stalls so far, and each lasted maybe 6-8 days? Not fun, but just stay the course and the weight will start falling again in no time.
  4. My "three week stall" has gone on for a month. I've lost 5 pounds in the last four weeks, averaging 650 calories per day, walking 4 to six miles per day. I haven't the energy to run, jog or swim. Meeting with nutritionist today with a lot of questions.
  5. VSGAnn2014

    Afraid I'm not gonna lose

    Google or search on Bariatric Pal for "three week stall." It happens to almost everyone. Not kidding.
  6. Hello everyone . I am going through the three week stall and it is the puts. My surgery was on June 11th this year and so far I've lost 20 lbs so far. Now I'm non my fourth week and I hope it gets better. I'm still taking my vitamins and calcium . I'm also in taking my protein shakes, at least 40-50 grams. Since I've been back to work, it's really hard to find a eating balance schedule, but I do the best I can. I need to know is will the stalling pass soon? Please help!!!
  7. Look up "three week stall" its common. Mine lasted for a month if I remember correctly....
  8. I'm only two months out but I hit a three week stall after the 3rd week!! I call it my condensing stage! Haha I lost so much so fast my body needs to readjust itself! I wasn't losing pounds but I was shrinking!
  9. That would be great...then I could just stay out of that sub forum and never have to read another post about a three week stall ever again!
  10. Nothing has been worse for me... The first day after surgery was the hardest only because I didnt walk enough after surgery but once I got a shot of the good stuff Which the doc said was a one time deal I walked walked walked and the gas pain got much much better!! I was sleeved on 4-23 and everything after that point went pretty smooth. I haven't gotten sick or nauseous once! Each new stage of food was Om nom nom nom hahAHAH I did hit a three week stall after the third week but even though I didn't lose pounds I lost inches. I call it my condensing time! Hahh I measure everything!! I got some two ounce plastic cups at first then when I could eat more I got some four ounce containers from Tupperware. If it doesn't fit I don't eat it! Hah only because I am a a fast eater! I never got in and still don't get much water as they want in but I do my best! I downloaded my fitness pal and try and make sure I get enough protein! I eat protein first then veggies most times!! I have had a slice if pizza a few times... Small piece no crust! I was setting my calories at 600 because that's about all I could get in. But I hit another stall.. I'm on it now so I upped it to 800 and found some protein bars called pure protein and eat half and them half later as snacks!! They are chocolate and a disciples treat! That's about it for now but I haven't had any problems (knock on wood) that others have had! I hope you have as good a luck as me! I lost 20 pounds pre op and I lost 38 pounds so far post op total 58! I have 13 more to hit wonderland!!! Yeah!!
  11. Other than the dreaded three week stall I consistently lost for four months. Then from that point till today (7 months out) I have noticed that I consistently "stall" for 2-3 weeks--the scale barely moves yet I lose inches--and then have a nice weight drop for a week of two. This cycle lasts a month. My graph on my fitness pal bears it out. It's weird! Straight line and then big drop. Kind of like stair steps! Frustrated the heck out of me the first time...second time a little less...now I am used to it and don't stress out about it.
  12. Nicey2u

    Surgery 4/25/14 two months pictures

    OMG I had a three week stall!! It sucked!! Haha but I was just not losing weight... I think iit was like I was condensing! Hahaha no worries you will move the scale again! Give it time!
  13. I am between 600 to 800 calories. I was thinking this was too low! Haha I was sleeved 4/23 and have lost 38lbs. I was thinking I was a slow looser. I went through a three week stall.
  14. Nicey2u

    My story

    Congratulations! Good luck on your journey! I was sleeved 4/23 and am still figuring out things! Haha I love this site!! I take what people have for advice and their experience and try and make sense of what I am going through! It helps knowing others have the same experiences!! Like when I hit a three week stall. It wasn't as aggravating after I found out its normal and most people hit them at some point! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!
  15. Nicey2u

    The relief of the revisit

    I haven't had anything bother me.. I must have a cast iron sleeve! Haha I can sit and eat watermelon for days! It's 90% water anyway! At least up to now I haven't come across anything that really bothers me. As long as I measure everything I have been lucky I guess! Down 57 pounds and only hit one three week stall!
  16. April 23rd sleeved... Starting weight: 270 SW: 250 CW: 213 I just got into size 16!! Woot!! Had one huge three week stall that was horrible but I got through it! I downloaded my fitness pal to help me make my Protein goals! I have between 600 and 800 calories a day! Sometimes I don't make the goal but I get darn close! How is everyone doing? I'm so happy to feel normal again! Went out and had prime rib!! It was yummy!! Of course my son has to eat the majority of it! Hahah
  17. Nicey2u

    Low BMI?

    I'm 8 weeks out and down 37 lbs... 57 all together! I had one very frustrating three week stall but it helped knowing everyone goes through it!! Good luck to you all and keep the faith!! You will be a loser!! Haha 14 more pounds to onederland!!
  18. InfiniteButterfly

    Stall @ week 3? Seems to soon for that?

    I just pushed past the dread "three week stall" (which actually hit around 2 weeks out for me, and lasted maybe 10 days?) I knew it was coming (having seen so many posting about it on here), but it's still frustrating to experience, especially when you're doing everything right. My stall broke when I managed to boost my calories slightly for the day. I went from around 400 to 550-600, and that seemed to kick my losing back into gear.
  19. completely, utterly normal: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=three+week+stall
  20. cutiecake

    8 weeks out!

    Lots of people talk about the dreaded three week stall. Sounds like some of you maybe experiencing. I haven't got there yet, only 9 days out. But I've read about it on here, around 3 weeks post op lots of people reach a stall in the weight loss. I don't know why...
  21. InfiniteButterfly

    4 weeks post op & scale isn't decreasing

    I've lost 24 lbs since surgery. The scales haven't budged since Monday. I think I hit my three-week stall a little early But I know I haven't stepped off the doctor's plan, and I've been getting my exercise, so I know it will pick up again. I am immensely grateful for reading about everyone's stalls on here so I knew to expect it and didn't panic as much as I may have otherwise.
  22. Nicey2u

    April 30th..looking for a buddy!

    57 is awesome! I'm down 52 but just came off a three week stall! Finally moving the scale again! Have you hit a stall yet!??
  23. lsereno

    4 weeks Post Op and Stuck

    Hi May Sleevers! I feel a special bond with you because I'm a May Sleever too! May 2011. The three week stall is very common. 18-20 pounds in the first month is great. I suggest cutting fatty foods, such as avocado and full fat cheeses till later in your progress. When in the early stages, I tried to get 1 gram of Protein for every 10 calories of most foods. That allowed me to get 70 grams of protein for around 700 calories. And I exercised 6 days a week. Not a crazy amount of time. Three days I walked an hour at a fairly good clip. Three days I worked with weights for 30 minutes. Best wishes to all of you on your journey! I'm saving a spot for you on the goalies' bench. Lynda
  24. Nicey2u

    Nausea and defeat

    You are by no means a failure!! Everyone reacts differently the first few weeks are the hardest! Next month you will start to feel normal! It's so worth the aggravation!! I was sleeved 4\23 and Just came off a three week stall!! Talk about aggravating! The scale is moving again 4 lbs down in two days! I finally made it to an XL!! yeah! Hang in there it gets better!!
  25. Nicey2u

    April 30th..looking for a buddy!

    How are you guys doing? I had mine the 23rd of april and just broke a three week stall!

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