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InfiniteButterfly replied to kimpossible67's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I know too many people who got really sick on Atkins to think about trying it. Plus, most of the Atkins meal substitute bars, etc., have really high sugar alcohol content, and I can't have that. I just follow the instructions my doctor and NUT gave me. That seems to be serving me well thus far. -
I get full on a very small amount of dense Protein, but there are some things that won't fill you up (aka slider foods ) can eat ice cream, chips, donuts, chocolate, etc all day long. The surgery simply makes your stomach smaller, but what you put in it and how often is up to you. Surgery doesn't "Fix" cravings and head hunger. For example, you won't be able to eat a whole pizza for one meal, but you could munch all day and end up eating a whole pizza over several hours. After surgery it's up to you to choose what to eat and to not graze all day long. Personally I am hungry and eat every 3 hours or so. But I eat protein, veggies, some fruit and whole grains. Carbs, sweets and alcohol are rare indulgences, but could totally sabotage my weight loss if I ate them regularly. Of course I still like these things, but I have to CHOOSE to not to eat them. If these things are not what you expected, maybe you should step back and take another look at what exactly this surgery can do for you. It really is 10% physical and 90% mental.
How is everyone doing? Plateu? Food increasing?
Kindle replied to nesa83's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
I'm doing fantastic! I hit surgeon's goal a month ago and my personal goal last week. I started adding more fat (2% instead of skim milk, regular cottage cheese instead of nonfat, 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee, etc) and healthy carbs (whole grain bars, sesame sticks, more fruits) to my diet after hitting surgeons goal and am still losing about 1 pound/week. I take 2 Garden of Life Vitamin Code for women (which is 1/2 the recommended dose) daily, and B12 sublingual and D3 5000iu 3-4 times/ week. I was taking Iron and Calcium, too, but these were both high on my 6 month bloodwork so I eliminated the calcium (I eat a lot of dairy, anyways) and only take the iron 1x/week. The rest of my bloodwork was perfect...PCP was impressed. For the most part, I've had a wonderful postop experience, but here are a few low points... Stalled for a month between weeks 6 and 10. I increased my food and Fluid intake and started losing again. Had a second stall around 5 months but that only lasted 2 weeks. I didn't do anything special for that one. Got a Clostridial infection 2 months out that resulted in almost 2 months of severe diarrhea. I went through 3 rounds of an antibiotic that made me incredibly nauseous and I could barely eat/drink. ( This was, ironically during my month long stall. ) Then another 2 rounds of a different antibiotic that didn't make me sick. But nothing could clear the infection, so I ended up getting a fecal transplant on April 10th. Instant cure and makes for an interesting story... Always a hit at any gathering ! Had a gall bladder attack a few weeks ago. Worst pain EVER. Ultrasound showed no stones but maybe some sludge. I may be needing to get my gallbladder removed, but in the meantime I'm just praying I don't have another attack. I know this all sounds like I've had a rough time, but really it hasn't been that bad. My weight loss, drop in clothes size, and the fabulous way I feel has far outweighed any of the other things. I don't count or track or measure anything. I drink one large Protein smoothie (24-32oz/30-40g protein) everyday. Eat balanced meals of protein and veggies and snack on protein, fruit and whole grains. I do have alcohol, Desserts, Pasta, bread and other no-no's, but these are very occasional and in moderation. Love love love my new life and hope you all do, too. -
Sleevers in Recovery form alcoholism/drug addicition
nikkitierney posted a topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Are there any sleevers in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism? I ma set to be sleeved on July 24. I am a recovery and would like have somebody to discuss cross addictions and the additional problems posed w being sleeved for somebody in recovery, such as no longer having food to help me manage my emotions. Thanks! -
Other sleevers in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism
VSGAnn2014 replied to nikkitierney's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
From another WLS forum (but not posted by me): I wanted to see if anyone has shared my experience. Before having the sleeve surgery, I have never had issues with psychological or addictive disorders. I happen to be in the field of psychology, so I knew enough to have myself screened several times for any type of food or emotional addictions and dependencies before having my surgery. Basically, I confirmed before the surgery, that I had neither an addictive disorder, nor did I have a family history of chemical dependency. I had a sleeve a couple of years ago, and I am now in alcohol treatment. I was astounded to learn from my counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, that alcoholism is very common in patients following weight loss surgery (in my case the sleeve). I have learned from doctors that many of the origins of the neurotransmitters that regulate brain function (endorphins, serotonin, nor-epinephrine, and dopamine) actually originate in the stomach and digestive system. When this system is thrown "out of whack" so are the chemicals that control inner brain activity, frequently resulting in the brain seeking other methods of chemical regulation. The end result is often a dependency of another neuro-stimulant such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, or other mood affective substances. More and more research is supporting the phenomenon of people developing addictive disorders after weigh loss surgery who otherwise would not have developed them. Like I mentioned, I am now receiving outpatient, and in a 12-step program which will have to be a life-long process. I'm sure we were made aware that an existing food addiction may transition to another form of dependency, hence the requirement of psychological screening prior to surgery. I certainly was never made aware that a possible side effect of weight loss surgery was the development dependency issues WHERE NON AND EXISTED BEFORE, and neither was anyone else I know who have had the procedure. I'm not looking to start a blame-game, but I would like to reach out to others who have had my same experience. I know what I need to do, and am taking responsibility for my actions, but this whole thing looks like it has the potential for potential law suites in the future. I think the sleeve was overall a positive addition to my life, but I wish I had known how it would affect my brain chemistry so I could have better prepared. -
Other sleevers in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism
nikkitierney replied to nikkitierney's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I have not been sleeved yet and am nervous that without food, I will have to be extremely vigilant so that I do not relapse with alcohol or pain killers. I am also nervous bc I do not intend to use pain medicine after surgery, again bc it may trigger a relapse. I was 207 pounds when I got down to 163...and now I am 253 (was 267 before I began pre-op diet)I need to be able to finally live life on life's terms! -
Other sleevers in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism
nikkitierney posted a topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Are there any sleevers in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism? I am a recovery and would like have somebody to discuss cross addictions and the additional problems posed w being sleeved for somebody in recovery, such as no longer having food to help me manage my emotions. Thanks! -
Are there any sleevers out there who are in recovery from drug addiction/alcoholism?? I have been in recovery for 6 years and would love to be able to talk with someone about cross addiction and the different issues I may face now that I no longer have food to manage my emotions. Thanks!
I'm eating way healthier and even with the Protein powders, etc. my food expenses are WAY down..... This includes grocery bill, alcohol, and restaurant tabs. When I used to get something from the deli I would sometimes get 2 medium containers of whatever and eat it all in one day. Now a small container of whatever lasts me 2-3 meals. At restaurants I either order an appetizer and still have leftovers or an entree and have 2-3 meals worth of leftovers. Preop I would order an appetizer, entree and a drink or two....with no leftovers. My clothes bill, on the other hand......
Thinking of band removal. Poss causing my digestive issues? Anyone with similar?
4pugmama posted a topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I was banded in 9/2011. Prior to then, I had not had any health issues other than being obese and some irritable bowel symptoms for a few months due to stress. Over the last several years I have felt by body sicken/weaken. I have bloating all the time. I belch like a drunken sailor all the freakin time!! Starts first thing in the morning and goes all day. I have discomfort almost every day all day from trying to burp and not being able to. I get gas pains in my bowels almost every day, sometimes so severe I cannot move. I never know what type of food is going to set me off or if its just from too much gas in my body. Carbs/sugar seem to trigger severe gas pains but not always. I eat SO much healthier now than before. I have cut out dairy, most wheat, most processed foods. My family dr thought perhaps my symptoms were diet related but I don't think so. I have major weakness of my muscles. I used to be so strong. It doesn't take much to make my muscles sore. I know they have atrophied some because I didn't get enough Protein in the beginning (I don't think I ever have). Now I try to eat the recc amount but I am unable to tolerate Protein shakes. They give me horrible gas. I have tried several high quality brands, different protein sources, but my body rejects them. My neck, back, hip mucles are stiff and tight all the time. I take really high quality Vitamins, Calcium, magnesium, Iron, fish oil, but it doesn't matter. I still feel like my body is slowly falling apart. I am SO tired all the time. I have had extensive bloodwork which only shows that I am hypothyroid (I take medication for it) and I have a low level of whole body inflammation and a low level of mold bio toxin in my body. My malabsorption panels always come back normal. I have been on a proton pump inhibitor for the last four years (on Dexilant for last 2 years). I am unable to stop taking it. My stomach burns like crazy if I miss a dose. I have tried to wean off but wasn't able to go less than 1/3 capsule. I can no longer tolerate even a drop of alcohol or anything acidic, both make my stomach feel like its on fire. So basically I'm stuck on a PPI for the rest of my life. I get a sharp pain in my left side sometimes. Sometimes just for a moment or sometimes it persists for a day or more. Its worse when I breath in (maybe scar tissue at the port site?). I have had several upper GIs, all normal, had a fluoroscopy to check my restriction, came back normal, had a barium swallow study, normal. About 4 months ago I had all 9ccs taken out of my band (I didn't realize it was that tight). Over the years I had about 5 separate fills with no issues. With my unfill though, the dr had a very difficult time getting the needle into the port, took him 4 attempts and was pretty painful. When he removed the Fluid it felt like someone was stabbing me at the band site for about 5 hours. The dr hadn't had anyone experience that pain before. The nurse said it could have been from the band being over tight for too long. It was scary and really painful. I talked to him about having it removed but am scared I'll regain. I have lost about 70 lbs and have been able to maintain my weight with no restriction so I have some hope that I'll do fine without it but I also know I still have the strong urge to overeat and sugar binge sometimes. I am currently under treatment for a suspected babesia infection (blood parasite) which can cause a whole array of symptoms. I'm not convinced my issues are due to infection because I am one month into treatment and do not feel any different. I am wondering if despite all the normal tests and my band looking fine, my body just doesn't like it. I am wondering if anyone has had similar issues, especially with severe burping/bloating/gas pains. Or maybe there is something else going on and I'm just blaming the band. I am not interested at all in having any other weight loss procedures. I see my family dr in 2 days and am going to ask her for an abdominal MRI. If I don't start feeling better despite treatment for the infection then I think I should have my band removed. -
Hi everyone! I was sleeved on April 7th and I've lost 61 lbs! I have a couple of issues I need to put out there. One I have days of such nausesa I can't eat or drink. It feels like wet cement and lays there for hours. Secondly I have multiple sclerosis which is stable. I'm a highly medicated bipolar. I take lamictal Prozac for OCD I take Four mgs of Xanax for anxiety and seroquel which is a mood stabilizer and sleep aid. I've fallen twice in the last two weeks but MRI came back good. 3 days ago I had an event I don't recall much about. I was complexly out of it, dizzy, falling doing weird stuff, incoherent and confused. The ambulance kindly came to my rescue when my roommate knew something was very very wrong. They thought I had taken street drugs and it alcohol, blood test was negative. My bp was dangerously low. I had a cat scan which was negative. They think somehow I had overdosed myself. Apparently I had spent the day in bed and not eating. When I finally came home and tried to drink every little sip came up. It was like that for about six hours. It's been brought to my attention that because I've lost weight so rapidly there's been no dosage change. The ER doc said I was on enough meds to kill a horse. I'm actually prescribed 15 bottles and I just take my regulars and then as needed. Could my weightloss and meds possibly be the cause??? I intend on calling my psych tomorrow but I'm just curious what any of you have experienced. Thanks for hanging in there!!!
I am too gaining weight as we speak I got on the scale last week and gain 21 n 2 months I dont no whats with me but I can eat so much n im always hungry n just got on 2 knew medicines. When I go back to my doctors I will ask if this is one of the problems. Im too got lazy n been tired lately and I seen my surgeon Thursday he wants me to lost 50 plds its so hard I lose 103 plds well 125 but I gain back n its like I got real unmotivated when I stepped on that scale n seen the weight I really need help n something has to be done. Hopes everybody get better at there journeys. We so far out any one drinks alcohol. ..
steri-strip gunk
twinmommy2014 replied to sleevenewbie621's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
i used rubbing alcohol -
When you say "eating tiny portions and not drinking" do you mean that you are not drinking alcohol or you are not drinking liquids like water?
I got my surgery date! but.....
RayJunCayJun replied to Tisa's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I called it helicopter bacteria because that's about what the technical term sounds like. You will be fine, you will be given some super strong antibodies, maybe even triple antibody therepy, I think that is what it is called for a week. Just remember to not take any of it on an empty stomach and especially do not drink any alcohol while taking them. 4 years ago I did the triple antibodic thing and I tested negative last Monday. -
Starting Again 6 Years Later
dawalsh replied to JThompson72's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
That was wonderful! Thanks! I learned a lot! I have been following the rules for the most part but there were things I was not sure about like drinking with the meal being OK. Alcohol in moderation is OK. I love the 8 Golden rules! -
Kimr, yes I did cave and have some carbs. I'm hoping that getting back on track with upping my protein will take care of it. No alcohol for me though, I gave that and cigs up in 93...just too much partying and I decided to change my lifestyle and gave it up. Strangely I didn't gain any weight, I stayed about 135 for years then in my mid 40's I began to pack on the pounds... I'm not going to freak out yet even though I gained 2lbs, I'll just keep plugging along and hope things go back to normal. Whatever that is. :-)
don't drink alcohol.
Federal BCBS paid for my sleeve 100%, minus the copayments for the hospital and my surgon!
brians34 replied to Ambwee's topic in Insurance & Financing
@@brians34 I actually had already begun a supervised weight loss program before I went in for my consultation with the surgeon. As far as my failed attempts, I just wrote a letter discussing my weight struggles and all failed attempts of weight loss, including fad diets and professionally supervised diets. I then just had my doctors office give me a copy of my paperwork from each visit I had over the past 2 years (to show my weight). One thing that I did not do and it yelled my approval up several days, was get documentation from my primary doctor, saying that I had not been treated for alcohol or substance abuse in the last year. Except for that minor delay, BCBS Federal was very quick with my approval. The surgeons office sent my info over on Thursday May 22, and I had a response Tuesday May 27. The 26th was a holiday, so it only took 2 Business days. I didn't get to fax in the missing documents until June 3 bc my primary doctors office took forever to get it to me..but I was officially approved on June 4!! Thanks SweeTEA -
Federal BCBS paid for my sleeve 100%, minus the copayments for the hospital and my surgon!
HEARTonmySLEEVE2014 replied to Ambwee's topic in Insurance & Financing
@@brians34 I actually had already begun a supervised weight loss program before I went in for my consultation with the surgeon. As far as my failed attempts, I just wrote a letter discussing my weight struggles and all failed attempts of weight loss, including fad diets and professionally supervised diets. I then just had my doctors office give me a copy of my paperwork from each visit I had over the past 2 years (to show my weight). One thing that I did not do and it yelled my approval up several days, was get documentation from my primary doctor, saying that I had not been treated for alcohol or substance abuse in the last year. Except for that minor delay, BCBS Federal was very quick with my approval. The surgeons office sent my info over on Thursday May 22, and I had a response Tuesday May 27. The 26th was a holiday, so it only took 2 Business days. I didn't get to fax in the missing documents until June 3 bc my primary doctors office took forever to get it to me..but I was officially approved on June 4!! -
I had a friend who was an alcoholic - would drink as he was throwing up and crapping himself through all the alcohol. She had absolutely no place having that surgery without extensive counseling. it is hard to say, but honestly. At that size something is far more wrong than a basal addiction to food, or being a bit lazy or your metabolism is sluggish. Did not see the episode, I watch very little TV, but is sounds so sad
hey all, I'm 10 days out. On my 1week post op, my dr removed the steri strips from my incisions. Now, I have sticky gunk and what had stuck to it all over my belly in the outline of where the strips were. I tried alcohol on a swab and oil (very carefully as to not get too close to the actual wound) with no luck, any suggestions?
It's done! The procedure went great, and I have nothing but good to say about the surgeon and all his staff. From the folks at the surgical center to the office staff, everyone has been wonderful. Day 1 post op was not too bad, but I still had a lot of the surgical meds on board. Day two post op was probably the roughest, but I found as long as I stayed on top of the pain medication, and continued to walk every three hours and try to keep drinking as much as I could tolerate, it made things much better. Yesterday was day 3 post op, and it was exhausting. A two hour car ride is to be avoided if at all possible! Unfortunately, I could not. The incisions are all healing well and are beginning to itch like crazy! As for food and diet - so far, not too bad until I got the kids home from their aunt's house. Why yes, I'd love to finish your toast, or have some pretzels with you, or eat some yogurt. Arggghhh! And this is just the beginning. Unfortunately my very Italian grandfather loved us with food from the start and if you didn't eat, he felt unloved, so you ate. Also, food has been my friend. When I am alone, I have used it to soothe those feelings, when I am happy I have used it to Celebrate. When I am sad, I have used it to hide from those feelings. Now, it's simply not an option. I have been sober from drugs and alcohol for sixteen years and now it's time to take it a step further. I am under no delusions, and my eyes are wide open, and I am ready. With God, the support of my friends and family and some hard work, I can totally do this! Weighed in at the doctor's office yesterday before I left and I was down six pounds! Sounds like a good start to me. More to come!
Post Surgery necessities!
The Icy One replied to alisadiane's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Don't forget stool softener. If you use narcotic pain killers, you will probably need them. Something that you can mix into Water is good. Colace makes a powder that you can stir into water. It is clear and you can't really taste it. If you want a recliner for your recovery, you can rent one for a couple of weeks or a month. If you decide to obtain a recliner for your recovery, get one that has an electric leg/foot rest that is operated with a push button. You don't want to be stressing your abdominal muscles trying to get your feet up and down. Don't forget to stock up on rubbing alcohol, gauze 4X4 pads, skin friendly tape for incision care. You need to change your bandages twice a day until your sutures/staples come out. DO NOT use the big, waterproof bandages. They will totally rip your skin to shreds. (Ask me how I know. ) And be sure to change where you put your tape, from time to time to make it easier on your skin. It is perfectly okay to shower with your incisions uncovered, anyway. Just be gentle when washing and patting them dry. Good luck with your surgery. -
I see some what of a trend of dizzyness. This happened to me and I found it to be low blood sugar. This is why I eat 2 servings of fresh fruit everyday. Yes fruit has carbs but it also has lots of fiber. This has helped me cure the low blood sugar issue. I still have been religious about no alcohol and bad carbs such as bread, pasta and rice. I have also been dealing with gout which fruit such as cherries is recommended. If you start feeling dizzy or not well from low blood sugar a quick fix is some juice. This does not mean to start chugging juice but just a few onces will fix low blood sugar very quickly. Again, I now add fruit to my diet and have not had an issue with sugar levels.