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Found 1,239 results

  1. The three week stall is experienced by just about everyone but it can happen from week 2, 3 or 4 & can last 1-3 weeks. And you’ll experienced it again along this journey. Yes, it can really screw with your head. I thought of them as your body saying stop. what the hell are you doing to me or it taking a breath as it gets used to the changes you’re making (reduced food intake, changes to activity levels, the surgery, etc.). Leave the scales alone for a few days. Did you take body measurements before your surgery? Sometimes you’ll see changes on a tape measure before you see them on the scales. This is hard work. A lot of reflection, emotional ups & downs, changing habits & establishing new routines but it is sooooo worth it. Best decision I ever made. So many benefits. Keep a list of all your non scale victories a long the way to keep you motivated. Take photos of your shrinking body. You’ll get through this & other hiccups along the way.
  2. Forensikchic

    emotional/stress eating

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am at least learning my triggers so I can manage them better. I am currently in my first stall I think. I lost 1/2 pound last week. That hasnt happened yet for me till this week. I didnt eat crazy, I just thought about it. I never had the three week stall so I guess its my turn. I hope next week is better. Good luck with your BF.
  3. Dang it....I've been there too and it stinks. The dreaded 3-week stall! I FREAKED OUT when I actually gained a pound during that time. Contacted the nutrionist at the surgeons office (because I was convinced I was going to be one of the people the sleeve surgery didn't work for.) Her exact words, "Relax. It is normal for weight to flucuate, especially after surgery. You do have restriction there. Just keep doing what you are doing and the weight will come off." She was right of course. Seems like when I have a stall or even gain, it's always right before I have a dramatic drop in weight. My weightloss has not been a smooth downward track, it looks more like steps...down then flat.....down then flat. You keep doing what you are doing and you will lose. May have a few more stalls along the way too. You are welcome to read my blog as I started at roughly the same weight but am only a few weeks ahead of you. http://hoosierfatty.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/three-week-stall-weight-and-diet/ Good luck!
  4. catwoman7

    STALL ?

    it's probably the infamous three-week stall - we call it that because it's USUALLY the third week, but it can really happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. If you do a search on this site, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding....). Suffice it to say, a huge majority of us experience it. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks, but you're not the first person I"ve read about where it's lasted for four. As long as you're following your program to a "T", it'll break and you'll be on your way again. Just stay off your scale for a few days if you need to..
  5. catwoman7


    she's only three weeks out - it's the infamous three-week stall. Pretty much everyone has that. Best thing to do is just stay the course - and stay off the scale 🙂
  6. lsereno

    4 weeks Post Op and Stuck

    Hi May Sleevers! I feel a special bond with you because I'm a May Sleever too! May 2011. The three week stall is very common. 18-20 pounds in the first month is great. I suggest cutting fatty foods, such as avocado and full fat cheeses till later in your progress. When in the early stages, I tried to get 1 gram of Protein for every 10 calories of most foods. That allowed me to get 70 grams of protein for around 700 calories. And I exercised 6 days a week. Not a crazy amount of time. Three days I walked an hour at a fairly good clip. Three days I worked with weights for 30 minutes. Best wishes to all of you on your journey! I'm saving a spot for you on the goalies' bench. Lynda
  7. Hi! I’ve read so much about the three week stall, so I’m not really going to talk about how annoying and frustrating that can be... because it sure is. I’m so nervous to ask my question. So, I started puréed foods Monday. Per the NUT, that includes scrambled eggs, no-fat refried beans, etc. I feel that I can eat more than I should. I can eat an entire scrambled egg with a little (0.3-0.4 oz) low-fat cheese or 3-4 oz of refried beans/yogurt in one sitting. I feel like that is a huge amount! I eat slow, chew (even though it’s soft/puréed), and have never felt nauseated. Per my NUT, I’m supposed to eating 3 meals per day and drinking two snack protein shakes. I’ve been meeting my water requirement and am getting 500-600 calories a day. Is this too much for me only being (almost) 3 weeks out? I’m sure there will hopefully be more restriction once I get to more solid type foods, but I’m just so nervous. The NUT told me not to worry about calories at this stage and just focus on protein/water intake. But what can I say, I like to worry.. Thanks for your help!
  8. Ummm... This needs to be pinned! Like a, "come here when you hit the three week stall" post! Great explanation Babbs!
  9. Oh goodness. You aren't "stalling"- I know that it's common for us to refer to the three week stall. You are HEALING. Your body is ADJUSTING. It needs to re-work the way it is now processing not only food, but your energy stores. You've just shocked the crap out of your system! Lol. Give it a chance to figure it out! I am a firm believer, at over 100 pounds down, that a stall goes on much much longer than this. In between, it's simply adjusting. I've said it before- I count the "decades" of pounds I lose--- 240-230 190-180 etc. the numbers in between are of no consequence to me. They bounce, change and do all kinds of erratic things- until they don't and I plummet into the next "decade". For me, right now, it's the 170's. 160's will come but if I worried daily about the 2 pounds up and down for a few days In between , I'd go bonkers. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Oh goodness. You aren't "stalling"- I know that it's common for us to refer to the three week stall. You are HEALING. Your body is ADJUSTING. It needs to re-work the way it is now processing not only food, but your energy stores. You've just shocked the crap out of your system! Lol. Give it a chance to figure it out! I am a firm believer, at over 100 pounds down, that a stall goes on much much longer than this. In between, it's simply adjusting. I've said it before- I count the "decades" of pounds I lose--- 240-230 190-180 etc. the numbers in between are of no consequence to me. They bounce, change and do all kinds of erratic things- until they don't and I plummet into the next "decade". For me, right now, it's the 170's. 160's will come but if I worried daily about the 2 pounds up and down for a few days In between , I'd go bonkers. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App This has been the case in my pre-op weight loss as well. Some "decades" just skirt by in 2 weeks; others are almost painfully slow. The body is a strange monster sometimes. (And it is always the "decades" around a milestone weight that are the slowest for some reason -- some sort of strange, cosmic humor, I suppose!!)
  11. Bufflehead

    Not losing weight!

    A stall between weeks 2 and 4 is completely normal and common. Search the forums for "three week stall" if you want to see that just about everyone suffers along with you. Just keep following your program and the weight loss will pick up again.
  12. Strivingforbetter

    2 weeks post op stopped losing weight!

    Just keep being consistent. Your body is adjusting and wondering what's going on. Be patient. Your weight loss will start again. This happens to about 98 percent of people. Just scan the forum for older posts about stalls. There's a whole party going on about the three-week stall.
  13. Google three week stall. Everything about this journey is a marathon and not a sprint. And, in my experience, post-op weight loss was more of a step function that a linear function. Keep to your plan, make good decisions, and do what you are supposed to do and the weight will come off.
  14. catwoman7

    Scared I'm recovering too fast...

    not sure why you're complaining - I think we'd all love an easy recovery! (and many of us do have them). It sounds like you're progressing normally. No reason to go back to protein shakes only if you're not having any issues. almost everyone has their first major stall during the first month or so after surgery. We even have a name for it - "the three-week stall" (because it's usually the third week, but not always. It can be the second week or the fifth week). It'll last for 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your program and it WILL break. You will likely hit a few of these on your journey. I had a very easy recovery and was able to progress quickly, like you. I ended up losing all of my excess weight. So you're fine.
  15. magpie26

    Losing while eating???

    I had a three week stall, and I think an 8 week stall (both fairly short) and now I'm in my worst one I have ever had, those other ones were annoying but this one is what the vets talk about. It totally happens, we do everything right and they happen. Don't worry, your body will get used to this and everything will be fine.
  16. ainsworth1

    the dreaded three week stall!

    OK so I knew it might happen, but hoped it wouldnt!! it has!! the dreaded 3 week stall, no weight loss for a week now so whats going on?!! I am consuming all my water, protein is up in the 70's i am exercising. Please someone give me some hope that this will end soon?? I have 5 weeks until I go on a cruise and really want to be 14lb down by then!! its very very frustrating (also not constipated!!) many thanks for any support or advice!
  17. coops

    my first stall

    Popeye, you are completely normal... welcome to the three week stall. It is a complete pain in the a$$ but it WILL pass. You are doing everything spot on. You're body is still a little shocked by the surgery and needs a lil 'time out' to adjust. Please don't beat yourself up or question what you are doing, cos you are doing a great job already. There are many of us who go through this, from newbes to old timers like me! I'm afraid, for me it is part of the process... Good luck on the rest of your weightloss journey!
  18. Creekimp13


    So many people try starving themselves.....and shoot themselves firmly in the foot. Your body doesn't want to starve to death, and it has a ton of amazing defense mechanisms built in to prevent this from happening....evolutionary coping strategies created by famines and poor hunting season...give our bodies all sorts of hormonal strategies for adjusting metabolism to deal with starvation and NOT LOSE weight. But here's the thing...if your body adjusts your metabolism down to deal with starvation...when you eventually do eat a semi-normal diet someday...it's gonna be a problem. You have a chance to rebuild your metabolism here. You don't want a sluggish metabolism that has learned to cope and survive on 500 calories a day. You want a hot burning furnace that runs all systems at optimal levels and gives you a ton of energy for exercise, burning fat and building muscle....at normal calorie levels as soon as possible. (that is the focus of my group's research...we are encouraged to eat 1000-1200 calories as soon as possible....initial studies support that more calories sooner leads to more sustained weight loss at 5 years post surgery, I'm part of a larger study meant to confirm these results in a larger test group) Bariatrics is an emerging field and there are a lot of ideas about how patients should lose weight post surgically. Old school models are extremely calorie restrictive. There are a lot of folks out there who have lost well on very restrictive plans. Some who have regained, some who have not. Ultimately...there are a lot of ways up this mountain. But, to me...the research makes sense. I want a hot burning metabolism that runs on quality fuel and gives terrific performance. I started eating 1000 calories per day at three weeks. I eat 1200 per day now and am never hungry and have a ton of energy. My weight loss has been steady. (a couple stalls, but par for the course) Another tip....Look up "three week stall"....it's extremely common to hit a stall at three weeks.
  19. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Is this the dreaded three week stall? I thought it was a joke! I weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday and haven't lost anything since! My scale said I even gain half a pound! I am not eating anything I'm not supposed to. I am transitioning to liquids to blended. However, I'm having a REALLY hard time getting my water in. I try to eat, I get so full I feel like I can't put anything in my body for like 2 hours, and it's not like the old days where you can just chug your water. I sip all day and I can barely finish 24 ounces. I'm 19 days post op today. I have been way more conscious of how fast I'm eating, I am chewing things to death, I use a baby spoon, I put my plate away, I wait between water and good but I'm a!ways so uncomfortable after eating almost any amount i am just afraid to drink! I feel like this is why I'm not losing. I also use the baritastic app AND write in a journal. I'm seriously thinking of having my friend that's a nurse come over with an IV!
  20. Nicey2u

    April 30th..looking for a buddy!

    57 is awesome! I'm down 52 but just came off a three week stall! Finally moving the scale again! Have you hit a stall yet!??
  21. Nicey2u

    April 30th..looking for a buddy!

    How are you guys doing? I had mine the 23rd of april and just broke a three week stall!
  22. I had a three week stall that started at week 3.
  23. Hi there I just wanted to check and see how everyone is doing. I have about 25 more pounds to goal. I am not as strict with myself as I should be ... Just broke a three week stall. Down over 120 lbs now... Labs ok Vitamin d low, every thing else ok Flabby skin on arms, thighs, belly. But oh well flap on!! I still can't eat a lot, and my acid reflux can be a beast. Nexium once day helps Still have at least one Protein shake a day...struggling with Water The journey continues.
  24. Madam Reverie

    What happens if you eat solid foods too soon.

    The reason you're on soft and pureed foods, is because your staple line is red raw and still not healed. You have a MAJOR wound in one of your MAJOR organs. Although you might think you're all good in the hood, you could be doing yourselves some damage. They don't (on average) tell you to wait for 6 weeks just to be pains in the bum. Its for your safety. The three week stall is well documented. Also, and more importantly, so are the risks of jumping ahead of your eating plan. Please be sensible.
  25. Most likely three week stall. Be patient, it will come off.

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