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Found 17,501 results

  1. czelek

    Protein help!

    Things have changed a whole lot since my surgery in 2010! The diet plan I had to follow was one Ensure Protein [and I am know it was not the 30gr/carton variety] and water. That was it. On the hour, 2 oz of protein then 2 oz of water every 15 minutes. I even bought a set of eight pretty 2 oz shot glasses that my husband would use for my meals. At the top of the hour, he brought me one with protein and three with water. Start over at the top of the hour and continue until you went to bed. Slider foods, those that are pureed like mashed potatoes, canned refried beans, tuna with mayo, hot cereals, etc were for weeks 4-6 back then. Of course every practice has their own requirements and so much has changed. To up your protein, add some to your cereals or your yogurt. They make flavorless proteins. Find the protein that you can tolerate. Also, you can look into the clear liquid proteins that are out there. Many companies make them. Stalls are your body's way of trying to figure out just what you are trying to do to it. It naturally does not want you to starve to death so it will hold onto those pounds for as long as it can. Then, you will suddenly lose two pounds overnight, lose for a while and then begin another stall. This is the first of many stalls - just keep doing what you are supposed to be doing and don't let that stall get to you. Yes, that is hard, the "not letting it get to you" part. Remember that your surgery is just another tool in your toolbox and not a magic bullet. For the constipation, which is really common after this surgery because of the high protein intake, I would add Miralax to your water or any liquid or hot cereal. One capful mixed in 8 oz of water, for example. You won't know it is there. I now mix one capful of Miralax with my morning decaf coffee. You could also add stool softener as well. If after adding those, and not getting relief, absolutely speak with your surgeon. There are prescription meds out there that can help.
  2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

    The start of my new healthy life

    I wish I could quit cold turkey. I don't think it'd be the best for me tho. I'm glad you found something that works for you, I'm sure I'll find my thing to. Called my surgeons office and they told me my pre op would be 1 week of liquids but if I can handle one week I might try 2 just to be on the safe side. We shall see. Also found out because I already had a chest xray in January that I don't have to do another one because it last for a whole year which is great! All that's left is ekg pcp clearance and then my pre op appointment with my surgeon and then go time.... I'm so freaking nervous and excited at the same time. There is always that worry of death you know.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having an issue that's very bothersome...

    I had a total abdominal hysterectomy 5 weeks ago, but I was never put on a special diet so I just ate what I wanted. I still eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks per day, like always. But the Orthostatic hypotension sounds exactly right.
  4. My program has follow-ups with surgeon at 2 weeks, 4 months, 8 months and 1 yr. Then annually after that. I met with dietician more frequently - 2 weeks, 1 month, 8 weeks, then at month 4, 8 and 1 yr. Again at 18 months and then annually going forward.
  5. Thanks @NickelChip @RonHall908 I know the stall is normal and expected but it’s not making it easier for me to deal with … ( scales still hadn’t budged this morning making it 10 days …). Im sorry to hear you guys are suffering sleep wize and hope you get things sorted soon, are your bedrooms cool enough ? - I’ve never been one for much sleep and suffer terribly from insomnia but still try to avoid sleeping pills like the devil. My usual Paris setting is up at 6.45 - coffee coffee coffee shower - out the door at 7.45 to get to the office until 19.30 - then out and about ( drinks and food or theatre or whatever) and then home round 10/11pm and then 1.30-2am I head to bed. So I’m usually on under 5 hours a night. I struggled against it for a while and finally just accepted it. If I get 4 hours I can function. If I try to go to bed earlier I just get really annoyed at the fact I’m not sleeping and end up all wound up and exhausted. But… since surgery I’m in bed at 11pm sometimes earlier and asleep by midnight so that’s a good in for me! @NickelChip maybe if your job/life allows it just try and go with the rhythm for a few days - just follow when your body says it’s tired and nap if you can? I’m on the train to London actually under the channel right now as I type! Always so amazed by it!
  6. Kee95


    Yes I’ve spoken with them. Was in the hospital for two weeks getting fluids. All the scans came back normal. They said pancreatitis now gastritis I just feel like they’re missing something. Idk I’m tired
  7. renae97006


    Hi June folks, Im hanging in there. I think we all have are good days and bad days but I try to focus on the good and why I decided to do this. I think once we all make it closer to that 1 year mark things will become alot easier. I have my stalls as well and it use to get to me but now I just stay consistent, make adjustments from time to time and continue to work out. During those stalls I still notice a change in my clothes, so eventho i didnt loose weight or gained a few pounds clothes are still getting closer, its weird. For those having stalls for long periods of time try tracker your food, I stay away from Protein power and anything that says Keto. That made a difference for me. Hang in there guys.
  8. summerseeker

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    I had the menopause in my very early 40's and this surgery at 62. The only things that I have noticed a difference are - My hair had already thinned so I got really worried at one stage and had to cut it really short, I can notice my scalp with wet hair but hide it after styling. - My skin is a mess. I lost elasticity after menopause. I have decided to not have the surgery. It looks too brutal and having to pay myself it would be out of my reach for all the work I would need. I have lost a huge amount of weight and mostly without exercise or having a busy work life. I had a lot of long stalls but I tried not to compare myself with others who were storming along. You will get there in the end, Have a chat with your team. I found it useful.
  9. Yeah, I didn't want to do it on my own, and it's not dangerously low. Today she was ambiguous about it - I'll take my BP every morning for the next week before meds and see her next week, or earlier if it's too drastic. My dose is fortunately pretty low
  10. How's everyone getting alone? I fly out again this evening and not a gram lost this week... won't be back home to my scales for ten days so hope to see a drop when I get home!
  11. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I havent been eating bad things like my husband made a 16 hour smoked pork roast i had three pinches of the meat, I have been doing yogurt and soup i did oatmeal mixed with my protein shake once also. I cant do more than 2/3 onces of food at a time… mostly im doing soup and yogurt now though. Its not really unhealthy food but I had gotten confused with the diet and started the soft foods one week earlier the doctor didnt seemed worried though. It just was messing up my head thinking im off track. Im down 16 lbs so that’s got to be okay. Thank you for the peanut butter advice i love fit pb I’ll probably go buy powder protein shakes and start making them instead also I dont do dairy so maybe that’s another factor.
  12. AbbyLee

    Struggling to eat!

    I'm going through the same thing. 2 weeks PO, and I'm on pureed. Nothing tastes good. Like at all! And I have constant bubbling when I eat, so I can only eat about 2 tbsp of anything at a time. I, too, am so nervous about not getting enough nutrition right now.
  13. Arabesque

    Hard to eat 6 days out

    The purée/mush foods may be too heavy in your poor tummy & digestive system. Stick to the liquids for a couple of weeks. 2 weeks liquids, 2 weeks purée, 2 weeks soft, 2 weeks solid food is the most common post surgical eating plan but plans differ so check with your team. You’ve had a pretty major surgery & there are lots of staples & sutures holding your digestive system together. Nausea is quite common so ask for an anti nausea prescription or buy an over the counter version. We heal differently but generally it takes a good 8 weeks to fully heal so tread slowly & carefully. I wonder if you have an UTI from the catheter? It’s not unusual to have no other symptoms except a change in peeing habits. Best to see your doctor & have a urine test to be sure. And grab some cranberry tablets too.
  14. I am SO bummed. Tomorrow I will be 1 week post-op and I've lost 0 pounds. I finally made it back to my pre-surgery weight today.
  15. Hello lovlies!

    Today is a beautiful day in west Michigan! I hope you all have a beautiful Tuesday and rest of your week!! 🤗

  16. trishaaustin2001


    My week was good. Making slow changes back in the right direction. Thank you
  17. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Heya! I started my pre-op diet a week ago and it was so hard in the beginning, but I promise you it does get so much easier after the first 2-3 days. You got this!
  18. Mercury.Belle

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    I’m 18 days post-op and on purées and I am struggling with protein intake. Protein shakes are so hard to get down, the milkyness of them turns me off and I feel nauseous. I’ve tried premade and protein powder. I’ve not once met my daily protein goal because of it. 😩 Hopefully next week with soft foods and then regular foods the week after will help with that. Other than that I’m doing okay, which is good.
  19. I thought I was so ready to get the fluids in before surgery, but it is a lot harder than I thought! Getting easier. Today is the best I’ve felt in 2 weeks.
  20. i was JUST posting about this. (and "arguing" with mr. about it) for me, though, its not guilt...is actual pain. since ive been doing pilates and hot yoga (i started again after a years-long hiatus 8 months ago) i have discovered that all the aches and pains and stiffness and soreness i seem to constantly experience in certain areas in my body goes away soon after i start a session and lasts for several hours afterwards. then it comes back. then it goes away again when i go back to the studio. i don't get as much of the relief after a run, but its the best during/after hot yoga...i feel AWESOME and pain free. im sure the super hot room contributes to this. so i like to go everyday, and if i dont, i feel not as awesome. back in october last year, i was doing hot yoga once a week, pilates 3x a week, and a 5k maybe once every 1-2 weeks, if im lucky. plus my lazy-mans strength training in front of the tv. so i generally had 2 full rest days per week (the weekend for me). now, 8 months later, per week, i do hot yoga 7x, pilates 3x, a 5k 1-2x, rock climbing 2x plus the lazy workouts. which has me doing multiple "sessions" per day with zero rest days. been at this level of activity for about 3 months straight. oddly enough i dont feel any worse for wear, other than the usual aches after my hot yoga magic wears off. i am still an insomniac and have energizer bunny energy. but i am definitely stronger, so there's that (well i still suck at opening jars...hot yoga doesn't work on my grip strength lol) anyway, long-a$$ story short, i know i need rest days for recovery and injury prevention. i just really like the several pain-free hours after a strenuous, sweaty session, and missing a day sucks, but not out of guilt... wow. sorry! this was really long.
  21. Them tests and being off PPi’s for a week do not sound like fun. Hopefully all that is a means to an end, though and you get scheduled for your revision very soon.
  22. So what I eat is ALWAYS on my mind. I meal prep every single week and have my weeks very calculated already pre-tracked and I stay within my calories. I workout 6days a week. But I am about 5 months post op and this weekend, hubs and I took the kids to Dave's Hot chicken, I ate the kale slaw and half a tender 4-5 fries. I felt so guilty! But at the same time it felt so good to eat with my family and it not be chicken and veggies while going out. I ate very small amount because I did not want to eat to restriction, but I was able to hang out with my family and not worry about food. Then that night we got Ice cream and I had 4 bites of hubbies delicious Cold Stone Chocolate Ice cream, those 4 bites I was satisfied and didn't feel like crap. I still woke up drank my protein coffee, did my work out and continued my normal diet. In a way, I am happy that it didn't turn into a binge like it would normally when I would previously diet, then again I feel like I halted my progress. Thanks for reading
  23. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    She said that whatever you drink the week prior to surgery during the fast, many people seem not to like it afterwards. She said everyone is different and sometimes your taste preferences change.
  24. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I have been in other support groups and people say that a slow or even a stall is normal in the first couple months because your body is adjusting. When you start eating healthy foods and more intake your body will start burning again. The weight will start again. The slower weight loss is actually better for your recover is my understanding. I am 10 days out and down 15 pounds. I’m not in any hurry and as long as I’m still losing I will just follow my plan and keep going. keep us posted!
  25. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I have my revision sleeve to RNY as well on 1/22 and took me full 3 weeks to feel better. How are you feeling now? I loss 8.5/9 lbs after 1 week of surgery, week 2 and 3 I hit the plateau. Finally broke the plateau yesterday. So starting my week 4 and loss addition 1.5 lb. Total of 10 lbs or so.

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