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  1. Dude. I was told to stay away from alcohol for a full year and I'm a girl who loves a nice sweet red wine to relax at the end of the day. I've not had anything alcoholic since my surgery and plan on staying away from it from here on out.
  2. You seem way to intelligent to believe this. There is no "dislike" button, or you might be seeing different results. In order to disagree with your points, one has to take the time to write a post and be willing to "publicly" disagree with you. Plenty of people here aren't willing to do that. They are too nice. I'm sure if you met up with a bunch of alcoholics carrying a bottle of whiskey you would be quite popular. That's what you have here...people who do not want to change their bad behavior one bit, they only want the sleeve to control their portions for them. But for people with food addictions and eating disorders, that approach absolutely will not work. They will find ways to eat around the sleeve.
  3. Mark: I think the problem in this discussion is that we view some words differently. I think of "Christian values" as universal and good, i.e. kind, helpful, charitable, etc. "Core values" means the same to me. I am not talking about denominations and maybe that is what is troubling you. The founding fathers came from countries that repressed and punished people for their faith. They saw their individual rights, property, fruits of their labors taken from them. Christianity is about the dignity of the individual, and I believe they got their ideas to form a free country from those beliefs. I appreciate the separation of church and state. I am not suggesting that prayer or a particular religion be forced on anyone. EVER. But the fact is that the Christian values of the earliest Americans helped them make a unique, generous and welcoming country. I can understand that if one does not have a belief in God, it can sound worrisome to hear that. But I think our history has shown that no one is forced to believe in anything. It is also interesting to note that in communist countries the opposite is/was true. Believers were forced to renounce their belief in God or die. The leaders of those countries knew that a person with a strong belief in God could never give over all their allegiance to them. I think maybe the founding fathers knew that also. Let me reiterate---the word "God" or "Creator" is a benign word. They use it in Alcoholics Anonymous and other self-help groups. It does not imply a religion, or force a belief. I think it is used more as a universal code for "something bigger than ourselves", or "a benevolent force that cares about us." Of course, particular religions view it in their own ways, but I don't think the word should make anyone afraid. I hope I explained this better than before.... it is such a difficult subject to discuss via the internet. Thanks for your input.
  4. I will start out by saying that never have and never will be pro choice. I am very pro life, and I dont understand why on earth ANYONE could kill their child under any circumstances. HOWEVER!! DONT WRITE ME OFF YET! I do support my friends in whatever they do (unless its like drugs or something much more detremental). I so happen to have had a roomie one time that I met through her going through an abortion...I do not believe it is morally right, however it wasnt my decision for her to have it, it was HERS and she did what SHE felt was right and what her heart led her to do. I understand WHY she did what she did, however, in some ways I dont. Now let me tell you my story...Im 20 years old, Im 13 weeks pregnant, the father is a pathological schizophrenic symptom exhibiting alcoholic drug-addicted Jr. High Drop OUT LOSER! He all but forced me to get pregnant through his mental control over me. Im all alone now, he's gone, he found a girl that will let him do his drugs and drink his alcohol and wont make him keep a steady job and believes his lies, so he chose her instead of me and the baby. Needless to say, he's really screwed up in the head. But I am SOOOO happy and excited about having this baby! I cant wait to find out what it will be! Ive been excited from the beginning, and abortion NEVER crossed my mind as an option what-so-ever...that is until I called my ex-roomie, and she proceeds to tell me exactly how to "get rid of it" and how much it costs....she automatically assumed that just because I supported her decision and was there for her through her "thing" that I would choose the same option. Honestly, that was one of the hardest things Ive ever put up with in a sense, because she actually had a sonogram pic of the baby inside her, and she showed it to me after she had had the abortion, I almost cried, but I just remained silent for a few mins, I just couldnt get my mind of off the fact that she KILLED her child because it wasnt convenient for her to have one right now....Well then she shouldnt have had unprotected sex...same with me...I could have prevented getting pregnant had I really made the effort, its not entirely HIS fault, he just is a lot of it. Let me also add in that I have been raped, and it was only about 5 months ago...Even as I went to get the pregnancy test/STD test at the clinic...I never thought of abortion. Its not that precious little life's fault that it was created when it wasnt the best of times for us. I would live my life in total regret if I had aborted my current pregnancy, every year I would have wondered what the child would have looked like...would it have my blond hair, its father's green/blue eyes, my fair skin? I just couldnt live like that, knowing I threw away another life just so I could live or more commonly live more comfortably. Me I Mind you, that although this is not an option in my book ever, I do understand why some women do choose this option, and Im not a biggot over-conservative about it. Im not going to yell and scream and pout when someone gets an abortion...but it does make me sad when I find out someone that I know has....HOWEVER its THEIR decision, NOT mine...and like I tell all my friends "YOU do what YOU gotta do, to have whats best for YOU". I just saw this thread and thought I would add to it:p
  5. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was hosting a baby shower today for my friend who adopted the baby who was brought to her through LBT . It was awesome and when she told the story at the shower, everyone had tears in their eyes. To answer your question, green: this particular organization, as I know it, is not an outreach of an organized religious denomination, but I believe the founders are Christian. They do work with churches as well as secular community outreach organizations, therapists, etc. To my knowledge, there are not any specifically atheist post-abortion counseling organizations, but while some groups are an outreach of a particular church (e.g. Rachael's Vineyard is a Catholic group), this one is not. I am confident they would respect anyone's wishes to not be "preached at", because their goal is healing from the grief after an abortion, not religious conversion. As a comparison, Alcoholics Anonymous is believed by many to have its foundation in Christianity, and most people know they invite members to appeal "to a higher power" (there is some dispute about the origins, but this is the general understanding of the organization). Yet despite its roots, many people other than Christians have benefited from AA.
  6. "But terminating the pregnancy caused her so much pain that she tried to cover it with "drugs, alcohol, partying and a promiscuous lifestyle," she told radio host Rich Buhler in an interview with KBRT AM-740." Great piece of "news" from our favorite "news" source: Fox News. Anyone besides me think that this could be another couple who are doing all they can to further their argument against women's right to choose, rather than a sincere effort for the man to "adopt" dead tissue - which, btw, makes no sense at all on the face of it. It's shocking, I'll give them that. But then methinks that is the idea. Last point being, I'm sure that she did no "drugs, alcohol, partying" and didn't have a "promiscuous lifestyle" prior to her first pregnancy. She was a totally virtuous young lady, who was simply taken advantage of by some big bad boy. Only after the first abortion did she ignorantly choose to have unprotected sex that resulted in a second unwanted pregnancy and second abortion. Great story. Heart warming.
  7. I'll answer - No, I don't think she should have legal consequences. Public opionion alone, should shame this woman. I brought up guns/alcohol as examples of "legal" abuses than can take place, such as in this case. I don't necessarily care for those - but since MANY on the Pro Life movement have brought Slavery / Science / Religion to name a few in the discussion; I'm not taking from the topic to address similarites - so long as I don't take this thread 3 pages to proove my comparison. It is just that. I find, Ms Flipflops your comment below uncaring for those who may have NOT chosen to have sex - rather sex was forced on them. Also those who DID choose birth control and it failed. "I'm Pro Choice too- I believe that women have the right to not put themselves in a position where they get pregnant and can't have the child. They can CHOOSE to have sex and have the possibility to conceive, or they can CHOOSE not to and remain 100% positive they won't have a child." What remains paramount to many that are Pro Choice is that a Woman be allowed to determine her outcome should a Unplanned pregnancy take place. I feel we've given this Woman from Yale enough coverage & she is WELL in the minority.
  8. Yes Gadget Lady, I know the exact answer to your question. In the 1970s I was 11 years old and the oldest of 3 kids. My alcoholic abusive step-father regularly mounted my mother without using protection. She became pregnant twice in less than a year. Each time he told her that she had to have an abortion or he would leave her. She did as he told her each time....abortion was not her choice, but she did what she was told to "preserve the family"....there are MANY sides to this debate.
  9. cholosladii09

    September Members

    Also, I suppose we give up caffine because once the process has been completed our body reacts differently to it seeing as it is a stimulant just as with the consumption of alcohol. But then again I'm not 100% sure, but that is my understanding of that situation.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    The Great Skin Debate

    What is the definition of require? I know there are several factors that go into it all. How the weight is held, muscle tone, skin type, quickness of weight loss, Vitamins taken during weight loss, condition of skin, age of said skin wearer, etc. I think because there are so many factors that it is really an individual thing. I know there are some things you can do to help minimize the need, or minimize the amount needed after extreme weight loss. Take your vitamins!!! And make sure your Protein intake is good. A good body scrub will keep your skin healthy and regenerating, and a moisturizure with no alcohol in it (a VERY common ingredient) for all over the body. And LOTS and LOTS of water!! Water is essential for good skin health. These things are good for you no matter what, but they will at least help to make the surgey less than originally needed, should you need some. HTH!! Amy
  11. Txsbigfoot

    I need a drink, and not water

    Ive got DVD's, and almost everything else here. But still bored to death. Most of our outings here are eating out. It is all you have to do in this country. I didnt care if someone ripped me for asking about alcohol. If we were all angels we wouldnt have had to have the lap band. And I sure dont need a sermon at age 53, nor will I listen to one. So I appreciate the advice I recieved. Thanks
  12. Grace from Utah I can help but wonder where you got your information about Bill Clinton's cheating? He's heated on her for years and years and Monica wasn't the last time? How exactly do you know that? You got a crystal ball? How do you feel about George W. Bush's alcohol abuse, cocaine use and bad, bad performance in business? Same goes? He's always abused alcohol and the rest and he'll always abuse alcohol and the other stuff?
  13. thank you so much for the information! I haven't had any alcohol for a month or so, so I I should be good there. My insurance has already been approved, but my doctor requires the nicotine blood test. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm a big worry wart! Thanks again!:thumbup:
  14. @la0525: 3.5 yrs out. Average 1800-2000 a day for maintenance. In weight loss phase i was doing much, much less. But once that was over, I upped my cals to the levels it is now (actually my avg calorie intake was higher 2000-2200 around year 2 cuz i was exercising lots) Regarding the issue number of calories, it’s actually quite easy to take in a high number of calories in the early months (or whenever, for that matter): just eat low-volume, high-cal foods. Like butter, oils, sugar, sauces/dressings, alcohol, fatty meat, cheese, nuts, etc. And of course candy, chips, etc. I mean i could/can eat more than one serving of chicharron/pork rinds (50g+) easily and that would be 500+ calories already. I think the best way to utilize the small stomachs for weight loss in the early months is to identify what foods fill you up and which ones are sliders, and eat accordingly. This will be different for everyone so it’ll be trial and error. Of course this is a simplistic directive as nutrition and individual food tolerances are important factors. There used to be a member on here that would share pics of the ridiculous amounts of food she would eat (in volume), but total calories were surprisingly low cuz she was very creative with her ingredients. So when you read about people who can’t eat any more than x calories and get discouraged because you can eat 3x calories, keep volume and calorie density in mind. Good Luck! ❤️ …and CONGRATS on ur anniversary and successful weight loss! The 80lbs loss SHOWS. You look great!
  15. I started eating like crap again for maybe 2 weeks, fell into a depression of sorts. Just pulled myself out of it Sunday and discovered a lovely 3lb gain. Which is hardly anything at all to get off but when I was half a pound from goal....ouch! The protein shakes and water bottles are back in full force and the convenience food/alcohol/coffee is OUT. Just goes to show if you let yourself slide back....there will be consequences
  16. MIZ60

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Day 29: I am grateful that we are able to pay all our bills and not have credit card or other debt. We do occasionally use a 6 month no interest thing on big purchases (most recently 10 tires) because I hate paying interest. Well I have really enjoyed this challenge even though I have failed miserably. Weight this morning was 212.4 and I only went alcohol free on 3 days. I did stay within my 4 ounce limit with only a few deviations though. I am just too weak....
  17. jess929

    September Members

    Just thinking out loud when I spoke to my therapist a Long time ago I remember she told me ppl who lose weight now have to deal with issues that got them there in the 1st place. Food has always been comforting, there with every emotion good or bad for me so now that it will change I wonder how things will be. My cousin had wls awhile ago and after losing weight she turned to alcohol not good :/ Ive heard and read alot of stories like that.I've dealt with alot of my issues prior to this point I know most of weight gain stems from being abused as a child. I'm just wishing and praying for a great outcome!! To Quote Sean Sheppard: I'm the sum of many experiences, some good, some not so good. I was a victim of sexual abuse but that hasn't turned me into a lifelong victim.
  18. MCE1205

    Coke zero

    I agree with pammieanne and wolfgirl78. Think we all had to do some real soul searching before we made our life changing decisions. I'm not a soda/pop drinker so it's not an issue with me. I did give up drinking alcohol 2 months pre-op and that has been difficult but very manageable. I'm in this for health. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I come from a family of skinny people. The women are naturally under 115 lbs . Most have hypertension, a few have sleep apnea and a couple have diabetes. Sometimes it isn't due to weight but body composition, genetics, diet (e.g. too much alcohol or salt) or unmanageable stress. I honestly can't see a surgeon doing RNY to someone who has a BMI of 30 and is active as you say. I wouldn't recommend it but to your question, I know a few who had a BMI of 30 and went to Mexico to get the sleeve (not RNY).
  20. dawalsh

    lap band and drinking

    I have an occasional dirty gin martini but it is so rare. If I have one every two to three months that's a lot but I do indulge in an occasional drink. I gave up smoking 30 yrs ago and I was up to two packs a day. I gave it up cold turkey. That is one vice I'm glad to be rid of. So if my vice is an occasional cocktail every 2 or 3 months I'm fine with that. I haven't traded off food for alcohol at all. I still love my food over alcohol any day. I'm just eating smaller portions and savor inch every bite. I would never trade alcohol for food.
  21. Uniqueladybug

    September Members

    My regular doctor had me on ranitadine. I was having problems crushing all my meds and this was a liquid. It's basically liquid zantac. The problem-it contains 7.5% alcohol. Also I'm on a very strong antibiotic for an abscess tooth. They said it would destroy a regular stomach let alone a small one. They now have me on protonics. I took it years ago. Hopefully all this will work... Jess...Surgiversary 9/19/12
  22. CalGuy64

    21 y/o guy never able to have alcohol again?

    You can have the occasional drink (I had a glass of wine yesterday). However, you'll get drunk real easy so be careful. Also, alcohol can add lots of calories.
  23. I smoke marijuana probably more than anyone else on this board (to be honest every single day) and I'm doing GREAT on my journey. it's all about WILLPOWER! Weed doesn't make you gain or loose weight, YOU DO. Don't insult people because they smoke weed. I don't insult people on here because they smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. That's their choice.
  24. That's a tragedy! And I thought the United States government was bad! There is big press lately about legislature to ban restaurant service for obese people in Mississippi. Its all a gimic, but offensive just the same as government sending boys and girls too young to drink to die in war, throwing drug users in jail longer than murders, and illigalizing and criminalizing a substance that naturally grows in the ground while this year, 1000's more will die from overdoses from perscirption drugs that billion dollar pharmasutical (sp?) companies pay our government big $$$ to pass with a big smiley face on them, for all your cares and worries... I used to smoke, enjoyed it quite a bit. But I chose to stop, for my own reasons, but I totally believe those who choose to use have every right. I've never done anything stupid on pot except sit on the couch and watch dumb movies. On alcohol I was in more than one bad car accident, on perscription drugs I wasted 10 years of my life in misery, pain, and poverty...and on overeating I denied reality until I was physically so sick and unhealthy I had to chose a major surgery to snap me back.
  25. Haha! This is getting pretty much off topic here... But I have seen the opposite side of things, and can name 50-75 people who use it regularly who have very good jobs, productive relationships and don't turn into potatoes. Now on the other hand, I have seen 5-10 people who have suffered the potato effect. I don't think that this is necessarily representative of the overall population of habitual marijuana users, perhaps more a representation of the type of people I work and hang out with... I work in an extremely competitive industry, where you have to have your shit together or you simply get left behind. If marijuana had a *universal* potato effect, I'd expect to see way more people losing their jobs. It just doesn't happen that way. I've also noticed that where I grew up, which was a more rural environment, sports more of the potato types, whereas I live in a major city. Several theories on why this may be, but that discussion is for another day. Finally, and I hope this is not taken as a criticism, rather just an opportunity to see things a different way, saying that "all people who engage in a certain behavior will have this outcome" is very similar to the perspective some people take about those of us who are heavier. To me it echoes statements like "Diet and exercise is the ONLY way to lose weight, if you're big it's your own fault. PERIOD." I'm not saying that marijuana is "good," that I'm convinced that it should be legalized instead of alcohol, or anything like that... Just that it's a big world and there are so many different types of people and ways that people react to the drug, there are no absolutes. I've heard good buzz, although never read Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/105-3836504-8901208?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Mitch%20Earleywine]Mitch Earleywine[/ame]. He teaches at USC where I went to school and knows this subject very well. The book is supposed to be a very balanced perspective on the issue.

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