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Found 1,239 results

  1. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    it's the infamous three-week stall. It happens to almost everyone. It's not always the third week - it's sometimes the second or fourth - but it's most often the third (hence, the name). It'll last 1-3 weeks (sometimes longer - although that's unusual - 1-3 weeks is pretty standard). Just follow your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll break and you'll be on your way again. here are past posts on this site about the three week stall. All 17,501 of them (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  2. I would phrase it much more nicely now that I'm not feeling as frustrated, but everything in my rant about ridiculous expectations applies here. 1) Surgery hurts, be prepared for discomfort. 2) Losing weight doesn't happen overnight, so please try not to weigh daily post op or you'll make yourself insane. It should take a lot less time to reach goal than it took to pack on enough pounds to need surgery, but it doesn't all fall off in just a few months, so try to be patient. Also, I'd add that it's important to scrap any expectations about the pace you'll lose before you even have surgery. You'll lose at the pace your body sets, and it's unlikely that you can affect that pace much. 3) Eating will be a challenge for a while. You'll lack energy until you can eat. You might feel like you're "hungry" when you're stuck on a liquid diet. This will all pass eventually and it's normal. 4) PPI, PPI, PPI. Take one. Be proactive. Lots of "hungry" folks just need better acid control. 5) Remember that the sleeve will help you lose weight, but only you can choose to overcome whatever obstacles or issues in your life made you obese in the first place. It's fully possible to graze and binge post op if you want to, so you have to keep that in mind and work on those issues right out of the gate if you want an easy time in maintenance. VST is here for support and advice. Joining a group of people sleeved at the same time will be beneficial as they'll be right where you are in your journey. You shouldn't be afraid to ask questions or look for support, but remember that every question you have has also likely been asked before, so don't be afraid to search out old threads, too. Trust me - the three week stall was the same for us sleeved years ago as it is for folks sleeved last month. Don't miss out on a wealth of useful information that's out there because you might only get two or three quick replies to a question if it's a common one, but you'll have hundreds of answers to choose from if you go searching. Most of all, good luck. I do not regret my surgery at all, even if the journey took a bit longer than I thought it would and had it's moments of frustration for me. Do the work and you get to enjoy the results for a lifetime. ~Cheri
  3. blizair09


    Google three week stall. Everyone goes through it. Remember that this journey is a marathon and not a sprint. You have to make lifelong changes to be successful long term. Hang in there.
  4. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    yep - you're in the infamous three week stall that almost all of us experience. Do a search for it on this site and you'll find hundreds - if not thousands - of posts on it. Just stick to your program and the weight loss will eventually start up again. My first stall lasted two weeks. Once it broke, i lost like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. you'll have other stalls along the way - it's very common. Just keep sticking to your program and they'll eventually break. also, your weight loss is fine. I lost 16 lbs the entire first month, and I ended up losing all my excess weight (over 200 lbs). Your rate of weight loss has nothing to do with your final result - but your level of commitment DOES.
  5. Deactivatedfatgal

    VA sleevers!?

    Yes it's amazing . I remember being two days post op and barely able to sip & now I can drink more and it's the little things. I've also been going to the gym as I hit the dreaded three week stall lol
  6. Bufflehead

    Why has the scale stopped?

    I mean this in a totally kind way . . . the only thing you are doing wrong is not knowing that virtually everyone stalls between about weeks 3 and 5. Seriously. You can search the forums here for "three week stall" or even just do a basic Google search for "third week stall weight loss surgery" or "3 week stall vsg" or anything like that. You'll see that this is pretty much the most common thing ever after surgery. I think it is a shame that more surgeons don't educate their patients to expect it! You are not doing anything wrong with respect to eating, exercise etc. Just stay off the scale for 2-3 weeks (maybe measure yourself to see if you are losing inches -- yes it can be true that you lose inches but not pounds!). The weight loss will start up again I promise, and don't stress out or beat yourself up over doing anything "wrong." It sounds like you are doing incredibly well, but are stuck at the third week stall like we all were and all future wls patients will be. You are in good company
  7. Bufflehead

    Emotional breakdown

    I'm sorry no one told you to expect a stall for a couple of weeks starting about three weeks post op, but that's what happens to the vast, vast majority of people after weight loss surgery. You aren't doing anything wrong. Keep following your program, stay off the scale for a couple more weeks, and you'll find yourself dropping weight again. Seriously, use the search function here and look for "three week stall" "third week stall" or something like that. You can even Google "three week stall weight loss surgery" or "week three stall post-vsg" and you'll see tons of people posting about it all over the internet, not just here. Don't have a breakdown! Again, I am really sorry no one thought to tell you about this but it is perfectly normal and you will do great. Keep going.
  8. looks like you're having the dreaded "three week stall" a bit early. I did, too. I had it during weeks two and three. Week four I dropped like six lbs within a few days. Almost everyone gets that early stall. No worries - just stick to your food plan.
  9. blizair09

    Odd sense of calm/confidence?

    I understand how you're feeling. I started my journey in February with my PCP and I weighed 397 pounds (a BMI of almost 53). She referred me to the man that would become my surgeon, and I had my first of six required monthly appointments with his staff on March 3. They had no weight loss expectations, but I said I wanted to lose 40 pounds (about 10% of my body weight). Once I got going, I was determined to make the most of that time. As the months went on, my confidence grew, and on the day of surgery (September 28), I had lost 99 pounds. I won't lie; I was freaked out from about a week before the surgery until the anesthesiologist knocked me out. But, my pre-op success gave me a certain leg-up in the process (at least in my mind). I walked into that hospital looking like a million bucks very proud of what I had already accomplished. This confidence has helped me tremendously post-op as well. I am convinced it has helped to speed my recovery, meet my Protein and Fluid goals, and stay positive even when I felt like hell those first few days home. Also, when I hit that "three week stall" (and so will you -- it happens to everyone), I have handled that much better as a person who has already lost almost 120 pounds as opposed to a person in the same situation who has just gotten started and has only lost 20 pounds. All this is to say have the confidence, embrace it, and let it work to propel you toward your goals. The sky is the limit, and you can achieve whatever you want to achieve! Best wishes!
  10. NellieBean


    If you search for 3 (three) week stall, you should find plenty of information and help to get through this phase.
  11. So I finally broke an almost three week stall and officially hit the "overweight" category of BMI. Officially I'll never be obese again. What a great way to start the day LOL
  12. My doctor said the same thing. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me. I've been aiming to stay at the 800-900 daily calorie range, limiting myself to four opportunities a day to take in food (one instruction my NUT did provide) and no more than 1/2c. per opportunity (often times less). I'm one month out, and I feel hunger at regular intervals. I also have no pain or adverse effects when eating (I.e. throwing up, dumping, etc.) I'm afraid if I let my baby sleeve totally run the show, I'll end up grazing, developing bad habits, and not losing. Following these guidelines, I'm in control, I'm hitting all of my water and nutrition goals, and I'm losing (haven't hit the three-week-stall quite yet!). More importantly, I feel physically satisfied and truly am getting enough food (but not too much) to keep my sleeve happy and healthy.
  13. catwoman7

    Post op weight gain

    you might be entering the infamous "three-week stall", and your weight might be up slightly because of water retention or full intestines. Just stick to your plan - it'll pass and you'll be on your way to losing again!
  14. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    I lost 16 lbs the first month - most of that the first two weeks. Then I had the infamous three-week stall - after that broke, I started losing again, but it was a lot slower than the first couple of weeks.
  15. chasingpolaris321

    Same weight for 7 days

    Totally normal! You're experiencing the dreaded three week stall. I had bypass on 9/1 and am going through the same thing. Our bodies just need a chance to catch up. And as many people will tell you, you are likely still losing fat and going down in clothing sizes even if the scale is stuck. Hang in there! We just have to stick to our plans
  16. catwoman7

    Same weight for 7 days

    Folks - please search this site for posts on the three week stall. There are thousands of postings on it because almost everyone experiences it. Bariatric centers should be telling their patients about this so they don't freak out (ours does....). Just stick to your program and stay off the damn scale for a few days. The weight loss WILL start up again!
  17. catwoman7

    Same weight for 7 days

    do a search on the "three week stall". Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. It *will* break.
  18. Day 20, sounds like the infamous three week stall I recently learned about but it happens to so many people here. I had it as well. It lets up. Just be patient. Congrats on the 20 pounds.
  19. dramagirl28

    August 2011 sleevers get in here!!!!!!

    I was sleeved 8/25 and have lost about 17lbs. I'm in the dreaded three week stall but I'm not letting it get to me. After so many years of dieting I am well aware the scale will move when it darn well wants to. lol I just started mushies last week and have been living on egg & tuna salad and ff refried beans. It's a lot easier for me to drink faster now but it still takes me forever to eat 1/4 cup. My energy level is back to normal except when I'm exercising. I can only do about 15 mins on my elliptical before I'm ready to fall over. I'm not getting all my protein in but I'm almost there. Fluids are harder for me. I guess the sleeved life is getting to be more normal.
  20. Sosewsue61

    Stopped losing weight

    The 'dreaded three week stall' - is very common - just hang in there and keep following the plan. We don't lose every week or in a linear fashion. 31 pounds is awesome so far.
  21. P.S. just wanted to add that I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started off at way over 300 lbs. People lose at all different rates depending on a bunch of different factors. Your relatively low BMI (low compared to most bariatric patients) is one of those factors. and I stalled weeks 2 &3 - no loss at all. It was just the infamous "three-week stall". My weight loss started up again during week 4.
  22. vikingbeast

    First food after bypass

    Each person is completely different. The higher you start, the more you're likely to lose right away—but not always. The first week or so is basically your body in trauma. You were pumped absolutely full of fluids and gas during surgery (if you had weighed yourself immediately after you probably would've gained 5 pounds!) and your body has to get rid of it. But if you're concerned, ask your surgeon or your bariatric center. I noticed that my weight tumbled the first week, then was more consistent the second week (today is two weeks out). I'm sure the three-week stall is right around the corner, but that's okay.
  23. At about three months out....I had a three week stall. I was pulling my hair out (and it was coming out, believe me...lol) trying everything to kick my weight loss into gear again. Barely eating 1000 calories (I typically eat 1200), exercising like a maniac, being stupid and listening to bad advice in desperation.... starvation, cutting my healthy carbs, all sorts of stupid...I did it...and got no where. STUCK. For three freaking weeks. Finally gave up, said, feck this...and went back to my regular healthy carb based 1200 calorie Mayo Clinic Diet. Figured I'd either eventually lose weight, or just maintain my loss, call it a day... and feel sane again. Started losing again slow and steady. Did I mention slow? LOL...but steady...and I felt terrific. I'm at the end of my weight loss phase these days...which is evidence that even the most flawed dieters can be successful if they don't give up! You can be an absolute screw up....and as long as you wake up each day and make an effort....and move your habits just an inch or two in the right direction every day...you'll get there. You really will. Be patient with yourself. Love yourself. Let little screw ups go and move on...they're not world ending. Focus on permanent habits. Try for good change EVERY day. Let the little **** go. It's not worth torturing yourself and throwing in the towel over. We don't have to be perfect. I have gotten extremely comfortable with my forever diet...no more crazed desperation, no more rushing shite, no more frantic yaya.... just lots of really good healthy food, lots of exercise I enjoy....and 75 or so naughty calories a day. A livable, healthy, balance. (for me) So...this week, I thought I really blew it... Cause I had a McD's ice cream cone after the fireworks with the fam, I ate half a veggie burger at Burger King on Tuesday with my bestie after my tattoo (with the bun and some of my bestie's fries!), ate a ton of awesome treats at our pool party...though it was all pretty dang healthy:) And....ok, I'll be honest...was kinda relaxed about my food journal. Hubby and kiddo were around and it was vacation...so I relaxed a little. So, I'm thinkin...well crap...it's not gonna be pretty this week. Stepped on the scale and lo and behold....I lost a little over two pounds...in one week...which this far out is freaking incredible!!! ( I started thinking about the walking I did at the air show and fireworks, and all the pool party prep and swimming, lawn mowing, gardening, pulling weeds for party...and yep...I worked that two pounds off my butt pretty easily given the extra hours of exercise) That said? Isn't it nuts how you can work so hard and get no where...and relax a little and make awesome progress sometime? Sometimes it feels like we're at the mercy of a sick joke. LOLOLOLOL! I will never understand how the weight loss Gods work. They are a cruel, twisted, unpredictable race of beings. Hoping everyone's having a terrific summer:)
  24. catwoman7

    No weight loss week 2!

    it's the infamous three week stall. It just came a little early for you (actually, it did for me as well, I had it weeks 2 and 3). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll break and you'll be on your way again. That happens to probably 90% of us. if you want to read about this stall, do a search on this site for the "three week stall". You'll find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding.
  25. do a search on the three week stall. Happens to almost everyone. There are literally like 15,000 posts about it here on BP. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to - and know that it WILL break. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks.

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