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Found 17,501 results

  1. kaylee50

    Please tell me I haven't failed.

    Everything about this post seems off. First of all, no one requires a 6-week liquid only diet. It's a day or two at most of clear liquids, then a week or two of full liquids (protein shakes, strained full-thickness soups), then pureed food, and a month later you are eating regular food (slowly, small amounts, chewing carefully, but regular food). I know most GI specialists will have their own version of the post-ESG diet progression, but the variations are not that huge. How do I know this? Because I researched almost all of them before deciding who would perform mine! I made sure I understood the assignment, as the kids say. Second, OP said: "I started at 251 post-colonoscopy-cleanse (since they have to remove all of everything in your gut before doing the procedure)" and "251 is the post cleanse weight, meaning I had everything purged from my system to prep for surgery." WHAT? NO. ESG is an upper GI endoscopic procedure. The doctor enters through your mouth. This has nothing whatsoever to do with your lower GI. All I had to do is one day of clear liquids to make sure the stomach was empty before they go in to stitch it into a sleeve. I seriously doubt OP had an ESG. Or if she did, it was by some hack who did not know what they were doing. Good grief.
  2. delenn5

    Lina M Sherrill

    My weight loss journey
  3. KimA-GA

    No weight loss

    have you been measuring yourself to see if you have lost inches and maybe gained muscles? especially with that incline on the treadmill you might be creating muscle while still loosing fat
  4. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    what surprised you?

    Sometimes restriction takes a bit of time to feel. Due to cut nerves. But I get what you're saying. For me, it depends on the foods that I eat, some offer more restriction than others. Like grilled chicken, denser proteins offer more restriction than say, Greek yogurt or crockpot shredded chicken. The bypass is just a tool, and it will not do all of the work for us, which I have to be mindful of now because when I had a lap band, that thing was so restrictive that almost everything got stuck and felt dense. So when you can, choose denser proteins and weigh/measure your food so your stomach and brain learns what your new "full" feels like. I didn't lose my hunger either like a lot of people do. And I work out and lift weights and that has always made me hungrier, especially when I started weights again at 6 weeks post op. I never experienced nausea, but I know acid can cause nausea. Are you on an acid reducer?
  5. SleeverSk


    Yeah I wonder, no way I could eat a cup at that stage and no way I could eat that many calories either. Those sorts of calories are what you have to maintain your weight not loose
  6. BigSue

    Sleeve or Bypass Regrets?

    I’m sorry to hear you have so many regrets. Thank you for sharing your story — I think it is important for people considering this surgery to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. When I was considering surgery, I actively sought people who regretted it because I wanted to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, but it’s hard to find negative information because it’s mainly people who are happy with their surgery who post on forums like this. I started out very heavy (BMI over 60), so it was pretty clear that I couldn’t lose the weight I needed to lose without surgery, but even then it was a difficult decision. I am often surprised that people starting with a BMI under 35 would put themselves through this surgery. I don’t say that to judge, but this surgery is rough, and to me, such a high risk/cost was only worth it for the potential of a high reward. But that cost/benefit analysis is something that every individual has to do for him or herself. I would like to say that I hope you get to the day you don’t regret the surgery, and I think you have a good shot at getting there. It is very common to have regrets early on, even for people who end up being very glad they got the surgery. The beginning is really hard, and it gets easier for most people after the first several months. I hope that once you lose more weight, progress to normal food, and get used to your new lifestyle, you will be happier and not regret having the surgery.
  7. kaylee50


    I am hoping (really hoping!) that you are just working out so much that you're gaining muscle to replace the fat lost. Have you measured to see if you've lost any inches? Re: PCOS, I had this. It was diagnosed by pelvic ultrasound by my Ob-Gyn. But that would not explain why you have stalled for so long after WLS. In fact, PCOS usually improves after WLS. Controversial, but I know some doctors that perform ESG (the procedure I had) will prescribe medications after the procedure. Maybe ask about that to jump-start the weight loss again? I am so sorry you are going through this. I can almost hear your stress coming through in your posts. I hope you get some resolution soon!
  8. Hey! I got my first round of blood work done, and projected surgery date is January. I’m iron deficient, which is chronic for me, low folate, low vitamin d, which I knew, and low B1 thiamine plasma. The B1 and Folate were a total surprise to me. My results came in tonight, but my surgeon hadn’t reviewed them yet, but here I am researching anyway. Lol. I’m sure she will get me all situated with additional vitamins. Did anyone else have abnormal blood work before surgery? I’m so excited for this journey, and can’t wait to see improvement on all of my numbers, and not just my weight! 😀
  9. ShoppGirl

    Should I reschedule?

    I agree that your surgery will most likely still go on if you don’t cheat again but Only you know if you are really ready to comply with the post op diet at this point. If you aren’t certain maybe call now to set an appointment to speak with the bariatric therapist. They can help you determine if you should go through with this surgery now or if you need a little more time to get your mind prepared. This is not just because you want to be In the best place possible to maximize your weight loss but even more important because immediately post op you can Seriously hurt yourself from just one little cheat. Not trying to scare anyone, but you need to be fully prepared to adhere to the post op diet in order to recover safely. If you aren’t ready just yet, there is absolutely no shame In taking a little more time and working with the bariatric therapist on some coping strategies or whatever else you need to get fully prepared.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    No weight loss

    Yes that's me lol I'm actually at a 4 now for incline and speed at 5. Try adding the stationary bike, maybe get some ankle and wrist weights, and try some stomach crunches. Adding new things, and changing up what you do, can make all the difference.
  11. Hello everyone! I’m new to the site! Just had my initial consultation appointment today with a weight loss surgeon. When he walked into the room, his first comment was, “Hi I’m going to make you mad first. How did you get this big at 34?” For some context, I’m 5’10, 350lbs….size 28. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t know how to answer the question besides saying, “food”. Then when it got to the questions portion of the consult, I had just begun asking my question (didn’t even get to get the whole question out) before he cut over me and began giving an answer which wasn’t even remotely related to the question I was about to ask. So I waited for him to finish, to which I started to ask again and he once again cut me off. He also kept pushing for the bypass option, and when I finally asked my question about vsg, he quickly turned that option down. Now I’m just rethinking the whole thing because it made me feel invisible, and just awful. Has anyone else had a similar experience, or maybe some words of encouragement? It took a lot for me to make this first step, and now I’m completely discouraged.
  12. Some of the ladies with thyroid issues and PCOS have really struggled. Don't give up, it won't help. Give yourself time. At six months if you haven't lost more, I would be worried but maybe stop looking at the scale for a while. There are so many factors that can go in with weight. Hugs friend, I know this must feel defeating.
  13. crazycatladycanada


    I track and weigh everything. I’m just so over this journey to be honest. I work out too so even though I may be at 1200 calories the working out should offset that. I asked the dietician weeks back if that can be the issue, too many calories to fast and she told me no because I’m still in a deficit for my weight. I wish I could read my bodies mind lol
  14. aussiedoodlelover94

    Should I reschedule?

    My doctor put me on the 2 week pre op diet. I am on day 8, but cheated during dinner the first 5 days. I cheated by having a hamburger patty those nights and had a cheesesteak another night. I have been back on track and was still losing weight during that time. I am aware of what the pre op diet is for and have found different things to help with not eating. I just want to know if I will be okay since I’m back on track or should I reschedule?
  15. Now that I understand your time frame that is a bit odd. I am on week four of the sleeve, but I average about 600 calories a day, some days I get up to 800, but it is rare. I am losing slower now but I have lost every week, except second, I gained a few, then took it off and more. Make sure to track all of your food if you aren't already and show the doctors you are working with. I have heard of some others that have struggled as well.
  16. crazycatladycanada


    I have lost nothing.m since week one. That’s seven weeks of no loss. Or I should say one pound. my surgeon and dietician in Mexico literally gave me no information so I had to get a dietician here and see my doctors here in canada. So I’m following what my dietician in canada says. And she was the one that said the 1200 cals a day. I also have to be mindful on the amount of protein because it does affect my kidneys I’ve already been into the hospital for a week two as mentioned above and at this point it’s NOT normal according to my doctor and my dietician….which is what I expected them to say considering three other siblings had it and have a completely different experience than mine. I went for a CT scan last night so now we wait for results sometime this week. absolutely stalls are normal but not from the beginning and not seven weeks at the very beginning of no loss. As mentioned in this post thread my initial weight loss was most likely all water. I do hope everything start sorting itself out soon because I’m kind of thinking if I’m not getting any results after all of this hard work I might as well just eat what I want since I’m not loosing anyways.
  17. I was just tired of being fat. At 69, the weight does not leave as easily. It was creeping up, little by little. I started having issues with my blood pressure. NO family history, so I was pretty sure the weight was causing it. So I am off that med. The idea all started when I was looking through what Medicare would cover, and it covers that! Then I found that Tricare did too! It took about 6 months to satisfy all the requirements, but I am glad I did!
  18. I gained like 10 lbs by post op day 3. lol but I expected it though, I had to get of my bp meds for a couple of days before my surgery (diuretic) and they really pumped me full of liquids (IV).
  19. As funny as it sounds it really sucks that I have lost my butt! It hurts bad! Sitting down for some time hurts. Getting up after sitting for a bit hurts… any tips? Anyone have a cushion that helps them with this? Will it get less painful when I loose more weight up top? Literally my only complaint of this process…
  20. Getfitasamother

    New to WLS but not dieting.

    SAY IT TO THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!! That is true! I also see that @SpartanMaker said that as well. I can loose the weight BUT keeping it off and staying healthy the entire time??? Not so much.
  21. Getfitasamother

    New to WLS but not dieting.

    Personally I notice as I loose weight my POTS symptoms worsen, and my EDS gets better so I am hoping to find balance between the two. Did you struggle with sodium intake or hydration after surgery?
  22. Good for you. I'm hopeful and wish you good health and success in your weight loss journey.
  23. Hi, New here! What has made me decide and move forward with a consultation for WLS is the realization that I have been putting things on hold for 3 years because I was trying to lose weight on my own. I decided is time to own up and accept that I can't do it and need all the help I can get.
  24. ShoppGirl


    Yea. Something is definitely not right. Looking at carbs and stuff in the mean time may not be a bad idea if you aren’t already considering them (if nothing else but to learn how while you have the nutritionist available to teach you) but I admit I didn’t pay too much attention to them since my diet was protein focused and I still lost the majority of my weight by just reducing calories. Now I wish I had learned a bit more about the specifics now that I am on maintenance since I am learning that calories are definitely not created equal. I am going to go back to the nutritionist before I gain too much back.
  25. KimA-GA


    i hate to ask, but since it was Mexico and they rushed you out… can you get an endoscopy to make sure that they did the correct procedure? a cup seems like a lot only a couple weeks out from surgery (i am pre op so don’t know from actual experience just reading up on it) … i have heard of issues with dental work in mexico not being as described- i would fear the same with surgery… also, from my experience maybe you need to look at macros… i reduced calorie count but didn’t really start big weight changes until i went low carb. it did not change my calorie count much (around 500 less) but severely reducing carbs made weight start to fall off… (41 lbs in 7 months just calories, 36 lbs in less than 10 weeks of carb watching)… different diets work with different body styles, and that may be something to consider and discuss with your nutritionalist. glad you are having doctors help you figure it out. please let us know when you have updates…

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