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Found 15,853 results


    600 pound life!

    LOL I’ve religiously watched every episode, every season, probably 2-3x 😂 That Asanti family is the biggest train wreck I’ve ever seen. My favorite though...when Dr. Now hauls off on one lady that’s constantly blaming her weight gain on water weight. He goes “You’re not 700lbs of water!!!” I nearly died LOLOL
  2. JMJames92

    Weight gain issues

    I haven't had weight gain issues but I have been very afraid of that...especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. I think my fear of turning back into "my old obese self" motivated me to keep exercising and watching what I eat (somewhat) throughout this whole thing. I wish you luck in taking that weight back off. You did it once and you can do it again!
  3. KittyLouSou

    regreting this whole thing

    Oh Janice5/32, did you start gaining weight in the first place and become overweight because you were feeling insecure about what you felt was a boylike figure? Maybe just subconsciously? If so, that might explain your intense discontent. You think you are heading to your worst fear, one that you had already "fixed" by the weight gain. (Our brains don't "fix" things very well, do they?!) That must be tough, knowing you did the right thing for health but still feeling it was so wrong. It's a definite disconnect, for sure, but I think you just weren't prepared to deal with that part. Especially at 23! It's a tough age of self discovery. And I think I understand, as at one of my more successful weight loss program schemes (I've tried them all!), I did a hypnosis course/support group thing. It was rather enlightening to learn that some of us gain some of this weight without realizing it as a form of protection. I myself have always had difficulty dealing the right way with attention from men, so after a failed engagement (wherein my fiance jerkface slept with his coworker's super skinny girlfriend, how cliche!), I ballooned well past my usual safety plumpness as I NEVER wanted to feel that betrayal pain again...so I was "protecting myself" by ensuring that I was the one ignored at the bar with my thinner friends, and feeling like I was in control by having taken myself out of the game completely. Which lead to never leaving my house, which lead to more weight gain, rinse, repeat. Of course, there are many reasons I'm overweight (all of which I take responsibility for), but that was an aspect of it that has been "working" for me. But now five years of this with a brand new high blood pressure diagnosis and and some intense latent loneliness later, I believe I'm ready to change all that and not be afraid of what happens if I'm not invisible anymore, or to not have the overweight thing be something I can point to as THE REASON WHY NOTHING WORKS IN MY LIFE. Yes, it's a scapegoat, and I'm ready to see what it's like without it. It will be tough, I know, without my tubby suit of armor. I'll probably be all "THE REASON NOTHING WORKS IN MY LIFE NOW ARE THESE FLAPPY BAT WING ARMS AND THIS SAGGY PANNIS I HAVE TO TUCK INTO MY PANTS", hehe. But you only live once, and I'm ready to hurtle into that unknown, as the other rare times I've taken a chance in my life usually turn out pretty good. Although I think that my view may be opposite of the way you are seeing; as maybe you are afraid of becoming more invisible in a way you intensely fear or somesuch, but it's a similar thought process, no? A twisted protection or fear of the unknown and the change. Anyhow, wow, did I just make this all about me? Yes, yes I did. Sorry. I hope you can make a breakthrough in the mental side soon and enjoy your rockin' new bod! We are all pulling for you and hope to see a glorious celebratory post in the future. If not, you can gain it all back by eating little bad things all day long, right?
  4. BubblyBandit

    Learning how to eat again

    Yes ladies. I to am having difficulty. I had lost about 80lbs prior to getting pregnant, but was having difficulty conceiving so I had an unfil and gained about 25lbs. I got pregnant and did pretty well about the weight gain I think I gained about 30 but lost 20 after birth so I was only about 10 over my prepregnancy weight but I had to have an unfill because of breast feeding and I know I've gained more weight! My little one is going on 20 weeks and I don't know what to do to get started again! I feel like a failure! I have been banded almost 5 years and have put most of the weight back on! I don't know what to do!
  5. Does anyone else remember gaining a lot of weight right after surgery (the 2-3 days after, I mean) due to Water retention and/or swelling? I've gained 10 lbs since my removal surgery 2 days ago and I've hardly consumed any calories at all. Of course, what I HAVE consumed has been broths that are high in sodium. Still, that seems extreme to me. Anyone go through anything similar with any surgeries you've had? Is this remotely normal?
  6. Victoriana

    does my situation count as a complication?

    According to all your NSV's it seems that you are converting fat into muscle which weighs more, and then the good part is that once you have all your muscle building or rebuilding done, these are the very same critters that are going to take all that preparation and new thyroid support and burn the rest of the fat off probably faster that you could imagine (remain hopeful). And by the way, are you sleeping well? I found out that lack of the right kind of sleep can actually stress your body and not let it loose also. It amazes me to learn of all the factors that contribute to weight gain. Do you get aerobic? or does running to classes do that for you? I think you are in for a good surprise.
  7. SouthTX LapBand

    Anyone experience back pain with the band?

    UPDATE -- I note that Anthony says (on a new thread he just started -- DEDICATED & RESTRICTED to the topic of back pain related to having a lap band appliance) that .... 1) he was totally drained of fill 6 months ago 2) his regaining weight began at that point in time.. So while it is true that over-restriction can lead to soft-food syndrome and weight gain, it is not true for Anthony. Again, I thank Anthony for coming forward with this problem because it stands to help many people... Theresa
  8. bandster_1007

    OMG! I have a brain tumor

    you will be in my prayers, hopefully the surgery through the nose is going to be an option, that way you won't have to shave your head and recover from that type of surgery. it sounds like you are being very optimistic and actually handling it well (seeing as how you are actually able to worry about weight gain at this point ). most people would do good to have a pitty party for a month...you are a strong woman. keep looking at it in such a good light, and keep us updated.
  9. SmilingEyes

    weight gain?

    The stall is normal. We all have them. The weight gain could be a simple as water. So hang in there and press forward. Keep up the good work. You will break through it!
  10. Tell me more about your diet! Currently 6 weeks...want baby to get adequate nutrition without weight gain! 1 lb! [emoji847]
  11. Banded on July 7, 2009. Lost 52 pounds but holidays hit and I've gained back 7 and am scared to death. I've had one tiny fill and I have to keep reminding myself that there is a reason I had the surgery. If I could have done it myself...am too embarrassed to call surgeon but I don't want to slip slide back into old habits either. Some uplifting words would totally rock right now!
  12. bwaydiva


    Currently I'm waiting on insurance approval for the lap band with Dr. Felix. I'm nervous and excited. Unfortunately, my normal method of dealing with emotion is to overeat...so I've gained about 10 pounds since my first appointment which was in late November. 10 POUNDS!!! AHHHHH!!! Did anyone else have this problem during pre-op? I'm not on any sort of diet yet. I feel like I'm in lap band no man's land. I'm pre-pre-op. How weird. I'm angry at myself which then leads to...guess what... more eating! :faint: I'm really doubting my ability to be able to do this. I know that this is just pre-surgery jitters and I know that this is just a tool. I really do believe that I can be sucessful... but I am really nervous about this most recent weight gain. :cry The only reason I haven't gained more is that I've had the flu twice and keep landing myself in the ER with dehydration from being so sick. Please HELP. Thanks for reading. You guys are all such an inspiration to me and I feel so grateful to have LBT in my life. Sheila 300 / 270- Went to a weight loss program over the summer and slowly gaining it all back =( P.S. While I was writing this post, my insurance company called me and I was denied. Sometimes, life stinks.
  13. I'm amazed at how easy this process was. I was banded on 4/11/14. This, was after a four year decision process encouraged on by continued weight gain and insurance cooperation. I did a one week pre-op Adkins diet which provided positive results but I know I could not have done that one for long. I need variety. The surgery was minimally evasive which was plus. I was in by 6am and out by noon. This would include registration, waiting, surgical prep, waiting, visit from the anesthesiologist, chaplain (prayer is always good before surgery) and doctor. A bit nauseas post op, but a shot took care of that and knocked me out again. Then home to sleep it off. Went out the next morning to get Advil. Probably wasn't my best idea, just a little overly optimistic but, they said to keep moving. The gas used to inflate the cavity for the laparoscopic surgery needed to be reabsorbed in the body and eliminated. The process speeds up with movement. So, good time to kick off and exercise program. I've been walking a mile everyday. I have an awesome doctor (Dr. Shayani) and team. They check in daily and no question is minimized. I'm on a liquid diet until day 8 post op, at which time I can convert to soft foods and began to learn which foods I can tolerate. I'm beginning to feel normal again. Based on my home scale I have lost a total of 19lbs from 4/4/14 to 4/15/14. Amazingly though, I have more movement and none of the usual aches and pains. I'm usually dealing with arthritic pain in my knees and back. I'm thrilled about this. I am experiencing a persistent but slight headache. I attributed it to my body detoxing from all the surgical and post surgery pain meds in addition to all the crap I had put into my body prior to pre-op. My doctor encouraged me to have a cup of coffee. Which I am currently doing and will keep you posted. So there you have it, one person's experience after banding.
  14. In most cases, I feel an in person support group is a must have tool, Weight gain after surgery is due to one not following the rules after surgery. If one falls back into their old eating habits it is easy to sabotage progress. It’s always easier to blame the surgery vs. taking responsibility for one’s own actions. For example, we have a member of the support group I belong to that is gaining weight. She needs to start tracking her food consumption before the Nut or the rest of us can help her. However, she claims to not have time to complete a food log. In other words, she is in denial and not much can be done to help her. The surgery is only a tool; one still has to make the mental changes to be successful. It is not easy, but the healths benefits are great, but carry some draw backs that have to be overcome. In most cases weight gain is due to one not following the rules after surgery. If one falls back into their old eating habits it is easy to sabotoge themselves.
  15. juliegeraci

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Kathy, you look cute anyways. Glad you are doing so well. I am doing much better. Had a 5 lbs weight gain and that really motivated me to not feel sorry for myself. Going back to the gym has been a HUGE motivator for me. I am looking forward to my fill on July 17th. I also start with a personal trainer on Wed. next week. So far I'm down around 12 lbs but I see the scale moving South again with the exercise jump start.
  16. Hi Everyone, I need some advice with stopping the weight gain I've experienced since I was disbanded 16 weeks ago. I had a pretty severe erosion and had the band removed. I had it for nearly 6 years. I opted not to get a replacement because the erosion was such a bad experience, I didn't want the worry of another band slippage down the road. Since being disbanded, my health has dramatically improved. I'm not experiencing severe acid reflux, inflamed stomach and esophagus, vomiting every single night no matter what, pain and sleeplessness, etc. However, I've gained 10 lbs in 16 weeks and I'm worried that at this pace I won't be able to fit through a doorway soon. The hunger has come back strongly and I'm not "bulemic" anymore. Everything goes down just fine unfortunately. I've been taking phentermine to take the edge off the hunger, and I've been walking and going to the gym much more often, but I still can't seem to keep the weight from piling back on. I have to say, this is truly a shock. I really thought I would be able to keep my weight stable but apparently my body has other ideas of its own. It's like all of the sudden, my body thinks it had been starving and is now in massive fat storing mode again in case there's a giant food shortage in the future. I am seriously considering getting converted to VSG if I can talk DH into letting me spend the $11,000. He seems to think it should be so incredibly easy for me to lose weight without the band. Well, that's why I got the band to begin with, I could not do it without serious help. What's the verdict - am I going to need to get a revision surgery to stop from plumping my way back into a queen size wardrobe again? It seems like my worst fear - regaining all that fat I hated - is coming true. I admit that I loved being normal body weight and feeling like I was attractive again. It wasn't so much a health issue for me but more of an emotional/social issue. I felt extremely self conscious about my weight when I was heavy and I isolated myself because of it. I never want to go back to that depressed and sad person again. I may override DH and spend the money and work OT to make it up in the future. Thanks.
  17. jamietindall19

    weight gain after lap band

    the WEIGHT GAIN IS DUE TO THE EXTREME SWELLING! when you are on the liquid for 5 weeks you will lose weight but beware you do gain some back when you start eating food again before fill not a bunch but 2-3 lbs dont weigh yourself the first couple weeks and then you will get on the scale and WOW lol! good luck take care
  18. I had my inner thighs operated on in October of 2005. It is a painfull surgery and the scars are not all that attractive, but the results in rewarding. I have had a breast reduction, liposuction, tummy tuck and the inner thighs. The thighs were the most difficult. Would I do it again? Yes At least in my clothes I look soooo much better and my legs do not rub together like they did. They have always rubbed, even as a teenager ( and I was not heavy), but after so much weight gain they were painful. Much better now.:whoo:
  19. Jean McMillan

    I Need Advise....

    Been there, done that, and didn't even get a tee-shirt. Like you, I found that my experience of restriction was different after a complete unfill, and a lot of people find the last 20 or so pounds hard to lose. IMO, the most important thing to address is not your weight gain but the reflux. I recently learned how severely reflux can damage the esophagus and wouldn't want you to lose your band because of tolerating reflux for an extended period of time. Have you tried taking omeprazole for it? Do you avoid eating a few hours before bedtime? As for the weight loss puzzle - I just wrote an article about breaking a weight loss plateau. Check it out here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/page/index.html/_/plateaus-and-regain/breaking-a-weight-loss-plateau-r67
  20. Kat817

    NJ November Thread

    Hi girls I am home---has been a rough one. I thought I would bounce right back, and it is slower going than I had hoped. Yep, the tumor was considered benign. It would have eventually turned to cancer but was growing too fast to have ever been a worry that way. It was between a golf ball and a tennis ball in size. I cannot tell you how happy it being benign made me! I kept coming inand out of the sleep from anesthesia and asking about it! Had some blood pressure issues, went too low, so they pumped me full of fluid---12 pound weight gain--full of fluid! Spending all my time in the bathroom losing weight today! For now I am going back to my ice pack and recliner. I will check in with you all in awhile. Gina, thanks for sharing my DD & DH's posts, they lost the post it I had given them with the threads to post to, so they found the Violets thread in my email. I do appreciate it, I fel great comfort knowing I had all of you out there in different corners--I felt extremely lucky to have you all! (((hugs)))) Kat
  21. Arabesque

    Trintellix and weight gain

    Anti depressants are notorious for causing weight gain, often because appetite increases. Your doctor needs to check the anecdotal evidence about Trintellux. Maybe there is another med you could try? Weight gain In clinical studies, people who took Trintellix didn’t have a significant change in their weight. But after this drug was approved, some people taking Trintellix reported weight gain while taking the drug. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/trintellix#side-effects My GP increased my HRT 6 months ago & I gained a couple of kgs pretty quickly (& started getting random pimples too - WTF?). I also was increasing my protein intake & I blamed that at first. I cut out some things from I ate, added a little more activity but no change to my weight. Now, I’m putting 90% of the blame on the HRT. But what do you do? Symptoms or some extra kg. Don’t let it demoralise you. You’ve done so well with your weight loss. All the best.
  22. I first noticed I could comfortably cross my legs and keep it there at an 18. Thank goodness even with my weight gain I can still do this!
  23. I too am not sure if my PCP will give me a referral. I have only been seeing her for the last two years and my weight has gone up and down throughout the years due to yo-yo dieting. I switched PCPs a lot before I found one that I was comfortable with and would always go on a fad diet before scheduling my annual physicals because I was ashamed of my weight and didn't want to get lectured about the dangers of obesity. I have kept a log of most of my weight loss attempts and weight gains which I plan on bringing to my Dr.'s appointment. Hopefully that will help. Good luck with your doctor.
  24. themis

    Help! Why am I gaining weight?

    How is your hunger? Is it maybe time for another fill? I agree you're weight gain is due to adding bulk/muscles. Check with your doctor to see what he has to say. Great job! You're an inspiration to all us newbies!
  25. Healthy_life2

    Need advice

    You have not screwed up. Life’s stresses happen. The great thing is you got on this before a significant weight gain. Many of us have had the 15 to 20-pound gain years out. You are not alone. Glad you reached out for support. I am a sleeve. My restriction is noticeably less but my stomach is not back to full size. All I can offer is what has worked for me. Some things to try for hunger and filling the extra space you may be experiencing. Get back to basics. Log your food stay within your weight loss calories/macros, hydrate and exercise/activity. (Food log aps myfitnesspal or baritastic) Get temptation foods out of the house go shopping for items on your plan. Just because we can eat more does not mean we have to eat over your calories and gain weight. For me, simply staying in my calories and macros and the scale moves. With your protein and other items on your plan. Allow yourself to eat as much veggies until full Extra carbs and real sugar can make you crave them more and cause hunger. Detox off them. Keep healthy options on hand to satisfy sweet and salty cravings. Night snacking. Keep a veggie tray and some berries in the fridge allow yourself to snack on these items. If you try to bargain with yourself for other options its head hunger. Some will offer advice on pouch reset (going back to liquids and progressing back to real food stage) Decide for yourself if this is too restrictive. it may cause you more hunger. For some it helps to feel restriction a bit more – It does not shrink your pouch. We have a weight loss challenge for support and motivation. Link below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/426358-❤july-2019-challenge❤/?page=9&tab=comments#comment-4795344

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