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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hello I'm new to bariatric pals, this is my first day actually. Im still trying to figure out how to fix my profile to show post op instead of pre op?? As far as my stomach issue, I do plan to call my surgeon in the morning. I am wondering if anyone else experienced this issue? I knew to expect pain on the left side however surgery soreness has improved everywhere except this one place is like along my ribs and an area about as big as my hand it is visible swollen and is a dull pain mostly except when I reach or bend I feel a sharp pain and it's gotten worse about every day. Am I alone in this?
  2. I lost 10 pounds my first two weeks after my ESG procedure. I haven't lost any more weight this week, which is very frustrating. My nutritionist's advise was that I should not be weighing daily. I'm finding that impossible. Are my expectations unrealistic for 16 days post op?
  3. SW 320.0 GW 170.0 CW 140.5 Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. I had surgery last Monday and have followed the post surgical diet to the T ... I’ve also been walking everyday, keeping up with my 12 month old baby, and working full time ... and I’ve lost NO weight. It’s beyond frustrating to see the scale not budge!
  5. I am 3 weeks in and have stalled and this is very discouraging and disappointing!! Anyone else going through this or has gone through this? What are your recommendations?
  6. Does anyone know what will happen if you eat a soft piece of chocolate during the puree phase? Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. I am 1 week post op and everything I've read says 1/4 of a cup should fill you up. I ate 2/3 of a cup of thinned cream of wheat and i still felt like i had room for more. I also feel like I could drink an entire 11.5 ounce premiere protein shake without trouble. This makes me so nervous. Anyone else feel like their sleeve is larger than expected?
  8. Early last week I was given the green light to move onto the "general" phase of the post-op diet. I've been extremely cautious and still mostly eating softish foods, but introducing more things slowly. The problem is that even though I'm over 6 weeks out, I still get pain every single time I eat or drink anything. It doesn't matter if it's plain water or a small piece of beef tenderloin - it hurts. I'm feeling under the weather today (allergies, achy, headache, etc.) so I wanted some chicken noodle soup. I removed most of the noodles and the dogs had a nice treat with their dinner, LOL! Even just the broth and soft veggies (VERY well-cooked carrots, celery, and onions) were wreaking havoc on me within seconds of swallowing. The chicken was super tender and juicy but was super painful when it hit my stomach. Yes, I'm taking small bites and chewing A LOT. I could only eat a few spoonfuls, then had to put it away. Any idea why I'm still experiencing so much pain this far out? I also burp terribly, and my stomach sounds like a one-man marching band the second I eat or drink. Lots of noise for hours. I just don't get it. Is this normal?
  9. I thought I'd log in with a few updates today. I started this process back on July 31st with a high weight of 284. I lost 34 lbs before surgery on Sept. 21st and weighed in at 233.2 this morning. The two big milestones are that I passed 50 lbs lost and I am now a BMI of 34, which means I'm only "obese" instead of "morbidly obese". I have a long way to go to my 180 target, but I am happy about the progress so far.
  10. I will be three weeks post op on Monday. I have only lost 8 pounds and haven’t lost any weight in the last two weeks. My surgeon said I should be losing five pounds a week. I’m a far cry from five pounds a week. Is this normal? If so, when will I start losing weight again?
  11. Any ideas or purée food I can make at home or I can buy . The list they gave me is a little hard to understand I’ve been really solid on this liquid diet I’m ready for something different any suggestions? Thanks in advance
  12. Such a sh*tty week work wise... my last on-call was beyond awful. Luckily the day after was a more mediocre day without much stress but the lack of sleep took its toll anyway. Slept for 12 h straight the last night and having the second coffee right now.

    Not sure if I should be glad that I'm on the late shift tonight. At least it gives me some time to really wake up before going to work, lol.

    1. Kimballjess


      Can someone let me know how I can post a question for the group? It only lets me respond

    2. summerset


      You simply go to the board and create a thread. :)

  13. Third week post op surgery 

  14. My time is pretty much up, my date is on 10/5 and I am getting so anxious/nervous! I've never had surgery before, so that is also adding to my anxiety. I trust my surgeon, but the preoperative anxiety is so real. One minute, I feel ready. The next, and I'm like "what are you doing?!" I know what I'm feeling is normal, but I'm naturally a worry wart and so nervous but I'll be the case with complications and/or regretting my decision. The unknown is the worst.
  15. I am a month out from vsg surgery and have been at a stall for 3 weeks. Please help[emoji30] Sent from my SM-N970U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Hello everyone I had Gastric Sleeve surgery on September 2nd 2020. My Highest weight was 216lbs my weight day of Surgery was 207lbs. 3 weeks post op and I’m staying consistent at 195lbs which is basically the same weight I was after surgery. It’s hard most days for me to get in all of my protein and liquids as of now I can drink at least 25oz-30oz of liquids and with my height and weight I’m suppose to be consuming 70 grams protein 64 oz of water according to my doctor . She also told me my protein shakes would be considered with the liquids. Still I can o my drink 30z most days I can finish only 1 premier protein shake . I’m curious am I not loosing any weight because I’m not consuming enough protein?! Just very worried feel like I’m failing this procedure .
  17. Howdy - Knock on wood, so far no major problems at all. I've just noticed this week that when I drink water, I am SO FULL. Like I ate a full Thanksgiving Dinner kind of full. It doesn't seem to matter how long I take to drink a bottle of water. I've been very lucky to be able to drink normal size sips since a week or so post surgery, but now even taking tiny sips, I'm just miserably full. No acid reflux, no pain in chest or throat, just feeling severly bloated. It's really starting to affect the amount of food that I'm getting in and I find myself forcing myself to eat anything (cycle through that miserably stuffed feeling again...). Any ideas? Seems to have just started in the last couple of weeks. Example of my daily intake: 1 6oz cup of cappuccino (around 5am) 1 16oz bottle of water (around 7am - Vitamins and such also) - here's where I get full. Around 0900, attempt to choke down a protein drink (now miserably full) 11:00 - another bottle of water - But now so full it takes me a full 3-4 hours to get it in. 5-6 pm, some kind of protein - Salmon, Chicken, Beef, Soup - Less than 4oz 10pm or so - Realize I haven't had enough protein and find a protein bar to choke down before bed. Calories vary based on protein bar and protein of the day, but usually around 500-700. Any advice?
  18. I have been 4 years post op with my gastric bypass underwent in 2016. Since this global pandemic I have gained weight due to the ability of working from home, stress, fear and the lack of exercise. I am slowly trying to fight against the challenges now the past 2 weeks such as discipline myself again to healthy eating, protein shakes, water intake and going to the gym 3 x a week. What exercise recommendations can you shed on me which will allow me to burn fat most, lose weight and allow me to meet my goal. I am so close I can taste it. Best missy Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Hello, I’m looking for some encouraging words- I’m 4 weeks out from my gastric bypass. The two weeks prior to surgery I lost 20lbs, the week after surgery I lost another ten. But I’ve not lost any weight in 3 weeks. This experience has been really challenging as I had very bad reactions to the pain medication that put me back in the hospital. Then just recovery, it’s been rough. It’s a mind f@@@ when I’m not even loosing weight. I’m doing what’s been told to me to do and yet nothing. It feels like it was all for nothing.
  20. Eats with Two Forks

    One week before surgery

    It’s exactly one week before my big surgery date. I started this journey back in May 2020, but I’ve dreamed about losing this weight all my life. I’ve always been big since elementary school and my weight has steadily crept up each and every year. I maxed out at 360 pounds back in 2002 and have had some success at losing weight, but for the most part I would just gain it all back and then some. I got down to 268 for my wedding through hard work and a trainer. I exercised 4 times a week and would do squats with a 40 lb vest and was eating an insane amount of protein. I would have a 12 egg white omelet each morning and several protein shakes and pre workout shakes during the day. I felt strong and great, until we moved and stress started to creep in along with living outside the city. I ballooned back up to 341 and decided it was time to take back my health. Since I started this journey, I went from 341 to 325 by myself. I cut out all sugar and carbs but still didn’t exercise. I even had a weekly cheat meal on Sundays for the last 3 weeks as a “reward” as I knew my three week Optifast diet was coming. I’m on my last week of Optifast and I’m currently 299 lbs. I’m down a total of 42 pounds pre surgery. I feel very proud of myself for accomplishing this so far. My goal weight is 295 on the day of surgery and I’d like to be 185 in a year or year and a half. I’ve learned so much on this journey so far. My eating habits and portions were terrible. Once I turned 40 I knew I couldn’t eat as much as I used too. I’d make two giant sandwiches for lunch and only be able to eat one of them. When I did try to eat them both I became very ill. Being on Optifast has taught me a lot about my eating habits. I look forward to having much smaller portions, but of higher quality foods. My back, hips and feet feel so much better now. I used to have trouble getting out of bed. My sore back would wake me up and I literally had a hard time to get out of bed. I like to envision myself carrying around two groceries bags pretending that each bag contains 21 butter bricks. That’s how much weight I don’t have to carry around anymore. Imagine being 156 “butters” lighter. That’s how I feel...like I’m carrying another human on my back. I’ve often thought and many people have said to me “why don’t you just keep drinking Optifast and keep losing weight”? I understand now that I’ve been on a yo-yo my entire life when it comes to my weight. Sure I may lose some more weight on Optifast, but when I go off and start to eat normally, or even binge a bit, I will be back in the same boat. I’ve done it hundreds of times. I have to be honest with myself. I need this tool to help me. I’ve done the hard work and there is so much more to do! I’m so looking forward to when food is not my focus anymore and it won’t have such a hold on me. There are so many other beautiful things in this life to appreciate and focus on, like my loving wife and daughter. My entire family and friends. I now look at food as a fuel rather than a comfort. I am by no means done with my journey and understand that there will be ups and downs to come, but I feel like I already have a better grasp on my weight and health and I’m ready for this change. To everyone here that is starting their journey or have completed it, I tip my hat to you all and good for you for even thinking about your health and weight. There are so many benefits to enjoy and I wish you all the best in your own personal journeys. We got this!
  21. I had my sleeve done on Sept 14, lost 15 pounds, I am barely drinking fluids and suddenly stopped losing weight. 3 days and no changes in the scale with the exception that today I gained one pound. I have my 1st post op appt tomorrow and am curious to know what my surgeon will say. I would like to know what you all think.
  22. I am 5 weeks post op. The surgery went well, I had minimal pain... now all of a sudden my incisions are itchy and red. All the glue already fell off. If showered to to see if it was dead skin build up and that did not help. Is this normal?
  23. So ive been reading up on this and i guess? Its normal but talk about depressing!! Its almost been 2 weeks (on Tuesday) and my scale has not moved AT ALL im at my 4th week post op tomorrow. I know i shouldn't weight myself daily but point is i do... its realllllly getting me down... in my head...its like calorie wise alone there's NO WAY im not losing.. when does this all get back on track?! Thanks
  24. Cattywampus

    Two weeks!

    I got a call from the bariatric nurse today. “We can schedule your surgery for October 2nd.” That’s two weeks away! And granted, that’s pending insurance approval, but holy cow! I’ve been in the program since March and everything has taken so long due to COVID. I just had my EGD last week, I guess I was just expecting a lot more waiting before getting a surgery date. I’m excited, but at the same time, I kind of wanted to have one last food (and drink) hurrah with friends before surgery. But not going to complain... the wait is almost over!
  25. I had surgery on Sept 10, 2020. When I woke up, I expected to be in a lot of pain, but there was minimum pain! Yay! However, I am seriously exhausted! Now we wait and see what the weight does. I am at 251 this morning (9/18/2020).

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