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Found 1,239 results

  1. Babbs

    Feeling stuck

    Completely normal. So normal, it even has a name: "The Dreaded Three Week Stall". Keep trying to find soft proteins you can tolerate, get all your liquids in, and it will pass. Most all of us have gone through it! Hang in there!
  2. mz.newlife54

    Super excited

    Congratulations. I was sleeved 11-11. I was losing a pound a day. The end of last week nothing so i guess I've hit the three week stall. Hope its over soon.
  3. unsupersizeme

    Frustrated with the scale!

    Same thing happened to me. My clothes were getting loser but the scale wasn't moving. I was on a three week stall. This past Monday it started moving again. I lost 5 pounds that week
  4. Did any of you go through the famous three week stall?
  5. mz.newlife54

    Day 10 post op QUESTIONS

    Im two weeks three days after surgery. I've been the same weight the last two days. Ive been losing a pound a day since surgery. I was hoping to keep losing until exactly three weeks but i guess not lol. So the dreaded three week stall is here early. Hope it doesn't last long. How are the other November sleevers doing with the stall? li d
  6. VSGAnn2014

    Calorie Intake & Stalls

    Rozzie ... chill, my dear. You're just experiencing the dreaded three-week stall. Happens to almost everyone. It will start moving again VERY soon. FYI, for those who love to compare, yesterday was my three-month surgiversary. I'm 5'5" (or 5'4", depending on whose ruler you believe) and 68 years old. Here are my stats: I lost 19 pounds pre-op (11 on my own and 8 on the surgeon's two-week pre-op diet). Post-op I've lost: Month 1 = 10.4 Month 2 = 11.8 Month 3 = 8.8 ... for a total of 51 pounds. I'm very, very happy.
  7. So I had my sleeve done 11/6. I am on a liquid stage right now. Had to go out to any event to Celebrate my son's birthday and were around family that did not know I had surgery. I had Soup and then tried to eat a few bites of mashed potatoes so that it appeared I was eating like everyone else. I was only able to eat three bites of mashed potato. I'm just wondering once I get to real food next month. Is there going to be a point where I'm going to be able to eat an amount that is not so noticeable that everyone's gonna ask why only take five bites of food ? I'm just wondering if it's always only going to be a few bites of food or what? I want to eventually be able to go out and have normal social life without all the questions or why I'm not eating? So that's my only concern. For now obviously just being on shakes and yogurt etc. i'm already down 20 pounds since my surgery date. Still doesn't really feel good to eat yogurt even then I do better with just liquids. I go back to work this week and I feel fine other than that. I've been able to get up and walk around and be active almost since the first few days I've been home. So no complaints here. More just questions about the future. Happy that I will never be able to sit down with a huge plate of food And eat til my stomach hurts. Just knowing that makes me much more sure about my future. Making better choices and this tool helping for portion size it's really a win-win. Now I'm approaching this three-week stall keep hearing about but I have no complaints 20 pounds even for one month it's nothing to complain about. So far every day still more and more weight is gone. My doctor told me last Friday that that weight loss would slow down but I've lost another 3 pounds since then. Cheers to that!
  8. And here I was self-flagellating because I thought I must be either eating too much or too little or just generally have a body that doesn't want to lose weight. I'd never heard of the three week stall, but I'm in the midst of it. I'm 4wks post op tomorrow and I've fluctuated between losing and gaining a kilo in the last fortnight. That said, I do notice tiny changes in my body ie my sports crop top that was once nearly cutting me in two is now comfortable bordering on being too loose. I'm glad I kept scrolling through this and thank you to the original poster for posting this!!! I just hope my body gets a grip on itself and starts to pull the finger out. I've ramped up my cardio and plan to start weights this weekend (baby weights, not Arnie weights!!!). You all have given me hope that I'm not going to stay this weight. Yay! Cheers RozzieJ
  9. RozzieJ

    How's my calories?

    Hi Kindle - My apologies for barging in on this particular conversation, but I couldn't help notice your first sentence about the "Famous" three week stall. I'm coming up on 4wks post op (tomorrow actually). The scales haven't moved for me in the last two weeks, aside from up and down 1kg. So can I reassure myself that this is indeed normal?? I confess I'm sucking BIG time at getting in my requisite amount of protein. My visit to the surgeon last week didn't give me much info - he told me not to worry about protein and to focus on eating well. And I visited a dietician last week and she made it seem so easy to get my protein in, but I'm struggling. I'm working on about 700-800 calories a day and I'm walking every second day at this stage, with the hopes of progressing into light weights end of week. I'm really starting to panic as my biggest fear with this surgery was that I was not going to lose weight and here I am, nearly a month post op and haven't budged weight in two weeks. So any advice, opinions, suggestions and help will be greatly, greatly appreciated!! And once again, my apologies for barging in on this post!! Kindest regards RozzieJ
  10. *****

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    @@Buffer is your Vitamin regimen only a multi vitamin or is it also a Calcium and a sublingual B12? Early out, for me, my surgeon told me the most important thing would be hydration. I had issues drinking shakes post op because they would quickly fill me up and I could never finish. That in turn impacted my Water intake. Vicious cycle. I can sympathize with you. The game changed for me was finding a Protein powder with no gum additives. Manufacturers add cellulose, guar or xanthan gum to "thicken" shakes. For me the increased viscosity made them "heavy" and difficult to finish. If your protein contains these it could be making you feel too full and making them less desire-able for you. A three week stall is not uncommon, stick to your program that your team has outlined for you and you should start seeing results again soon. Your body could still be reacting to the surgery and drop in daily caloric intake that it may be trying to preserve itself before allowing itself to lose more. Also, check with your team about your Fluid intake. Personally I would focus on hydration. A common reason why bariatric patients end up in the ER is dehydration. Again, check with your team before considering any changes to their plan for you, they know best.
  11. sharonraley12

    60+ sleevers please help

    I wish I could be like you. I exercise 4 times a week and ride my bike on my off days. Just got bad news yesterday. I am having knee surgery on the 25th. I am a below the knee amputee and the sugery is on my good leg. I hope this will not effect my weight loss. I just got off a three week stall. I am so unhappy. Do not think I will ever be thin.
  12. Stalling at three weeks out is completely normal. It happens to everyone. Use the search function here and look for "3 week stall" or "third week stall" or "dreaded three week stall" and you'll see what I mean. Keep following the program your doctor gave you and stay off the scale for a while - that will help you stress less about it, because there really isn't anything you can do other than wait it out. Good luck!
  13. devint

    Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers

    @@Suzzann I use Nascobal with the Bariactiv and have since surgery. It's a win for me, except sometimes I just get sick of the taste but money wise its the best Vitamin solution for me. For pedometer, I use my iPhone, it drains batteries and its only about 95% accurate but it does help me to keep track of whether i've been totally lazy or at least come close to my goal. Because of my three week stall, I decided to start logging food here starting last wednesday and omg no wonder i'm stalled! I have been between 1200 and 1400 calories and have seriously let my carb consumption go haywire (aka over 100 grams most days), all in an effort to be super Protein rich (been over 80 g everyday and hardly "tried") Mostly due to trying to stop/slow the hair loss. :/ I am so disheartened that I have to reevaluate my eating habits again to get "leaner" choices in. I HATE feeling like i'm on a calorie restrictive diet, despite surgery I am back at square one trying to do it "the hard way" that I've tried doing it my whole life with no real long term success. Ugh, I don't mind "rules" like no sweets or bread but I hate "counting" and "logging." But obviously it works. Good news though, family is coming to visit this week and next and haven't seen me since surgery. Prepare for shock and awe.
  14. Hello there! Thank you and Congratulations on your surgery date! You are going to be sooo happy!! I remember pre-op, I was on the liquid diet for 7 days, and it was hard at first, but by day 5 I was getting excited that my surgery was almost here and wasn't hungry any more. I am doing really well post-op - thank goodness. I am a little sore now and then, or if I move too quick in an odd position then I feel a little pinch, but other then that I am good. I am waiting to see if I experience the dreaded three week stall, but the truth I am not really dreading it if I do. I already feel so much better, and have lost 32 lbs in the last 26 days, that if I have to wait a minute for my body to catch up, then it's worth it. Are you excited? Are you nervous? Temecula is really nice - Wine Country!!
  15. Bufflehead

    No weight loss !

    virtually everyone stalls at the third week out. Do a search on these forums for "three week stall" or "third week stall." Keep following your program and you'll start losing again -- but be patient. And get ready because there will be more stalls in your future. The only way you can avoid them is to stop weighing yourself so frequently -- that way you won't know when they happen! If you plot out your weight loss as a graph, it will not look like a smooth slope downwards. It is going to look like a bunch of randomly sized stair steps.
  16. I was only off for a week. I was off pain meds before I left the hospital, and probably could have went back to work two days after surgery. Now, almost three weeks out, I'm regretting it. I hit my three week stall and along with it came with it was exhaustion. I am EXHAUSTED. I wish I would have stayed home longer. I read though that after the stall is over, your energy comes back.
  17. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Thanks every one for your support and knowledge about the " three week stall". I will make sure I get my heart rate up and get through this! I will over come! Lol
  18. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sleeved Oct 7 and I have hit that dreaded three week stall. I haven't lost any inches in a week and no weight loss for four days..I'm also still exhausted. I feel like I could sleep all day and all night! I'm so depressed because I feel like this isn't going to work for me like everything else. Anyone ever feel this way?
  19. I admire your enthusiasm and your fitness level -- tremendously! But you are putting yourself under some very familiar-sounding pressure. And setting a goal to lose 11 pounds in a week (or less) is ... uh ... unreal, at least it's unreal to me. Any day now, you're likely going to experience what most of us already experienced -- the dreaded three-week stall. The hard truth about your weight loss is this: YOU don't get to determine how much weight you lose in a week. But you DO get to determine how much weight you lose in a year. Your body will lose at the pace it wishes to lose. Re the Water -- yes, we are pretty much in a state of near-dehydration post-op, since we're not eating the kinds of foods (high-carb foods with high sodium content) that we ate pre-op that tend to help us retain water. So we constantly pee out what we are drinking. I will admit that earlier on I hesitated to drink much water during the night because I wanted to see a lower number the next morning on the scale. Thank goodness, I'm now getting more water in overnight and feeling better. All this stuff takes time to get used to. You are probably sick of hearing this, but the longer post-op I go the more I understand this advice: This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Pace yourself. Very best wishes to you.
  20. There's been a lot of posts on the three week stall. You might just got yours early. Remember you just had MAJOR surgery. Your stomach was cut out. Your body needs time to heal. Weight is just how much force gravity is pulling. (Can't remember the actually definition right now) Your weight might be "stalling" due to numerous factors, bm, bloating, etc. I can almost guaranty you, you are still losing fat. Put the scale away for awhile.
  21. VSGAnn2014

    One Week Stall?

    LOL! The "three week stall" term refers to the first stall many people experience, which happens (typically) when people are around Week Three post-op. Honey, that's what you're dealing with. Ignore it. Just keep doing your program. And if it bothers you, stay off the scales. There are no other solutions.
  22. I had my gastric sleeve surgery 10/1 and went from 296 to 282 by the one week doctor's visit on 10/9. Now I'm stuck there. I'll be three weeks post op on tuesday and the scale is not budging... no matter what. I've been on full liquids, and will start soft foods this weekend. I'm getting pretty frustrated because I've heard of the three week stall, but never the one week stall. Am i doing something wrong? How am i not losing weight only eating a small amount and liquids at that.
  23. VSGAnn2014


    Boy, that was dramatic. Maybe if you hurry, you can get your old stomach back. Seriously ... in less than a month post-op you lost 15 pounds. FYI, my surgery weight 8 weeks ago was 216. One month (30 days) later, I'd lost 10.4 pounds. And I was thrilled. Thrilled! I cannot remember (decades ago?) the last time I lost 10.4 pounds in 30 days. Also consider this: About a month ago, I gained four pounds in two days. And then two days after that I stepped on the scales and had suddenly lost 8 pounds, for a net loss of four pounds in four days. It's not typical. But it happens. I would suggest that with the purees you've taken in some salt and maybe also have some constipation that's causing a temporary weight gain. Don't go off the deep end every time you get on the scales and see they've gone up or haven't gone down--especially if you're eating/drinking what's recommended by your surgeon. Give yourself a break and appreciate that you / we will NOT lose our overweight in a straight downward path. (Also google "three week stall" if you don't know about that. Happens to almost everyone.)
  24. Not until my 4 week post op appointment. I did have a 2 week post op appointment as well but my team doesn't weigh people at that one as they feel that weight at 2 weeks out is meaningless and apt to make people either unfairly depressed (if they are still retaining fluid from surgery) or overly optimistic about how easy it is going to be to lose weight, if they happen to drop a lot of weight quickly, right before they are bound to hit the three week stall!
  25. Hi everyone. Just wanted to make a reassuring post to people that may be asking that question and give a little update that made me cheerful about that giant cyclops of a scale I have. YOUR SCALE IS NOT THE TRUEST MEASURE OF YOUR SUCCESS. I have to remind myself of that every day that I am tempted to climb on that thing to see just if this surgery may be the first thing to actually help me lose weight in my entire life. It is easy to get caught up in the misery of numbers not moving, or even when they add up while your body is replenishing glycogen stores during 3 - 6 week and so on stalls. (weight gain happens for some people during this time and is normal, don't freak out.) However, that being said. Sometimes, your scale is your friend. When you need that reassuring feeling of yes, this is working even though I can't see it, or my coworkers / family haven't commented on my losing 50+ lbs. (Don't worry about other people noticing, your heart and arteries notice and they are far more cool and crucial to your well being than people judging your appearance.) I was about a month and a week post op and I went through a three week stall. I started thinking the scale was broken and I know it isn't. We have two and I tested the sig. other on his digital one for skinny people and my giant glaring one for me. They were less than a lb different. So then I wait a few days in my depression of, "this isn't working for me after all" and I go weigh myself today and I went from 307 to 295 / 6 in about 8 days. Moral of the story. If you are doing things the right way, not starving your body, keeping it hydrated, keeping it in the healthy fats and calories you will come to see, YOUR SCALE IS NOT BROKEN ( and neither is your body / sleeve ) Good luck and love everyone. We can do this.

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